AladVPortrait d
“Market forces dictate that you need to evolve or die.”
Sicarus Prime is Vaulted.
The Void Relics for this item have been removed from the drop tables and do not drop during missions at this time. Check the current Prime Resurgence rotation to see if Varzia offers relics for this item. Vaulted Void Relics already contained in player inventories are not affected and can still be either opened or traded between players.

The Sicarus Prime is an ornamental firearm that fires rounds in rapid bursts, providing a balance between the lethality of auto-pistols and the accuracy of semi-automatic pistols.

The Sicarus Prime is the Primed variant of the Sicarus Sicarus burst-fire pistol that sacrifices a small amount of its DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage to triple DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture and DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage, and also sports higher accuracy, faster fire rate, higher critical and status chance, and a larger magazine compared to its predecessor. It was released alongside Ember PrimeIcon272 Ember Prime and GlaivePrime Glaive Prime.

This weapon can be sold for Credits64 5,000.


  • This weapon deals primarily DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage.
  • Innate Madurai Pol polarity.

Advantages over other Secondary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Very little recoil for a burst weapon.
  • High accuracy.
  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • High crit chance (25.00%)
    • Above average magazine (24)
    • Above average ammo max (210)
  • Incarnon Form (wiki attack index 2)
    • High crit chance (30.00%)
    • High magazine (24)
    • Above average ammo max (210)
    • High fire rate (5.00 attacks/sec)
    • High crit multiplier (3.00x)

Disadvantages over other Secondary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Punishes missed shots due to burst-fire. Third shot may miss targets without proper leading.
  • Linearly less efficient - sometimes a target may only die with four bullets, which requires an entire second burst to be fired.
  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Low reload speed (2.00 s)
    • Below average disposition (●●●●○ (1.15x))
  • Incarnon Form (wiki attack index 2)
    • Low reload speed (2.00 s)
    • Low total damage (60)
    • Below average disposition (●●●●○ (1.15x))

See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.


  • SicarusPrime Sicarus Prime (Normal Attack), compared to Sicarus Sicarus (Normal Attack):


Lith, Meso, Neo, and Axi refer to Void Relics  |  (V) Denotes Vaulted Void Relics  |  (B) Denotes Baro Ki'Teer Exclusive Void Relic
Sicarus Prime's Relic Drops
Barrel SicarusPrime Blueprint Receiver
MesoRelicIntact Meso F2 Common (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo F1 Common (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo G6 Common (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi E1 Common (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso B10 Uncommon (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo F1 Common (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi S2 Rare (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso S14 Rare (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo S5 Rare (V)

Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
OrokinCell Orokin Cell
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 50
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge N/A Blueprint2 Blueprints Price:N/A



  • Due to its high accuracy, when combined with the Mod TT 20px Steady Hands mod this weapon becomes powerful at long range.
  • The lower DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage of Sicarus Prime makes individual shots mildly less effective against shields, but the improved fire rate and magazine size still make it a superior choice to the classic Sicarus.

Incarnon Genesis[]


  • Installing the Sicarus Incarnon Genesis requires 20 PathosClamp Pathos Clamps, 100 NacreousPebble Nacreous Pebble, and 150 Aggristone Aggristone.
  • When installed, the first Evolution tier is unlocked. The following Evolution tiers, their requirements for unlocking them, and their related perks, are shown below;

Evolution I[]

  • Weakpoint hits charge Incarnon Transmutation; Alt Fire transmutes. Switching back will expend any remaining charge.
  • Bullets ricochet.
    • Shots ricochet to 1 nearby enemy within 5 meters of the main target and any subsequent targets struck by punch through.
    • Ricochets can hit weakpoints, but not reliably.
  • Base damage, base Critical Chance, and base Critical Multiplier are increased. Sicarus Sicarus also gains increased base Status Chance.
  • Mode switching is not instantaneous and has an animation equal to the weapon's reload speed.
  • Incarnon Form is activated by filling the Incarnon Transmutation gauge that appears under the reticle by achieving weakpoint hits and then pressing the Alternate Fire button. 12 weakpoints (or 4 bursts) will completely fill the gauge. A full gauge is not required to activate Incarnon Form.
    • Charges do not generate on the backpacks of most MOA variants, or vulnerability spots generated by Sonar130xWhite Sonar or Mod TT 20px Detect Vulnerability in places other than actual weakpoints.
    • Weakpoints on corpses or Invulnerable targets do not build charges.
    • Individual Multishot bullets can build charges.
  • Instead of drawing ammunition from its reserves, the Sicarus's Incarnon Form uses a separate "magazine" with each charge producing 10 rounds to a maximum of 120. Once all ammunition is expended, the Sicarus reverts to its normal form.
    • Incarnon Form's magazine is not affected by mods.
    • Incarnon Form is not affected by Ammo Efficiency (such as EnergizedMunitions130xWhite Energized Munitions).
    • Charges and Incarnon Form persists through all activities, such as holstering, bleedout, or being disarmed. However, charges and Incarnon Form are removed upon death.
  • Swapping to and from Incarnon Form will fully reload the normal form's magazine.

Evolution II[]

  • Unlock Challenge: Complete a solo mission with this weapon equipped.
  • Perk 1: Feigned Retreat:
    • Increase Base Damage by +50 (Sicarus) / +40 (Prime)
    • +40% Damage to enemies below half Health
      • Bonus damage is additive with mods such as Mod TT 20px Hornet Strike, but does not take into account the Base Damage increase from this perk.
  • Perk 2: King's Gambit:
    • Increase Base Damage by +50 (Sicarus) / +40 (Prime)
    • x0 Critical Chance on Bodyshots, +150% Critical Chance on Weakpoint Hits
      • Bodyshot modifier is multiplicative with all sources of Critical Chance, effectively making non-headshot critical hits impossible.
      • Weakpoint modifier is additive with mods such as Mod TT 20px Pistol Gambit
  • The increased Base Damage from these perks are not taken into account for the damage bonus of Mod TT 20px Galvanized Shot.

Evolution III[]

  • Unlock Challenge: Kill 100 enemies with this weapon's Incarnon Form.
  • Perk 1: Void's Guidance:
  • Perk 2: Rapid Reinforcement:
  • Perk 3: Extended Volley:

Evolution IV[]

  • Unlock Challenge: Get 40 weakpoint hits with this weapon in Incarnon form in a single mission.
  • Perk 1: Commodore's Fortune:
  • Perk 2: Survivor's Edge:
  • Perk 3: Wiseman's Regard:


  • The Sicarus Prime was first shown to the public in Devstream 18, where it was featured in promotional artwork of the then-upcoming Ember PrimeIcon272 Ember Prime.
    • Said artwork also had Ember Prime wielding both the Sicarus Prime and the GlaivePrime Glaive Prime simultaneously, which wasn't possible in Update 11.0 (2013-11-20) or prior to it, but would be made possible (with any combination of Single Sidearm and Glaive) in Update 21.0 (2017-06-29), over 3 years after said image was first revealed.
  • Compared to the normal Sicarus, the Sicarus Prime emits a high-pitched "whirr" at the end of a burst, suggesting that its projectiles are energy-based.
    • Further supporting this is its reload animation, where the top part of the gun opens up and ejects a glowing capsule, and a new capsule is inserted in its place.
  • When it was first released the Sicarus Prime held 20 rounds in its magazine, making its last burst only fire 2 shots. Update 15.16 (2015-02-25) would increase its magazine size to 21 rounds and Update 19.4.2 (2016-12-20) would, along with additional buffs, further increase it to 24 rounds.


Patch History[]

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Fixed the Oscira Pistol Skin not properly applying to the Sicarus Prime.

Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)

  • Mastery Rank increased from 4 to 14.

Update 21.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Increased damage from 40 to 50.
  • Increased Crit Chance from 20% to 25%.
  • Increased Status Chance from 10% to 20%.
  • Increased Mastery Rank requirement from 2 to 7 4 (developers made mistake in actual patch notes).

Update 19.4.2 (2016-12-20)

  • Buffed base damage from 30 to 40.
  • Increased Crit chance from 10% to 20% and Crit multiplier 1.5 to 2.
  • Increased Clip Size from 21 to 24.

Update: The Index Preview (2016-10-20)

  • Increased damage of Sicarus series in Conclave.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.2 (2016-07-08)

  • Received the PBR treatment!

Update 16.5 (2015-05-12)

  • Sicarus series damage increased in PvP.

Hotfix 16.3.5 (2015-04-17)

  • Increased the damage of Sicarus weapons in PvP.

Update 15.16 (2015-02-25)

  • Increased ammo capacity for Sicarus Prime to be a proper multiple of 3 (from 20 to 21).

Update 11.5 (2013-12-19)

  • You can now search Orokin Derelict Defenses for the Sicarus Prime Blueprint.

Update 11.0 (2013-11-20)

  • Introduced via Ember Prime Access.

See also[]

  • Sicarus Sicarus, the original version of this sidearm.