
Missions are the primary playable content in WARFRAME. Up to four players can participate in the same mission as a Squad, and upon completing the objective(s) extract themselves from the site with their Landing Craft. Missions are primarily accessed through the Star Chart, and are PvE (Player vs Environment) only. PvP (Player vs Player) content may be found in Teshin's Conclave, accessible from the Orbiter or from Tenno Relays.

There are over 30 types of missions in Warframe. Each mission has a specific pre-assigned objective, although secondary objectives or a change of objective may occur during the mission (except in missions that assign Assassination, Defense, Disruption and Interception).

Each mission node is occupied by at least one opposing Faction, but two or more may appear and engage in an invasion or a crossfire.

The mission area in which pseudo-randomly pre-designed rooms and halls commonly referred to as "tiles". Some tiles (most noticeably Reactor Sabotage and Hive missions) will include environmental hazards.

When attempting to join an online mission, the matchmaking system will take into account a player's total equipment rank (Weapons, Warframes, Companions etc.). Players with similar equipment ranking (hidden) will be more likely matched into the same squad; this way it is ensured that within the same node, the system tries its best to reduce the chances of an experienced player joining a squad full of new players.[citation needed] Note that for players with new or recently polarized equipment, they will be considered a slightly lower overall rank and may be placed similarly lower-ranked players, therefore possibly increasing difficulty.

Starchart Navigation[]

Hovering the cursor over a node will give a mission description, including:

  • Tileset - The theme of the environment to be expected, displayed as a picture. Different tile sets on different planets may have varying conditions.
  • Mission type - The type of mission objective that will be given.
  • Faction - The NPC faction currently occupying this node. Multiple NPC factions trying to occupy the same node will result in a crossfire.
  • Level - Starting range of the level of enemies in this node. Survival, Defense, Disruption, Excavation, and Defection are endless missions where the enemies will scale with time and/or player equipment ranking.

Each planet will have 12 to 26 missions displayed as nodes. Completing a mission will mark the node completed as white and will unlock connected uncompleted missions as blue nodes, and unavailable missions as gray locks.

After completing The Archwing Quest, on the top right of the normal Starchart it is possible to switch to the Empyrean one (note that it is not necessary having a built Railjack in order to play an Empyrean mission). Currently, the only Mission Types for this unique game mode are Skirmish and Volatile.

Mission Types[]

There are 31 selectable mission types:


This section is transcluded from Assassination § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Target Planet Name Level Rewards Credit Reward Additional Credit Reward Tile Set
Phorid sigil b Invasion Phorid Alert 0 - 0 Nyx 0 0 Grineer Asteroid
Jackal sigil b Venus Fossa 6 - 8 Rhino 1,500 0 Corpus Ship
CaptainVor sigil b Mercury Tolstoj 8 - 10 Cronus & Seer 1,700 0 Grineer Asteroid
LechKril sigil b Mars War 11 - 13 Excalibur 2,000 0 Grineer Settlement
NefAnyo sigil b Phobos Iliad 13 - 15 Mag 2,200 0 Corpus Ship
Vor Krill Icon Ceres Exta 14 - 16 Frost, Miter, & Twin Gremlins 2,300 0 Grineer Shipyard
AladV sigil b Jupiter Themisto 18 - 20 Valkyr 2,700 0 Corpus Gas City
VeyHek sigil b Earth Oro 20 - 25 Hydroid 2,900 0 Grineer Forest
Lephantis sigil b Deimos Magnacidium 20 - 25 Nekros 2,900 0 Orokin Derelict
Raptor sigil b Europa Naamah 21 - 23 Nova 3,000 0 Corpus Ice Planet
SargusRuk sigil b Saturn Tethys 24 - 26 Ember 3,300 0 Grineer Galleon
TylRegor sigil b Uranus Titania 27 - 29 Equinox 3,600 0 Grineer Sealab
HyenaPack sigil b Neptune Psamathe 30 - 32 Loki 3,900 0 Corpus Ship
InfestedAladV2 Eris Mutalist Alad V Assassinate 30 - 35 Mesa 3,900 0 Infested Ship
ZealoidPrelate Deimos Exequias 30 - 35 Pathocyst 3,900 0 Orokin Derelict
J3Golem Eris Jordas Golem Assassinate 32 - 34 Atlas 4,100 0 Infested Ship
KelaDeThaym sigil b Sedna Merrow 35 - 40 Saryn & Twin Kohmak 4,400 0 Grineer Asteroid
Ambulas sigil b Pluto Hades 35 - 45 Trinity 4,400 0 Corpus Outpost
Ropalolyst Jupiter The Ropalolyst 40 - 40 Wisp 4,900 0 Corpus Gas City
TheFragmentedSuzerain Deimos Effervo 55 - 60 6,400 0 Albrecht's Laboratories
IconGrineerB Saturn Proxima Kuva Lich Confrontation 63 - 70 7,200 0 Free Space
IconCorpusB Neptune Proxima Sister of Parvos Confrontation 63 - 70 7,200 0 Free Space
H-09-Efervon-Tank-Icon Höllvania Victory Plaza 65 - 70 7,400 0 Höllvania

This section is transcluded from Assault § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Kuva Fortress Koro Grineer 3,800 0 29 - 31 Grineer Asteroid Fortress
There are a total of 1 Assault Missions

This section is transcluded from Capture § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Earth Mantle Grineer 1,100 0 Capture 2 - 4 Grineer Forest
Venus Venera Corpus 1,400 0 Capture 5 - 7 Corpus Outpost
Mercury Elion Grineer 1,600 0 Capture 7 - 9 Grineer Asteroid
Mars Ara Grineer 1,900 0 Capture 10 - 12 Grineer Settlement
Void Hepit Corrupted 1,900 0 VoidCapture1 10 - 15 Orokin Tower
Phobos Skyresh Corpus 2,100 0 Capture 12 - 14 Corpus Ship
Deimos Horend Infested 2,100 0 Capture 12 - 14 Orokin Derelict
Ceres Lex Grineer 2,300 0 Capture 14 - 16 Grineer Shipyard
Jupiter Ananke Corpus 2,500 0 Capture 16 - 18 Corpus Gas City
Europa Abaddon Corpus 3,000 0 Capture 21 - 23 Corpus Ice Planet
Saturn Cassini Grineer 3,000 0 Capture 21 - 23 Grineer Galleon
Uranus Ariel Grineer 3,400 0 Capture 25 - 27 Grineer Sealab
Lua Copernicus Corpus 3,400 0 Capture 25 - 30 Orokin Moon
Neptune Galatea Corpus 3,600 0 Capture 27 - 29 Corpus Outpost
Pluto Hydra Corpus 3,900 0 Capture 30 - 34 Corpus Ship
Void Ukko Corrupted 3,900 0 VoidCapture3 30 - 35 Orokin Tower
Eris Isos Infested 4,100 0 Capture 32 - 36 Infested Ship
There are a total of 17 Capture Missions

Enemy Types[]

Since Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Capture enemy types are split into 3 tiers: Easy (1-10), Medium (10-20), Hard (20+). Unlike other mission types, the tier does not affect the reward given from capturing a target.

Corpus Nullifiers and white-suited Corpus Targets (capable of creating a SnowGlobe130xWhite Snow Globe-esqe barrier) do not appear on lower level Capture missions.

These white-suited Targets often wield the Glaxion Glaxion, which seems to do far more damage to players than normal.

This section is transcluded from Defection § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Phobos Memphis (Dark Sector) Infested 2,400 16,000 Defection1 15 - 25 Grineer Asteroid
Saturn Caracol (Dark Sector) Infested 3,500 14,000 Defection2 26 - 36 Grineer Galleon
Neptune Yursa (Dark Sector) Infested 3,900 18,000 Defection3 30 - 40 Infested Ship
There are a total of 3 Defection Missions

This section is transcluded from Defense § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

There are a total of three tiers which determines the reward pool players have access to at each 5th wave checkpoint.

Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Earth Lith Grineer 1,000 0 Defense1 1 - 6 Grineer Forest
Venus Tessera Corpus 1,200 0 Defense1 3 - 8 Corpus Outpost
Mercury Lares Infested 1,500 0 Defense1 6 - 11 Grineer Asteroid
Earth Coba (Dark Sector) Infested 1,500 12,000 DSDefense 6 - 16 Grineer Forest
Mars Spear Grineer 1,700 0 Defense1 8 - 13 Grineer Settlement
Venus Romula (Dark Sector) Infested 1,700 10,000 DSDefense 8 - 18 Corpus Outpost
Void Taranis Corrupted 1,900 0 VoidDefense1 10 - 15 Orokin Tower
Phobos Gulliver Corpus 1,900 0 Defense1 10 - 15 Corpus Ship
Mars Kadesh (Dark Sector) Infested 1,900 14,000 DSDefense 10 - 20 Grineer Settlement
Ceres Casta Grineer 2,100 0 Defense1 12 - 17 Grineer Shipyard
Jupiter Io Corpus 2,400 0 Defense2 15 - 20 Corpus Gas City
Deimos Hyf Infested 2,400 0 DerelictDefense 15 - 20 Orokin Derelict
Ceres Seimeni (Dark Sector) Infested 2,400 20,000 DSDefense 15 - 25 Grineer Shipyard
Europa Paimon Corpus 2,700 0 Defense2 18 - 23 Corpus Ice Planet
Jupiter Sinai (Dark Sector) Infested 2,900 14,000 DSDefense 20 - 30 Corpus Gas City
Saturn Helene Grineer 3,000 0 Defense2 21 - 26 Grineer Galleon
Venus Proxima Falling Glory Corpus 3,200 45,000 VenusProximaDefense 23 - 26 Free Space
Europa Larzac (Dark Sector) Infested 3,200 16,000 DSDefense 23 - 33 Corpus Ice Planet
Uranus Stephano Grineer 3,300 0 Defense3 24 - 29 Grineer Sealab
Neptune Proxima Arva Vector Corpus 3,400 50,000 NeptuneProximaDefense 25 - 28 Free Space
Lua Stöfler Grineer 3,400 0 Defense3 25 - 30 Orokin Moon
Europa Icefields of Riddah Corpus 3,400 0 25 - 30 Corpus Ice Planet
Neptune Proteus Corpus 3,600 0 Defense3 27 - 32 Corpus Ship
Kuva Fortress Nabuk Grineer 3,900 0 Defense3 30 - 32 Grineer Asteroid Fortress
Void Belenus Corrupted 3,900 0 VoidDefense3 30 - 35 Orokin Tower
Pluto Outer Terminus Corpus 3,900 0 Defense3 30 - 40 Corpus Outpost
Eris Kala-azar Infested 3,900 0 Defense3 30 - 40 Infested Ship
Sedna Hydron Grineer 3,900 0 Defense3 30 - 40 Grineer Galleon
Eris Akkad (Dark Sector) Infested 4,400 18,000 DSDefense 35 - 45 Infested Ship
Pluto Sechura (Dark Sector) Infested 4,400 20,000 DSDefense 35 - 45 Corpus Outpost
Sedna Sangeru (Dark Sector) Infested 4,400 16,000 DSDefense 35 - 45 Grineer Asteroid
Pluto Proxima Obol Crossing Corpus 4,800 100,000 PlutoProximaDefense 39 - 42 Free Space
Veil Proxima Arc Silver Corpus 6,000 137,500 VeilProximaDefense 51 - 55 Free Space
There are a total of 33 Defense Missions

This section is transcluded from Disruption § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Mars Olympus Grineer 2,400 0 DisruptionMars 15 - 20 Grineer Settlement
Neptune Laomedeia Corpus 3,400 0 DisruptionNeptune 25 - 30 Corpus Ship
Jupiter Ganymede Corpus 3,900 0 DisruptionJupiter 30 - 35 Corpus Gas City
Uranus Ur (Dark Sector) Infested 3,900 16,000 DisruptionUranus 30 - 35 Grineer Galleon
Sedna Kappa Grineer 4,300 0 DisruptionSedna 34 - 38 Grineer Galleon
Lua Apollo Corpus 4,400 0 DisruptionLua 35 - 40 Orokin Moon
Kuva Fortress Tamu Grineer 4,400 0 DisruptionKuva 35 - 40 Grineer Asteroid Fortress
Deimos Armatus The Murmur 6,400 0 EntratiDisruption 55 - 60 Albrecht's Laboratories
There are a total of 8 Disruption Missions

This section is transcluded from Excavation § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Earth Everest Grineer 1,000 0 Excavation1 1 - 6 Grineer Forest
Venus Kiliken Corpus 1,200 0 Excavation1 3 - 8 Corpus Outpost
Earth Tikal (Dark Sector) Infested 1,500 12,000 Excavation1 6 - 16 Grineer Forest
Mars Augustus Grineer 1,800 0 Excavation1 9 - 14 Grineer Settlement
Europa Valefor Corpus 2,700 0 Excavation2 18 - 23 Corpus Ice Planet
Europa Cholistan (Dark Sector) Infested 3,200 16,000 Excavation3 23 - 33 Corpus Ice Planet
Europa Mines of Karishh Corpus 3,400 0 25 - 30 Corpus Ice Planet
Neptune Despina Corpus 3,600 0 Excavation3 27 - 32 Corpus Outpost
Pluto Hieracon (Dark Sector) Infested 4,400 20,000 Excavation3 35 - 45 Corpus Outpost
There are a total of 9 Excavation Missions

This section is transcluded from Exterminate § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Earth E Prime Grineer 1,000 0 1 - 3 Grineer Forest
Earth Mariana Grineer 1,000 0 1 - 3 Grineer Sealab
Venus E Gate Corpus 1,200 0 3 - 5 Corpus Outpost
Venus Montes Corpus 1,200 0 AWExterminate 3 - 8 Corpus Ship (Archwing)
Mercury Pantheon Grineer 1,500 0 6 - 8 Grineer Galleon
Mercury M Prime Infested/Grineer 1,600 0 7 - 9 Grineer Asteroid
Mars Hellas Grineer 1,700 0 8 - 10 Grineer Settlement
Mars Syrtis Grineer 1,700 0 AWExterminate 8 - 13 Free Space
Phobos Roche Corpus 1,900 0 10 - 12 Corpus Ship
Void Teshub Corrupted 1,900 0 VoidExterminate1 10 - 15 Orokin Tower
Mars Ultor Grineer/Corpus 2,000 0 11 - 13 Corpus Ice Planet
Ceres Pallas Grineer 2,100 0 12 - 14 Grineer Shipyard
Deimos Phlegyas Infested 2,200 0 13 - 15 Orokin Derelict
Venus Proxima Bifrost Echo Corpus 2,400 30,000 VenusProximaExterminate 15 - 18 Free Space
Jupiter Carpo Corpus 2,600 0 17 - 19 Corpus Gas City
Europa Armaros Infested/Corpus 2,700 0 18 - 20 Infested Ship
Europa Baal Corpus 3,000 0 21 - 23 Corpus Ice Planet
Saturn Telesto Grineer 3,100 0 22 - 24 Grineer Galleon
Uranus Sycorax Grineer 3,300 0 24 - 26 Grineer Sealab
Lua Plato Grineer/Corpus 3,400 0 25 - 30 Orokin Moon
Uranus Puck Grineer 3,600 0 27 - 29 Grineer Sealab
Neptune Proxima Nu-gua Mines Corpus 3,600 56,250 NeptuneProximaExterminate 27 - 30 Free Space
Kuva Fortress Dakata Grineer 3,700 0 28 - 30 Grineer Asteroid Fortress
Neptune Neso Corpus 3,800 0 29 - 31 Corpus Ice Planet
Void Oxomoco Corrupted 3,900 0 VoidExterminate3 30 - 35 Orokin Tower
Sedna Adaro Grineer 4,100 0 32 - 36 Grineer Asteroid
Pluto Narcissus Corpus 4,100 0 32 - 36 Corpus Outpost
Pluto Acheron Corpus 4,300 0 34 - 38 Corpus Ship
Eris Saxis Infested 4,300 0 34 - 38 Infested Ship
Pluto Proxima Seven Sirens Corpus 4,600 90,000 PlutoProximaExterminate 37 - 40 Free Space
Veil Proxima Calabash Corpus 5,400 125,000 VeilProximaExterminate 45 - 49 Free Space
Zariman Ten Zero Halako Perimeter Grineer or Corpus 5,900 0 ZarimanExterminate 50 - 55 Zariman (Tileset)
Deimos Nex The Murmur 6,400 0 EntratiExterminate 55 - 60 Albrecht's Laboratories
Höllvania Rhu Manor Techrot 7,400 0 1999Exterminate 65 - 70 Höllvania
Höllvania Mausoleum East Scaldra 7,400 0 1999Exterminate 65 - 70 Höllvania
There are a total of 35 Exterminate Missions

This section is transcluded from Hijack § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Ceres Ludi Grineer 2,400 0 15 - 17 Grineer Shipyard
Europa Sorath Corpus 2,800 0 19 - 21 Corpus Ice Planet
Sedna Marid Grineer 4,300 0 34 - 38 Grineer Shipyard
There are a total of 3 Hijack Missions

This section is transcluded from Infested Salvage § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Eris Oestrus Infested 4,300 0 Salvage 34 - 38 Infested Ship
There are a total of 1 Infested Salvage Missions

This section is transcluded from Interception § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Earth Gaia Grineer 1,000 0 Interception1 1 - 6 Grineer Forest
Venus Cytherean Corpus 1,200 0 Interception1 3 - 8 Corpus Ship
Mercury Odin Grineer 1,500 0 Interception1 6 - 11 Grineer Galleon
Mars Alator Grineer 1,700 0 Interception1 8 - 13 Grineer Settlement
Ceres Cinxia Grineer 2,100 0 Interception1 12 - 17 Grineer Shipyard
Jupiter Callisto Corpus 2,400 0 Interception2 15 - 20 Corpus Gas City
Europa Ose Corpus 2,700 0 Interception2 18 - 23 Corpus Ice Planet
Saturn Rhea Grineer 3,000 0 Interception2 21 - 26 Grineer Asteroid
Uranus Umbriel Grineer 3,300 0 Interception2 24 - 29 Grineer Sealab
Uranus Caelus Grineer 3,300 0 AWInterception 24 - 29 Free Space
Sedna Berehynia Grineer 3,900 0 Interception3 30 - 40 Grineer Shipyard
Pluto Cerberus Corpus 3,900 0 Interception3 30 - 40 Corpus Outpost
Eris Xini Infested 3,900 0 Interception3 30 - 40 Corpus Ship
Void Mithra Corrupted 4,900 0 VoidInterception4 40 - 45 Orokin Tower
There are a total of 14 Interception Missions
The majority of Interception maps use the same tiles as Defense missions. Exceptions to this are missions taking place in either Grineer Forest or Grineer Shipyard tilesets.

This section is transcluded from Junction § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Location Tasks Rewards


Volt Specter General Drops
VoltIcon272 Volt Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Mercury Junction
Weapon Magnus Magnus
HeatSword Heat Sword
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1125
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 130
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 5

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Defeat JACKAL at FOSSA on VENUS
  • Complete 10 waves of DEFENSE at TESSERA on VENUS in a single mission
    • Extract after clearing 10 WAVES of enemies
  • Complete Quest: Vox Solaris


Rhino Specter General Drops
RhinoIcon272 Rhino Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Venus Junction
Weapon Soma Soma
DualRaza Dual Raza
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 550
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 5

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Complete Quest: Once Awake
    • Complete the MERCURY JUNCTION and visit the CODEX in your Orbiter
  • Collect 250 Rubedo RUBEDO in missions
    • RUBEDO is a resource that can be found in missions on EARTH


Loki Specter General Drops
LokiIcon272 Loki Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Mars Junction
Weapon Burston Burston
Boltace Boltace
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 180
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 10

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Refine a VOID RELIC once at the console in your Orbiter
    • Obtain VOID TRACES from VOID FISSURES to refine relics in your ORBITER
    • Look for the VoidTearIcon b icon at the top of the STAR CHART for VOID FISSURE missions
  • Visit Maroo.
    • Speak to MAROO in MAROO'S BAZAAR on MARS.


Mag Specter General Drops
MagIcon272 Mag Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Phobos Junction
Weapon Hikou Hikou
Tipedo Tipedo
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 20

Location Tasks Rewards


Trinity Specter General Drops
TrinityIcon272 Trinity Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Ceres Junction
Weapon Paris Paris
Cadus Cadus
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1500
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 500
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 215
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 15

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Complete Quest: The Archwing
    • Activate new quests using the CODEX in your ORBITER
  • Defeat VOR and KRIL at EXTA on CERES
  • Survive 10 minutes or more at DRACO on CERES
    • Go to EXTRACTION after surviving for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES


Valkyr Specter General Drops
ValkyrIcon272 Valkyr Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Jupiter Junction
Weapon Afuris Afuris
Anku Anku
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 25

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Complete TESHUB in the Void
    • Complete STICKNEY on PHOBOS to gain access to TESHUB


Nova Specter General Drops
NovaIcon272 Nova Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Europa Junction
Weapon Kunai Kunai
EtherDaggers Ether Daggers
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 25

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Complete EXTERMINATE mission at BAAL on EUROPA
    • Clear a path through JUPITER to access EUROPA


Ember Specter General Drops
EmberIcon272 Ember Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Saturn Junction
Weapon Magnus Magnus
HeatSword Heat Sword
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 20

Location Tasks Rewards
    • Check the CODEX ENTRIES for drop locations and the VoidTearIcon b icon at the top of the STAR CHART to find active MESO FISSURE missions
  • Learn how to perform SYNTHESIS
    • Find CEPHALON SIMARIS on the second floor of KRONIA RELAY or any other Relay. He is marked on the map by


Equinox Specter General Drops
EquinoxIcon272 Equinox Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Uranus Junction
Weapon Boltor Boltor
Shaku Shaku
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 25

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Complete Quest: Natah
    • Run missions on Uranus until you encounter strange drones that unlock this quest
  • Complete a mission on URANUS with only your MELEE weapon equipped


Frost Specter General Drops
FrostIcon272 Frost Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Neptune Junction
Weapon Tigris Tigris
Sibear Sibear
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1300
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 30

Location Tasks Rewards
  • Complete Quest: The Second Dream
    • Activate new quests using the CODEX in your ORBITER


Excalibur Specter General Drops
ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Pluto Junction
Weapon BratonVandal Braton Vandal
DualSkana Dual Skana
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 30

Location Tasks Rewards


Saryn Specter General Drops
SarynIcon272 Saryn Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Sedna Junction
Weapon Komorex Komorex
Karyst Karyst
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 35

Location Tasks Rewards
    • Check the CODEX ENTRIES for drop locations and the VoidTearIcon b icon at the top of the STAR CHART to find active NEO FISSURE missions
  • Complete 5 waves of Defense at STöFLER on LUA in a single mission


Mesa Specter General Drops
MesaIcon272 Mesa Specter
Introduced Update 19.0 (2016-11-11) Mod Drops:

Mission Eris Junction
Weapon Regulators
Redeemer Redeemer
Codex Scans 1
Flesh 1800
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgToxinSmall64 ++ DmgViralSmall64 ++ DmgImpactSmall64 - DmgGasSmall64 -
Shield 1000
DmgImpactSmall64 ++ DmgColdSmall64 ++ DmgMagneticSmall64 +++ DmgPunctureSmall64 - DmgRadiationSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 200
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Spawn Level 40

This section is transcluded from Mobile Defense § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Earth Erpo Grineer 1,000 0 AWMobileDefense 1 - 6 Free Space
Earth Eurasia Grineer 1,200 0 3 - 5 Grineer Forest
Venus Aphrodite Corpus 1,500 0 6 - 8 Corpus Outpost
Mars Tharsis Grineer 1,700 0 8 - 10 Grineer Settlement
Mercury Boethius Infested 1,700 0 8 - 10 Grineer Asteroid
Phobos Sharpless Corpus 2,000 0 11 - 13 Corpus Ship
Mars Vallis Grineer 2,000 0 11 - 13 Grineer Galleon
Ceres Kiste Grineer 2,200 0 13 - 15 Grineer Shipyard
Deimos Dirus Infested 2,400 0 15 - 17 Orokin Derelict
Jupiter Carme Corpus 2,500 0 16 - 18 Corpus Gas City
Europa Morax Corpus 2,700 0 18 - 20 Corpus Ice Planet
Void Tiwaz Corrupted 2,900 0 VoidMobileDefense2 20 - 25 Orokin Tower
Saturn Keeler Grineer 3,200 0 23 - 25 Grineer Asteroid
Lua Grimaldi Grineer 3,400 0 25 - 30 Orokin Moon
Uranus Cressida Grineer 3,600 0 27 - 29 Grineer Sealab
Neptune Salacia Corpus 3,600 0 AWMobileDefense 27 - 32 Corpus Ship (Archwing)
Neptune Larissa Corpus 3,800 0 29 - 31 Corpus Ship
Kuva Fortress Rotuma Grineer 3,900 0 30 - 32 Grineer Asteroid Fortress
Pluto Minthe Corpus 3,900 0 30 - 34 Corpus Outpost
Eris Solium Infested 4,300 0 34 - 38 Infested Ship
Sedna Charybdis Grineer 4,300 0 34 - 38 Grineer Galleon
Void Aten Corrupted 4,900 0 VoidMobileDefense4 40 - 45 Orokin Tower
Zariman Ten Zero The Greenway Grineer or Corpus 5,900 0 ZarimanMobileDefense 50 - 55 Zariman (Tileset)
There are a total of 23 Mobile Defense Missions

This section is transcluded from Orphix (Mission) § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Venus Proxima Vesper Strait Corpus 3,000 41,250 VenusProximaOrphix 21 - 24 Free Space
Neptune Proxima Mammon's Prospect Corpus 4,000 68,750 NeptuneProximaOrphix 31 - 34 Free Space
Pluto Proxima Khufu Envoy Corpus 4,400 80,000 PlutoProximaOrphix 35 - 38 Free Space
Veil Proxima Erato Corpus 6,300 143,750 VeilProximaOrphix 54 - 58 Free Space
There are a total of 4 Orphix Missions

This section is transcluded from Pursuit § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Saturn Pandora Grineer 3,000 0 AWPursuit 21 - 23 Free Space
There are a total of 1 Pursuit Missions

This section is transcluded from Rescue § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Earth Pacific Grineer 1,200 0 Rescue1 3 - 6 Grineer Galleon
Venus Linea Corpus 1,400 0 Rescue1 5 - 7 Corpus Outpost
Mercury Caloris Grineer 1,500 0 Rescue1 6 - 8 Grineer Asteroid
Mars Martialis Grineer 1,900 0 Rescue1 10 - 12 Grineer Settlement
Ceres Nuovo Grineer 2,200 0 Rescue1 13 - 15 Grineer Shipyard
Phobos Monolith Corpus 2,200 0 Rescue1 13 - 15 Corpus Ship
Jupiter Metis Corpus 2,400 0 Rescue2 15 - 17 Corpus Gas City
Europa Orias Corpus 2,900 0 Rescue2 20 - 22 Corpus Ice Planet
Saturn Anthe Grineer 3,100 0 Rescue3 22 - 24 Grineer Galleon
Saturn Numa Grineer 3,100 0 Rescue2 22 - 24 Grineer Asteroid
Uranus Caliban Grineer 3,400 0 Rescue3 25 - 27 Grineer Sealab
Lua Zeipel Corpus 3,400 0 Rescue3 25 - 30 Orokin Moon
Neptune Triton Corpus 3,700 0 Rescue3 28 - 30 Corpus Ship
Sedna Naga Grineer 3,900 0 Rescue3 30 - 34 Grineer Galleon
Kuva Fortress Garus Grineer 4,000 0 Rescue3 31 - 33 Grineer Asteroid Fortress
Eris Brugia Infested 4,100 0 Rescue3 32 - 36 Infested Ship
Pluto Regna Corpus 4,300 0 Rescue3 34 - 38 Corpus Outpost
There are a total of 17 Rescue Missions

This section is transcluded from Rush (Archwing) § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Phobos Kepler Corpus 2,100 0 AWRush 12 - 14 Corpus Ship (Archwing)
There are a total of 1 Rush Missions

This section is transcluded from Sabotage § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Earth Cervantes Grineer 1,300 0 4 - 6 Grineer Forest
Venus Ishtar Corpus 1,500 0 6 - 8 Corpus Ship
Mercury Terminus Infested/Grineer 1,700 0 8 - 10 Grineer Galleon
Mars Ares Grineer 1,800 0 9 - 11 Grineer Settlement
Mars Gradivus Corpus 1,800 0 9 - 11 Corpus Ship
Ceres Ker Grineer 2,300 0 14 - 16 Grineer Shipyard
Deimos Formido Infested 2,300 0 14 - 16 Orokin Derelict
Ceres Thon Grineer 2,400 0 15 - 17 Grineer Galleon
Jupiter Galilea Corpus 2,400 0 AWSabotage 15 - 20 Corpus Ship (Archwing)
Jupiter Adrastea Corpus 2,700 0 18 - 20 Corpus Ship
Jupiter Thebe Corpus 2,700 0 18 - 20 Corpus Gas City
Europa Kokabiel Corpus 2,900 0 20 - 22 Corpus Ice Planet
Void Stribog Corrupted 2,900 0 VoidSabotage2 20 - 25 Orokin Tower
Saturn Enceladus Grineer 3,200 0 23 - 25 Grineer Asteroid
Saturn Calypso Grineer 3,300 0 24 - 26 Grineer Galleon
Uranus Desdemona Grineer 3,500 0 26 - 28 Grineer Sealab
Neptune Sao Corpus 3,800 0 29 - 31 Corpus Outpost
Eris Naeglar Infested 3,900 0 30 - 34 Infested Ship
Sedna Rusalka Grineer 4,100 0 32 - 36 Grineer Galleon
Pluto Cypress Corpus 4,300 0 34 - 38 Corpus Ship
Void Marduk Corrupted 4,900 0 VoidSabotage4 40 - 45 Orokin Tower
There are a total of 21 Sabotage Missions

This section is transcluded from Skirmish § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Earth Proxima Sover Strait Grineer 2,400 32,000 EarthProximaSkirmish 15 - 20 Free Space
Earth Proxima Iota Temple Grineer 2,900 38,000 EarthProximaSkirmish 20 - 28 Free Space
Earth Proxima Ogal Cluster Grineer 3,000 42,500 EarthProximaSkirmish 21 - 26 Free Space
Earth Proxima Korm's Belt Grineer 3,300 45,000 EarthProximaSkirmish 24 - 30 Free Space
Earth Proxima Bendar Cluster Grineer 3,800 45,000 EarthProximaSkirmish 29 - 36 Free Space
Saturn Proxima Lupal Pass Grineer 5,700 50,000 SaturnProximaSkirmish 48 - 56 Free Space
Saturn Proxima Nodo Gap Grineer 6,300 50,000 SaturnProximaSkirmish 54 - 60 Free Space
Saturn Proxima Mordo Cluster Grineer 6,400 50,000 SaturnProximaSkirmish 55 - 60 Free Space
Saturn Proxima Vand Cluster Grineer 7,400 70,000 SaturnProximaSkirmish 65 - 70 Free Space
Saturn Proxima Kasio's Rest Grineer 7,900 75,000 SaturnProximaSkirmish 70 - 75 Free Space
Veil Proxima Flexa Grineer 8,900 85,000 VeilProximaSkirmish 80 - 90 Free Space
Veil Proxima R-9 Cloud Grineer 8,900 115,000 VeilProximaSkirmish 80 - 90 Free Space
Veil Proxima H-2 Cloud Grineer 8,900 135,000 VeilProximaSkirmish 80 - 90 Free Space
Veil Proxima Nsu Grid Grineer 8,900 80,000 VeilProximaSkirmish 80 - 90 Free Space
There are a total of 14 Skirmish Missions

This section is transcluded from Spy § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Earth Cambria Grineer 1,100 0 Spy1 2 - 4 Grineer Forest
Venus Unda Corpus 1,300 0 Spy1 4 - 6 Corpus Outpost
Mercury Suisei Grineer 1,700 0 Spy1 8 - 10 Grineer Galleon
Mars Arval Grineer 1,800 0 Spy1 9 - 11 Grineer Settlement
Phobos Shklovsky Corpus 2,000 0 Spy1 11 - 13 Corpus Ship
Ceres Bode Grineer 2,100 0 Spy2 12 - 14 Grineer Shipyard
Jupiter Amalthea Corpus 2,600 0 Spy2 17 - 19 Corpus Gas City
Europa Valac Grineer/Corpus 2,700 0 Spy2 18 - 20 Corpus Ship
Venus Proxima Orvin-Haarc Corpus 2,800 37,500 VenusProximaSpy 19 - 22 Free Space
Saturn Dione Grineer 3,000 0 Spy2 21 - 23 Grineer Asteroid
Lua Pavlov Grineer/Corpus 3,400 0 LuaSpy 25 - 30 Orokin Moon
Uranus Rosalind Grineer 3,600 0 Spy3 27 - 29 Grineer Sealab
Neptune Nereid Corpus 3,900 0 Spy3 30 - 32 Corpus Ice Planet
Kuva Fortress Pago Grineer 4,000 0 KuvaSpy 31 - 33 Grineer Asteroid Fortress
Neptune Proxima Brom Cluster Corpus 4,100 75,000 NeptuneProximaSpy 32 - 35 Free Space
Pluto Oceanum Corpus 4,100 0 Spy3 32 - 36 Corpus Ship
Sedna Kelpie Grineer 4,400 0 Spy3 35 - 40 Grineer Galleon
Pluto Proxima Peregrine Axis Corpus 5,200 120,000 PlutoProximaSpy 43 - 46 Free Space
Veil Proxima Sabmir Cloud Corpus 6,600 150,000 VeilProximaSpy 57 - 60 Free Space
There are a total of 19 Spy Missions
Tier 1 missions are present on Earth, Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Phobos. Tier 2 missions are present on Ceres, Jupiter, Europa, and Saturn. Tier 3 missions are present on Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Sedna. Pago and Pavlov have unique drop tables.

This section is transcluded from Survival § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Venus V Prime Corpus 1,200 0 Survival1 3 - 8 Corpus Ship
Mercury Apollodorus Infested 1,500 0 Survival1 6 - 11 Grineer Galleon
Venus Malva (Dark Sector) Infested 1,700 10,000 DSSurvival1 8 - 18 Corpus Ship
Phobos Stickney Corpus 1,900 0 Survival1 10 - 15 Corpus Ship
Mars Wahiba (Dark Sector) Infested 1,900 14,000 DSSurvival2 10 - 20 Corpus Ship
Ceres Draco Grineer 2,100 0 Survival2 12 - 17 Grineer Asteroid
Jupiter Elara Corpus 2,400 0 Survival2 15 - 20 Corpus Gas City
Ceres Gabii (Dark Sector) Infested 2,400 20,000 DSSurvival1 15 - 25 Grineer Galleon
Phobos Zeugma (Dark Sector) Infested 2,400 16,000 DSSurvival2 15 - 25 Grineer Asteroid
Void Ani Corrupted 2,900 0 VoidSurvival2 20 - 25 Orokin Tower
Jupiter Cameria (Dark Sector) Infested 2,900 14,000 DSSurvival2 20 - 30 Corpus Gas City
Saturn Titan Grineer 3,000 0 Survival2 21 - 26 Grineer Galleon
Venus Proxima Luckless Expanse Corpus 3,100 41,250 VenusProximaSurvival 22 - 25 Free Space
Uranus Ophelia Grineer 3,300 0 Survival3 24 - 29 Grineer Sealab
Europa Archaeo-freighter Corpus 3,400 0 25 - 30 Corpus Ice Planet
Lua Tycho Corpus 3,400 0 Survival3 25 - 30 Orokin Moon
Lua Yuvarium Corrupted 3,400 0 ConjunctionSurvival1 25 - 30 Orokin Moon
Deimos Terrorem Infested 3,400 0 DerelictSurvival 25 - 35 Orokin Derelict
Uranus Assur (Dark Sector) Infested 3,400 16,000 DSSurvival3 25 - 35 Grineer Galleon
Saturn Piscinas (Dark Sector) Infested 3,500 14,000 DSSurvival2 26 - 36 Grineer Asteroid
Neptune Proxima Enkidu Ice Drifts Corpus 3,800 62,500 NeptuneProximaSurvival 29 - 32 Free Space
Sedna Selkie Grineer 3,900 0 Survival3 30 - 40 Grineer Asteroid
Eris Nimus Infested 3,900 0 Survival3 30 - 40 Infested Ship
Neptune Kelashin (Dark Sector) Infested 3,900 18,000 DSSurvival3 30 - 40 Infested Ship
Pluto Palus Corpus 3,900 0 Survival3 30 - 40 Corpus Ship
Kuva Fortress Taveuni Grineer 4,100 0 KuvaSurvival3 32 - 37 Grineer Asteroid Fortress
Sedna Amarna (Dark Sector) Infested 4,400 16,000 DSSurvival3 35 - 45 Grineer Galleon
Eris Zabala (Dark Sector) Infested 4,400 18,000 DSSurvival4 35 - 45 Infested Ship
Pluto Proxima Fenton's Field Corpus 4,900 100,000 PlutoProximaSurvival 40 - 43 Free Space
Void Mot Corrupted 4,900 0 VoidSurvival4 40 - 45 Orokin Tower
Veil Proxima Lu-yan Corpus 6,400 150,000 VeilProximaSurvival 55 - 59 Free Space
Deimos Persto The Murmur 6,400 0 EntratiSurvival 55 - 60 Albrecht's Laboratories
Lua Circulus Corrupted 8,900 0 ConjunctionSurvival2 80 - 100 Orokin Moon
There are a total of 33 Survival Missions

This section is transcluded from Void Armageddon § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Zariman Ten Zero Oro Works Grineer or Corpus 5,900 0 VoidArmageddon 50 - 55 Zariman (Tileset)
There are a total of 1 Void Armageddon Missions

This section is transcluded from Void Cascade § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Zariman Ten Zero Tuvul Commons Grineer or Corpus 5,900 0 VoidCascade 50 - 55 Zariman (Tileset)
There are a total of 1 Void Cascade Missions

This section is transcluded from Void Flood § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Zariman Ten Zero Everview Arc Grineer or Corpus 5,900 0 VoidFlood 50 - 55 Zariman (Tileset)
There are a total of 1 Void Flood Missions

This section is transcluded from Volatile § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Venus Proxima Beacon Shield Ring Corpus 2,600 33,750 VenusProximaVolatile 17 - 20 Free Space
Neptune Proxima Sovereign Grasp Corpus 4,200 75,000 NeptuneProximaVolatile 33 - 36 Free Space
Pluto Proxima Profit Margin Corpus 5,000 110,000 PlutoProximaVolatile 41 - 44 Free Space
Veil Proxima Numina Corpus 5,700 131,250 VeilProximaVolatile 48 - 52 Free Space
There are a total of 4 Volatile Missions

Raw Data[]

Main article: Module:Missions/data

Situational Occurances[]

Situational occurrances happen within the mission. As such, they are not displayed until either the Tenno has entered the mission, or certain conditions are met throughout the mission.

  • Capture, Mobile Defense, and Sabotage can randomly turn into an Exterminate mission, with the Lotus telling the Tenno to "ignore your original objective" and "leave nothing alive."
  • If all the Data Vaults during a Spy mission have had their alarms triggered and data successfully retrieved, the objective will change into an Exterminate mission, where all remaining enemies must be killed before extraction. This change will not occur if only two or fewer vaults had their alarms triggered, or if two or fewer data consoles have been successfully hacked.
  • Veiled Riven challenges will also appear if the player has one or more veiled Riven mods equipped. Completing the objectives will reveal the weapon assignment and attributes of the Riven mod.
  • Players are assigned to hunt down Rare Resource Caches. This objective is always available on regular Reactor Sabotage missions and the Exterminate mission in the Kuva Fortress and Lua,
  • In the event the player is captured by the Zanuka Hunter, the mission will transition into Recovery.
  • In the event the player is defeated by the Grustrag Three, a Grustrag Bolt will be attached to that Warframe, lowering their damage against units of the Grineer Faction by 50%. A Bolt Release blueprint will be provided along with the mission failure screen; crafting it will disengage the Bolt from the Warframe.
  • Depending on the current Nightwave Series, unique objectives/enemies might appear while playing a mission. They reward Nightwave Standing and possibly unique Nightwave resources, but it is usually not needed to defeat them in order to complete the main objective.

Special Missions[]

Special missions will only be playable if the player has the node available, but exceptional nodes can be seen in the notification pane even when the node is inaccessible such as Invasions, Nightmare Mode or Sortie missions.

  • Nightmare Mode missions will only be available if the player has successfully completed every mission node on the same planet. Nodes are bordered red with a nightmare (maelstrom) icon and award Nightmare Mode Mods. Dark sectors need not be completed for Nightmare Mode nodes to appear. These missions do not disappear for the player once completed and their mission availability is timed.
  • Invasions are missions in which multiple factions compete for nodes on an assigned planet. Faction indicators on the notification panel will show Grineer as red, Corpus as blue and Infestation Outbreaks as green. Infestation outbreaks cannot occur on Mercury and Earth. Nodes are indicated with a fist and usually award Wraith/Vandal weapon parts, rare resources, or rare blueprints. Invasion missions will disappear once either faction has complete dominance.
  • Void Fissures are missions where players are able to open any relics carried into the mission and upon extraction, select the Prime artifact contained within the relic as a reward. Nodes are indicated with a Void Trace and also drops them as a mission completion reward. These missions do not disappear for the player once completed and their mission availability is timed.
  • Syndicate missions will be shown in the notification pane when the Tenno is in positive standing with at least one syndicate. Nodes are indicated by the insignia carried by each Syndicate and reward additional Syndicate standing apart from the daily standing cap. Syndicate missions require a minimum of MR3 and refreshes daily. These missions disappear for the player once completed and the additional standing can only be obtained once per Syndicate mission, even if the player has joined another squad. However, Syndicate Medallions may continue to appear for the player in another player's squad even if they have already completed their daily Syndicate missions.
  • Sorties are series of three difficult endgame missions that must all be completed in order to receive a random reward from a specified reward pool, and the rewards are often much than regular missions. Sorties are indicated by a ribbon-badge and may feature unique environmental/enemy conditions not found elsewhere. Sorties require the completion of The War Within (MR5) and refreshes daily. These missions are replayable, although one-time completion credit rewards and the rewards from the specified pool may only be obtained once a day.
  • Kuva missions award Kuva Kuva, a resource used in the randomization of a Riven mod's attributes, and might award a random Requiem Relic, used mainly for the acquisition of the Requiem Mods. Kuva missions only appear on planets near the Kuva fortress, their nodes indicated by the resource icon of Kuva, and are listed on the notification panel. Kuva floods are much higher-leveled missions that award twice the regular amount of Kuva as normal Kuva missions, and have a 100% chance of awarding a random Requiem Relic. Kuva missions require the completion of The War Within (MR5). These missions disappear for the player once completed, however additional Kuva can be obtained on the same mission if the player has joined another squad.
  • Arbitrations are a special version of endless nightmare mode missions unlocked after all nodes on the star chart have been completed (less the Mutalist Alad V, Jordas Golem and Zealoid Prelate assassinations). All Arbitrations spawn with the following modifications:
    • Normal revives disabled, allies can only be revived by expending 5 Resurgence Tokens on the downed's Revive Tower.
    • The standard mission drop table is replaced by the Arbitration drop table.
    • Droptables lock on table C after the initial AB tables are cleared.
    • Droptable loot is guaranteed upon mission failure.
    • Players additionally receive 1 Vitus Essence for each rotation clear.
    • One Warframe and Weapon per player have their strength/damage buffed by 300% for each node that spawns.
    • Arbitration Shield Drones are added to the enemy spawn table, granting complete and total damage immunity to all nearby enemies until they are destroyed.
    • The primary objective is made harder per the mission type:
      • Excavation: Excavation time is increased from 100 seconds to 180 seconds, and takes two excavations to count for one round of rewards.
      • Survival: Life Support Capsules are worth 75% of usual.
      • Interception: Enemy towers fill twice as fast.
      • Defense (except Stöfler node at Lua): The defense objective is a Hexis Operative NPC armed with a Telos Akbolto. Unlike Sortie Defense, the Operative follows a chosen player instead of roaming by themselves, and can't be given a weapon by a Tenno. Downtime between waves is reduced to 2 seconds. Like players, the Operative will not enter Bleedout, and their death will be an instant mission failure.
      • Defection: Rescue targets cannot be revived.
      • Infested Salvage: Consoles have half their normal health.
      • Disruption: Demolyst and Demolisher beeping range is halved and are marked when within 15 meters of a Tenno (from 30 meters).


Main article: Empyrean

Empyrean is a unique game mode introduced in Update 27.0 (2019-12-13). These missions take place in the vast expanse of space, utilizing Railjack and Archwings to combat enemy spacecrafts.

To host a game in Empyrean, players must go to the navigation console on their Railjack, which can be accessed within their Clan Dojo's Dry Dock, in the middle of their Orbiter, or from the menu by pressing Esc  → Board Railjack . Players must complete the Rising Tide quest in order to pilot their own Railjack. However, any player that has completed The Archwing can join in Empyrean missions by selecting an Empyrean node in their Star Chart. The host's Railjack is used during the mission.

End of Mission Summary[]

The Mission Summary appears after a successful mission and displays the following:

  • Affinity earned for each Warframe, Weapon, and Companion
  • Focus earned for each item installed with a Focus Lens
  • Collected / rewarded amount of Credits, Resources, Mods, and/or Blueprints
  • Team statistics for the mission:
    • Percentage of total damage dealt
    • Percentage of total damage taken
    • Total number of kills
    • Total number of kills by headshots
    • Total number of melee kills
    • Total number of deaths
    • Total number of upgrades received
    • Total number of abilities used
    • Percentage of bullets that hit (Fire Accuracy)
    • Total number of pickups
    • Total number of revives (assisting in reviving fallen allies & companions)
  • A separate screen that shows increases in Standing for ally Syndicates and decreases in standing for opposing Syndicates. Enemy standing will not be shown if the player has hit -44,000 (maximum negative standing available) for an opposing Syndicate.

An alternate Mission Summary will be shown if the objective has been failed. It will only show:

The amount of loot, affinity, and standing for other players are not shown. Each player can only see their own Mission Summary Screen, though every member in the squad is shown the same list for Team Statistics.


  • Almost all of the missions are named after real physical locations and objects that exist in the solar system as recognized by the International Astronomical Union.
  • When multiple factions appear on the map, they are always hostile to one another.
  • Raids were removed and replaced by Survival in Update 10, due to player disinterest.
  • Deception was removed in Update 19.
  • Although most missions allow for up to 4 players to play, Conclave modes such as Annihilation and Cephalon Capture allow for up to 8 players to join.
    • Lunaro, however, can only allow up to 6 players to join.
  • Some quest missions list the mission type as Salvage.
  • Previously, hovering the mouse over Starchart nodes will also reveal the usernames of a solar landmark to honor "Grand Master" founders, shown in the bottom of the planet infobox.


  • If the squad starts another mission before the player finishes loading from the previous mission, the player's weapons and Warframe will be unmodded.

Patch History[]

Update 38.0 (2024-12-13)

  • Increased Vosfor’s priority in the End of Mission resources list, so it’ll appear near the top!
  • Fixed Vome and Fass Residue not appearing in the End of Mission screen.

Hotfix 37.0.9 (2024-11-13)

  • Fixed rewards scroll bar in the end of mission screen being too long.

Hotfix 37.0.4 (2024-10-10)

  • Fixes towards crash when loading into mission.
  • Fixed rare crashes during matchmaking, disconnecting, or leaving a mission.
  • Fixed crash caused by players joining in-progress Railjack mission.

Hotfix 36.1.4 (2024-08-28)

  • Fixed crash that could occur when loading into missions.

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)


Loadout Customization From Navigation

You can now change your Loadout directly from Navigation! Instead of running back and forth from the Arsenal when you need to make a change before jumping into a mission, you can now do so conveniently from the Navigation screen.

Most actions you can accomplish in the Arsenal you can do here:

Change Loadout: Selecting this option will bring up all of your available Loadout options to swap to.

Warframe Options:

  • Swap Warframe
    • Select from your available Warframes to equip.
  • Upgrade Warframe
    • Change upgrades (Mods, Arcanes, etc.) on equipped Warframe.
  • Select Mod Config
    • Select from your existing Mod Configs for equipped Warframe.
  • View Warframe abilities
    • Hover over the ability icons for the equipped Warframe to view stats.
    • Note: Access to change Exalted Weapons from the Star Chart will be coming in a future update.

Weapon Options:

  • Swap Primary/Secondary/Melee Weapon
    • Select from your available Weapons to equip.
  • Upgrade Primary/Secondary/Melee Weapon
    • Change upgrades (Mods, Arcanes, etc.) on equipped weapons.
  • Select Mod Config
    • Select from your existing Mod Configs for equipped weapons.

Companion Options:

  • Swap Companion
    • Select from your available Companions to equip.
  • Upgrade Companion
    • Change upgrades on equipped Companion.
  • Select Mod Config
    • Select from your existing Mod Configs for equipped Companion.
  • Companion Weapon Options
    • Swap Companion Weapon
      • Select from your available/eligible Weapons to equip onto equipped Companion.
    • Upgrade Companion Weapon
      • Change upgrades on equipped Companion Weapon.
    • Select Mod Config
      • Select from your existing Mod Configs for equipped Companion Weapon.
General UI Changes & Fixes
  • Fixed Index Mission Progress screen having broken UI elements.
  • Fixed “Mission Failed” End of Mission screen showing again after exiting Arsenal if they had just returned from aborting/failing a mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the mission results screen wouldn’t open while in the Orbiter when activating the “View Mission Progress” input.
General Changes
  • Increased the window for players to join an in-progress mission when playing a Star Chart node for the first time.
    • Previously, the window was much smaller for first-time joiners, to avoid them missing key cutscenes or transmissions that appear at the start of the mission. The unintended result was that many players ended up starting a new session and playing the mission alone.
  • Fixed an extremely rare crash that could occur when joining a mission in progress.
  • Fixed a UI issue where Credit Cache rewards were not shown properly at End of Mission.
  • Fixed Companion UI stretching if you're dead when the mission fails.

Update 35.6 (2024-05-15)

  • Fixed the Credit amount displayed in the End Of Mission screen for Index missions being greater than what was actually earned.

Hotfix 35.5.2 (2024-03-28)

  • Fixed black Energy color appearing white (in Orbiter and mission).
  • Fixed Vessel Capillaries being sorted to the bottom of the End of Missions results screen. It will now be sorted higher to the top.

Hotfix 35.5.1 (2024-03-27)

  • Fixed a crash caused by hovering over the Tenno Guide while in a mission.
  • Fixed an extremely rare crash that could occur when joining a mission in progress.

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

  • Unidentified rewards will now be sorted at the top of the End of Mission list.
  • Added an “Owned” tag in the tooltip of collected resources in the End of Mission screen.
  • Added new End of Mission screen medals for the following game modes:
    • Void Cascade - Most Thrax Kills
    • Void Flood - Most Vitoplast Deposited
    • Void Armageddon - Most Argozene Collected

Update 35.1 (2024-02-20)

  • Fixed missing sound during “Finding Squad” after selecting mission node.

Hotfix 35.0.10 (2024-01-18)

  • Fixed script error in the End of Mission screen.

Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)

  • Pressing “P” in-match will now directly open the End Of Mission preview screen instead of forcing the Pause Menu to also open and swing the camera.
  • Fixed Host Migrating with a dead Client sometimes resulting in a Failed mission for the returning players.
  • Fixed Clients being unable to skip mission intro cutscene if the Host skipped it before they loaded in.
  • Fixed Client crash that could occur when trying to Abort a mission from the pause menu while transitioning to a hub.
  • Fixed Mods starting with a special character are incorrectly sorted in the End of Mission screen when using the French client.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when hovering over empty slots in the End of Mission screen.
  • Fixed being able press "repeat mission" while already reconnecting to a disconnected squad, resulting in a crash.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

  • Fixed graphical issues with the minimap and several on-hover popups (Mission Node in Navigation) while Upscaling options are enabled.
  • Fixed the Navigation and other fast travel options disappearing from the pause menu upon aborting from a Railjack mission and returning to a Featured Dojo.
  • Fixed the extraction timer resetting after switching to Operator in the extraction zone.
  • Fixed blurry ground texture in the underside of some Landing Crafts during Extraction cutscene if the High Shader Quality if toggled off.
  • Fixed Shawzin emote not deactivating when another player activates Extraction.
  • Fixed a noticeable hitch when opening Navigation due to the Naberus event tab icon.

Hotfix 33.6.7 (2023-08-31)

  • Fixed a script error after failing a mission.

Update 33.6 (2023-07-27)

  • Fixed rewards and resources earned not appearing in the End of Mission screen upon extracting via the “Leave Duviri” option.
    • These were already awarded upon leaving via this method, they simply were not reflected properly in this End of Mission Screen!
  • Fixed a brief flash of brightness in the end of the mission screen.
  • Fixed being stuck in a loading tunnel if you experienced a host migration during the End of Mission Screen after abandoning a Railjack Mission.
  • Fixed the “Repeat Mission” button in the Circuit End of Mission screen not taking you to the Circuit Menu.
  • Fixed a script error triggered by the Phage in the End of Mission screen.

Hotfix 33.5.4 (2023-06-28)

  • Fixed a brief flash of brightness in the end of the mission screen.

Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

  • Changed some mission types to display information related to your mission success in the end of mission screen. This change applies to the following mission types:
    • Defense
    • Survival
    • Excavation
      • Previously a small icon would display which wave you reached, the amount of time survived, or the amount of Excavators successfully defended for these missions. This icon wasn’t always clear in terms of what it indicated, and it appeared in rewards despite not being one. Adding this information to the top of the end of mission screen should make this more clear.
  • Fixed Host force starting a mission while a Client is joining a squad with a slow connection causing the Client to get permanently stuck in an End of Mission screen.
  • Fixed Clients with slower internet connections getting stuck on the End of Mission screen after Host force starts a follow-up mission.
  • Fixed Client with slow internet connection speeds getting stuck behind in mission (regular, open landscape, and Railjack) if Host aborts and loads into their next mission before the Client gets to the end of mission screen.
  • Fixed being stuck on the End of Mission screen after failing a Railjack mission.
  • Fixed script error related to the Break Narmer end of mission screen.
  • Fixed the End of Mission screen music overlapping with Profile music when inspecting other players after just having finished a mission.
  • Fixed players on controller selecting the ‘repeat mission’ key as the end of mission screen causing both the navigation and end of mission screen to appear.
  • Fixed Clients with poor connections being stuck in the End of Mission screen and unable to exit when in a squad.

Hotfix 32.2.9 (2023-01-11)

  • Fixed script error caused by the end of mission UI screen.

Hotfix 32.2.8 (2022-12-15)

  • The end of mission screen did not show the rewards in the UI, but players who were stuck did not lose any rewards from these missions. Their accounts were updated upon mission completion.

Hotfix 32.2.7 (2022-12-15)

  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when extracting from a mission.

Hotfix 32.2.5 (2022-12-14)

  • Fixed opening chat linked Mods/Looks causing overlap with the End of Mission UI.

Hotfix 32.0.12 (2022-10-12)

  • Fixed the search bar being active in the mission overview.
    • This fixes typing into the search bar instead of chat being popped up when using the default ‘T’ binding.
  • Fixed script error when trying to use Navigation after a hotfix.
  • Fixed script error when clicking on a node with multiple missions active on it.

Hotfix 32.0.7 (2022-09-28)

  • Fixed Riven pop-out being completely blank when hovering over it in the world state window (Sorties, Archon Hunts, etc.).
  • Fixed the number of ‘Open Squads’ in Navigation not being accurate and always showing as ‘0’.

Hotfix 32.0.3 (2022-09-14)

  • Fixed menu UI overlapping with exit Survey UI when attempting to leave the game while in Navigation.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

  • Fixed Prime Parts being sorted at the bottom of the end of mission screen.
    • They will now be sorted with the same importance as Prime Blueprints.
  • Fixed Mods showing up in the End of Mission screen regardless of what is typed.
  • Fixed End of Mission screen not covering the top of the screen.
  • Fixed the “Updating Account Information. Please wait.” message not disappearing in poor network conditions with the end of a mission screen.
  • Fixed “Syndicate Disruption” and “Fissure Kuva Survival” mission labels in the World State Window appearing in title case when they should be in uppercase.
  • Fixed not being able to launch event missions from the World State Window in Navigation.

Hotfix 31.5.7 (2022-05-06)

  • Fixes towards Clients loading into a mission with no enemy spawns (including Railjack missions) after Host invites them but abandons the mission/closes the game while the Client is loading in.
  • Fixed crash after mind controlling or disarming enemies right as the "change of plans" swap-to-exterminate happens in mission.
  • Fixed potential script error when joining a mission in progress or Host migrating.

Hotfix 31.5.5 (2022-05-03)

  • Fixed being unable to individually extract from endless missions (excluding the new Zariman mission types, stay tuned for possible add!).

Hotfix 31.1.7 (2022-02-23)

  • Fixed some mixed case text issues in the end of mission progression box.

Hotfix 31.1.1 (2022-02-09)

  • Fixed Credit icon mission from the End of Mission screen on mission nodes with an active Sister of Parvos.

Hotfix 30.9.1 (2021-11-11)

  • Fixed a script error that could occur at End of Mission.

Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)

  • Fixed “Last Mission Results” not retaining total mission time.
  • Fixed Boosters not being listed near the top when sorting the End of Mission Rewards from “Importance”.
  • Fixed Credit Cache not showing the correct amount in the End of Mission screen.
  • Fixed texture-streaming glitches that could occur when loading into missions.
  • Fixed the game pausing after changing HUD colours while in a solo mission.
    • Also fixes a full loss of functionality when using Transference after changing HUD colours.
  • Fixed Mods marked as “NEW” throughout the mission not having the “NEW” tag on the End of Mission screen.

Hotfix 30.7.6 (2021-09-23)

  • Fixed Mission Timers on sequential missions not starting at 0.

Update 30.7 (2021-09-08)

  • Fixed missing End of Mission stats if enemies are killed with Yareli’s Abilities while riding Merulina.
  • Changed the sorting of items on the End Of Mission screen to better reflect importance, including Steel Essence, Riven Slivers, Granum Crowns, Built Forma, Orokin Cells, Corrupted Holokeys, built Prime parts, War Hilt, Requiem Ultimatums, Exilus Adapters, Drop Chance Boosters, Scintillant, and built Railjack Components.
  • Fixed an issue with the UI where the View Mission Progress menu and the End of Mission results menu displayed incorrect Affinity values if a weapon gained multiple ranks in a mission.

Hotfix 30.5.5 (2021-07-29)

  • Fixed End of Mission screen only starts to count the Mission Time when the End of Mission screen appears.

Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)

  • Fixed Mastery Rank icons in the End of Mission player tooltip screen appearing incorrectly tinted.

Hotfix 30.3.5 (2021-06-10)

  • Fixed a brief flash of brightness on the End of Mission screen en route back to the Orbiter.

Hotfix 30.3.4 (2021-06-02)

  • Fixed Squad being disbanded automatically during force extract on Endless mission types, instead of the intended choice to stay or leave.

Hotfix 30.3.1 (2021-05-25)

  • Fixed being taken to your own Profile when attempting to view a squadmates Profile by opening the Last Mission Results.
  • Fixed Mission Abort showing Mission Time as 0s on the End of Mission screen.

Hotfix 29.10.8 (2021-03-31)

  • Fixed End of Mission screen becoming stuck on screen when attempting to reconnect with the squad before loading back to the Orbiter.

Hotfix 29.10.3 (2021-03-23)

  • Fixed becoming stuck on the End of Mission screen after a mission due to Host/Client attempting disconnects at the same time.

Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)

  • Fixed the Mission Progress screen and End of Mission screen not showing Affinity gained for Sentinel weapons.
  • Fixed earned Focus Affinity appearing twice in the End of Mission UI screen on Archguns/Heavy Weapons. This was a UI only issue, Focus Affinity was not rewarded twice.

Hotfix 29.6.8 (2021-01-25)

  • Fixed Star Chart music playing underneath End of Mission rewards screen.

Hotfix 29.6.2 (2020-12-22)

Update 29.6 (2020-12-18)

  • Fixed Dojo Pigment icon overlapping the End of Mission reward screen UI.

Hotfix 29.5.7 (2020-12-10)

  • Fixed End of Mission screen showing Affinity gained for your equipped Necramech’s special weapon when you didn’t use it during the mission (no Affinity was actually gained).

Hotfix 29.5.6 (2020-12-01)

  • Fixed End of Mission Medals not showing in the Last Mission Results UI screen.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Added Demolyst and Arbitration Drone kill medals in the End of Mission screen.
  • “Winged” Syandanas that have open/closed states (Sari Syandana etc.) will now only be open in the End of Mission diorama for the player with it equipped. This fixes issues with overlap/clipping for the rest of the squad.
  • Changed Ayatan Stars to sort as a rare Resource in the End of Mission screen.
  • Fixed Energy recovery abilities and Thrall kill tracking not counting properly in the End of Mission screen.
  • Fixed a minor issue where the Cyst would be at full size in the End of mission diorama.
  • Fixed the Focus points earned during missions appearing in the End of Mission screen but not the total owned Focus points. Both should now be showing as intended.

Update 29.3 (2020-10-27)

  • The End of Mission ‘Important’ filter will now place Alert rewards at the top of the list.
  • Fixed inability to close the End of Mission screen after failing a Sortie Defense mission and waiting to close the EOM screen until you were back in the Orbiter.

Hotfix (2020-09-22)

Update 29.1 (2020-09-17)

  • Fixed Tokens appearing in End of Mission screen with common items. Should now appear above regular Resources and Mods.
  • Fixed Khora appearing mangled in the End of Mission screen diorama.
  • Fixed the Gear Wheel overlapping the Void Fissure End of Mission Reward screen.
  • Fixed Credits Icon appearing slightly larger than intended in the End of Mission screen.

Hotfix (2020-09-10)

  • Blueprints and Entrati Tokens will now appear closer to the top of the End of Mission Reward section when ordered by ‘Importance’, instead of being buried under Mods and Resources.
  • Fixed Garuda’s Talons not being visible on the End of Mission screen.

Hotfix 29.0.3 (2020-08-26)

  • End of Mission screen music will now properly duck sound FX.

Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)

Mission Summary/End of Mission Screen Changes & Fixes:
  • Reordered various Rewards in the End of Mission screen:
    • Syndicate Medallions now appear above Mods and Resources.
    • Mods now always appear above Resources of the same rarity.
  • Removed the sort by ‘Type’ since sorting by ‘Importance’ already does that in a more logical way.
  • Updated the Conclave and Index scoreboard window with the new End of Mission screen style.
  • Added “hide” button to the top left corner of the Mission Summary and End of Mission screen. Hover over the “eye” icon to hide the mission summary UI to get a clear shot of your surroundings if needed while reviewing stats mid-mission. This icon also removes the UI overal from the Warframe diorama in the backdrop in the End of Mission screen. Now you can take screenshots of your squad looking really really cool.
  • The exit button will now pulse when it’s available upon returning to your Orbiter.
  • Squad overlay now appears on the End of Mission results/screen in mission and after returning to the Orbiter.
  • Pausing Warframe while previewing Mission results (Tab) now closes the Mission results before opening the Pause screen to avoid overlapping UI.
  • We’ve added more Medals to the End of Mission screen related to:
    • Life support Capsules and Modules / Excavator Powercells found
    • Healing done
    • Rescue Target found
    • First to find Syndicate Medallion
  • When returning from a Free Roam location to the respective Town (Plains -> Cetus, etc), the End of Mission screen will no longer stop player movement until after the initial animation ends.
  • Reduced colored backer visibility with the quick view mission summary window (opened with Tab).
  • Added new music to the End of Mission screen!
  • Fixed Syndicate Medallion variants not being listed beside each other in the End of Mission Rewards section.
  • Fixed End of Mission recap music not properly removing other music and sounds in the Orbiter when playing.
  • Fixed the Kill Boss Medal in the End of Mission screen crediting Eximus and other VIP kills.
  • Fixed the Kill Boss Medal not properly counting the Hyena Pack.
  • Fixed the chosen End of Mission Reward sorting preference not carrying over multiple missions.
  • Fixed the End of Mission screen overlapping with the Daily Tribute screen.
  • Fixed Accuracy Medal double-counting Melee hits.
  • Fixed several script errors with the End of Mission screen.

Hotfix 28.3.2 (2020-08-12)

  • Added music to the End of Mission screen!
  • Fixed inability to see other players loadouts when hovering over the players Glyph in the End of Mission/Mission Progress screens.

Hotfix 28.3.1 (2020-08-12)

  • Fixed script error at End of Mission when using Equinox.

Update 28.3 (2020-08-12)

UI Reskins

Since our Dev Workshops in early 2020, we have made a lot of progress behind the scenes on UI updates and changes. The End-of-Mission re-design is here, and it adheres to feedback we received as well as our own direction to better showcase your Warframes and your squads Warframes!

In general, these UI screens have been updated with fresh looks and will reflect your chosen UI Theme! More changes to come!

The End of Mission / Mission Progress screen have also received some functionality changes:
  • Added Collapse/Expand buttons (arrow with a +/× inside).
  • Rewards can be sorted by IMPORTANCE, NAME, or TYPE.
  • The Rewards section now has a Search bar.
  • STATS and PROGRESSION can be selected via the bottom right of the screen.
  • End of Mission screen now includes “Medals”! These are fun stats that highlight unique mission achievements aside from the usual, such as Lockers Opened, Syndicate Medallions Found, and much more!
    • More Medals to come as we continue working on these UI screens!
Railjack Fixes
  • Fixed Avionics not stacking in the end of mission screen rewards.

Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)

  • Fixed a case where the End of Mission screen would pop in for a split second when transitioning from a Railjack mission to Dojo.

Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)

  • Non-Endless Survival/Excavation/etc missions (i.e. Alerts, Sorties, Syndicate dailies, etc) now disable individual extraction as it leads to unnecessary Host migrations.

Hotfix 24.5.3 (2019-03-19)

  • The World Cycles displayed in the Navigation Window now display time until next Cycle/Temperature. The Plains of Eidolon time phases for Dawn, Sunrise, Morning, Day, Dusk, and Sunset are now all described as Day for clarity. We’ve also removed Freezing state in Orb Vallis, now it's just one long period of Cold.

Hotfix 22.16.5 (2018-03-21)

  • Arcanes will now be listed according to Rarity at the End of Mission screen.

Update 22.16 (2018-03-15)

  • (Undocumented) End of mission summary now displays player loadout upon hovering cursor over a player's profile picture

Hotfix (2017-01-06)

  • Players who are dead during extraction are no longer denied their mission rewards.

Update 19.0 (2016-11-11)

  • The Landing Craft extraction door has received an upgraded look!

Update 18.5 (2016-03-04)

  • Acquiring a Mod that is not yet in your collection will flag the Mod as ‘New’ in the End of Mission screen details.
  • Players will now keep parts of their inventory when reconnecting to a Mission after having crashed or disconnected:
    • Clients can only recover their previous rewards as long as the Host is still in the Mission.
    • The Mission must still be in-progress and not completed for a Client to receive their rewards.

Hotfix 18.4.4 (2016-01-28)

  • Added better exposure to Rare Mods on the End of Mission results screen so that Rare and Identified Mods always come first in the list.

Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

  • Added more information to the End-of-mission screen! Learn about your Syndicate Standing and more!

Hotfix 14.10.2 (2014-10-10)

  • Affinity bonuses will no longer be awarded on failed mission.

Update 14.0 (2014-07-18)

Diegetic UI
  • Pressing the ESC button/Start on Controller in mission will now allow you to see “Current Mission Progress”, which shows all pickups and details of the current mission.
  • New Mission Results screen! This new screen shows all the details of your previous run! Its minimalistic appearance will be expanded on as feedback and experiences with Liset form.

Update 9.0 (2013-07-13)

  • Prevent players from entering missions once a build update has been detected.

Update 7.9 (2013-04-26)

  • Moved Objectives to later part of missions so the route to extraction is shorter after objective is complete.

Update 7.8 (2013-04-19)

  • Mission completion credit rewards now scale up based on the AI level
  • Aborting missions now forfeits any obtained credits, mods, resources or blueprints, earned XP is still rewarded