AladVPortrait d
“You're not supposed to be in here! You're going to ruin the surprise!”
The following article/section contains spoilers.

This arm-cannon, ripped from a Sentient, rapid-fires thermal pulses that explode in an electrical blast. Features an ammo-less quick charge capacitor, that emits a knock-back pulse and strips Sentient damage resistances when fully discharged.

The Shedu is a SentientFactionIcon Sentient Assault Rifle Arm-Cannon that fires DmgFireSmall64 Heat beams that create DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity explosions on impact. When expending the battery, it releases a large pulse, staggering enemies with an DmgImpactSmall64 Impact proc and removing Sentient damage resistances. The arm-cannon does not have ammo reserves, and instead regenerates ammo.


  • This weapon deals DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage, and the explosion deals DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage.
  • Shots explode in a 6.6 meter radius upon impacting a surface or enemy.
    • Initial hit and explosion apply status separately.
    • Explosion does not need direct line of sight to deal damage and will penetrate walls.
    • Can benefit from Mod TT 20px Cautious Shot.
  • Fully depleting the battery produces a 20 meter pulse that causes 100 Impact damage with 100% status and removes Sentient and Shadow Stalker damage resistances.
  • This weapon does not use ammo pickups; ammo regenerates over time.

Advantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Above average crit chance (25.00%)
    • High reload speed (1.25 s)
  • Radial Attack (wiki attack index 2)
    • High reload speed (1.25 s)

Disadvantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Very small battery size.
  • Projectiles have travel time.
  • Explosion inflicts self-stagger.
  • Explosion has a headshot multiplier of 1x and cannot trigger headshot conditions.
  • Explosion has linear Damage Falloff from 100% to 40% from central impact.
  • Explosion cannot benefit from Mod TT 20px Firestorm (Mod TT 20px Primed) despite being area of effect.
  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Low magazine (7)
    • Very low ammo max (0)
    • Below average fire rate (2.50 attacks/sec)
    • Very low disposition (●●○○○ (0.75x))
  • Radial Attack (wiki attack index 2)
    • Low maximum falloff distance (6.6 m)
    • Very low magazine (7)
    • Below average total damage (87)
    • Very low ammo max (0)
    • Below average status chance (23.00%)
    • Very low disposition (●●○○○ (0.75x))
    • Below average crit multiplier (2.10x)

See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.


The weapon blueprint is given to the player at the end of the Erra quest. Additional blueprints can be bought from Cephalon Simaris for ReputationLarge 100,000.

The Shedu's components are rare drops from Symbilysts found in Sentient Anomalies that appear in the Veil Proxima during Empyrean missions. The ship occupies one random node for 30 minutes, indicated by a red flashing SentientFactionIcon Sentient symbol, then rotates to a different node. Symbilysts were also found in Operation: Scarlet Spear and Operation: Orphix Venom. The parts can be traded between players.

Symbilysts also spawn in Archon Hunts in higher numbers per mission, especially in Defense and Interception missions.

Item Source Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
GenericWeaponHilt Handle Symbilyst 1% ~ 100 Kills 687 ± 229 Kills
Stock Chassis Symbilyst 1% ~ 100 Kills 687 ± 229 Kills
Barrel Barrel Symbilyst 1% ~ 100 Kills 687 ± 229 Kills
Receiver Receiver Symbilyst 1% ~ 100 Kills 687 ± 229 Kills

All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables stored on Module:DropTables/data. See Mission Rewards#Standard Missions for definitions on reward table rotations.
For more detailed definitions and information, visit here.

Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
Time: 1 Day(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 35
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge N/A Blueprint2 Blueprints Price:N/A


  • The Shedu uses rifle mods.
  • Has a 1 second delay before ammo begins to regenerate; if there are still rounds left, the delay is 0.4 seconds instead. Ammo regenerates at 3.5 rounds per second; it takes 2 seconds to regenerate a fully depleted battery excluding the delay.

Known Bugs[]


  • The Shedu's particle effects can make it very difficult to aim. To offset this, players may either change the Shedu's energy color to black or reduce particle density altogether via the Options menu.
  • As the DmgFireSmall64 Heat and DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage portions are separate from one another, the Shedu can get a combination of DmgGasSmall64 Gas and DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive with only a DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin damage mod, or a combination of DmgBlastSmall64 Blast and DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic with only a DmgColdSmall64 Cold mod.
  • The Impact status on battery depletion is not technically "forced" and is probably based on 100% status chance. So status bonuses can increase the number of Impact procs, and a negative status chance riven can make it non-guaranteed.


  • Shedu is an Assyrian guardian deity. The term also means demon or insanity in several other languages.
  • After the Miter Miter and SpectraVandal Spectra Vandal, the Shedu is the third weapon to use a Chassis as a component.
  • Due to the way the Shedu is attached to the Warframe model, certain visual effects on the Warframe will also cover the Shedu. These include IronSkin130xWhite Iron Skin, ParasiticLink130xWhite Parasitic Link, the Bloodshed Sigil, and certain Ephemeras.
  • As an Arm-Cannon, the Shedu will always appear invisible when holstered.
  • Despite being of Sentient design, the weapon does not actually deal any DmgTauSmall64 Tau damage.


Patch History[]

Hotfix 34.0.2 (2023-10-19)

  • Fixed Shedu’s beam damage instances at times quadrupling after battery recharge.

Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)

  • The following weapons can now be found in their corresponding categories in the Arsenal when searching using the tag “Battery”:
    • Shedu

Hotfix 32.0.2 (2022-09-08)

Ammo Changes & Review:

When we were reviewing ammo acquisition as a whole for Update 32, we felt weapons with Ammo Regen Rate Overrides, or “Battery,” in particular, needed a place within the ecosystem of change we had established. That said, upon review of feedback, we recognize we were a bit heavy-handed with the changes we made to Battery weapons. We have restored their original values for the time being while we reassess how we can better approach these weapons.

We have restored the original values for the following weapons:

  • Shedu:
    • Returned ammo regen rate to 28/s from 3.5/s

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

Ammo Changes

We understand the power fantasy of these weapons is very popular for some, so our first approach was to keep them powerful, but limit how often they can be used by making changes to ammo pick-up.

Ammo Pickup Overrides
The following weapons now have ammo pickup overrides, meaning they gain less from picking up ammo. This mostly applies to AoE weapons, in hopes that players will become more deliberate with their aim to make the most of their Ammo pools. The following lists the specific ammo pick up overrides per weapon category.

Primary Weapons with Ammo Regen Rates Overrides:

  • Shedu: From 28/s to 3.5/s
Headshot Damage Changes

During playtesting, the ammo changes alone weren’t enough to significantly change things for AoE weapons. So instead of tightening these values to be overly restrictive, we chose to address other factors that make these weapons so strong, such as headshot damage.

Our approach here is two-fold, to reduce the impact of headshots for AOE weapons, but to also make precision headshots pack a larger punch overall.

  • Radial damage no longer gains extra headshot damage or triggers headshot conditions.
    • This is primarily targeted at the Ignis Wraith - as a “flamethrower” weapon, it’s hard to imagine a blanket of elements being precise enough to target weak points specifically. Explosive projectiles themselves can still land headshots, so there is still a reason to aim with most weapons for maximum damage.

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)

Hotfix 30.8.1 (2021-10-06)

  • Fixed excessively bright explosion FX from the Shedu.

Update 30.7 (2021-09-08)

  • Fixed Reload Speed Mods affecting the Shedu's ammo regeneration delay.
    • Battery cannot begin regenerating if the weapon is between shots.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Fixed being forced to drop the Datamass when swapping to the Shedu.

Hotfix 29.1.1 (2020-09-18)

  • Fixed the Shedu not using the Heavy Weapon aim poses.

Update 28.2 (2020-07-14)

  • Increased the size of the Shedu explosion FX to better visually represent its radius.

Hotfix 27.5.3 (2020-05-15)

  • Fixed ability to equip the Mending Shot Mod on the Shedu. Mending Shot is a Rifle (no AOE) Mod.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

  • Reduced Shedu’s projectile brightness FX.

Hotfix 27.3.14 (2020-04-15)

  • Fixed several script errors that could occur when transitioning to a new area while carrying the Shedu.

Hotfix 27.3.8 (2020-04-02)

  • The Shedu has been given explosion FX tweaks for visual and performance improvement.
  • Fixed ability to trigger the Shedu’s radial explosion multiple times during its cooldown.
  • Fixed the Shedu reload FX being visible while invisible.
  • Fixed inability to Chat link Shedu and its parts.

Hotfix 27.2.2 (2020-03-06)
Reduced the following AoE weapons Radial Damage Falloff from central impact that were all previously 90%:

  • Shedu: 60%

Hotfix 27.2.1 (2020-03-05)

  • Decreased the distance to point of impact that Self Stagger is inflicted with the Shedu due to having a large AoE range.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

Self Damage Changes

We are getting rid of Self Damage and replacing it with something else: instead of Self Damage, it’s now ‘Stagger’. This change completely removes the chance of killing yourself, and instead now creates scenarios where you will interrupt yourself - or ‘Stagger’ - to varying degrees if you aren’t careful.

The degrees of Self-Interrupt start with a small stumble all the way to full knockdown depending on how close you are to the center of explosion. Any Mods referring to Self Damage will be converted to acknowledge Stagger.

With this Self-Interrupt system, we have added dozens of new recovery animations that harness a ninja-like recovery experience. By pressing ‘Jump’ at the correct time, you can execute a ninja-skill-based knockdown recovery to ALL in-game knockdowns. This ninja recovery window is indicated by a glowing FX on your Warframe.

In addition to Self Damage being removed, some of the more powerful AOE weapons without Self Damage presently will have the Stagger added, but it should only be noticeable in cases of extreme inaccuracy on the player’s part. The Weapons include:

  • Shedu

In the original Dev Workshop, we said:
As a result of this overall systemic change, Weapons with Stagger will be getting approximately a 20% buff in Damage, with any weapons with AOE receiving a 50% Radial Damage Falloff from central impact.

This is no longer accurate after continued testing. What we are doing now is:

No damage buffs have been added, but any weapons with AOE are receiving ~20% increase in Radius. Additionally, AOE weapons are receiving a 90% Radial Damage Falloff from central impact. This means on the very outer section of the explosion Radius 10% of the Damage will be dealt. Tactics will be deadly - aim true, Tenno.

Why: Several players brought up the history of the Tonkor and we want to make sure we ship this change in a place that’s conservative in its starting point from a balance perspective. The complete removal of Self Damage does change the pace of destruction with some of the game’s most powerful weapons, so we want to make sure we can iterate upwardly instead of releasing a bonanza of explosions with no other choices.

Update 27.1 (2020-02-04)

  • Fixed Wisp's Agile animation not idling properly when the Shedu is equipped.

Hotfix 27.0.11 (2020-01-16)

  • Removed the slight red tint that was always displayed on the Shedu glow, no matter your Energy color choices.

Hotfix 27.0.10 (2020-01-11)

  • The Shedu Blueprint has been added to Cephalon Simaris’ Lost & Found Offerings (only after acquisition Quest completion).

Hotfix 27.0.9 (2020-01-09)

  • Shedu now uses its clip mesh when disarmed (the whole gun is too big!)
  • Added pickup text to Shedu.
  • Fixed Wisp's movement when equipped with the Shedu.
  • Fixed an issue where the Shedu would get stuck after regenerating ammo.
  • Fixed the Shedu being unable to use Projectile-based Mods (Speed, etc).

Update 27.0 (2019-12-13)

  • (Undocumented) Introduced.

Last updated: Update 27.0 (2019-12-13)
