
Secondary Outburst is a Secondary Arcane that consumes all melee combo multipliers to increase secondary weapon Critical Chance and Critical Damage upon swapping to a secondary weapon.


Rank Bonus per Combo Bonus with 12x Combo Bonus with 13x Combo
0 +5% +60% +65%
1 +7% +84% +91%
2 +9% +108% +117%
3 +12% +144% +156%
4 +16% +192% +208%
5 +20% +240% +260%



  • The values are additive with mods like Mod TT 20px Pistol Gambit and Mod TT 20px Target Cracker.
  • While the buff is active, swapping to secondary will not consume Combo unless it would provide a higher buff than the active one.
    • For example, if the current buff is +100% (swapping from a 5x combo), the arcane will not consume your combo if your combo level is 5x or below when you swap.
  • The buff affects all secondaries, even exalted pistols like Regulators Regulators, DexPixia Dex Pixia, and BalefireCharger Balefire Charger.
  • It is not possible to consume combo count from both a normal and exalted melee simultaneously, only whichever is currently active.
  • The VenkaPrime Venka Prime's increased maximum combo count works with this arcane, allowing for a slightly larger buff than is possible with other melee weapons.



  • Still incorrectly provides the buff, again only for Clients, and seemingly only when using Gunblades. Specifically, Vastilok and Redeemer Prime were used in testing.

Patch History[]

Hotfix 35.0.9 (2024-01-17)

  • Fixed the following issues with Secondary Outburst when used by Clients:
    • Fixed Clients’ Combo Multipliers not being consumed when switching to Secondary.
    • Fixed Clients’ Secondary dealing less than the intended damage while Secondary Outburst’s buffs are active.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

  • The Secondary Outburst Arcane has received some overall buffs! Additionally, we’ve fixed it not functioning properly and its description being inaccurate. The new description is as follows:
    • On swapping to Secondary Weapon, consume all Combo Multipliers to increase Secondary Weapon Critical Chance and Critical Damage by 5/7/9/12/16/20% per Combo consumed for 30s.

Update 33.6 (2023-07-27)

  • Fixed the Secondary Outburst Arcane consuming one less than the indicated Combo Counter (e.g. the UI displayed 15 but the value used for the Arcane was 14).

Update 33.5 (2023-06-21)

  • Introduced.