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Some informal labels are used to refer to specific sub-category of triggers.

How the weapon operates when the trigger is pressed.
AUTO trigger weapons fire repeatedly until the trigger is released or when the magazine is empty.
SEMI trigger weapons fire 1 shot per press of the trigger.
BURST trigger weapons fire a short sequence of shots per press of the trigger.
HELD trigger weapons create a continuous beam and have a short warm up time to reach full Damage.
CHARGE trigger weapons must have the trigger held down to fire at full effectiveness.

—In-game Description

Trigger Type refers to the firing mechanism within primary and secondary weapons. The fire button (default LMB ) has varying effects depending on the equipped weapon.

List of Trigger Types[]

For a list of all weapons with a particular trigger type, see Weapon Comparison.
  • Auto, also known as Automatic or Full-Auto, shoots a continuous stream of bullets while the fire button is held down.
    • Auto-Spool is a type of automatic fire that gradually builds up fire rate the longer the fire button is held down.
  • Semi, also known as Semi-Automatic or Semi-Auto, fires a single bullet per press of the fire button.
  • Burst is a type of semi-automatic fire that shoots two or more bullets, often in a burst-like fashion, per press of the fire button.
    • Auto-Burst is a combination of automatic and burst firing types that shoots two or more rounds while the fire button is held down. Currently exclusive to the Cyngas Cyngas, Battacor Battacor, and Morgha Morgha.
    • Simultaneous Burst (informal label) is a Burst subtype in which the burst is fired in a span of 0 seconds i.e. simultaneously – in a manner which is similar to innate Multishot – the only practical difference being that ammo is spent for each projectile fired; exemplified by Quartakk Quartakk and KuvaQuartakk Kuva Quartakk.
    • Mag Burst (informal label) is a Burst subtype in which the entire magazine is shot out during the burst like Pandero Pandero's alt-fire.
  • Duplex shoots one round when pressing the fire button, and shoots another round when releasing the fire button. Exclusive to the Tigris Tigris, SanctiTigris Sancti Tigris, TigrisPrime Tigris Prime, Zylok Zylok and ZylokPrime Zylok Prime.
  • Active is found in deployable grenade launchers (e.g. Penta Penta) and landmines (e.g. Talons Talons) causes the fired shot to linger for a few seconds. The active shot can be manually detonated using the Alternate Fire button (default MMB ).
  • Held is a type of automatic fire that shoots a continuous beam, exclusive to Continuous Weapons. Unlike automatics that fire bullets, these beam weapons often consume ammo at a halved rate and multishot generates extra instances of damage, but possesses limited range.
  • Charge builds up power in a weapon while the fire button is held down, and shoots when the fire button is released. A circular bar appears on the reticle to indicate charging. Some chargeable weapons require a full charge to fire, while others fire automatically at a full charge.
    • There are several charging types:
Quickshot Type Release Type Weapons
Full Quickshot Indefinite Hold Drakgoon Drakgoon (KuvaDrakgoon Kuva), Dread Dread, Miter Miter, Paris Paris (Paris MK1, ParisPrime Prime), Cernos Cernos (RaktaCernos Rakta, CernosPrime Prime, MutalistCernos Mutalist), ArtemisBowWeapon Artemis Bow, Ballistica Ballistica (RaktaBallistica Rakta, BallisticaPrime Prime), Epitaph Epitaph, Stug Stug Alt-Fire, BalefireCharger Balefire Charger, Velocitus Velocitus, Corvas Corvas
Half Quickshot Indefinite Hold Lanka Lanka
No Quickshot Indefinite Hold Ogris Ogris, ProboscisCernos Proboscis Cernos, KuvaBramma Kuva Bramma, Lenz Lenz, Daikyu Daikyu, Paracyst Paracyst Alt-fire
Full Quickshot Instant Auto-Release Tombfinger Primary, Phantasma Phantasma (PhantasmaPrime Prime) Alt-Fire,
Half Quickshot Instant Auto-Release Opticor Opticor (OpticorVandal Vandal)
No Quickshot Instant Auto-Release Ferrox Ferrox
No Quickshot Instant Auto-Release and Auto Trigger TenetFerrox Tenet Ferrox
Autocharge Instant Auto-Release Javlok Javlok, Stahlta Stahlta Alt-fire, Battacor Battacor Alt-fire, Tenora Tenora (TenoraPrime Prime) Alt-fire, TenetPlinx Tenet Plinx Alt-fire
Autocharge Indefinite Hold Ambassador Ambassador Alt-fire, Aeolak Aeolak Alt-fire
Autocharged Quickshot Instant Auto-Release Angstrum Angstrum (PrismaAngstrum Prisma)
Full Quickshot Delayed Auto-Release Staticor Staticor (Releases when magazine decays), Nataruk Nataruk (2s Release Delay)
No Quickshot Delayed Auto-Release Larkspur Larkspur Alt-fire (2s Release Delay)

Burst count and subtype[]

The following is a listing of the number of shots contained in each Burst weapon's burst, along with the Burst trigger subtype (regular/simultaneous/auto):

Patch History[]

Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)

  • Added number of burst shots to the “Burst” Trigger stat - for example: “BURST (x2)”.

Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)

  • Fixed automatic burst weapons not resuming firing if the fire button is held down after interrupting it with something like a dodge.
  • Fixed burst weapons with a queued shot no longer firing the first shot of the burst in the middle of a dodge.
