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Affinity UI

Affinity is the in-game mechanic for experience points. Warframes, Archwings, Companions and weapons are all capable of earning Affinity. It is earned by killing enemies, hacking terminals, completing objectives/Missions, using Warframe powers, or picking up Affinity Orbs.


Affinity is only shown numerically in the player's profile. Elsewhere, they are shown only as progress bars to the next level for that piece of equipment, such as in the Arsenal, during missions, or in the end-mission report.

Upon gaining enough Affinity, equipment will rank up and (once the equipment's rank exceeds a player's Mastery Rank) gain one extra point of Mod capacity (two points when supercharged via an OrokinCatalyst Orokin Catalyst or OrokinReactor Orokin Reactor), used for applying mods. Affinity is stored in each specific item, not the player's character/account; if an item is sold or used in crafting, it loses all of its associated Affinity and ranks.

Affinity indirectly affects a player's Mastery Rank. A player gains 200 Mastery points per Affinity level on a previously unranked Warframe, Archwing or Companion, and 100 Mastery points per level on a previously unranked weapon. Once a player has acquired sufficient Mastery points, they can take the test to increase their Mastery Rank.

The amount of Affinity a weapon or frame has earned during a mission can be seen in the post-mission report, just to the left of the reward info box, where it is referred to as XP (experience).

Using the Affinity Booster, purchasable for Platinum64 40, doubles Affinity gain for 3 days, 7 days with the Platinum64 80 booster, or 30 days with the Platinum64 200 booster. SmeetaKavat Smeeta Kavat's Mod TT 20px Charm also has a chance to provide double Affinity gain for a duration.

Some Prime Access packages also have special 90-day Affinity boosters.


Warframe Affinity

Warframes and weapons gain Affinity for several types of actions, detailed below. Unless specified otherwise, all Affinity gained uses the split according to the general rule: 25% of the amount goes to your Warframe and 75% of the amount is divided evenly among all equipped weapons (18.75% each for four weapons while Archgun is summoned through Archgun Deployer, 25% each for three, 37.5% each for two, or the full 75% if only one is equipped).[1]

Deployable gear, such as Archwings and Necramechs, only gain affinity when deployed.

  • Kill with Warframe abilities: All Affinity goes to the Warframe.
  • Kill with weapons: Half Affinity goes to the Warframe and half to the killing weapon.
  • Shared Affinity from allied Tenno kills: When within 50 meters of an ally (200 meters while using a Fosfor, 250 meters in Landscape missions) when they kill an enemy, you gain the same total Affinity, distributed according to the general rule specified above. This doesn't reduce the Affinity gained by the killing player, and doesn't reduce the Affinity gained by other nearby allies.
    • No weapons equipped: All Affinity goes to the Warframe.
      • This applies when the only equipped weapons are overridden by ability-created ones (E.g. Using ExaltedBlade130xWhite Exalted Blade while only having a melee weapon equipped).
  • Parazon Mercy kills: Half Affinity goes to the Warframe and other half goes to last equipped weapon.
  • Kills with Railjack turrets: All Affinity goes to the Plexus.
  • Crewship Kills via Railjack Artillery:
    • While In A Warframe: Gets shared according to the general rule above, and is also duplicated in a 50/50 split to your Companion and its weapon, or 100% to a living Companion without a weapon
    • While In Operator Mode: Half Affinity goes to the Operator and half to their Amp.
  • For Archwing missions, the shared affinity range is increased to 200 meters (800 with a Fosfor).
  • While in Railjack, the shared affinity range is infinite, and the above rules still apply to affinity gain.

Operator Affinity

Operators gain their own Affinity, similar to a Warframe. They only receive affinity when deployed.

  • Kills with Operator abilities: All Affinity goes to the Operator's equipped Amp when possible.[2]
  • Kill with Amp: 100% of Affinity goes to the killing Amp.
  • Shared Affinity from allied Tenno kills: When within 50 meters of an ally (200 meters while using a Fosfor, 250 meters in Landscape missions) when they kill an enemy, you gain the same total Affinity. The Affinity is distributed by 25% for the Operator, 37.5% for the Amp, and 37.5% for their unused melee slot.
    • Because only Operator Amps can gain Affinity, the 25% gained for the Operator and the 37.5% for their unused melee slot is lost resulting in only 37.5% of shared Affinity being earned for the Amp.
  • No Amp equipped: Affinity is lost.
    • Only Operator Amps gain Affinity and not the Operator themselves.

Companion Affinity

Companions gain their own Affinity, similar to Tenno.

  • Tenno kills: 100% of Affinity gained by Tenno kills by any means (weapons or abilities) and with any deployables (Necramech, Operator mode, etc) also goes to the companion.
    • Affinity is split between the Companion and its weapon 50/50%.
    • 100% Affinity to the Companion in the absence of a weapon.
  • Companion kills: Total Affinity upon kills is equal to that gained by Tenno. The owner of the Companion gains no Affinity.
    • Kills with its weapon (mechanical pets only): Affinity is split between the Companion and its weapon 50/50%.
    • Kills (living pet without a weapon): All Affinity goes to the Companion.
    • Kills with an ability: All Affinity goes to the Companion.
  • Companion uses an ability: Amount varies by ability.[investigation needed] 100% goes to the Companion.
  • Allied Tenno, but not the Companion's owner, kills an enemy: Affinity gained by the Companion does not detract from that gained by its owner.
    • Affinity is split between the Companion and its weapon 50/50%.
    • 100% Affinity to the Companion in the absence of a weapon.

Other Affinity Sources

  • Use a Warframe/Archwing ability: Affinity equal to the base energy cost, in most cases.
  • Hack a terminal: 50 Affinity.
  • Complete an objective.
  • Collect an Affinity Orb: 1000 Affinity.
  • Scanning with the Codex Scanner:
    • Scanning objects: 10 Affinity.
    • Scanning enemies: Affinity equal to 1/3 of gain upon killing the enemy (rounded down).
      • Stealth scan: Affinity equal to gain upon killing the enemy.

Stealth Kill Affinity Bonus

Killing unaware enemies will trigger a Stealth Kill Affinity Bonus, which increases the amount of affinity that a player gains from killing said enemy. A notification appears in a player's HUD to the left of the shield counter upon performing a stealth kill, which will display the bonus affinity value for that kill, as well as the time remaining for the combo. The default bonus affinity value is 100%, which can be increased by performing a subsequent stealth kill within 30 seconds of the previous one, which will add another 100% to the bonus value, e.g. killing a second enemy stealthily will grant a 200% affinity multiplier, the third granting 300%, and so forth until it caps out at 500%, whereupon any successive stealth kills will provide said bonus as long as they are made within the time limit. Stealth kill affinity bonuses can be initiated using any attack as long as the enemy is unaware of the player's presence, though melee weapons grant twice the amount of stealth kill affinity compared to ranged weapons or abilities.

The stealth kill affinity bonus resets if a kill is made on an alert enemy, or upon being attacked by an alert enemy. Only enemy units will trigger these affinity bonuses. Environmental objects like Corpus Turrets, Security Cameras, Sensor Bars, and Storage Containers will not reset the multiplier nor do they count as a stealth kill. Certain units like Sensor Regulators are also considered objects, and thus will not initiate stealth affinity bonuses.

Oddly enough, certain Warframe powers (like Paralysis) and Melee Combos that initiate stagger may initiate stealth kill affinity bonuses upon performing a Counterattack Finisher, even if the enemy was previously aware of the player.

Killing an enemy that spawned within 5 seconds will not count towards the stealth affinity multiplier.

Bonus Affinity

If a player completes a mission successfully they gain bonus Affinity based on the amount gained during the mission. Bonus Affinity is shown as white in the end-of-mission report and is an additional 125% of the base Affinity earned for each item.

Due to bonus Affinity, leveling an item up to a certain level in a single mission, and completing the mission, will result in that item becoming max rank:

  • Getting an item to Rank 20 will result in that item becoming Rank 30.
  • For Rank 40 weapons that require 5 Forma Forma such as Kuva Weapons, Tenet Weapons, or the Paracesis, getting to Rank 26 and two-thirds will result in a Rank 40 weapon.

The equipment level with the current mission-success bonus Affinity applied can be previewed in the mission progress tab before ending the mission.

Affinity Range

When playing with other players, Affinity will be shared among the squad if they are within a 50-meter radius. This can be increased with Fosfors to 200m or FocusLensVazarin b Vazarin's FocusMendingUnity Mending Unity (+25m at max rank). Some Warframe Abilities and Warframe Augment Mods also have their ranges tied to this particular range.

PreservingShellModx256 PreservingShell130xWhite
Preserving Shell

Citrine guards herself and nearby allies with a crystalline shell that gradually decays. Kills and assists increase the defensive power of the shell.

Introduced in Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:10 / 20 / 30 / 40 % initial damage reduction
+3% damage reduction per kill
+1% damage reduction per assist
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:18 / 20 / 22 / 25 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Misc: 50 m Affinity Range
8 m RollingDroneAvatar Stagger radius
2 m DmgImpactSmall64 Knockback distance
1 s initial decay delay
10 / 20 / 25 / 25 % minimum damage reduction
-1%/s decay rate at 25%-75%
-3%/s decay rate at 75%-90%
2 s kill/assist decay delay
90% max damage reduction


This section is transcluded from Ember/Abilities § Passive. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Reveling in the heat of combat, EmberIcon272 Ember gains 5% extra AbilityStrengthBuff Ability Strength for every enemy burning with an active DmgFireSmall64 Heat status effect within Affinity Range.

Buff values appear above Immolation130xWhite Immolation's heat gauge.

Main article: Immolated Radiance

This section is transcluded from Frost/Abilities § Passive. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

FrostIcon272 Frost's abilities have their DmgColdSmall64 Cold status effect duration increased by 100%. Frost's Fortifying Freeze passive increases his Armor by 50 per enemy afflicted by a DmgColdSmall64 Cold status effect within Affinity Range.

Main article: Biting Frost

Biting Frost is a Warframe Augment Mod for FrostIcon272 Frost's passive, gaining increased Critical Chance and Critical Damage on enemies frozen by 10 DmgColdSmall64 Cold status effects.

Rank Crit Chance Crit Damage Cost
0 +130% +130% 6
1 +150% +150% 7
2 +175% +175% 8
3 +200% +200% 9

PenanceModx256 Penance130xWhite

Sacrifice shields to boost reload, and fire rate while converting damage inflicted on enemies into health for Harrow and nearby allies.

Introduced in Update 21.0 (2017-06-29)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:50% (initial heal)
5% (lifesteal on hit)
20% / 25% / 30% / 35% (fire rate bonus)
40% / 50% / 60% / 70% (reload speed bonus)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:4 s (base time)
1.25 / 1.33 / 1.43 / 1.54 s (bonus per 100 shields)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Misc: 50 m (affinity range)
120 s (max duration)


CovenantModx256 Covenant130xWhite

Protect nearby allies with an energy force that absorbs all damage and converts it to a Critical Chance bonus for all those under the Covenant. Headshots are amplified even further.

Introduced in Update 21.0 (2017-06-29)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:5% (base critical chance)
1.50% (critical chance per 100 damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:3 / 4 / 5 / 6 s (invulnerability time)
6 / 8 / 10 / 12 s (critical chance time)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Misc: 4.0x (headshot multiplier to bonus critical chance)
50% (bodyshot critical chance cap)
200% (headshot critical chance cap)
50/250 m (affinity range/open-world affinity range)


SymphonyofMercyModx256 SymphonyofMercy130xWhite
Symphony of Mercy

Cycle through three songs that strengthen allies. Power of The Seven increases Ability Strength. Deathbringer increases Weapon Damage. Spirit of Resilience increases Shield Effectiveness. Extend the duration of each song by killing enemies surrounded by Judgments.

Introduced in Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 % Power of The Seven AbilityStrengthBuff Ability Strength bonus
40 / 60 / 80 / 100 % Deathbringer weapon damage bonus
1 / 6 / 8 / 10 % Spirit of Resilience Shields recharge per second
-10% Spirit of Resilience shield recharge delay reduction
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:15 / 20 / 25 / 30 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Misc: 10m (pushback range)
5m (RollingDroneAvatar Stagger range)
1 s invulnerable during cast
50 m Affinity Range auras
150% Power of The Seven AbilityStrengthBuff Ability Strength cap
-80% Spirit of Resilience recharge delay cap
2 s Judgments extra aura duration on kill


This section is transcluded from Nyx/Abilities § Passive. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
NyxIcon272 Nyx gains Thrive in Chaos whenever enemies within Affinity Range are afflicted with DmgRadiationSmall64 Confusion (from DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation status effect or MindControl130xWhite Mind Control), increasing her primary and secondary weapon Critical Chance by 40% per enemy up to a maximum of 200% from 5 enemies.

Main article: Mesmer Shield

Main article: Intrepid Stand

This section is transcluded from Trinity/Abilities § Passive. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

TrinityIcon272 Trinity and allies in her Affinity Range gain Lifegiver, which increases their Health equal to 50% (25% in Conclave) of Trinity's total Energy pool.

BlessingModx256 Blessing130xWhite

Restore the health and shields of allies within Affinity Range while reducing the damage they take from enemies.

Introduced in Update 4 (2012-11-02)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:40% / 50% / 75% / 80% (shield/health restoration)
25% / 30% / 40% / 50% (damage reduction)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:? / ? / ? / 15 s (buff duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Misc: 50 m (affinity range)
75% (damage reduction cap)


VoraciousMetastasis130xWhite VoraciousMetastasis130xWhite
Voracious Metastasis

Consume Energy to heal yourself and grant matching Energy to each ally.

Introduced in Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:200 / 300 / 400 / 500 (health restored)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:16 / 14 / 12 / 10 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A
EnergyOrb Efficiency:

50 (energy restored, equal to cost)

Subsumable to Helminth

The range limit is increased to 200m in Archwing missions and 250m in Landscapes (Plains of Eidolon, Orb Vallis, and Cambion Drift). The range limit is ignored entirely in Empyrean missions due to their sheer scale.

Level Requirements

Affinity Progress

Pie chart illustrating the proportion of each level of the total affinity required to rank any item from unranked to 30.

To reach a given level from unranked, a Warframe or Sentinel needs 1000 × level2 Affinity in total. A weapon needs half that amount.

To reach the same level from the previous level, a Warframe or Sentinel needs 1000 × (2 × level − 1) Affinity. Again, a weapon needs half that amount.

Cumulative Affinity Requirements From Rank 0
Level Warframe/
Weapon Level Warframe/
1 1,000 500 21 441,000 220,500
2 4,000 2,000 22 484,000 242,000
3 9,000 4,500 23 529,000 264,500
4 16,000 8,000 24 576,000 288,000
5 25,000 12,500 25 625,000 312,500
6 36,000 18,000 26 676,000 338,000
7 49,000 24,500 27 729,000 364,500
8 64,000 32,000 28 784,000 392,000
9 81,000 40,500 29 841,000 420,500
10 100,000 50,000 30 900,000 450,000
11 121,000 60,500 31* 961,000 480,500
12 144,000 72,000 32* 1,024,000 512,000
13 169,000 84,500 33* 1,089,000 544,500
14 196,000 98,000 34* 1,156,000 578,000
15 225,000 112,500 35* 1,225,000 612,500
16 256,000 128,000 36* 1,296,000 648,000
17 289,000 144,500 37* 1,369,000 684,500
18 324,000 162,000 38* 1,444,000 722,000
19 361,000 180,500 39* 1,521,000 760,500
20 400,000 200,000 40* 1,600,000 800,000

*Only for Paracesis Paracesis, Kuva Weapons, Tenet Weapons, and Necramechs. Note that this chart does not accurately reflect on the total cumulative Affinity needed to rank up past 30 as you have to Forma the equipment in order to increase the max rank.

The total cumulative Affinity to rank up equipment with the overleveling capability, including Forma cycles, is as follows:

Total Cumulative Affinity Requirements From Rank 0
Level Necramech Weapon
31 1,861,000 930,500
32 1,924,000 962,000
33 3,013,000 1,506,500
34 3,080,000 1,540,000
35 4,305,000 2,152,500
36 4,376,000 2,188,000
37 5,745,000 2,872,500
38 5,820,000 2,910,000
39 7,341,000 3,670,500
40 7,420,000 3,710,000

Enemy Affinity Scaling

Main article: Enemy Level Scaling

When you kill an enemy, the Affinity gained is shown on screen underlined in blue. The formula enemy affintiy scales at is as follows:

Note that the base affinity multiplied by the Affinity Multiplier value is also rounded down to a whole number, e.g. 62.7 affinity will be rounded down to 62.


Current affinity scaling.

Because the square root is taken of the enemy's current level, the actual benefit of facing high-level enemies is minimal. For example, killing a level 100 Napalm would give 1213 Affinity, less than twice the Affinity you would get from a level 3 Napalm (623). Therefore, "farming" Affinity is easier when killing many low-mid level enemies instead of taking on high level enemies.

For further reading on this subject, consider the Affinity and Affinity Density chapters of the Enemy Level Scaling article.


  • Fully ranked equipment still accumulates Affinity even though the mission end screen does not display it. The total Affinity can be seen from a player's profile page.
  • The Affinity count in the profile page for specific equipment does not increase upon polarization, only when the amount of cumulative Affinity earned prior to the polarization is exceeded.[3]
  • Until they were polarized 5 times they do not gain affinity when they are at their temporary max level (eg. 1 Forma level 32, 2 Forma level 34). This is only noticeable in the profile page.
  • Enemies in the Simulacrum when killed do not reward Affinity.
  • Mastery Rank Tests will not reward Affinity upon completion.

Farming Tips


These are based on opinions and may not be 100% true. These should be viewed as advice for farming Affinity until better facts are proven.

Star Chart Missions
Target Planet Name Type Level Tile Set
IconGrineerB Sedna Hydron Defense 30 - 40 Grineer Galleon
IconGrineerB Saturn Helene Defense 21 - 26 Grineer Galleon
IconCorpusB Pluto Oceanum Spy 32 - 36 Corpus Ship
IconGrineerB Sedna Adaro Exterminate 32 - 36 Grineer Asteroid
IconCorpusB Uranus Brutus Ascension 45 - 50 Stalker's Lair
IconGrineerB Veil Proxima R-9 Cloud Skirmish 80 - 90 Free Space
  • Hydron is a common spot for general Affinity farming, with Helene being a more accessible alternative, albeit netting less Affinity overall due to the lower level of enemies.
  • Oceanum can be stealthily speed ran by more advanced players, hacking all three data vaults without being detected to farm for Affinity for a particular weapon.
  • Adaro can award an extreme amount of affinity when utilizing Stealth Kill Affinity Bonus from stealth Warframes (AshIcon272 Ash's SmokeScreen130xWhite Smoke Screen, IvaraIcon272 Ivara's Prowl130xWhite Prowl, LokiIcon272 Loki's Invisibility130xWhite Invisibility, or OctaviaIcon272 Octavia's MetronomeIcon Metronome), Warframes that can force enemies to sleep (BaruukIcon272 Baruuk's Lull130xWhite Lull, EquinoxIcon272 Equinox's or Helminth subsumed RestRage130xWhite Rest & Rage, or Ivara's Quiver130xWhite Quiver), or silenced weapons (BansheeIcon272 Banshee's or Helminth subsumed Silence130xWhite Silence and a weapon modded with Mod TT 20px Hush, Mod TT 20px Suppress, or Mod TT 20px Silent Battery if not innately silenced).
  • R-9 Cloud is the highest leveled Empyrean mission. It also allows bringing Archwings, Archguns, Archmelee, and Necramechs.
Archwing Missions
Target Planet Name Type Level Tile Set
IconCorpusB Neptune Salacia Mobile Defense 27 - 32 Corpus Ship (Archwing)
Other Locations
  • Dark Sector missions are scattered throughout the Star Chart. These provide bonus Affinity gain to specific weapon classes.
View List
This section is transcluded from Dark Sector § Locations. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Planet Mission Name Type Credit Reward Additional Credit Reward Level Resource Drop Chance Bonus Affinity Bonus Weapon Affinity Bonus
Earth Coba Defense 1,500 12,000 6 - 16 15% 12% 8% on Melee
Earth Tikal Excavation 1,500 12,000 6 - 16 15% 12% 8% on Melee
Venus Malva Survival 1,700 10,000 8 - 18 10% 10% 5% on Rifles
Venus Romula Defense 1,700 10,000 8 - 18 10% 10% 5% on Rifles
Mars Wahiba Survival 1,900 14,000 10 - 20 20% 15% 10% on Pistols
Mars Kadesh Defense 1,900 14,000 10 - 20 20% 15% 10% on Pistols
Ceres Gabii Survival 2,400 20,000 15 - 25 35% 26% 21% on Melee
Phobos Memphis Defection 2,400 16,000 15 - 25 25% 18% 13% on Melee
Phobos Zeugma Survival 2,400 16,000 15 - 25 25% 18% 13% on Rifles
Ceres Seimeni Defense 2,400 20,000 15 - 25 35% 26% 21% on Melee
Jupiter Cameria Survival 2,900 14,000 20 - 30 20% 15% 10% on Shotguns
Jupiter Sinai Defense 2,900 14,000 20 - 30 20% 15% 10% on Melee
Europa Cholistan Excavation 3,200 16,000 23 - 33 25% 18% 12% on Melee
Europa Larzac Defense 3,200 16,000 23 - 33 25% 18% 12% on Pistols
Uranus Assur Survival 3,400 16,000 25 - 35 25% 18% 13% on Melee
Saturn Piscinas Survival 3,500 14,000 26 - 36 20% 15% 10% on Shotguns
Saturn Caracol Defection 3,500 14,000 26 - 36 20% 15% 10% on Rifles
Uranus Ur Disruption 3,900 16,000 30 - 35 25% 18% 13% on Pistols
Neptune Yursa Defection 3,900 18,000 30 - 40 30% 23% 18% on Shotguns
Neptune Kelashin Survival 3,900 18,000 30 - 40 30% 23% 18% on Rifles
Sedna Amarna Survival 4,400 16,000 35 - 45 25% 18% 13% on Rifles
Eris Zabala Survival 4,400 18,000 35 - 45 30% 23% 18% on Pistols
Eris Akkad Defense 4,400 18,000 35 - 45 30% 23% 18% on Melee
Pluto Hieracon Excavation 4,400 20,000 35 - 45 35% 30% 25% on Pistols
Pluto Sechura Defense 4,400 20,000 35 - 45 35% 30% 25% on Rifles
Sedna Sangeru Defense 4,400 16,000 35 - 45 25% 18% 13% on Melee
There are a total of 26 Dark Sector Missions.
  • Eximus enemies give a large amount of Affinity and are abundant in Sortie Eximus Strongholds.
  • Sanctuary Onslaught and Elite Sanctuary Onslaught are the best locations for Affinity farming, spawning a high volume of enemies in a short amount of time. Note that the elite version restricts access to only max ranked Warframes or a Mastery Rank 30 player whose Warframe has been polarized once.
  • Endless Void Fissure missions provide Affinity gain bonuses for the duration of the mission after opening a certain number of Void Relics, up to a maximum of 2x Affinity gain at 16 relics opened.


  1. "Proportionate Shared Xp" Developer Workshop post
  2. "Killing enemies with Operator abilities (Void Blast, Void Dash) will now grant the kill Affinity to the equipped Amp when possible." - Plains of Eidolon Remaster: Update 24.6.0 patch notes
  3. Profile Affinity Resets with Forma

See Also

Patch History

Update 38.0 (2024-12-13)

  • Increased Affinity earned from Affinity Orbs from 100 to 1000.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

Removal of Flawed Mods from Vor’s Prize

Adjusting for Increased Mod Drain As Flawed Mods are being removed, we want to ensure that new players can still create their early builds and equip Mods onto their equipment. Since normal Mods have a higher drain than their Flawed variants, we’re approaching this problem in two ways:

Firstly, we’ve added 90k Bonus Affinity to the completion of the Vor’s Prize Quest, split up across the 6 missions. Each mission earns new players an additional 15k Affinity upon first completion only.

NOTE: With the extra Affinity earned throughout Vor’s Prize, we have removed the ability for players to attempt Mastery Rank tests until they have completed this Quest.

Top Fixes:
  • Fixed being able to gain Affinity from Ember's Inferno when no enemies are within range. Affinity on Ability cast is tied to Energy cost, and since Inferno has a free-cast trait this slipped by!
General Fixes:
  • Fixed Affinity showing as “Expired” in the end of mission screen when loading back into the Orbiter after completing a mission with a Quest active.

Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)

  • In addition to the 50% of Affinity gained being granted to Warframe, the remaining 50% while using the Parazon is now distributed to the weapon you had equipped before the Parazon Mercy kill started.

Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

  • The other 50% of the Affinity gained from Parazon Mercy Kill will now go to the weapon you had equipped before the Parazon Mercy Kill started.
    • Prior to this change, only 50% of the Affinity gained benefitted the Warframe while the other 50% was not assigned to anything else. Now 100% of the Affinity is distributed, 50% to the Warframe and 50% to the weapon you had equipped before the Mercy Kill.

Update 31.0 (2021-12-15)

  • Companions will now receive 100% of the Affinity from kills you make. This matches shared Affinity functionality (you receive 100%, Companion receives 100%).

Hotfix 30.9.3 (2021-11-12)

  • Fixed a script error related to Operators gaining Affinity.

Hotfix 30.3.5 (2021-06-10)

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)


We’ve increased the Shared Affinity Range in Free Roam missions from 50 meters to 250 meters! When implementing the change to make Necramech’s level up to 40, it prompted the conversation of Necramech leveling and its restriction to Free Roam missions. With the addition of Bonewidow, it felt appropriate to dial the Shared Affinity Range up for these much larger tilesets. While it’s always ideal to stick together, we hope the 250 meter range allows you to both level up your Necramech faster and venture a bit farther in the landscape.

Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)

  • The Rank Up FX for Warframes, Weapons, and Companions has been given a refresh! This FX also now applies your chosen Energy color instead of the default.

Update 24.6 (2019-04-04)

  • Killing enemies with Operator abilities (Void Blast, Void Dash) will now grant the kill Affinity to the equipped Amp when possible.

Update 19.0 (2016-11-11)

  • Radial Shared Affinity no longer includes a stealth multiplier (if active).

Update 15.14 (2015-02-12)

  • Players will now gain Affinity for enemies killed by nearby NPC Syndicate Allies.

Update 12.6 (2014-03-26)

  • XP gained through Affinity Orbs and Challenge XP will now work the same way as XP shared from teammate kills:
    • 25% to Frame
    • 25% to Primary Weapon
    • 25% to Secondary Weapon
    • 25% to Melee weapon
      An additional copy of this XP will also be split between your equipped Sentinel and Sentinel Weapon
      Note: this does not change regular XP earned from kills

Update 11.3 (2013-12-12)

Changes to Sentinel XP distribution

Based on reports and experiences with slow-ranking Sentinels, we have changed the way Experience is distributed amongst your feisty friends.

  • Previously:
    • Sentinel kills would split experience between your Sentinel’s weapon and your Warframe, so your Sentinel itself would miss out on experience.
    • Weapon kills would split evenly between your Warframe and your Weapon (50% each), then a 42% bonus chunk of experience would be given to the Sentinel and its weapon (21% each). Note that the total XP earned was 142% of what you saw on the screen – now it will be 200%.
  • Now:
    • Regular weapon kills divide experience evenly between your weapon and your Warframe (50% each).
    • Kills using a Warframe ability give all the experience to the Warframe (as before).
    • Sentinel weapon kills divide experience evenly between your Sentinel and its weapon (50% each).
    • Kills using a precept give all the experience to your Sentinel (as before).
    • Experience from other players (shared experience) is split evenly amongst your gear as follows: a quarter goes to your Warframe and a quarter goes to each of your weapons (25% each). If you have a sentinel equipped, a 100% bonus chunk of experience is split evenly between your Sentinel and its weapon (50% each).