
Deployed by the Cephalon Suda, once a data-analyzing instrument, the Gammacor's main focus is defense.

The Synoid Gammacor is an exclusive version of the Gammacor Gammacor available only from CephalonSudaSigil Cephalon Suda, possessing better stats as well as innate Entropy effect.


  • This weapon deals DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic damage.
  • Damage ramps up from 30% to 100% over 0.6 seconds when firing. After firing stops for 0.8 seconds, the damage decays back to 30% over 2 seconds.
  • Innate Entropy effect.
  • Innate Vazarin Pol and a Naramon Pol polarities.

Advantages over other Secondary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Pinpoint accuracy.
  • Consumes 0.5 ammo per tick of damage.
  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Very high magazine (80)
    • High ammo max (400)
    • High fire rate (12.00 attacks/sec)
    • Above average status chance (28.00%)
  • Incarnon Form (wiki attack index 2)
    • Very high magazine (80)
    • Very high ammo max (400)
    • Above average status chance (28.00%)
  • Incarnon Form Radial Attack (wiki attack index 3)
    • Above average active falloff slope (16.7m/%)
    • Very high magazine (80)
    • High total damage (800)
    • Very high ammo max (400)

Disadvantages over other Secondary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Limited range of 40 meters, but Mod TT 20px Ruinous Extension can be equipped to extend the maximum range.
  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Below average reload speed (1.80 s)
    • Very low total damage (20)
    • Below average disposition (●●●○○ (1.10x))
  • Incarnon Form (wiki attack index 2)
    • Below average reload speed (1.80 s)
    • Very low fire rate (1.00 attacks/sec)
    • Below average disposition (●●●○○ (1.10x))
  • Incarnon Form Radial Attack (wiki attack index 3)
    • Low maximum falloff distance (5.0 m)
    • Below average reload speed (1.80 s)
    • Very low fire rate (1.00 attacks/sec)
    • Below average crit multiplier (2.00x)

See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.



  • The Synoid Gammacor can be acquired by reaching the Rank of Genius with CephalonSudaSigil Cephalon Suda, and spending ReputationLarge 100,000 to purchase. As with all Syndicate Weapons, the Synoid Gammacor cannot be chosen as the free offering upon ranking up to Genius rank.
  • Syndicate weapons can be also be acquired via Trading, but only for unranked copies without Forma and Orokin Catalyst installed.
  • Players must have a Mastery Rank of at least 7 to acquire the Synoid Gammacor, either through trading or through the Syndicates themselves.


  • The Synoid Gammacor's beam when fired does not immediately hit at its maximum range. Instead it takes around half a second to extend to its maximum range, and will maintain that range as long as the weapon is being fired. The beam retracts when the weapon stops firing.

Incarnon Genesis[]


  • Installing the Gammacor Incarnon Genesis requires 20 PathosClamp Pathos Clamps, 70 Ueymag Ueymag, and 80 Lamentus Lamentus.
  • When installed, the first Evolution tier is unlocked. The following Evolution tiers, their requirements for unlocking them, and their related perks, are shown below;

Evolution I[]

  • Weakpoint hits charge Incarnon Transmutation; Alt Fire transmutes. Switching back will expend any remaining charge.
  • Fires projectiles that pull enemies into a DmgColdSmall64 Cold Damage explosion.
    • Incarnon Form shoots semi-automatic projectiles that deal guaranteed DmgImpactSmall64 Impact proc on direct impacts, then pulls and staggers enemies within 5 meters for 1.2 seconds before exploding, inflicting pure 760 DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage with a guaranteed DmgColdSmall64 Cold proc on the explosion. However it has significantly slower Fire Rate and the explosion possesses Damage Falloff from 100% to 70% from central impact.
  • Mode switching is not instantaneous and has an animation equal to the weapon's reload speed.
  • Incarnon Form is activated by filling the Incarnon Transmutation gauge that appears under the reticle by achieving weakpoint hits and then pressing the Alternate Fire button. 15 weakpoints will completely fill the gauge. A full gauge is not required to activate Incarnon Form.
    • Charges do not generate on the backpacks of most MOA variants, or vulnerability spots generated by Sonar130xWhite Sonar or Mod TT 20px Detect Vulnerability in places other than actual weakpoints.
    • Weakpoints on corpses or Invulnerable targets do not build charges.
    • As a Continuous Weapon, Multishot applies a damage multiplier rather than extra damage instances, and thus does not assist in charging.
  • Instead of drawing ammunition from its reserves, the Gammacor's Incarnon Form uses a separate "magazine" with each charge producing 1 rounds to a maximum of 15. Once all ammunition is expended, the Gammacor reverts to its normal form.
    • Incarnon Form's magazine is not affected by mods.
    • Incarnon Form is not affected by Ammo Efficiency (such as EnergizedMunitions130xWhite Energized Munitions).
    • Charges and Incarnon Form persists through all activities, such as holstering, bleedout, or being disarmed. However, charges and Incarnon Form are removed upon death.
  • Swapping to and from Incarnon Form will fully reload the normal form's magazine.

Evolution II[]

  • Unlock Challenge: Complete a solo mission with this weapon equipped.
  • Perk 1: Sage's Resolve:
    • Increase Damage by +10.
    • With Channeled Ability Active: +25% Multishot.
  • Perk 2: Infused Shots:
    • Increase Damage by +6.
    • On 50 Energy Spent: Increase Damage by +5 for 10s. Stacks up to 4x.

Evolution III[]

  • Unlock Challenge: Kill 100 enemies with this weapon's Incarnon Form.
  • Perk 1: Evolved Autoloader:
    • +50% Magazine Reloaded/s when Holstered
  • Perk 2: Moonrise Velocity:
    • +8 Range
  • Perk 3: Extended Volley:
    • Increase Magazine Capacity by +40.

Evolution IV[]

  • Unlock Challenge: Kill 30 enemies while airborne.
  • Perk 1: Critical Parallel:
    • Increase Critical Chance by +20% (Gammacor) / +10% (Synoid).
    • Increase Critical Damage Multiplier by +0.2x.
  • Perk 2: Survivor's Edge:
    • Increase Critical Chance by +12% (Gammacor) / +6% (Synoid).
    • Increase Status Chance by +10% (Gammacor) / +6% (Synoid).
  • Perk 3: Elemental Balance:
    • Increase Status Chance by +20% (Gammacor) / +10% (Synoid).


  • Mod TT 20px Ruinous Extension can aid in extending the short range of this weapon.
  • As the Synoid Gammacor already innately deals DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic damage, it can accept other combination elemental damage types that use DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity or DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage as a base, such as DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation or DmgViralSmall64 Viral.
  • The innate Vazarin Pol polarity can somewhat limit elemental modding potential if Mod TT 20px Galvanized Shot is not available, thus making it a less desirable polarity. If you wish to focus more on elemental damage, then it is recommended to either ignore the polarity or use Forma to turn it into a more suitable polarity.
  • Aiming the Synoid Gammacor's beam through VoltIcon272 Volt's ElectricShield130xWhite Electric Shield will increase the beam's range while still having the advantages of hit-scan and pinpoint accuracy
    • However, when aiming the beam through the shield it can be a bit harder to aim at targets from a distance due to the shining light of the beam on contact of any surface (in this case: the Electric Shield).
    • Shooting through the Electric Shield will give the weapon additional DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage.


  • Unlike most secondary weapons, the Synoid Gammacor is worn like a gauntlet on the Warframe's right arm.
  • The Synoid version replaces the circular holograms formed on the arm with the CephalonSudaSigil Cephalon Suda emblem.
  • The word 'Synoid' is likely a corruption of the word 'synod', which is an assembly of the clergy under a church, or a reference to the word 'synapse', a biological term defining the gap between two neurons. It could also be a deformation of the word sinusoid which is a form of wave used for electrical measurements, since the weapon deals magnetic damage, it would most likely be related to this original term.
  • The Synoid Gammacor was the first item in the game to have the "Synoid" prefix, followed by the Synoid Syandana in second.


  • Equipping an Extinguished Dragon Key will cause the arsenal UI to display values based on the Gammacor Gammacor's damage.


Synoid Gammacor Skins


Patch History[]

Update 30.3 (2021-05-25)

  • Fixed arm cannon type (Gammacor) reticle area being blocked by a part of Zephyr Harrier's shoulder element.

Hotfix 30.0.7 (2021-04-22)

  • Added updated wrist-mounted weapon animations (ie Gammacor).
    • Also fixes weird wrist angled animations.

Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)

Update 25.8 (2019-10-01)

October 2019 Riven Disposition Change
  • Gammacor: 0.9->0.95

Update 22.14 (2018-03-01)

  • Fixed Beam weapons not being able to damage enemies (alive but in a ragdolled state) when being affected by certain ‘crowd control’ Abilities.
  • Damage now ramps up over 0.6 seconds and after moving off target there is a delay of 0.8 seconds before it starts to decay over 2 seconds.
  • All Beam weapons now start their Damage ramp up at 20% (instead of 10%).
  • The Multishot chance should now apply more consistently with Beam weapons.
  • Fixed Beam weapons continuously firing when quick Meleeing.
  • Synoid Gammacor damage reduced from 20 to 19 in Conclave.

Hotfix 22.13.4 (2018-02-22)

  • Increased the Beam weapon Damage ramp up time from 0.8 to 1 second.
  • Fixed Beam weapon Damage ramp up not happening per target.

Hotfix 22.13.3 (2018-02-21)

  • Perfect accuracy and high fire rate is balanced by limited range and damage ramping up from 10% to 100% over 0.8 seconds when firing and decays back to 10% over 1 second after stopping.
  • Mastery Rank increased from 6 to 7.
  • Damage changed from 28 Magnetic per sec to 20 Magnetic per tick.
  • Status Chance increased from 20% per sec to 28% per tick of damage.
  • Critical chance increased from 10% to 20%.
  • Reload reduced from 2 secs to 1.8 secs.
  • Range increased from 25m to 30m.
  • Magazine size decreased from 150 to 80.
  • Max Ammo decreased from 450 to 400.
  • Ammo consumption decreased from 1.0 to 0.5 per tick of damage.
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.6x.

Hotfix 20.2.3 (2017-04-19)

  • Tweaked the Synoid Gammacor's force feedback to be more consistent when using a controller.

Hotfix 19.11.2 (2017-02-17)

  • Fixed the Synoid Gammacor holster position appearing on the floor for Cephalon Suda operatives.

Update 19.5 (2016-12-22)

  • Synoid Gammacor magazine size reduced from 150 to 50 in Conclave.

Update: The Index Preview (2016-10-20)

  • Gammacor series can now be used in Conclave!

Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)

  • Fixed the Right Dendra forearm guard clipping through arm mounted weapons like the Gammacor.

Hotfix 18.8.2 (2016-04-13)

  • Decreased the rumble amount on controllers when continuously firing the Gammacor.

Update 17.8 (2015-10-21)

  • Fixed an issue with the Gammacor holsters using the wrong energy color.

Hotfix 17.0.4 (2015-08-06)

  • Fixed some instances of the Synoid Gammacor's beam lingering after use.

Hotfix 17.0.2 (2015-07-31)

  • Made some adjustments to audio FX on the Gammacor.

Update 16.0 (2015-03-19)

  • Synoid Gammacor now consumes 7.5x more ammunition.
  • Synoid Gammacor magazine capacity has been reduced.

Update 15.7 (2014-12-17)

  • Fixed the Ruinous Extension Mod not being compatible with the Synoid Gammacor.

Hotfix 15.5.8 (2014-12-05)

  • Fixed Gammacor's laser not appearing when fired.
  • Fixed issue with Gammacor caused by using the Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent and Seeker Mods all at once.

Hotfix 15.5.6 (2014-12-02)

  • Fixed Gammacor's beam visual effect persisting when using melee during a slide.
  • Fixed Gammacor's continuous fire sometimes using default energy color when players stop running while shooting.

Hotfix 15.5.5 (2014-12-01)

  • Increased damage dealt in beam per second.
  • Increased fire rate of beam.
  • Reduced ammo consumption.
  • Synoid Damage: Now 210 Magnetic.
  • Synoid Status/Second: 20%.
  • Synoid Magazine: 75.
  • Synoid Crit Multiplier/Chance: 2x/10%.

Hotfix 15.5.2 (2014-11-27)

  • Made additional tweaks to Gammacor firing sounds.

Hotfix 15.5.1 (2014-11-27)

  • Made various sound tweaks to Gammacor shots.
  • Added new hip fire poses to the Gammacor.

Update 15.5 (2014-11-27)

  • Introduced.
Last updated: Hotfix 22.20.6 (2018-05-24)

See also[]
