The Drakgoon is a Grineer flak cannon with a distinct charge mechanic. The longer the weapon is charged, the tighter the spread of the pellets fired, and charged shots gain punch through depending on how long the charge is held, giving the Drakgoon extreme versatility at any range. Additionally, the flak from the Drakgoon can bounce off surfaces once, allowing for a volley to hit more than once if positioned correctly.
This weapon can be sold for 7,500; it is also a requisite ingredient for the Zarr.
- This weapon deals primarily Slash damage.
- Shots ricochet once.
- This allows one to fire at a wall and kill an enemy behind cover, albeit with some difficulty.
- Charged shots have innate 2 meter punch through.
- Innate multishot of 10 pellets.
- Effective over multiple ranges due to charge/spread mechanic:
- Uncharged shots fires wide-dispersal shots to soften up multiple enemies at mid/long range, or quickly hit a single target at short range.
- Charged shots fires a tightly focused blast over longer ranges for high single-target damage.
- Can use the Drakgoon-exclusive Fomorian Accelerant mod.
Advantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- High overall status chance.
- High charge speed.
- High ammo efficiency.
- No damage falloff.
- Uncharged Shot (wiki attack index 1)
- Above average average number of procs per shot (0.63)
- High average number of crits per shot (0.5)
- High total damage (400)
- High disposition (●●●●● (1.40x))
- Charged Shot (wiki attack index 2)
- Above average average number of procs per shot (0.69)
- Very high average number of crits per shot (0.75)
- Very high total damage (700)
- Above average fire rate (3.33 attacks/sec)
- High disposition (●●●●● (1.40x))
Disadvantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Shrapnel projectiles have travel time.
- Shrapnel projectiles slow down by a great margin after ricocheting.
- Shrapnel will vanish after 2 seconds of leaving the weapon.
- Uncharged Shot (wiki attack index 1)
- Below average reload speed (2.30 s)
- Low magazine (7)
- Below average fire rate (3.33 attacks/sec)
- Below average ammo max (120)
- Very low crit chance (5.00%)
- Very low status chance (6.30%)
- Charged Shot (wiki attack index 2)
- Below average reload speed (2.30 s)
- Very low magazine (7)
- Below average ammo max (120)
- Very low crit chance (7.50%)
- Very low status chance (6.90%)
- Low crit multiplier (2.00x)
See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.
- Drakgoon (Charged Shot), compared to Kuva Drakgoon (Charged Shot):
- Higher base damage per projectile (70.00 vs. 46.00) (excluding any Progenitor bonus)
- Lower total damage (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable) (700 vs. 736)
- Lower base critical chance (7.50% vs. 21.00%)
- Lower base critical multiplier (2.00x vs. 2.50x)
- Lower base status chance (6.90% vs. 9.00%)
- Lower average damage per tap (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable) (752.5 vs. 967.84)
- Lower burst DPS (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable) (1505 vs. 3222.90)
- Lower sustained DPS (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable) (908.18 vs. 2008.72)
- Smaller magazine (7 vs. 11)
- Slower reload time (2.30 s vs. 2.00 s)
- Lesser projectile speed (160.0 m/s vs. 190.0 m/s)
- Lower Mastery Rank required (5 vs. 13)
- Higher disposition (●●●●● (1.40x) vs. ●●●●○ (1.15x))
The Drakgoon's blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Alternatively, it can be acquired from completing the Neptune to Pluto Junction.
Manufacturing Requirements | |||||
30,000 |
Morphics 5 |
Alloy Plate 950 |
Nano Spores 5,500 |
Circuits 1,100 |
Time: 1 Day(s) |
Rush: 40 | |||||
Market Price: 225 | Blueprints Price:30,000 |
- The projectiles bounce once when not charged, and bounce twice when fully charged.
- The "Flak" from the weapon works with Mag's Magnetize and can headshot if it enters the field at a high enough point.
- Shrapnel spread upon fire will narrow as the charge is held. Using Accelerated Blast and Shotgun Barrage will decrease the charge time, whilst accuracy mods like Tainted Shell will reduce the initial uncharged spread.
- Rolling will cancel the charge.
- If a melee attack is performed while holding down the charge, it will fire and then immediately melee.
- The charge can be held while sprinting, sliding, wall running, and wall clinging, allowing for mobility and closing in on enemy targets.
- The Drakgoon excels against the Infested thanks to its Slash-focused damage. There are a few ways to increase its effectiveness;
- Use ( Primed) Point Blank for damage and Cleanse Infested for increased effectiveness against Infested enemies.
- Use Shredder and/or Sweeping Serration to increase both the Slash damage and its proc chance.
- Use Blaze and Incendiary Coat to add Heat.
- When combined with Toxin from Toxic Barrage and Contagious Spread, the resulting Gas element is even more effective against Deimos Infested than Heat.
- The pellets will ricochet off the environments only once. If well handled, these pellets can clear a tight, empty room as every pellet has a second opportunity to hit a target if they missed the first time.
- Firing an uncharged shot at a low angle into the ground will cause the ricocheted projectiles to form into a horizontal line with significantly lower spread. This is useful for quickly taking out groups of charging infested at medium range without having to charge.
- Equipping Tainted Shell makes this weapon an extremely accurate long-distance weapon when fully charged.
- Fatal Acceleration is extremely useful for increasing the Drakgoon's effectiveness at long range; at maximum rank, the Drakgoon's shrapnel will have a speed slightly higher than the shots of a Dera.
- The Drakgoon's charging animation is not affected by mods. This, however, is purely visual.
- Punch through is currently bugged and acts unpredictably, at best.
- Concept art of it was first seen in Livestream 17, and this weapon would be introduced on January 8, 2014.
- "Drakgoon" may be a combination of Flak and Dragoon.
- Flak is derived from the German Fliegerabwehrkanone (literally "air defense cannon"). This is any cannon used primarily for anti aircraft fire, but the term is often used to refer to an anti aircraft cannon that fires a shell that bursts in the air, sending a spray of shrapnel towards the target: the idea being that a spread of shrapnel will have a greater chance of hitting a moving target by covering a large area, as opposed to a single shell, which can only cover its impact point.
- Dragoon refers to mounted infantry trained to deliver tremendous damage against a squad of unmounted infantry, thus relating the weapon's capability of spreading massive damage against a crowd of enemies. They are named as such because they wield a weapon known as the 'dragon', which is essentially a handgun-sized version of the blunderbuss (the forerunner of the modern shotgun).
- There is Grineer text on both sides of the Drakgoon with the first line saying "FLAK". The second line reads "1.8".
- This is the first shotgun to gain a Charge feature.
- Prior to Hotfix 11.6.1 (2014-01-10), the Drakgoon used Rifle Ammunition instead of Shotgun Ammunition.
- This is the third shotgun to have a non-static model, following the Boar Prime and the Sobek.
- The colored cap on the top of the mid portion of the Drakgoon is what appears to be the magazine. This magazine is awkwardly small if it contains ammunition but the Drakgoon appears to instead use energy projectiles, suggesting this is a battery or an energy capsule.
- Starting December 10th, 2020, this weapon, along with the Ogris and Stahlta, had a themed skin which could be obtained for free from the Epic Games Unreal Tournament Weapon Bundle, available on the Epic Games Launcher. This bundle is no longer available.
- On December 9th, 2024, the skins were made available upon login until December 23rd, 2024, after which the skins were permanently added to the Market for 1.
Drakgoon Skins
Patch History[]
Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)
- Ammo Changes
We understand the power fantasy of these weapons is very popular for some, so our first approach was to keep them powerful, but limit how often they can be used by making changes to ammo pick-up.
Ammo Pickup Overrides
The following weapons now have ammo pickup overrides, meaning they gain less from picking up ammo. This mostly applies to AoE weapons, in hopes that players will become more deliberate with their aim to make the most of their Ammo pools. The following lists the specific ammo pick up overrides per weapon category.
Primary Weapon Ammo Pick Up Overrides
15 Ammo per Pick Up:
- Drakgoon
- Fixed missing texture on Drakgoon’s default projectiles.
Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)
- Greater than 100% Status having meaning:
Shotguns have a unique Role here based on a very patch-work history with how they interact with Status Chance. A Shotgun that shoots 99% Status Chance would give you 35% (roughly) status per pellet. 100% Status Gives you 100% Status per pellet. This huge jump in performance happens with just a 1% gain - why? Well, to answer that we have to look at our choice to make what the UI conveys reality. It would feel broken to shoot a Shotgun with 100% Status and not see a perfect spread of Effects. In reality, to make Status consistent we have to treat Shotguns as a special case.
Shotguns as a special case means we have buffed the Status Chance of all Shotguns by x3 or greater. The UI now behaves to show the reality that you are determining Status Chance per pellet.
- (Undocumented) Status chance per projectile increased from 2.6% to 6.9%.
Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)
- Converted materials to PBR on the Drakgoon
Hotfix 22.13.1 (2018-02-15)
- Fixed numerous projectile weapons (Drakgoon, etc) having incorrect Status Chance calculations.
Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)
- Mastery Rank increased from 3 to 5.
- Quick shot damage increased from 35 to 40 (per pellet).
- Status chance increased from 10% to 23% (charged).
- Increased Projectile Speed.
- Reduced charge time from 1s to 0.5s.
- Projectile lifetime reduced from 4s to 2s.
- Damage of charged shot decreased from 90 to 70 (per pellet).
Hotfix 19.0.5 (2016-11-18)
- Improved performance of a number of projectile weapons including Drakgoon.
Update: The Index Preview (2016-10-20)
- The Drakgoon is now available for use in Conclave.
Update 18.10 (2016-04-29)
- Added Drakgoon-exclusive, Fomorian Accelerant.
Update 18.1 (2015-12-16)
- Fixed innate punch through not working correctly for the Drakgoon.
Hotfix 14.0.11 (2014-07-30)
- Normalized damage multiplier.
Update 14.0 (2014-07-18)
- Improved effect performance.
Hotfix 12.0.1 (2014-02-06)
- Fixed status chance for projectile weapons that shot multiple pellets.
Hotfix 11.6.1 (2014-01-10)
- Now uses shotgun instead of rifle ammo.
- Tweaked Sound effects.
- Fixed custom colors not being applied.
Update 11.6 (2014-01-08)
- Introduced.
See also[]
- Kuva Drakgoon, the Kuva Lich counterpart of this weapon.
- Corvas, an Archwing weapon with similar functionality.
- Zarr, a cannon crafted with Drakgoon.