AladVPortrait d
“Market forces dictate that you need to evolve or die.”
Akjagara Prime is Vaulted.
The Void Relics for this item have been removed from the drop tables and do not drop during missions at this time. Check the current Prime Resurgence rotation to see if Varzia offers relics for this item. Vaulted Void Relics already contained in player inventories are not affected and can still be either opened or traded between players.

Precision machined mirrored pistols. Primed and ready.

Akjagara Prime is the Primed variant of Akjagara Akjagara, a pair of burst-fire bladed double-barreled pistols, sporting overall higher stats. It was released alongside MesaPrimeIcon272 Mesa Prime and RedeemerPrime Redeemer Prime.


  • This weapon deals primarily DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage.
  • Can use the Akjagara-exclusive Mod TT 20px Range Advantage mod.
  • Innate two Madurai Pol polarities.

Advantages over other Secondary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • High accuracy.
  • Innate 0.2 meter punch through.
  • Uniquely fires both shots simultaneously instead of consecutively, reducing the chance of one missing.
  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Above average magazine (40)
    • High ammo max (320)
    • High status chance (32.00%)
    • Above average crit multiplier (2.20x)

Disadvantages over other Secondary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Linearly less efficient – sometimes a target may only die with three bullets, which requires an entire second burst to be fired.
  • Inefficient ammo economy.
  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Below average total damage (38)
    • Low disposition (●●●○○ (1.00x))

See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.



Lith, Meso, Neo, and Axi refer to Void Relics  |  (V) Denotes Vaulted Void Relics  |  (B) Denotes Baro Ki'Teer Exclusive Void Relic
Akjagara Prime's Relic Drops
Receiver Barrel AkjagaraPrime Blueprint Link
AxiRelicIntact Axi L3 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith M6 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith N9 Uncommon (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso L2 Uncommon (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo I1 Uncommon (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo P1 Uncommon (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo Z3 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith A3 Rare (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso A1 Rare (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo A3 Rare (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo A6 Rare (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo A9 Rare (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi B4 Common (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi M3 Common (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi P1 Common (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith M4 Common (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith P7 Common (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso D4 Common (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso R3 Common (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo S9 Common (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo Z5 Common (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi R3 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith P3 Uncommon (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso B7 Uncommon (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso M2 Uncommon (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso N9 Uncommon (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso Z3 Uncommon (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo R5 Uncommon (V)

Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
OrokinCell Orokin Cell
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 50
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge N/A Blueprint2 Blueprints Price:N/A


  • Like its non-prime variant, Akjagara Prime has a high chance of cutting corpses into pieces. This makes it an ideal weapon for a Desecrating NekrosIcon272 Nekros as the game considers the cut corpses as separate entities, essentially giving multiple corpses to desecrate from a single enemy and thus yielding more chances to create more drops.
  • Akjagara Prime is an effective weapon against high-level Grineer due to it dealing principally slash damage and having very high status chance, which enables the user to reliably bypass armor.
  • Another counter-Grineer property of this weapon is its minimal punch through. Despite having little to none crowd control potential, it's enough to ignore Shield Lancer's cover.


Akjagara Prime Skins


Patch History[]

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)


While reviewing the stats of some weapons with a semi-automatic mode, we noticed that certain weapons had an unsustainably high fire rate for most players. We adjusted the stats of the following semi-automatic weapons whose maximum potential was only being reached with the use of macros (to learn more about third-party use in Warframe visit our support article). Since not everyone is an avid macro user (within the boundaries allowed), we lowered fire rates to a more humanly achievable level and improved their damage or reload stats to compensate.

Akjagara Prime

  • No changes to fire rate.
  • Increased damage from 36 to 38.

Hotfix 28.3.3 (2020-08-13)

  • Fixed shooting the Akjagara Prime while holding an Excavator Power Cell resulting in swapping the weapon with the Power Cell.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

  • Fixed icons for the Akjagara Prime showing blue energy instead of the intended orange.

Update 25.8 (2019-10-01)

October 2019 Riven Disposition Change
  • Akjagara: 1.05->0.9

Hotfix 24.2.2 (2018-12-18)

  • Introduced.

Last updated: Hotfix 24.2.2 (2018-12-18)

See also[]

  • Akjagara Akjagara, the original counterpart of this weapon.