The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
This article is about miscellaneous unnamed characters exclusive to The Loud House. For miscellaneous unnamed characters exclusive to The Really Loud House, see Minor characters/The Really Loud House/Unnamed.
He's got, a... cool hat, a red one. And his name is Rib... bon. Yeah, Ribbon the Frog.
This page contains information on a subject that does not yet have an official name. Once an official name is given to the subject or character, this template can be removed.

List of various minor unnamed characters in The Loud House.

Biker Girls[]

The biker girls are unnamed minor characters in The Loud House.


The biker girls are a group of three young girls seen in "Hand-Me-Downer". After Lincoln is rejected from Papa Wheelie's biker gang, the girls tell Lincoln that he could be their leader.


The biker girls wear pink and purple outfits, with different icons in the same places on their helmets. They are all about the same height, and ride miniature bicycles, with baskets and streamers.

The girl on the left has long, brunette hair, a purple helmet with a star on it, a pink dress with a sash on her waist, white slip-on shoes, and a pink bike.

The girl in the middle has a pink helmet with a cat, a blue bike with a pink bow in the basket, and a pink shirt with a purple heart on it. She wears a lavender and purple pants, and pink slip-on shoes.

The girl on the right has a lavender helmet with a white daisy. She has curly brown hair, a purple dress, black Mary Janes with white socks, and a pink bike.




Blarney-loving girls[]

The Blarney-loving girls are two preschooler (or possibly early elementary school age) girls who appeared in "The Price of Admission". They went to see the Blarney movie and joined in with Clyde when he sang Blarney songs. Their ages are unknown, but they look to be significantly younger than Lincoln and Clyde.


Both were Caucasian and wearing Blarney hats. One had curly dark hair and the other one had her hair concealed by her hat (she also had freckles).

The brunette one was wearing a lime green dress with a yellow ribbon and white shoes, while the other one was wearing a pink T-shirt with a lilac heart on the front, purple striped pants, and pink shoes.


They seem to be quite cheerful, as evidenced by them singing Blarney songs. They also seem to be pretty outgoing, as they joined in with Clyde's singing despite not knowing him.

Diaper-throwing Girl[]

The diaper-throwing girl is a toddler girl who featured in "Appetite for Destruction". When Rita and Lynn Sr. thought Lily's classmates were bad influences, they tried to find a better-behaved toddler friend for her. They saw this girl at the park with her parents and initially thought she'd make a good friend for Lily due to her sitting quietly (which they thought was meditation). However, it turned out that she wasn't meditating, but rather soiling her diaper, and then she threw it at them, causing them to reject her as a friend for Lily.


She has light brown skin and darker brown dreadlocks and wears a white shirt and purple overalls.


She is very quiet, as she never made any vocal noises while soiling her diaper. Despite this, she is not serene and appears to be rather mischievous, as evidenced by her throwing her soiled diaper.


Propeller Hat Baby[]

The Propeller Hat Baby is a minor character in The Loud House, he only appeared in "Come Sale Away".


He appears during the sequence of the sisters selling more stuff than Lincoln, where he buys an acorn from Lily.


The Propeller Hat Baby is a reskin of Lily, except he has dark skin, freckles on his face, no eyelashes, and wears a multicolored propeller hat.


Come Sale Away[]

Twin Sisters[]

The Twin Sisters from "Raw Deal" are unnamed minor characters in The Loud House.


The twin sisters appeared in "Raw Deal" where they were at a gas station that The Loud Family visited. They disliked Lynn when she was cutting in line and told her "Back of the line, sister."


Both girls have blonde hair, lavender sweaters, purple skirts with square patterns on them, purple shoes, and white socks worn high. The one on the left is wearing a bunny logo sweater with her hair more open, so one can see her forehead. The other one on the right is wearing a kitten/cat logo sweater, with her hair more closed, which makes it hard to see her forehead.


  • Like Lana and Lola, they are both blonde, and they are both twins.


Unnamed Muddy Girl[]

The Unnamed Muddy Girl is a minor character in The Loud House.


She makes her first appearance in "Cover Girls" where she stands on top of a cliff. When Lana comes back disguised as Leni, the unnamed muddy girl and two other kids mistake Lana for a girly girl and forbid Lana from playing in the mud.

She is also one of the friends that Lana invited over in "Friendzy".


She has dark skin, with brown dreadlocks, three sets of eyelashes, and brown eyeshadow. She wears a lilac shirt, blue overalls just like Lana, and purple boots. Her skin and hair got recolored in "Friendzy".


Unnamed Brunette Girl[]

The Unnamed Brunette Girl is a minor character in The Loud House.


She makes her first appearance in "Sand Hassles" where she's one of the students in Cheryl Farrell's class in Royal Woods Elementary School, along with Lucy Loud and The Morticians Club.

She asked Lucy if she want to play with the other kids at the Lake St. Byron beach after she and the other kids were astonished at Lucy's unexpected volleyball move, but Lucy said that she can't, because she was looking for her bat, Fangs.

She was later seen a few times in the episode during the limbo scene with Cheryl and the other kids, including Lucy, and in the surfboard scene with Persephone and another girl near the end.

She later appeared the beginning of the short, Flippee Jingle, where she was by Flip's Food & Fuel, and was hot and thirsty, along with a blond girl, who also appeared in Sand Hassles, and a raven-haired girl, who offered some juice her mom gave her, but it was warm.


She has brown skin, with thick brunette hair pulled back, similar to Lynn Loud, but with pigtails on the back. She has freckles on her skin, and two sets of eyelashes.

In her debut episode, Sand Hassles, her beach attire consists of a light purple one-piece swimsuit with stripes of yellow, hot pink, and regular purple.

Her casual clothes in Flippee Jingle, consists of a red and white collared shirt with a blue skirt, with white socks, and dark-beige colored shoes.


Sand Hassles[]


Flippee Jingle[]


  • During her first appearance in Sand Hassles, her hair color is slightly off-colored. That was later corrected in the short, Flippee Jingle.

Lynn's acquaintance[]

Lynn's acquaintance is a girl who used to be good friends with Lynn in elementary school, but since middle school, they stopped hanging out and now Lynn no longer remembers her name.


In "Friends in Dry Places", Lynn showed Lincoln a photo of herself holding up her acquaintance at summer camp, but when Lincoln asked Lynn what the other girl's name was, she didn't know and told him that she doesn't know any of her elementary school friends anymore. This made Lincoln worry that he'd stop being friends with his friends, but they reassured him that they'd always be close.


Lynn's acquaintance has dark brown, curly hair that she wears in a bun, and tan skin. She is rather skinny. In the photo, she was wearing a white T-shirt with cyan trim, white socks, and blue sneakers.


  • Her name is not revealed, but Lynn thinks it may be Sherry or Shirley.

Wide Receiver 1[]

Wide Receiver 1 is a teenage girl who temporarily took Margo Roberts's place in Lynn's sports team.


When Lisa observed that Margo was only 4'11, she believed a taller player could make the team increase passing output. As such, she traded Margo for a lanky girl, who she nicknamed "Wide Receiver 1" due to not knowing the name. Lynn protested this, since she and Wide Receiver 1 didn't know each other and she was used to playing with friends.


Wide Receiver 1 is 6'4, with long thin legs. While her face is offscreen, she is shown to have curly, red hair.


Friday Night Fights[]

Allergic Woman[]

The allergic woman is a woman who appeared in "Shop Girl".


She is skinny and Caucasian, with a white face and wavy, shoulder-length, brown hair. She wears a white polo shirt, a blue sweater, blue jeans, and yellow hoop earrings.


After Leni bought a sweater, she gave it to this woman after hearing that she was allergic to most fabrics and had a hard time buying sweaters that didn't give her rashes. Later, the woman thanked Leni by waving at her.


This article is about the wrestling announcer in "Can't Lynn Em All". For the announcer introduced in "No Such Luck", see Travis.

The announcer is a minor character in The Loud House, who makes his first appearance in "Can't Lynn Em All". He is a sports commentator.


He is seen in "Can't Lynn Em All", providing commentary on the wrestling matches.


He is an overweight man who has dark brown hair. He also has eye-bags, a double chin, and a big nose. He can be seen wearing a white collared shirt with a green necktie, and a pink waistcoat embedded with diamonds.


Can't Lynn Them All[]

Biker Woman[]

Biker Woman is a minor character in The Loud House.


She made her first appearance in the episode "Can't Hardly Wait" dining with her biker gang. They later befriend Scoots.

She later appears in "Snoop's On" When they saw someone get caught turning off the light on the sign.


She has blonde hair with a pony tail, red lips and blue eyelids. She wears a blue helmet with goggles, black hair band, 2 sets of earrings, pair of bracelets, white shirt with a patch, blue coat, white belt, black skirt with a patch and black boots.


Can't Hardly Wait[]

Snoop's On[]



Tall Burly Man[]

The Tall Burly Man is an unnamed minor character in The Loud House.


He appears in "ARGGH! You for Real?" with the audience to see ARGGH!. When Lincoln and Clyde can't see the show, Clyde unknowingly puts his parascope into the man's ear. Noticing this, he angrily takes it out and breaks the parascope in half while growling at the boys. This incident may be the cause of why he can't hear the show or the audience's cheering later on.


He is a tall and burly man, with a similar body build to Albert Reynolds. He is bald and has a double chin. He wears a plain white T-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers. He also wears gray earrings.


He is an aggressive guy who doesn't like people messing with him.


ARGGH! You for Real?[]

Club Manager[]

The Club Manager is a minor character in The Loud House, who appeared in the episode "Roadie to Nowhere".


The Club Manager is a Hispanic woman with blue eyeshadow and red lipstick. She has black hair that is in a ponytail; it is held by a purple hair tie. She also has two golden loop earrings and a pearl earring with a gold bracelet. She has a purple shirt and a black skirt with a purple lightning streak. On the skirt is a white belt with yellow rhinestones. She has lavender tights with purple boots.

Coffee Store Manager[]

Coffee Store Manager is a minor character in The Loud House. She made her first appearance in the episode "The Write Stuff".


She is the manager and hostest off the Burnt Bean, which is a small, hipster coffee house in the "cool part" of the town of Fern Valley, where customers can not only enjoy coffee and other fresh-brewed beverages, but can also participate in poetry readings.

As of "Trouble Brewing", she has been replaced as manager by Beany Brewinski.


She is laid back, and pretty mellow.


She's a relative short, light-skinned woman, who has blonde hair with teal highlights that she wears in a pulled-back style, small hooped earrings, a gray t-shirt, dark jeans, and purple shoes.


  • Her design is actually a caricature of the show's former post-production supervisor, Amy Reynolds, with one major difference being Amy's caricature having purple and blue highlights in her hair, instead of teal.


The Write Stuff[]

The Taunting Hour[]

Prize Fighter[]

Hiccups and Downs[]


Behind the Scenes[]

Dine'n' Dance Waitress[]

The Dine'n' Dance waitress is a minor character. She first appears in "The Old and the Restless".


She first appeared in "The Old and the Restless" and appeared again in "Road Trip: Doll Day Afternoon".


She has red hair, styled into a ponytail, blue make-up, freckles, and wears dangling white earrings. She also wears a salmon pink dress with a white apron, and white lace.



The DJ is an unnamed minor character in The Loud House.


He first appeared in "Dance, Dance Resolution", as the DJ for the Sadie Hawkins Dance at the school.


He is a slim, tan skinned man that has brown hair, an early beard, and also has a small mole on his lower jaw. He wears a yellow jumper, a dark green beanie, a red bracelet, and red headphones.

DMV Examiner[]

The DMV Examiner is a minor character who first appeared in "Driver's Dread".


The examiner has had a history with Leni, having proctored at least one of her fourteen disastrous driving tests. It is unclear if she proctored Leni before or during the events of "Driving Miss Hazy".

In "Driver's Dread", she proctors Leni's fifteenth driving test, donning a crash test helmet upon realizing she is proctoring Leni once more. However, she finds that Leni has seemingly improved, driving, merging, and parking much more smoothly; in truth, Leni's "improvement" was Lisa modifying Vanzilla to be a self-driving vehicle. By the end, the examiner awards Leni with a driver's license.


Having proctored Leni before in past driving tests, the examiner has become cautious and nervous when proctoring Leni once more, wearing a helmet to ensure her own safety and speaking in a cautious tone. As the test goes on, she begins to notice Leni's "improvements" in driving, and is quick to happily congratulate Leni for "passing" the test. She seems to be completely oblivious to the fact that Vanzilla has been modified to self-drive.


Driver's Dread[]


The Exterminator is an unnamed minor character in The Loud House. He first appears in "Along Came a Sister" as an antagonist, where he is contacted by Lynn Sr. to exterminate Frank.


The Exterminator appears in "Along Came a Sister", having been contacted by Lynn Sr. to exterminate Frank. The Loud siblings and Clyde are able to outsmart him, but he corners Frank and sprays him, only for Leni to save the spider. She explains to the Exterminator that if he kills Frank, he will ruin Lincoln's reputation. The Exterminator says that she changed his life, though he made that up and left, leaving them with their bill for his service.

He later makes a cameo appearance in "Super-Switcherooni-verse", where he watches Muscle Fish chasing the runaway ball.


He takes his job as an exterminator very seriously. Although he simply tries to do his job, he is also sadistic, as when he was introduced, he mercilessly killed an innocent family of caterpillars.


The Exterminator is an overweight man with a large beard, and brown hair tied in a ponytail. He wears a dark blue suit with black gloves and boots. He carries a fumigator, which is attached to a spray gun. He also sports a pair of goggles on his forehead, and a white mask.


Along Came a Sister[]



The Farmer is an unnamed minor character in The Loud House. He is a resident of Royal Woods, and owns a large Hog.


His first appearance was in "Hand-Me-Downer", the farmer compliments Lincoln on his bike (which he calls a "nice hog"). Lincoln replies by saying, "You too!" (in reference to the farmer's actual hog).

He returns in "Intern for the Worse" as one of the people offering jobs for school kids at his farm.

In "Pulp Friction", he tows Vanzilla to get to the post office.

In "L is for Love", he is seen as a patron at Banger's & Mosh.

In "Health Kicked", he is seen judging the Royal Woods Ultra Extreme Ninja Competition in the Loud children's fantasy where Lynn Sr. and Rita were participating.

In "Mall of Duty", he can be seen waiting in line to get a Rip Hardcore survival guide signed.

In "Cow Pie Kid", he can be seen buying a dozen cow pies from Liam.


The farmer has brown hair and fair light skin. He wears a light blue shirt with long sleeves, a pair of dark blue overalls, brown shoes, and a green and white net cap (trucker cap).



Pulp Friction[]

L Is for Love[]

Health Kicked[]

Mall of Duty[]

Cow Pie Kid[]



Female Judge[]

Female Judge is a minor character in The Loud House.


She first appears in "Kings of the Con" as a contest judge where she judges contestants to see who wins the titular contest. She and her fellow judge get annoyed with Lincoln and Clyde's attempts to impress them.


She has brown hair with a puff, wears sets of gold earrings, teal green shirt, orange vest, a name tag, blue jeans and pink shoes.


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First Lady[]

The First Lady is a minor character in The Loud House. She first appeared in "Not a Loud". However, her face wasn't shown.


She and the President were the ones who helped Rita deliver Lincoln, since her husband, the President, passed out when he attempted to deliver.


The First Lady wears a pink turtleneck dress, a white beaded necklace, and long white gloves.

Jean Juan Host[]

The Jean Juan Host is a minor character in The Loud House.


She makes her first appearance in "Cooked!" where she is a host of Jean Juan French Mex.

She returns in "Write and Wrong" showing Jessie and her co-worker to a table.


She has a light skin, dark brown hair and has a mole on her cheek. She wore a red chapeau, white shirt with yellow buttons, red and yellow poncho, blue skirt and brown boots.



Write and Wrong[]

Much Ado About Noshing[]


Maître D'[]

The Maître D'Hôtel is a minor character in The Loud House, who makes his first appearance in "Love Me Tenor". He is a maître d' for Gus.


He's a tall light skin man with brown hair. He wears a gray suit with black shoes.


Love Me Tenor[]

Operation Dessert Storm Host[]

The Operation Dessert Storm Host is a minor character in The Loud House. He is seen in "Room with a Feud"


The host is a bald man with a long nose. He is wearing a black vest with a neon red shirt. He also has black pants with a simple belt.


All the Rage[]

The Mailman[]

The Mailman is an unnamed minor character in The Loud House.


The Mailman first appears in "11 Louds a Leapin'", where he delivers a present to Lori. While walking away, he ends up getting trapped in Lana's reindeer cage.


He is a short man with fair skin, a large black uni-brow, and a bushy brown mustache. He wears a blue mailman uniform, and carries a brown bag.


  • So far, he has only appeared in "11 Louds a Leapin'".
  • Along with the Delivery man in "Undie Pressure", that makes two delivery worker type characters who were voiced by Brian Stepanek.

Male Judge[]

The unnamed Male Judge is a minor character in The Loud House.


He first appears in "Kings of the Con" as a judge where he judges contestants to see who wins the titular contest. He and her fellow judge get annoyed with Lincoln and Clyde's attempts to impress them.


Info coming soon...


Kings of the Con[]

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Mall Cop Captain[]

The Mall Cop Captain is an unnamed minor character in The Loud House.


He is the captain of the mall security guards and Bobby's boss.

His first appearance is in "For Bros About to Rock". He keeps Lincoln and Clyde in custody in the mall jail after they were arrested by an undercover cop for buying scalp tickets for the SMOOCH concert. When Luna appears disguised as her mom to free the boys, the captain believes that she really is Lincoln's mother until Bobby gives her away which makes the captain arrest Luna.

After hearing Luna's flashback about her first concert, the captain is touched and he decides to let the three of them out. He also gives Lincoln and Clyde back their tickets and gives Luna a spare ticket for the concert but when the kids leave, the incarcerated Scoots flees. The captain pursues her and calls Bobby to help him to capture her but they can't as the captain gets preoccupied with Bobby's popcorn shrimp.

In "Cover Girls", he doesn't allow Leni enter the Mall because she wore dirty clothes.

In "11 Louds a Leapin'", he can be seen at the mall when Bobby is shopping for a Christmas gift for Lori.

In "Legends", he can be seen at the airport.


The captain is a round heavy man, with black hair, and a dark gray mustache. He wears a mall security guard uniform that consists of a navy blue police cap, white short sleeved shirt, black tie, navy blue pants with a black belt, and dark gray shoes. He also has a two-way radio to communicate with other guards.


For Bros About to Rock[]

Cover Girls[]

11 Louds a Leapin'[]


The Manager[]

The Manager is an unnamed minor character on The Loud House who runs the Super Mart.


He first appeared in "Cereal Offender", as the main antagonist. When Lincoln and his sisters arrived at Super Mart to do some grocery shopping for Rita, Bobby vouched for them as the Manager warned them that if they will be out on their keisters if they do any monkey business. Lincoln worked to keep the groceries at a budget while planning to get the Zombie Bran and keep his sisters out of trouble. When it came to the Bratty Kid causing trouble while also after the Zombie Bran, Lincoln had to avoid the Manager. This led to a crash that caused the Manager to catch the Bratty Kid which results in his mom getting thrown out. With Lincoln having gotten the Zombie Bran and the groceries, his sisters wanted a treat of their own and struggled with Lincoln causing him to crash into the display that Bobby set up. The Manager had them removed from the store for wrecking the display and the girls' brief fight with Lincoln. Rita was not pleased with the outcome and states to Lincoln and the girls that she will have to go grocery shopping in the next town over for a while.

The Manager returns in "Intern for the Worse", as one of the people offering internships for school kids at his store.


The manager is very strict about order in his store and aggressively makes his customers know that he doesn't tolerate people causing trouble. In "Cereal Offender", he called Lincoln and his sisters "hooligans" before they even did anything wrong and despite they just got here, meaning that he sees all customers as potential troublemakers. He threatened them saying that he would kick them out if they misbehave.

He becomes furious when his store gets messy and has an ugly tendency to treat people he disrespects like trash.


The manager is a tall and burly man, with dark skin, black short faux hawk hair, and a long mustache as well. He wears a cream long sleeved shirt, a white apron, a red bow tie with black spots, black pants, and brown shoes.


  • He solely refers to Bobby as "Boo-Boo Bear" and not once as his real name, presumably to mock him.


Cereal Offender[]


Mr. Universe[]

Mr. Universe is a minor character in The Loud House who first appeared in "Raw Deal".


Mr. Universe has blond hair, styled into a faux hawk, and he wears a red bow tie around his neck, a dark purple vest with the sleeves torn off, black pants, and brown shoes. He also has a white sash with his name on it.


  • So far, he has only appeared in "Raw Deal".

Park Ranger[]

The Park Ranger is an unnamed minor character in The Loud House. He first appeared in "Raw Deal", as the sole main antagonist.


The Park Ranger is shown to be willing to do anything for Grand Venture State Park in order save it from bankruptcy, to the point of performing dishonest actions, such as tricking Lisa into thinking she discovered a "dowl". He is a good actor, as he is able to flawlessly act like Lisa made a scientific discovery.


He is a fair skinned man, with black hair, and his sideburns reach all the way to the back of his ear. His clothes are a shade of asparagus green, and his hat is a shade of dark green. He wears a black tie, and a golden ranger badge on his right arm. His nose protrudes more than most other characters, and has three dark lines at the end, but this may just be shadowing.


  • He bares a resemblance to Ranger Smith, from the Hanna-Barbera Yogi Bear cartoons.
  • The Park Ranger references Smokey Bear's famous line "only you can prevent wildfires" when he talks about preventing fires.


Raw Deal[]

Police Officer[]

The Police Officer is an unnamed minor character in The Loud House.


The police officer first appears in "Driving Miss Hazy". After Leni went to the DMV to obtain her driving license, he brings her back to home because she refused to obey the speed limit, failed to use her turn signals, and redirected the test vehicle toward the mall, where she proceeded to hip-check and tackle Mrs. Jelinsky. He appears again in the same episode, accompanying Leni to the DMV's exit because she again failed her test, this time for driving on the wrong side of the road, neglecting to check her mirrors, and commenting on the driving instructor's weight, all because of Lori's secret sabotage.

The police officer makes a cameo in "Out on a Limo" controlling traffic, and when Lincoln and Tetherby's limousines are coming, he gives them free way.

In "Net Gains", the police officer busts Flip for ripping out the Royal Woods sign and gives him a ticket.

In "Friendzy", the police officer responds to a noise complaint and breaks up the fight between Lincoln, his sisters, and their friends. When he asks an approaching Lynn Sr. and Rita if they are the parents of the Loud children, they nod at him. The police officer gives them a $200 ticket for noise violation. As he leaves, the police officer tells them to try to control their kids as their house is in a nice neighborhood.

In "Any Given Sundae", a tan-skinned version of the police officer pulls Rita over when a route to Aunt Pam's Parlor because she has an expired registration. Not wanting to be late since the ice cream parlor is closing at 5:00 p.m. to give the scoopers a rest, Lily throws a block at the motorcycle's kickstand sending it down the hill. The police officer chases after it as Rita states that she'll take it as being let off with a warning.

In "Coupe Dreams", a brown-skinned version of the police officer appears as one of Lori's passengers.


The police officer is a tall burly man, with light fair skin, brown hair, and a brown mustache. He wears a police uniform that consists of a blue police cap, a blue short sleeved shirt, golden police badge, blue pants with a black belt, and black shoes. On his belt he has a pair of handcuffs. He also wears black aviators, as seen in "Driving Miss Hazy" and "Friendzy".


Driving Miss Hazy[]

Net Gains[]


Any Given Sundae[]

Coupe Dreams[]


The President is a minor character in The Loud House. He first appeared in "Not a Loud". However, his face wasn't shown.


Not much known about him, but when Rita was expecting Lincoln, Lynn Sr. drove her to the hospital, but Vanzilla broke down before they even got there. Then they got into the president's limo. The president tried to get Lincoln out, but he passed out, so the First Lady got him out. The reason Lincoln's parents never told him was that the president was going to his top secret safe house in Royal Woods, and they had to sign an agreement to never discuss it.


The President wears a blue tuxedo, a red tie, blue pants, and an American flag pin.

Record Store Owner[]

The Record Shop Owner is a minor character in The Loud House, who appeared in the episode "Roadie to Nowhere".


The Record Shop Owner is a tall man with bushy eyebrows. He has a big nose and wears glasses. He also has a mustache, brown hair in a ponytail with a red hair tie. He has a yellow sweater with a white T-shirt. He also has a green pin that says “Staff.”

Stage Manager[]

The Stage Manager is an unnamed minor character in The Loud House.


She is the one who manages the set on ARGGH!, and makes sure that everyone is ready with what they are supposed to do.


She is a very strict and blunt boss. She tends to yell at her workers when they don't work, and doesn't tolerate failure.


She is a slim, adult blonde haired woman with a pony tail, two pairs of eyelashes, and red lipstick. She wears a black cap and a black jumper. Her hair changes to orange in "Fool Me Twice".


ARGGH! You for Real?[]

Fool Me Twice[]

A Star is Scorned[]

Fright Bite[]

Stressed for the Part[]


Tetherby's butlers[]

Tetherby's Butlers are minor characters in the The Loud House and they are also butlers of Tetherby's Mansion. They only appeared in Out on a Limo.


They are tall, have the same hair style and one of them have dark tan skin and brunette hair and one of them have apricot skin, brown hair and a thin mustache. They wear tuxedos, white shirts, black neck ties, gray vests, white gloves, dark gray pants and black shoes.


Out on a Limo[]

Behind The Scenes[]


Tiger Mascot[]

The Tiger Mascot is a man in a tiger costume, who Lisa Loud traded Randall the Rooster for in "Friday Night Fights".


Lisa traded him for Randall the Rooster because she believed teams with cat-related mascots had better luck. Lynn was against this, feeling like the rooster mascot was a big part of the team.

Tough Guy[]

Tough Guy is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Mall of Duty"


The Tough Guy is an overweight man who wears a white tank top, green-brown shorts with a black belt, black-green boots. His left arm has a tattoo of a heart with a banner across.


Mall of Duty[]

Uncle Jack's Nephew[]

Uncle Jack's nephew is a minor character in The Loud House and The Casagrandes, who first appeared in "City Slickers".


He made his first appearance in "City Slickers" as one of the townspeople of Great Lakes City during Lori's fantasy of her city girl life. He also appears in the real sequence, where he tramples over her, accompanied by a big crowd.

In The Loud House Movie, he eats dinner at Lynn's Table. While the Loud sisters are having a group photo of them taken, he remarks how Lucy embalmed his late uncle, Jack, at the Junior Morticians' Death Match.


He is an elderly man with white hair on the sides of his head, square eyebrows, two moles on the right side of his head, large ears with non-attached earlobes, bags under his eyes, a long nose, and a long chin.

He wears a green sweater with yellow zig-zags and a white collar, dark gray (almost black) pants, and a brown fedora. He also has a light brown cane.

In The Loud House Movie, however, his sweater is red instead of green, but maintains the yellow zig-zags and white collar. He also is not depicted wearing his hat.


City Slickers[]

Face the Music with the Casagrandes[]

Finders Weepers[]

The Loud House Movie[]

Unnamed Brunette Haired Woman[]

The Unnamed Brunette Haired Woman is a minor character in The Loud House.


She made her first appearance in "Raw Deal" at a gas station waiting in line to use the bathroom.


She is a tall adult woman, with light fair skin, wide hips, two pairs of eyelashes, brunette, curly hair, a pair of white sunglasses, black earrings, a small jacket with a light yellow dress, and long, black boots.



Unnamed Brunette Woman[]

The Unnamed Brunette Woman is an unnamed minor character in The Loud House, who first appeared in "Cereal Offender". She later appeared in "Funny Business", with the unnamed woman, and the bratty kid's mom. She makes a cameo appearance in "The Old and the Restless", as a part of a crowd.


She has light fair skin, freckles, and brown hair, which is tied into a bun by a red band. She wears a lavender long sleeved shirt, indigo pants, brown boots, a salmon scarf, yellow earrings, and a yellow bracelet on her left wrist.


The brunette haired woman first appeared in "Cereal Offender", where she was scared, and said "Aah! There's a child in the frozen peas!".

She is friends with both the bratty kid's mom, and the unnamed woman, as seen in "Funny Business".

In "The Old and the Restless", she can be seen coming out of the baseball stadium.

In "No Laughing Matter", she is seen at the comedy club.

In "No Spoilers", she is seen attending Rita's birthday party.

In "Mall of Duty", she can be seen at the mall.

In "Fool Me Twice", she's at Banger's & Mosh when Lynn Sr.'s stunt double answers a question incorrectly.

In "Rita Her Rights", she was arguing with Rita because the latter was using two parking spaces to park Vanzilla.

In "Deal Me Out", she is seen at the Ace Savvy convention.

In "Shop Girl", she is seen ready for a blowout sale at Reininger's.

In "Tough Cookies", she is seen in Lincoln and Clyde's daydream.

In "Feast or Family", she is seen at the market.

In "Fright Bite", she is seen as the camerawoman next to the director when she yells "CUT!".


Cereal Offender[]

Funny Business[]

The Old and the Restless[]

No Laughing Matter[]

No Spoilers[]

Mall of Duty[]

Fool Me Twice[]

Rita Her Rights[]

Deal Me Out[]

Shop Girl[]

Tough Cookies[]

On Thin Ice[]

Feast or Family[]

How Double Dare You![]

Resident Upheaval[]

Fam Scam[]

Farm to Unstable[]

Fright Bite[]

Appetite for Destruction[]

Stressed for the Part[]

Behind the Scenes[]


Unnamed Elderly Man #1[]

Unnamed Elderly Man #1 is a minor character in the The Loud House.


He only appeared in "Changing the Baby" where he and Lincoln Loud were playing chess.


He has apricot skin, wrinkles, gray hair (no hair on top) and pink spots on his head. He wears a tan sweater with a white shirt underneath, brown pants and white shoes.

Unnamed Elderly Man #2[]

Unnamed Elderly Man #2 is a minor character in the The Loud House.


He only appeared in "Changing the Baby" where he and Lily Loud were playing chess, but then Lily won at chess and he lost at chess.


He has apricot skin, wrinkles, gray hair (no hair on top) and spots on his head. He wears a brown shirt with a maroon necktie and a baige shirt, brown pants with a belt and dark brown shoes.

Unnamed Great Lakes City Woman[]

Watch it!

—"Finders Weepers"

Unnamed Great Lakes City Woman is a unnamed minor character that appears in The Loud House and The Casagrandes.


She is a light-skinned blonde with short brown hair, a blue coat, a red button-up shirt, gray pants and tan boots.


  • She has various color palette.


The Loud House[]

City Slickers[]

Driving Ambition[]


Store Wars[]

Lucha Fever[]


Zach Attack[]

Farm to Unstable[]

Food Courting[]

You Auto Know Better[]

Great Lakes Freakout![]

Love Stinks[]

Too Cool for School[]


Can't Lynn Them All[]

A Dish Come True[]

There Will Be Mud[]

Love Me Tenor[]

Wild Goss Chase[]


The History of the Casagrandes[]

The Casagrandes[]

Going Overboard[]

Vacation Daze[]

Finders Weepers[]

Trend Game[]

Fast Feud[]

Never Friending Story[]

Grandparent Trap[]

Guess Who's Shopping for Dinner?[]

Uptown Funk[]

Bo Bo Business[]

Achy Breaky Art[]

Guilt Trip[]

Dynamic Do Over[]

Undivided Attention[]

Saving Face[]


Spin Off[]


Date with Destiny[]

For the Record[]

The Golden Curse[]

Race Against the Machine[]

My Fair Cat Lady[]

Survival of the Unfittest[]

Nixed Signals[]

Salvador Doggy[]

The Sound of Meddle[]

Alpaca Lies[]

The Loud House Movie[]

The Casagrandes Movie[]

Behind the scenes[]





Unnamed Woman[]

The Unnamed Woman is an unnamed minor character in The Loud House, who first appeared in "Come Sale Away".


She is an overweight woman, with fair skin, and dark red hair. She wears a blue-gray sweater over a white blouse, brown khakis, and dark gray slip-on shoes.


She first appears in "Come Sale Away". While the kids were all having a contest to see who can get Lily's blanket back first when they thought they accidentally sold it, Luna and Lola ask her if she bought it, and she claims that she didn't, and instead purchased a vacuum cleaner that was broken, and covered her in dust. She then demands a refund, while Luna and Lola blame each other for selling it to her.

She later reappears in "Funny Business" at a birthday party with the Bratty Kid's mom, where she is thoroughly entertained by Lincoln's pratfalls. She tries to be cool by saying "LOL", which she learned the meaning of, much to the other moms' annoyance. When Lincoln's act fails at Maggie's party, she decides not to book Funny Business, Inc. until she sees him and Luan perform pantomime together, thus reconsidering her decision along with the other guests' parents.

She makes a cameo in "The Old and the Restless" as one of the spectators coming out of the ballpark when Albert gets thrown out.

She also makes a cameo in "Kick the Bucket List", where she waits in line to get a ticket for Dairyland.

She reappears again in "L is for Love" at Banger's & Mosh, where she, along with the other restaurant patrons, thinks Lynn Sr. is going to buy dinner for everyone in the restaurant and is disappointed when finding out he just meant his family.

She cameos in "ARGGH! You for Real?", where she watches the live events at the cemetery house.

She cameos in "Health Kicked" outside the Royal Woods Arena.

In "Legends", she, along with the rest of the airport attendants, applaud Lincoln and Lynn Sr. for their performance on Legends of the Hidden Temple, despite their loss.

In "Snow Way Out", she came to Bobbie Fletcher's contest at Burpin' Burger, and left when the weather was getting bad.


Come Sale Away[]

Funny Business[]

11 Louds a Leapin'[]

The Old and the Restless[]

Kick the Bucket List[]

L is for Love[]

ARGGH! You for Real?[]

Health Kicked[]


Mall of Duty[]

Snow Way Out[]

Scales of Justice[]


Any Given Sundae[]

Good Sports[]




The waitress is a minor character.


She has her first speaking role in "Back Out There", when she announces the menu at "Gus' Games and Grub".

In "No Laughing Matter", the Waitress appears as a worker at the Chortle Portal.

In "Snow Way Out" the Waitress appears as a customer at the Burpin' Burger.

In "Schooled!", the Waitress is seen in line among the people waiting to get into Canada.


She has short brown hair, red lipstick, and wears dangling white earrings. In "The Old and the Restless", she wears a salmon pink dress with a white apron, and white lace.

In "Back Out There", she wears a Gus' Games and Grub uniform. The uniform has multiple colors on it. The colors consist of green, golden yellow, white, and red. She has red shorts and pulled up red sleeves.

In "No Laughing Matter", she wears The Chortle Portal uniform in form of a crimson dress.

In "Snow Way Out", she can been seen as a costumer in her yellow coat, blue pants, and yellow boots.

In "Schooled!", she can been seen waiting in line to go into Canada with instead a navy blue coat with dark blue pants and red boots.

In "Season's Cheatings", she can been seen waiting in line at Burpin' Burger.


v - e - d The Loud House characters