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Lechonk (Japanese: グルトン, HepburnGuruton) (leh-CHAHNK[1]) is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IX.



Lechonk is a small, plump, black swine-like Pokémon with brown patches on the tips of its ears and on its face with yellow tear-like markings beneath its eyes. It has a large triangular pink snout and small pink hooves.


Lechonk uses its sense of smell to find and eat only the most fragrant wild grasses and the richest Berries. As a result of its dining habits, it has come to radiate an aroma resembling herbs that bug Pokémon dislike. If attacked by an opponent and startled, it will charge forward in a panic.​ It may appear fat at first glance, but in reality, the Pokémon’s body is mostly muscle built by constantly walking around in search of food.

Natural Abilities[]

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Lechonk evolves into Oinkologne at level 18.

Game Info[]


Version(s) Area(s) Rarity

Pokédex entries[]

  • Scarlet

    It searches for food all day. It possesses a keen sense of smell but doesn’t use it for anything other than foraging.

  • Violet

    This Pokémon spurns all but the finest of foods. Its body gives off an herblike scent that bug Pokémon detest.


Sp. Atk
Sp. Def



Generation IX
Level Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
1 Tackle Type Normal Physical 40 100% 35
1 Tail Whip Type Normal Status - 100% 30
5 Disarming Voice Type Fairy Special 40 -% 15
8 Echoed Voice Type Normal Special 40 100% 15
12 Mud Shot Type Ground Special 55 95% 15
15 Covet Type Normal Physical 60 100% 25
17 Dig Type Ground Physical 80 100% 10
21 Headbutt Type Normal Physical 70 100% 15
24 Yawn Type Normal Status - -% 10
27 Take Down Type Normal Physical 90 85% 20
30 Work Up Type Normal Status - -% 30
32 Uproar Type Normal Special 90 100% 10
35 Double-Edge Type Normal Physical 120 100% 15
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.


Generation IX
Machine Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
TM001 Take Down Type Normal Physical 90 85% 20
TM005 Mud-Slap Type Ground Special 20 100% 10
TM007 Protect Type Normal Status - -% 10
TM018 Thief Type Dark Physical 60 100% 25
TM019 Disarming Voice Type Fairy Special 40 -% 15
TM020 Trailblaze Type Grass Physical 50 100% 20
TM022 Chilling Water Type Water Special 50 100% 20
TM025 Facade Type Normal Physical 70 100% 20
TM028 Bulldoze Type Ground Physical 60 100% 20
TM035 Mud Shot Type Ground Special 55 95% 15
TM047 Endure Type Normal Status - -% 10
TM049 Sunny Day Type Fire Status - -% 5
TM050 Rain Dance Type Water Status - -% 5
TM055 Dig Type Ground Physical 80 100% 10
TM056 Bullet Seed Type Grass Physical 25 100% 30
TM059 Zen Headbutt Type Psychic Physical 80 90% 15
TM066 Body Slam Type Normal Physical 85 100% 15
TM070 Sleep Talk Type Normal Status - -% 10
TM071 Seed Bomb Type Grass Physical 80 100% 15
TM085 Rest Type Psychic Status - -% 5
TM099 Iron Head Type Steel Physical 80 100% 15
TM103 Substitute Type Normal Status - -% 10
TM117 Hyper Voice Type Normal Special 90 100% 10
TM127 Play Rough Type Fairy Physical 90 90% 10
TM130 Helping Hand Type Normal Status - -% 20
TM171 Tera Blast Type Normal Special 80 100% 10
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.


Generation IX
Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Endeavor Type Normal Physical - 100% 5
Parent Candidates:
Spit Up Type Normal Special - 100% 10
Parent Candidates:
Stockpile Type Normal Status - -% 20
Parent Candidates:
Stuff Cheeks Type Normal Status - -% 10
Parent Candidates:
Swallow Type Normal Status - -% 10
Parent Candidates:
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
* indicates this move requires chain breeding.
◊ indicates the father must learn this move in a previous generation.
♈ indicates the father must learn this move via TM.


Generation IX
Games Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.



    • Lechonk and female Oinkologne are the only Pokémon that can have Aroma Veil as a Regular Ability instead of a Hidden Ability.
    • Despite its chubby appearance being stated to be due to muscle rather than fat, Lechonk can still have the ability Thick Fat.


    Lechonk appears to be based on a young Black Iberian pig, a breed of domestic pig that is often herded in the Iberian Peninsula. It also resembles a piggy bank.


    Lechonk may originate from lechón, the Spanish word for "suckling pig" or "piglet", "oink", the onomatopoeia for a pig's cry, and "chonk", a slang term used for fat but cute animals.

    Guruton may originate from "glutton", "ton", and ton, the Japanese word for "pig".

    Other languages[]


    1. ^ Silvestri, Cris (2024). Pokémon Super Duper Extra Deluxe Essential Handbook [Book]. p. 304. Scholastic. ISBN 978-1-339-02801-9.