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Pokémon Wiki

Iron Boulder (Japanese: テツノイワオ, HepburnTetsunoiwao) is a Rock/Psychic-type Paradox Pokémon introduced in Generation IX.



Sharing traits with Terrakion, Iron Boulder, like the other Paradox Pokémon exclusive to Pokémon Violet, has a physicality similar to a robot. The silver luster on its body implies it is made of metal. It has orangeish-yellow highlights on its forehead, horns, and legs. Its cry is exactly the same as the Pokémon it originated from, albeit with a futuristic reverb at the end.


This Pokémon, since it is only found in Area Zero as a result of the Zero Lab's time machine, is very unfamiliar of the outside world. Like the other Paradox Pokémon, it may act extremely hostile toward anything it has never seen before, like humans.

Natural Abilities[]

Like the other Pokémon Violet-exclusive Paradox Pokémon, Iron Boulder's Ability is Quark Drive. This Ability increases the user's highest stat if Electric Terrain is active. Additionally, the Ability will also activate from holding the Booster Energy item in battle. The effect ends when the Electric Terrain fades or when the Pokémon is withdrawn from battle.


Iron Boulder has no evolutionary family.

Game Info[]


Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet Area Zero

Pokédex entries[]

Pokémon Scarlet It resembles a Pokémon described in a dubious magazine as a Terrakion that had been modified by an evil organization.'
Pokémon Violet It was named after a mysterious object recorded in an old book. Its body seems to be metallic.'


Sp. Atk
Sp. Def



1Horn Attack 65 100% 25Type Normal HOME  NormalPhysical move HOME  Physical
1Leer - 100% 30Type Normal HOME  NormalStatus move HOME  Status
1Rock Throw 50 90% 15Type Rock HOME  RockPhysical move HOME  Physical
1Electric Terrain - -% 10Type Electric HOME  ElectricStatus move HOME  Status
7Quick Attack 40 100% 30Type Normal HOME  NormalPhysical move HOME  Physical
14Slash 70 100% 20Type Normal HOME  NormalPhysical move HOME  Physical
21Agility - -% 30Type Psychic HOME  PsychicStatus move HOME  Status
28Psycho Cut 70 100% 20Type Psychic HOME  PsychicPhysical move HOME  Physical
35Counter - 100% 20Type Fighting HOME  FightingPhysical move HOME  Physical
42Rock Tomb 60 95% 15Type Rock HOME  RockPhysical move HOME  Physical
49Sacred Sword 90 100% 15Type Fighting HOME  FightingPhysical move HOME  Physical
56Mighty Cleave 95 100% 5Type Rock HOME  RockPhysical move HOME  Physical
63Swords Dance - -% 20Type Normal HOME  NormalStatus move HOME  Status
70Megahorn 120 85% 10Type Bug HOME  BugPhysical move HOME  Physical
77Quick Guard - -% 15Type Fighting HOME  FightingStatus move HOME  Status
84Stone Edge 100 80% 5Type Rock HOME  RockPhysical move HOME  Physical
91Giga Impact 150 90% 5Type Normal HOME  NormalSpecial move HOME  Special


TM001Take Down 90 85% 20Type Normal HOME  NormalPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM004Agility - -% 30Type Psychic HOME  PsychicStatus move HOME  Status
TM006Scary Face - 100% 10Type Normal HOME  NormalStatus move HOME  Status
TM007Protect - -% 10Type Normal HOME  NormalStatus move HOME  Status
TM025Facade 70 100% 20Type Normal HOME  NormalPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM027Aerial Ace 60 -% 20Type Flying HOME  FlyingPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM028Bulldoze 60 100% 20Type Ground HOME  GroundPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM036Rock Tomb 60 95% 15Type Rock HOME  RockPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM047Endure - -% 10Type Normal HOME  NormalStatus move HOME  Status
TM051Sandstorm - -% 10Type Rock HOME  RockStatus move HOME  Status
TM054Psyshock 80 100% 10Type Psychic HOME  PsychicSpecial move HOME  Special
TM058Brick Break 75 100% 15Type Fighting HOME  FightingPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM059Zen Headbutt 80 90% 15Type Psychic HOME  PsychicPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM065Air Slash 75 95% 15Type Flying HOME  FlyingSpecial move HOME  Special
TM066Body Slam 85 100% 15Type Normal HOME  NormalPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM070Sleep Talk - -% 10Type Normal HOME  NormalStatus move HOME  Status
TM076Rock Blast 25 90% 10Type Rock HOME  RockPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM083Poison Jab 80 100% 20Type Poison HOME  PoisonPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM085Rest - -% 5Type Psychic HOME  PsychicStatus move HOME  Status
TM087Taunt - 100% 20Type Dark HOME  DarkStatus move HOME  Status
TM088Swords Dance - -% 10Type Normal HOME  NormalStatus move HOME  Status
TM099Iron Head 80 100% 15Type Steel HOME  SteelPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM103Substitute - -% 10Type Normal HOME  NormalStatus move HOME  Status
TM104Iron Defense - -% 15Type Steel HOME  SteelStatus move HOME  Status
TM105X-Scissor 80 100% 15Type Bug HOME  BugPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM120Psychic 90 100% 10Type Psychic HOME  PsychicSpecial move HOME  Special
TM136Electric Terrain - -% 10Type Electric HOME  ElectricStatus move HOME  Status
TM147Wild Charge 90 100% 10Type Electric HOME  ElectricPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM149Earthquake 100 100% 10Type Ground HOME  GroundPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM150Stone Edge 100 80% 5Type Rock HOME  RockPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM152Giga Impact 150 90% 5Type Normal HOME  NormalPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM163Hyper Beam 150 90% 5Type Normal HOME  NormalSpecial move HOME  Special
TM167Close Combat 120 100% 5Type Fighting HOME  FightingPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM171Tera Blast 80 100% 10Type Normal HOME  NormalSpecial move HOME  Special
TM190Solar Blade 125 100% 10Type Grass HOME  GrassPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM204Double-Edge 120 100% 15Type Normal HOME  NormalPhysical move HOME  Physical
TM220Meteor Beam 120 90% 10Type Rock HOME  RockSpecial move HOME  Special
TM221Throat Chop 80 100% 15Type Dark HOME  DarkPhysical move HOME  Physical





    • Iron Boulder is the first Pokémon since the introduction of Lunatone and Solrock to have the Rock and Psychic type combination.
    • Iron Boulder, along with Iron Leaves and Iron Crown, are likely speculated to outrival the Swords of Justice, as the original three are all Fighting-type Pokémon, making them weak against the Psychic-type Paradox copies.


    • Iron Boulder is a futuristic counterpart to Terrakion.


