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Bruxish (Japanese: ハギギシリ, HepburnHagigishiri) (BRUCK-sish[1]) is a water/psychic-type Pokémon introduced in Generation VII.



Bruxish is a fish-like Pokémon with tropical colors on its body and sharp teeth.


Bruxish dig holes into the sand in the waters of warm coral reefs. They bury themselves and leave only their knobby protuberances exposed. These growths emit low levels of psychokinetic energy that allow Bruxish to sense living things around them, functioning much like radars. When they detect prey, they unearth themselves and attack. Bruxish then stun their victims with psychokinesis before using their hard teeth to grind away. When they molar their teeth, other Pokémon will know that is a hint of danger and flee away.

Their thick skin additionally keeps them safe from the latter, making them keystone predators in Corsola reefs as they regulate Mareanie populations.

Bruxish are also known for competing with Toxapex over warmer oceanic areas, which they tend to outgun Toxapex due to their own type advantages.

Natural abilities[]

When Bruxish emit psychic powers by grinding their teeth with great force to stimulate their brains, their protuberances "bloom" and resemble flowers. Exposure to their abilities can cause headaches and eventually fainting. Their teeth are strong enough to pulverize the shells and spikes of Shellder and Mareanie. They also have a very thick skin for protecting themselves.

Game info[]


Version(s) Area(s) Rarity
Sun and Moon Route 13, Route 14, Route 15, Secluded Shore Rare

Pokédex entries[]

  • Sun

    When it unleashes its psychic power from the protuberance on its head, the grating sound of grinding teeth echoes through the area.

  • Moon

    It stuns its prey with psychokinesis and then grinds them to mush with its strong teeth. Even Shellder’s shell is no match for it.

  • Ultra Sun

    It burrows beneath the sand, radiating psychic power from the protuberance on its head. It waits for prey as it surveys the area.

  • Ultra Moon

    Its skin is thick enough to fend off Mareanie's spikes. With its robust teeth, Bruxish crunches up the spikes and eats them.


Sp. Atk
Sp. Def



LevelingGeneration VII
Level Move Power Accuracy PP Type Cat.
1 Water Gun 40 100% 25 Type Water HOME Water Special
4 Astonish 30 100% 15 Type Ghost HOME Ghost Physical
9 Confusion 50 100% 25 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Special
12 Bite 60 100% 25 Type Dark HOME Dark Physical
17 Aqua Jet 40 100% 20 Type Water HOME Water Physical
20 Disable —% 20 Type Ghost HOME Ghost Status
25 Psywave —% 15 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Special
28 Crunch 80 100% 15 Type Dark HOME Dark Physical
33 Aqua Tail 90 90% 10 Type Water HOME Water Physical
36 Screech 85% 40 Type Normal HOME Normal Status
41 Psychic Fangs 85 100% 10 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Physical
44 Synchronoise 120 100% 10 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Special
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.


TMs, TRs, and HMs Generation VII
TM/HM/TR Move Power Accuracy PP Type Cat.
TM04 Calm Mind —% 20 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Status
TM06 Toxic 90% 10 Type Poison HOME Poison Status
TM08 Bulk Up —% 20 Type Fighting HOME Fighting Status
TM09 Venoshock 65 100% 10 Type Poison HOME Poison Special
TM10 Hidden Power 60 100% 15 Type Normal HOME Normal Special
TM12 Taunt —% 20 Type Dark HOME Dark Status
TM13 Ice Beam 90 100% 10 Type Ice HOME Ice Special
TM14 Blizzard 110 70% 5 Type Ice HOME Ice Special
TM16 Light Screen —% 30 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Status
TM17 Protect —% 10 Type Normal HOME Normal Status
TM18 Rain Dance —% 5 Type Water HOME Water Status
TM20 Safeguard —% 25 Type Normal HOME Normal Status
TM21 Frustration 100% 20 Type Normal HOME Normal Physical
TM27 Return 100% 20 Type Normal HOME Normal Physical
TM29 Psychic 90 100% 10 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Special
TM32 Double Team —% 15 Type Normal HOME Normal Status
TM33 Reflect —% 20 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Status
TM40 Aerial Ace 60 —% 20 Type Flying HOME Flying Physical
TM41 Torment 100% 15 Type Dark HOME Dark Status
TM42 Facade 70 100% 20 Type Normal HOME Normal Physical
TM44 Rest —% 10 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Status
TM45 Attract 100% 15 Type Normal HOME Normal Status
TM48 Round 60 100% 15 Type Normal HOME Normal Special
TM55 Scald 80 100% 15 Type Water HOME Water Special
TM56 Fling 100% 10 Type Dark HOME Dark Physical
TM63 Embargo 100% 15 Type Dark HOME Dark Status
TM66 Payback 50 100% 10 Type Dark HOME Dark Physical
TM68 Giga Impact 150 90% 5 Type Normal HOME Normal Physical
TM75 Swords Dance —% 20 Type Normal HOME Normal Status
TM79 Frost Breath 60 90% 10 Type Ice HOME Ice Special
TM85 Dream Eater 100 100% 15 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Special
TM87 Swagger 85% 15 Type Normal HOME Normal Status
TM88 Sleep Talk —% 10 Type Normal HOME Normal Status
TM90 Substitute —% 10 Type Normal HOME Normal Status
TM92 Trick Room 100% 5 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Status
TM94 Surf 90 100% 15 Type Water HOME Water Special
TM98 Waterfall 80 100% 15 Type Water HOME Water Physical
TM100 Confide —% 20 Type Normal HOME Normal Status
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.


Breeding Generation VII
Move Father Power Accuracy PP Type Category
Ice Fang Gyarados, Carvanha, Sharpedo 65 95% 15 Type Ice HOME Ice Physical
Poison Fang Carvanha, Sharpedo 50 100% 15 Type Poison HOME Poison Physical
Rage Carvanha, Sharpedo 20 100% 20 Type Normal HOME Normal Physical
Water Pulse Goldeen, Seaking, Remoraid, Wailmer, Wailord, Barboach, Whiscash, Luvdisc, Finneon, Lumineon, Alomomola 60 100% 20 Type Water HOME Water Special

Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
* indicates this move requires chain breeding.
◊ indicates the father must learn this move in a previous generation.
♈ indicates the father must learn this move via a TM.


Tutoring Generation VII
Move Power Accuracy PP Type Cat.
After You USUM —% 15 Type Normal HOME Normal Status
Ally Switch USUM —% 15 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Status
Aqua Tail USUM 90 90% 10 Type Water HOME Water Physical
Iron Tail USUM 100 75% 15 Type Steel HOME Steel Physical
Liquidation USUM 85 100% 10 Type Water HOME Water Physical
Magic Coat USUM —% 15 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Status
Magic Room USUM —% 10 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Status
Pain Split USUM —% 20 Type Normal HOME Normal Status
Signal Beam USUM 75 100% 15 Type Bug HOME Bug Special
Snatch USUM —% 10 Type Dark HOME Dark Status
Snore USUM 50 100% 15 Type Normal HOME Normal Special
Telekinesis USUM —% 15 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Status
Uproar USUM 90 100% 10 Type Normal HOME Normal Special
Water Pulse USUM 60 100% 20 Type Water HOME Water Special
Wonder Room USUM —% 10 Type Psychic HOME Psychic Status
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.



    Goh Bruxish

    Goh's Bruxish.


    • Bruxish is the only Water/Psychic Pokémon whose name does not start with the letter 'S'.


    Bruxish is based on a Picasso triggerfish (humuhumunukunukuapua'a in Hawaiian), the state fish of Hawaii, with it having similar bright colors and the same sharp teeth. Bruxish being a Psychic-type may refer to the fact that art (as it's based on the Picasso triggerfish) is often considered an intellectual field or may refer to its bright, psychedelic colors.


    Bruxish comes from bruxism (the act of gnashing teeth) and fish.

    Names in other languages[]

    • English:


    1. ^ Silvestri, Cris (2018). Pokémon: Super Deluxe Essential Handbook [Book]. p. 64. Scholastic. ISBN 978-1338230895.