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"The Mario Monster Mash" is the sixth live-action segment of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!. It is paired with the episode "Rolling Down the River."


In Mario Brothers Plumbing, Mario and Luigi are unpacking the belongings of their new neighbor from Transylvania, Dr. Frank N. Stein. As they unpack, Mario and Luigi realize that their new neighbor is actually Dr. Frankenstein, who suddenly appears after Mario and Luigi have a brief blackout, with his monster bursting out of a crate shortly afterwards.

After Dr, Frankenstein and his monster make their dramatic introductions, Dr. Frankenstein tells Mario and Luigi, who he has strap his monster to a table, that he has promised his monster a new brain. After saying this, Dr. Frankenstein tells Mario that his brain would be perfect for the monster, but Mario manages to convince Dr. Frankenstein not to use his brain, getting him to leave with Luigi to search for another brain in Brooklyn. With Dr. Frankenstein and Luigi gone, a tired Mario decides to take a nap on a table near the monster. As Mario sleeps, the monster, pulling on arm loose from its bonds, pulls a nearby switch, which blasts the monster and Mario with electricity.

When Luigi and Dr. Frankenstein return to the apartment, they find that the monster and Mario have switched brains. As Luigi begins trying to convince Dr. Frankenstein to return Mario and the monster to normal, the doctor himself sees that his brain transference machine is out of power. Despite this, Dr. Frankenstein manages to switch Mario and the monster's brains to their own bodies by simply whacking them on the head with a frying pan. As Luigi comforts a confused Mario, Dr. Frankenstein and the monster leave, with the doctor feeling sorry for monster, who had to have such a "horrible" brain in its head.
