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For King Koopa's alias used in the episode, see Count Koopula (alias).

"Count Koopula" is the fifteenth animated episode of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!. It is paired with the live-action segment "Magician."


For no given reason, Mario, Luigi, Princess Toadstool, and Toad arrive in Turtlevania. Rain is pouring hard and the group is desperately looking for a place to stay the night. Unbeknownst to them, Bowser, currently a vampire called Count Koopula, sees the group coming and orders his servant Mouser (called Mousigor) to prepare rooms for his approaching enemies. He then sends out a Tweeter-bat to lure the Marios to his castle. Meanwhile, Mario, feeling hungry, decides to eat his leftover spaghetti. Luigi begs him for some and Mario finally consents after Princess Peach urges him to. Unfortunately, the Tweeter shows up and takes the spaghetti, leading the group to give chase and find the castle.

Luigi is afraid of what will be found but Mario still rings the doorbell. Mousigor answers and agrees to give them rooms. Each member of the group gets his or her own room, except the Marios, who have to share a room. Toad is suspicious of his room when Mousigor shoves him in, at the same time reealing he knows Toad's name. Toad figures out who he is, but is unfortunately still locked in his room. In the Marios' room, Mario is still hungry and gets out his emergency supply of ravioli (which, as Luigi points out, looks identical to the stolen spaghetti box). Before he can eat it, however, another Tweeter-bat drops from the ceiling and sucks all the tomato sauce from the pasta. Mario now believes Luigi was right about vampires being in the castle.

Back in his room, Toad discovers a secret passage out, and collects the Marios. But when they try to free the Princess, Count Koopula shows up, declaring them to be his dinner. The group still manages to escape into the basement, where Mario finds several jars of tomato sauce, but not before Peach saves them all from a group of giant Snifit-faced spiders. While the group contemplates its next move, Count Koopula takes several Koopa Troopas out to gaze at the full moon. They turn into werewolf-like creatures.

Toad manages to foil their attack and the group escapes even deeper into the castle. There, they find a group of zombie Goombas making tomato sauce. The group resolves to sneak past, but Mario feels compelled to taste the sauce. He comments that the sauce needs garlic and blows their cover. Count Koopula appears with more werewolf-Troopas and captures the group. He vows "to initate [Peach] into the Loyal Brotherhood of Tomato Sauce Vampires" and the rest of the group is subjected to torture.

Once again Toad manages to save the group. His torture is the stretch rack, which he claims he cannot take any more of. Mousigor cruelly decides to stretch Toad even further and breaks the machine. The group escapes and eats garlic to protect themselves from the vampires (hence why there was no garlic in the tomato sauce the Goombas were making). They arrive just in time to save the Princess. Between Mario's garlic breath and sunlight pouring in from the window, they manage to drive Count Koopula away. When they leave, Mario gets out his spare cannelloni and finally gets to eat.


  • Princess Toadstool is revealed to hate tomatoes.
  • In one scene, Toad's vest turns black.
  • Even though Count Koopula claims to hate sunlight, he flies out as a bat into sunlight sky and has no ill effect.
  • When the bat eats Mario's ravioli, Mario claims that it only ate the sauce but the box is shown to be empty.
  • While Mario claims that he is eating cannelloni at the end, the dish doesn't look anything like that kind of pasta.

