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"Texas Tea" is the forty-fourth live-action segment of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!. It is paired with the animated episode "The Trojan Koopa."


Mario and Luigi are having a hard time as there is no work for them and they are broke. Mario is afraid they'll have to cut back on their over eating. He tells Luigi to get him a tomato from the tomato garden (not the garden in the bathtub). Luigi pulls up a tomato plant and suddenly finds oil spurting from underneath it. Suddenly, a man in old fashioned southern clothing enters and introduces himself as Ted Bull, President of Bull Oil Company he tells the Marios that he wants to make a deal that they'd be "loco to pass up."

The Marios sit in their basement with expensive clothing enjoying their new life style. Luigi mentions that they haven't yet been paid and the bills are piling up but he decides to forget it. Unfortunately, the oil well dries up and all their expensive packages are taken back. Ted Bull leaves and tells them that if they strike oil again just call him. After the guests are gone Edison pops up and tells the Marios that he fixed their leaky oil pipe.
