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Dark Sage

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Dark Sage

Ss fe10 pelleas dark sage.png
Pelleas as a Dark Sage in Radiant Dawn.

The king of Daein. He is a master of dark magic's enigmas and can also wield lightning magic.

Unit type(s)



Dark, Thunder



The Dark Sage (Japanese: 闇の賢者ダークセイジ Dark Sage) is an advanced magical class which is exclusive to Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. It is a variant of the common Sage class with unique access to dark magic, and is exclusive to the character Pelleas. The class is one of Radiant Dawn's element-specialized versions of the Sage class of other Fire Emblem series games, along with the Fire Sage, Thunder Sage, Wind Sage and Light Sage, and it specializes in dark magic while also being able to use thunder magic.

As one of only three playable classes and two playable units in Radiant Dawn which can use dark magic, Pelleas has a unique advantage as a Dark Sage. The class's stats are very similar to the other Sage classes (and identical to the Thunder Sage), with high magic, skill and speed, and as a result deals in pure magical offense which is improved by the superior raw power of dark tomes. However, in addition to the traditional frailty of Sages, The class is hindered by the sheer weight of dark tomes, the heaviest of all magic types, and a lack of enough strength to work around this.

The Dark Sage's promoted form is the Arch Sage, specifically an individual variant which gains access to staves in addition to the Dark Sage's thunder and dark magic. There is no base equivalent of this class anywhere in the game; in fact, no base classes are able to use dark magic at all. Also, although there are dark magic-wielding enemies in Radiant Dawn, they use the Druid class rather than the Dark Sage.


Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Radiant Dawn 29 11 18 16 15 0 10 14 6 10 Thunder magic C Dark magic B

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Radiant Dawn 40 15 26 23 24 30 17 23 20 99 Thunder magic A Dark magic S

Miscellaneous stats

Game Experience CRP Gold Weight mod. Capacity Vision Size
Radiant Dawn -- -- -- +0 30 3 --

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
Radiant Dawn 50% 10% 35% 25% 35% 50% 25% 35% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Class skills

Game Skill Learning conditions
Radiant Dawn Shove Innate.

Class change

Radiant Dawn

Advanced class Promotion method Master class
Dark Sage Using a Master Crown after reaching level 10, or reaching level 21. Arch Sage

Playable Dark Sages

Playable units
Name Game
Pelleas Radiant Dawn
Playable Dark Sage units in the Fire Emblem series.

Flavor text

Game Text
Radiant Dawn
(class roll)
Sages who have mastered the
complexities of dark magic.
Radiant Dawn
The king of Daein. He is a master
of dark magic's enigmas and
can also wield lightning magic.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Dark Sage




Officially romanized as Dark Sage. In Radiant Dawn, all Japanese class names are spelled primarily in kanji (i.e. 闇の賢者), with a foreign-language name in katakana applied as furigana (i.e. ダークセイジ) and used as the basis for the romanized name in the class roll.


Sabio Oscuro

Dark Sage


Sage nuit

Night sage





Saggio buio

Dark sage



See also

Project Classes.png This article is part of Project Classes, a project focused in writing articles for every class present in the Fire Emblem series.
Classes in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Base classes ArcherArmored AxeArmored LanceArmored SwordAxe KnightBanditBow KnightCitizenDracoknightFighterFire MageHorseLance KnightLight MageMyrmidonPegasus KnightPilgrimPriestSoldierSword KnightThiefThunder MageVendorWind Mage
Advanced classes Axe GeneralAxe PaladinBishopBlade PaladinBow PaladinClericDark SageDragonmasterDruidFalconknightFire SageHalberdierHeroLance GeneralLance PaladinLight SageRogueSniperSword GeneralSwordmasterThunder SageWarriorWind Sage
Master classes Arch SageAssassinBlack KnightChancellorDragonlordEmpressGold KnightLight PriestessMarksmanMarshallOrder IncarnateQueenReaverSaintSentinelSeraph KnightSilver KnightSpiritSummonerTruebladeValkyrieVanguardWhisper
Laguz classes Beast Tribe (CatLionLion KingTigerWolfWolf Queen) • Bird Tribe (HawkHawk KingHeronRavenRaven King) • Dragon Tribe (Black DragonRed DragonWhite Dragon)