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Generic portrait pirate fe12.png

Freebooters who carry axes, like fighters. Tough as nails while on the water.

Unit type(s)
  • Infantry (all titles)
  • Barbarian (Mystery of the Emblem)




The Pirate (Japanese: 海賊 Pirate) class is an axe-wielding, seafaring class that has appeared many Fire Emblem games. The main traits of pirates are their ability to use axes and to be able to travel on water terrain.

In Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, there was only one playable pirate, Darros. In the remake, Mystery of the Emblem, Darros was omitted and the Pirate class became enemy only; it was also enemy-only in Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776. In the GBA games, pirates became playable again with Geese in The Binding Blade, Dart in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, and Ross can change class to a pirate in The Sacred Stones. In Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, the pirate class is absent, although some enemies of the bandit class refer to themselves as pirates, and can travel on water. Finally, Darros reappears in Shadow Dragon and returns in New Mystery of the Emblem.

Pirates generally have high strength and speed, but low defense and resistance. They often turn out to be powerful units, and can be useful attackers. However, their low defense leave them more prone to death than other units.

The Corsair class is a functionally identical class unique to Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.


Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light 18 5 -- 1 6 0 4 0 6 -- Axe: 5
Mystery of the Emblem 22 4 -- 0 2 0 3 0 5 -- Axe: 4
Genealogy of the Holy War 35 5 0 0 7 0 5 0 6 -- Axes B
Thracia 776 24 5 0 0 0 0 3 -- 5 9 Axes E
The Binding Blade 19 4 -- 2 6 0 3 0 5 10 Axes E
The Blazing Blade 19 4 -- 2 6 0 3 0 5 10 Axes D
The Sacred Stones 19 4 -- 2 6 0 3 0 5 10 Axes D
Shadow Dragon 18 5 0 1 6 0 4 0 6 -- Axes E
New Mystery of the Emblem 18 7 0 1 8 0 4 0 6 -- Axes E

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light 52 20 -- 20 20 20 20 7 12 -- Axe: 20
Mystery of the Emblem 52 20 -- 20 20 20 20 20 12 -- Axe: 20
Genealogy of the Holy War 80 20 15 15 22 30 20 15 6 -- Axes B
Thracia 776 80 20 20 20 20 20 20 -- 20 20 Axes A
The Binding Blade 60 20 -- 20 20 30 20 20 15 20 Axes A
The Blazing Blade 60 20 -- 20 20 30 20 20 15 20 Axes A
The Sacred Stones 60 20 -- 20 20 30 20 20 15 20 Axes A
Shadow Dragon 60 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 32 -- Axes A
New Mystery of the Emblem 60 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 32 -- Axes A

Miscellaneous stats

Game Experience CRP Gold Weight mod. Capacity Vision Size
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light 24 -- -- -- -- -- --
Mystery of the Emblem 32 -- -- -- -- -- --
Genealogy of the Holy War -- -- 5,000 -- -- -- --
Thracia 776 -- 2 -- -- -- 3 --
The Binding Blade -- 3 -- -- -- -- --
The Blazing Blade -- 3 -- -- -- 3 --
The Sacred Stones -- 3 -- -- -- 3 --
Shadow Dragon -- -- -- -- -- 2 --
New Mystery of the Emblem -- -- -- -- -- 2 --

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light 150% 50% -- 50% 50% 0% 50% 0% -- -- -- 50%
Mystery of the Emblem 90% 50% -- 10% 20% 0% 50% 0% -- -- -- --
Genealogy of the Holy War 100% 30% 0% 30% 30% 0% 30% 10% -- -- -- --
Thracia 776 70% 20% 0% 15% 15% 10% 10% -- -- 20% 0% --
The Binding Blade 75% 50% -- 35% 25% 10% 10% 15% -- -- -- --
The Blazing Blade 75% 50% -- 35% 25% 15% 10% 13% -- -- -- --
The Sacred Stones 75% 50% -- 35% 25% 15% 10% 13% -- -- -- --
Shadow Dragon 80/90% 40/50% −20/0% 15/25% 10/15% 0% 0/50% −15/5% -- -- -- --
New Mystery of the Emblem 70/90% 30/50% −20/0% 15/25% 30/15% 0% 0/50% −15/5% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Class change

Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light

Base class
Bs fe01 pirate axe 01.png

Mystery of the Emblem

Base class
Bs fe03 enemy pirate axe.png

Genealogy of the Holy War

The class a unit changes into in Genealogy of the Holy War is determined by the unit and not the class; however, no units change into or out of the Pirate class.

Base class
Bs fe04 enemy pirate axe.png

Thracia 776

The class a unit changes into in Thracia 776 is determined by the unit and not the class; however, no units change into or out of the Pirate class.

Base class
Bs fe05 enemy pirate axe.png

The Binding Blade

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe06 geese pirate axe.png
Bs fe06 gonzalez brigand axe.png
Using a Hero Crest after reaching level 10. Bs fe06 geese berserker axe.png

The Blazing Blade

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe07 dart pirate axe.png
Using an Ocean Seal after reaching level 10. Bs fe07 dart berserker axe.png

The Sacred Stones

Trainee-like class Promotion method Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe08 ross journeyman axe02.png
Reaching level 10, and choosing at beginning of next chapter. Bs fe08 ross pirate axe.png
Using an Ocean Seal or Master Seal after reaching level 10. Bs fe08 ross berserker axe.png
Bs fe08 ross warrior axe.png
Promotion choice criteria: The player can freely choose..

Shadow Dragon

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe11 bald pirate axe.png
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10. Bs fe11 playable berserker axe.png

New Mystery of the Emblem

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe11 bald pirate axe.png
Bs fe12 playable barbarian axe.png
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10. Bs fe11 playable berserker axe.png
As Barbarians are an enemy-exclusive class, this is class change is unused; it has been proven to be in the game through hacking promotion of an enemy unit.[1]

Playable Pirates

Playable units
Name Game
Darros Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Geese Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Dart Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Playable Pirate units in the Fire Emblem series.

Notable enemy Pirates

Enemy units
Name Game
Gazzak Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Gomer Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Gail Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Bathys Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Enemy Pirate units in the Fire Emblem series.

Notable NPC Pirates

Other units
Name Game
Jake Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Neutral Pirate units in the Fire Emblem series.

Flavor text

Game Text
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Like the Fighter, can use axes.
Capable of crossing water
on foot.
せんしと おなじく おのを つかう。

かいぞくだけが うみのうえを いどうできる。
The Binding Blade
(class roll)
Axe-wielding privateers trained to
fight on the high seas.*
斧をもちいて戦う 『海のあらくれ』たち
うでっぷしが強く 海での戦闘を得意とする
The Binding Blade
Bold pirates who use axes in
battle. Quite adept at sea.*
力が強く 海の戦闘が得意
The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones
(class roll)
Axe-wielding privateers trained to
fight on the high seas.
斧をもちいて戦う 『海のあらくれ』たち
うでっぷしが強く 海での戦闘を得意とする
The Blazing Blade
Bold pirates who use axes in
battle. Quite adept at sea.
力が強く 海の戦闘が得意
The Sacred Stones
Tough brawlers who call the
sea their home. Equip: Axes.
Shadow Dragon
Freebooters who carry axes, like fighters.
Tough as nails while on the water.
New Mystery of the Emblem
Freebooters who carry axes, like fighters.
Tough as nails while on the water.*

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


A pirate is a criminal who plunders at sea; commonly attacking merchant vessels, though often pillaging port towns.



• Officially romanized as Marinethief. Pirate (lit. sea thief); this name is used in most games. Rendered in hiragana as かいぞく in Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light and Mystery of the Emblem.
• Pirate; this name is used only in the Jugdral games, in which all classes' names are English words written in katakana.














Sprite Gallery
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Ma nes01 pirate enemy.gif Ma nes01 pirate playable.gif
Bs fe01 enemy pirate axe 01.png Bs fe01 pirate axe 01.png
Bs fe01 enemy pirate axe 02.png Bs fe01 pirate axe 02.png
Hand Axe
Mystery of the Emblem
Generic portrait pirate fe03.png Ma snes01 pirate enemy.gif
Bs fe03 enemy pirate axe.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Generic portrait pirate fe04.png Ma snes02 pirate enemy.gif
Bs fe04 enemy pirate axe.png
(Steel Axe)
Thracia 776
Generic portrait pirate fe05.png Ma snes03 pirate enemy.gif
Bs fe05 enemy pirate axe.png
(Iron Axe)
The Binding Blade
Generic portrait pirate fe06.png Ma gba pirate playable.gif Ma gba pirate enemy.gif Ma gba pirate other.gif
Bs fe07 enemy pirate axe.png
Basic axe
Bs fe07 enemy pirate axe02.png
Ranged axe
The Blazing Blade
Generic portrait pirate fe06.png Ma gba pirate playable.gif Ma gba pirate enemy.gif Ma gba pirate other.gif
Bs fe07 enemy pirate axe.png
Basic axe
Bs fe07 enemy pirate axe02.png
Ranged axe
The Sacred Stones
Generic portrait pirate fe06.png Ma gba pirate playable.gif Ma gba pirate enemy.gif
Bs fe07 enemy pirate axe.png
Basic axe
Bs fe07 enemy pirate axe02.png
Ranged axe
Shadow Dragon
Generic portrait pirate fe11.png Ma ds01 pirate enemy.gif Ma ds01 pirate playable.gif
Bs fe11 enemy pirate axe.png
New Mystery of the Emblem
Generic portrait pirate fe12.png Ma ds02 pirate enemy.gif Ma ds02 pirate playable.gif
Bs fe11 enemy pirate axe.png


See also

Project Classes.png This article is part of Project Classes, a project focused in writing articles for every class present in the Fire Emblem series.
Classes in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Base classes ArcherCavalierMageMercenaryPegasus KnightPriest
Advanced classes BishopDracoknightHeroPaladinSniper
Other classes BallisticianFighterFreelancerGeneralHorsemanHunterKnightLordManaketePirateThief
Classes in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Base classes ArcherArmored KnightCavalierClericHunterMageMercenaryPegasus Knight
Advanced classes BishopDracoknightGeneralHeroHorsemanPaladinSniper
Dragon classes Divine DragonEarth DragonFire DragonIce DragonMage DragonShadow DragonWyvern
Other classes BallisticianBarbarianBerserkerBrigandDancerDark MageEmperorFighterFreelancerKnightLordManaketePirateSoldierThief
Unused classes Dark KnightGuardianSea Dragon
Classes in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Base classes Arch KnightAxe ArmorAxe FighterAxe KnightBardBow ArmorBow FighterCavalierFire MageFree KnightJunior LordKnightLance KnightLight PriestessMagePegasus KnightPriestPrincePrincessSword ArmorSword FighterTroubadourThiefThunder MageWind MageWyvern Knight
Advanced classes Bow KnightDuke KnightForrestGeneralGreat KnightHigh PriestKnight LordMage KnightMage FighterMaster KnightPaladinRangerSageSniperSwordmasterThief FighterWarriorWyvern Lord
Other classes BallistaBarbarianBaronBishopBrigandCivilianDancerDark BishopDark MageDark PrinceDragon RiderEmperorHunterIron BallistaKiller BallistaPirateQueen
Unused classes ArcherAxe SoldierGreat BallistaPegasus RiderSoldierSpear SoldierSword Soldier
Classes in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Base classes ArcherArch KnightAxe ArmorAxe FighterAxe KnightBallistaBardBow ArmorBow FighterBrigandCavalierCivilianClericDancerDragon RiderFree KnightHunterIron BallistaLance ArmorLance KnightLoptr MageLordMagePegasus RiderPiratePoison BallistaPriestPrinceSoldierSword ArmorSword FighterThiefTroubadour
Advanced classes BaronBerserkerBishopBow KnightDark BishopDark MageDuke KnightGeneralGreat KnightHigh PriestMage KnightMercenaryPegasus KnightSageSniperRangerSwordmasterThief FighterWarriorWyvern Knight
Unused/cutscene classes Dark PrinceEmperorFalcon KnightForrestJunior LordKiller BallistaKnight LordMaster KnightWyvern Lord
Classes in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Base classes ArcherBardBrigandCavalierChildCivilianClericDancerDemon DragonFighterKnightLordMageManaketeMercenaryMyrmidonNomadPegasus KnightPiratePriestShamanSoldierThiefTransporterTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes BerserkerBishopDruidFalcon KnightGeneralGreat LordHeroKingManaketeNomadic TrooperPaladinSageSniperSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern Lord
Classes in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Base classes ArcherBardBramimondBrigandCavalierChildCivilianClericCorsairDancerFighterFire DragonKnightLordMageMagic SealMercenaryMonkMyrmidonNomadPeerPegasus KnightPiratePrinceShamanSoldierThiefTransporterTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes ArchsageAssassinBerserkerBishopBlade LordDark DruidDruidFalcoknightGeneralGreat LordHeroKnight LordNomadic TrooperPaladinSageSniperSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern Lord
Classes in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Base classes ArcherBrigandCavalierCivilianClericDancerFighterFleetJourneymanKnightLordMageManaketeMercenaryMonkMyrmidonPeerPegasus KnightPhantomPiratePontifexPriestPupilQueenRecruitShamanSoldierThiefTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AssassinBerserkerBishopDruidFalcoknightGeneralGreat KnightGreat LordHeroMage KnightManaketeNecromancerPaladinRangerRogueSageSniperSummonerSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern KnightWyvern Lord
Base monster classes BaelBonewalkerGargoyleGorgon EggMauthe DoogMogallRevenantTarvos
Advanced monster classes Arch MogallCyclopsDeathgoyleDemon KingDraco ZombieElder BaelEntombedGorgonGwyllgiMaelduinWight
Removed class Apprentice
Classes in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Base classes ArcherCavalierClericCurateDark MageFighterHunterKnightMageMercenaryMyrmidonPegasus KnightPirate
Advanced classes BerserkerBishopDracoknightGeneralHeroHorsemanPaladinSniperSorcererSwordmasterWarrior
Other classes BallisticianEarth DragonFreelancerLordManaketeSoldierThief
Classes in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Base classes ArcherBarbarianCavalierClericCurateDark MageFighterHunterKnightMageMercenaryMyrmidonPegasus KnightPirate
Advanced classes BerserkerBishopDracoknightGeneralHeroHorsemanPaladinSniperSorcererSwordmasterWarrior
Dragon classes Divine DragonEarth DragonFire DragonIce DragonMage DragonShadow DragonWyvern
Other classes BallisticianDancerEmperorFreelancerLordManaketeSoldierThief