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Luna, also known as Moonlight Sword and Pierce, is a skill that debuted in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.

History in the Series[]

When activated, this skill allows its user to negate or halve the enemy's Defense, allowing him/her to inflict higher amounts of damage in the process.

In TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga, this skill is known as Geomancy, where it not just negates Defense, but also negates Magic.


Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War[]

Name Activation Capacity
(Skill)% -
Effects Negates enemy's Defense; Other sword skills may not activate simultaneously; Attack will always be successful.
Users Base skill of Chulainn.
Notes -

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776[]

Name Activation Capacity
(Skill)% -
Effects Negates enemy's Defense; Attack will always be successful.
Users Base skill of Mareeta and Galzus; Can be assigned with the Moonlight Sword Manual.
Notes -

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

Name Activation Capacity
TS Geomancy
(User's Skill - Enemy's Skill) +3)% -
Effects Negates the enemy's Defense/Magic.
Users -
Notes -

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

Name Activation Capacity
Pierce (User's Level)% -
Effects Negates the enemy's Defense.
Users Class skill of the Wyvern Knight class.
Notes -

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

Name Activation Capacity
Luna (FE9)
(Skill)% 20
Effects Halves the enemy's Defense and Resistance; Cannot critical.
Users Occult skill of the Halberdier and General classes; Can be assigned with the Occult Scroll.
Notes -

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn[]

Name Activation Capacity
(Skill/2)% 30
Effects Triples Strength and negates enemy's Defense; Can only be activated at 1 range.
Users Class skill of Marshalls.
Notes -

Fire Emblem Awakening[]

Name Activation Capacity
Luna (FE13)
(Skill)% -
Effects Ignores half of the enemy's defense or resistance when calculating damage inflicted.
Users Class skill of Level 5 Great Knights.
Notes -

Name Activation Capacity
Always activates -
Effects Ignores half of the enemy's defense or resistance when calculating damage inflicted.
Users Lunatic+, enemy only.
Notes -

Fire Emblem Fates[]

Name Activation Capacity
Luna (FE13)
(Skill)% -
Effects Ignores half of the enemy's defense or resistance when calculating damage inflicted.
Users Learned by Great Knights at Level 5 or higher.
Notes -

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia[]

Name Echoes Lance Skill icon
HP/Dur Rng Mt Hit Avo Crt
-7 1 +4 +20 +20 +20
Effects Ignores half of the enemy's defense or resistance.
Users Weapon skill: Silver Sword
Notes -

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Name Charge SP
FEH skill special
3 200
Effects Resolve combat as if foe suffered Def/Res -50%.
Users Black Knight, Bramimond, Catria, Ced, Celica (Imprisoned Soul), Chrom (Knight Exalt), Claude (King of Unification), Dieck, Edelgard, Eirika (Pledged Restorer), Eirika (Twin Refulgence), Fae (Holiday Dear), Frederick, Freyja, Greil (Heroic Exemplar), Hel, Hinoka (Blue Sky Knight), Igrene (Ninja of Nabata), Ike, Ike (Brave), Ike (Zeal Unleased), Katarina (Torchlit Wanderer), Knoll, Kronya, Lewyn (Wind-Song Scion), Linus, Loki (Spring Trickster), Lucina, Malice, Mareeta, Mareeta (The Blade's Pawn), Mia, Naga, Nyx, Ótr, Perceval, Petra, Ryoma (Samurai at Ease), Sirius, Valter, Velouria, Walhart, Volke, Ylgr (Breaking the Ice), Zelgius
Notes Requires New Moon

Fire Emblem Warriors[]

Name Activation Capacity
FEW Luna
(Luck)% -
Effects May reduce enemy's Def and Res on a hit; chance increases with user's Luck.
Users Learned from Chrom's skill board.
Notes -

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Name Activation Capacity
FEW3H Luna
(Luck)% -
Effects When attacking, causes enemies to incur a reduction in Def proportional to the user's Lck.
Users Claude, Hilda, Lysithea, Edelgard, Ferdinand, Caspar, Linhardt, Monica, Felix, Annette, Flayn, Sothis (Great Knight Mastery Rank 2)
Notes -

Fire Emblem Engage[]

Name Activation Capacity
FE17 Luna Icon
(Dexterity)% -
Effects While making an attack, may ignore half of foe's Def/Res.
Users Class skill of Level 5 Tireur d'elites and Wardens.
Notes -

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Dragalia Lost[]

Luna appears in Dragalia Lost as one of Sharena's skills, who was a character released as part of the second Fire Emblem crossover event.

DL Luna
Deals 1 hit of 504% and 1 hit of 601% light damage to enemies directly ahead, and reduces their defense by 5% for 10 seconds. This defense reduction effect will not stack.


"Luna" means moon in Latin, as well as in Spanish, Italian and Russian.


  • Although in its first five appearances Luna is associated with a blue flash upon activation or striking, in Awakening a Luna blow instead shines yellow when striking the enemy.
  • Unused text strings exist in Path of Radiance that refer to Luna's name from the Jugdral games. It was translated as Moonblade in the English version.
  • The Pierce skill in The Sacred Stones is associated with a game-freezing glitch, which generally happens by activating Pierce on an enemy when the attacking unit will attack twice in a row, on an enemy that cannot counter-attack, which can also happen with a Brave Lance. If the enemy is not killed on the first strike and attacks a second time, a freeze may occur. The root of the glitch seems to be dealing damage again to an enemy before their HP bar has finished decreasing. This glitch does not occur in the Japanese version of Sacred Stones. This glitch does not seem to happen if animations are turned off.

