Fire Emblem Wiki


Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki
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Wrathful Staff is a type B passive skill introduced in Fire Emblem Heroes. When a staff user attacks a foe, damage from unit's staff will be calculated the same as other weapons.

It can be learned without inheriting by: Camilla (Light of Nohr), Genny, Genny (Dressed with Care), Laevatein (Kumade Warrior), Sakura (Hot-Spring Healer) and Veronica (Brave Princess).

This skill is also a Weapon Refinery skill for all Staves.


Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Name Activation SP
Wrathful Staff 1 Unit has 100% HP 60
Effects Damage from their staff will be calculated the same as other weapons.
Users Only for staff users.

Name Activation SP
Wrathful Staff 2 Unit has ≥ 50% HP 120
Effects Damage from their staff will be calculated the same as other weapons.
Users Only for staff users.

Name Activation SP
Wrathful Staff 3 100% 240
Effects Damage from their staff will be calculated the same as other weapons.
Users Only for staff users.
