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Night and Day is a Sync Skill in Fire Emblem Engage. It can be used when a character has equipped the Ring of the Azure Twins.


Night and Day is a Sync Skill unique to Emblems Eirika and Ephraim that is used to switch between the two of them and their available skills. When synced with Eirika, the user will have access to Lunar Brace and Gentility, and while synced with Ephraim, these skills will become Solar Brace and Bravery respectively.

This switch applies for all instances of these skills on the battlefield, with even inherited versions of Lunar Brace and Gentility swapping to their counterparts if another unit on the field with the Ring of the Azure Twins uses Night and Day.


Fire Emblem Engage[]

Name Activation Capacity

Night and Day
Command -
Effects Use to switch Emblems and swap between Lunar Brace/Gentility and Solar Brace/Bravery for all allies.
Users Sync Skill of Emblems Eirika and Ephraim
Notes -