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Fire Emblem Wiki

Rehabilitate is an Assist skill introduced in Fire Emblem Heroes.


Rehabilitate restores a flat 7 HP to the target by default, increasing in potency depending on how low the target's HP is. However, this comes with the tradeoff of an increased Special cooldown of +1 to charge.

When upgraded to Rehabilitate+, the HP restoration is uncapped, so the base health restoration is equal to half of the user's Attack stat -10, with 7 HP the minimum possible. Similarly to the base variation; the lower the target's HP is below 50%, the more HP is restored. Notably, this also removes the increased Special cooldown penalty.


Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Name Activation SP
FEH skill support Rehabilitate Select an ally 1 space away 200
Effects Restores 7 HP or more the further below 50% the target's HP is.
Slows Special Trigger (cooldown count+1).
Users Laevatein (Kumade Warrior), Lissa, Lyn (Bride of the Plains), Priscilla and Wrys.
Notes Rarity: ✯✯✯✯

Name Activation SP
FEH skill support Rehabilitate+ Select an ally 1 space away 200
Effects Restores HP equal to 50% of Atk -10. (Minimum of 7 HP.)
If target's HP is ≤ 50%, the lower the target's HP, the more HP is restored.
Users Laevatein (Kumade Warrior), Lissa, Lyn (Bride of the Plains), Priscilla and Wrys.
Notes Rarity: ✯✯✯✯
