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Infantry Flash is a type C passive skill introduced in Fire Emblem Heroes. It grants all infantry allies within 2 spaces Flashing Blade as an additional skill; reducing Special cooldown by an extra 1 per hit if the unit is faster than their opponent.

Infantry Flash can be learned without inheriting by Marth (Hero-King). It can only be inherited by Infantry units.


Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Name Activation SP
Infantry Flash 1 When unit is positioned within two spaces of allies. 60
Effects Infantry allies within 2 spaces gain: "If unit's Spd ≥ foe's Spd+5, grants Special cooldown charge +1 per unit's attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)"
Users Effie: Dedicated Heart, Lewyn: Wind-Song Scion, Marth: Hero-King
Notes Rarity: ✯✯✯✯ — ✯✯✯✯✯

Only usable by Infantry units.

Name Activation SP
Infantry Flash 2 When unit is positioned within two spaces of allies. 120
Effects Infantry allies within 2 spaces gain: "If unit's Spd ≥ foe's Spd+3, grants Special cooldown charge +1 per unit's attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)"
Users Effie: Dedicated Heart, Lewyn: Wind-Song Scion, Marth: Hero-King
Notes Rarity: ✯✯✯✯ — ✯✯✯✯✯

Only usable by Infantry units.

Name Activation SP
Infantry Flash 3 When unit is positioned within two spaces of allies. 240
Effects Infantry allies within 2 spaces gain: "If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, grants Special cooldown charge +1 per unit's attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)"
Users Effie: Dedicated Heart, Lewyn: Wind-Song Scion, Marth: Hero-King
Notes Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Only usable by Infantry units.
