Fire Emblem Wiki


Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki
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Lost & Found is a Sync Skill in Fire Emblem Engage. It can be used when a character has equipped the Ring of the Instructor.


Lost & Found is a Sync Skill unique to Emblem Byleth that triggers when the user ends their turn adjacent to an ally. Upon ending their turn, the user may find an item, and then increase their Support with that adjacent ally. The odds of this skill triggering is dependent on the user's Luck stat. A unit can inherit the skill for use permanently if they develop their bond levels with Byleth and then spend SP to acquire it.


Fire Emblem Engage[]

Name Activation Capacity

Lost & Found
Trigger %=Lck. -
Effects If unit finishes an action or waits next to an ally, may find an item and increase support with that ally.
Users Sync Skill of Emblem Byleth
Notes Can be inherited for 250 SP

