Fire Emblem Wiki


Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki

Spur Defense is a type C passive skill introduced in Fire Emblem Heroes. It makes any allies adjecent to the equipped gain +2 Defense.

It can be learned without inheriting by: Chrom, Draug, Minerva, Oscar, Priscilla, Robin, Sully.


Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Name Activation SP
Spur Def 1 Stand adjacent to allies when they get into combat. 50
Effects Grants adjacent allies Def+2 during combat.
Users Rarity: ✯✯✯

Name Activation SP
Spur Def 2 Stand adjacent to allies when they get into combat. 100
Effects Grants adjacent allies Def+3 during combat.
Users Rarity: ✯✯✯✯

Name Activation SP
Spur Def 3 Stand adjacent to allies when they get into combat. 200
Effects Grants adjacent allies Def+4 during combat.
Users Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯
