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Fire Emblem Wiki

Draconic Hex is a Skill introduced in Fire Emblem Fates.


When the user fights an enemy (no matter if they initiated the battle) after the battle, if both units survived, the enemy will suffer -4 to all of their stats. These stat reductions do not stack on existing stat reductions. The stat reductions as a result of this skill will supersede any stat drop lower than its amount but will not supersede any higher stat reductions.

In Fates, Draconic Hex is learned by Nohr Nobles at Level 5 or higher.

In Fire Emblem Engage, Draconic Hex is a Sync Skill unique to Emblem Corrin. A unit can inherit the skill for use permanently if they develop their bond levels with Corrin and then spend SP to acquire it.


Fire Emblem Fates[]

Name Activation Capacity
Draconic Curse
Draconic Hex
Effects After battle, lower all of enemy's stats by 4. Regenerates by 1/Turn.
Users Learned by Level 5 Nohr Nobles.
Notes -

Fire Emblem Engage[]

Name Activation Capacity
FE17 Draconic Hex Icon
Draconic Hex
Effects If unit initiates combat, inflicts -4 to all of foe's basic stats after combat. (Penalties shrink by 1 each turn.)
Users Sync Skill of Emblem Corrin
Notes Can be inherited for 2,000 SP