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Soggy Joe is a supporting character in Amphibia.



He is a muscular dull green amphibian with several colored tattoos of insects, snakes, bones, and several other objects on his skin to represent his love of hardcore survival in the wilderness. In addition, he has bones of an unknown animal in his shaggy, green beard. His tongue also appears to have a tear on it.


He wears a hat similar to an Australian outback with a flipped upside and band lined with teeth. His brownish-green shorts are ripped and his shirt looks similar to a hunting vest, also being axe-proof in nature.


Although his voice is loud and raspy, he isn't terribly rude and likes helping others out. He loves camping and telling stories around a campfire. He sometimes laughs in random bursts in a creepy way once in a while and has a habit of popping out of bushes to give information to whoever summons him. He is shown to have a lot of knowledge about nature and the creatures of Amphibia due to being an outdoorsman. He is also very insightful due to spending long amounts of time on the road as a trucker.


Soggy Joe is a local trucker and survivalist with experience in many dangerous places of Amphibia. In "Anne Vs. Wild", when Anne and the Plantars are out on a camping trip and Anne is looking for a more extreme camping challenge, Soggy Joe emerges from the bushes and decides to treat them to a place that is extreme for Anne. He brings them to a dark forest to bunk and if they make it alive, he will take them all out for pancakes. Soggy Joe tells a campfire story about the Mudmen who eat anyone who wander into their domain, and the only things the Mudmen hate are daylight and being clean.

Soggy Joe then leaves the campsite for a while, only to be seemingly killed by an axe in the back while he was gone. However, he reappears, revealing he was wearing an axe-proof vest. After Anne and the Plantars explain what happened, including the revelation that the Mudmen turned out to be regular frogs, Soggy Joe congratulates them and takes them to go get pancakes.

In "Civil Wart", he is seen watching the movie Love Choice, but he wasn't seen choosing either side.

In "Snow Day", he is among the townspeople frozen in blocks of ice.

In "Reunion", Soggy Joe is later among the people of Wartwood invited to Toad Tower by Sasha and Grime. He witnesses Anne and Sasha sword fight on top of the tower, then later escapes along with the rest of Wartwood when Toad Tower collapses.

In "Truck Stop Polly", after Polly is accidentally left behind at a truck stop, Polly speaks to Joe and some of the truckers about how she is causing trouble in their Fwagon, but Joe tells her that she is being homesick and needs attention. However, when Polly discovers a rock that she put in the Fwagon in her place turned out to be the egg of a roc, Joe helps drive Polly to go save Anne, Sprig, and Hop Pop, but the roc has already hatched. Using bee wool inside Joe's truck, Polly charges herself with lightning and then sends herself flying to shock the roc. He later gives the Plantars a ride while carrying Bessie while they are still in their Fwagon.

In "After the Rain", when holes start appearing across Wartwood and people's stuff are missing, he discovers the culprits were Magpie beetles. He explains this to Sprig and Polly, but they run off to find the beetles before he can explain the "lpve-nado" mating dance to them.

In "Battle of the Bands", Soggy Joe took part of the Battle of the Bands and witnessed Anne, Sasha, and Marcy perform and sing their song "No Big Deal" on stage. He later took part in the group photo in what was supposed to be Anne, Sasha, and Marcy's last night in Amphibia as King Andrias was taking them home.

In "Fight or Flight", he helps Anne rescue an old friend from one of King Andrias' robot camps.

Foreign voice actors[]

Language version Actors Notes
Germany German Ekkehardt Belle
Spain Spanish (Castilian) Juan Diéguez
Italy Italian Roberto Fidecaro
Netherlands Dutch Stan Limburg
Poland Polish Tomasz Jarosz
Sweden Swedish Adam Fietz



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ve Characters
Main characters Anne BoonchuySprig PlantarHop Pop PlantarPolly PlantarSasha WaybrightCaptain GrimeMarcy WuKing AndriasThe CoreFrobo
Supporting and Recurring characters BessieLady OliviaGeneral YunanWally RibbitonIvy SundewMaddie FlourMayor ToadstoolToadieLeopold LoggleSadie CroakerArchieFelicia SundewStumpy StumpsonSoggy JoeAlbus DuckweedChuck GardnerMicroAngeloJoe SparrowMr. BoonchuyMrs. BoonchuyValerianaLeanderSylvia SundewDomino
Wartwood Citizens BarryFernFleafyFrog JordanGinger FlourGuntherMr. FlourJonahLavender FlourLloydLydiaMonroeOlafRosemary FlourSheriff Buck LeatherleafTutiWartilda
Toad Tower Army PercyBraddockBogFensMireCaptain AldoCaptain BeatrixCaptain BufoJacinda
Newtopia Citizens Bartley, Branson, and BlairBellaBernardoDorisEftyGertieGoblinJerryKing AldrichOlivia's MotherPearlPriscilla PaddockProfessor HerringboneSal
Merry Band Jojo PotatoLittle LouiseTritonio Espada
Proteus Citizens Lysil and AngwinMother OlmParisia
Frobot Armada Cloak-BotDragonfly DroneDrone SoldierDwarf FrobotFire FrobotFrobotGiant DrillGiant FrobotJudge FrobotLunar DroneRoyal Guard FrobotShield Generator
Gardenton Citizens Apothecary GaryHoraceJeremy
Humans AllyAnnaBroadieCheyenneConstanceDr. FrakesDr. JanGabby WilliamsJennyJessHaddieHumphrey WestwoodMaggieMollyMolly JoMr. XNedRobert OttoTerriTwigVince
Other characters AlastairBaileyBarrelBibsyBoulder-tronBrianCharlie BigbottomCrumpetCurator PondsDomino 2Domino 2's offspringEmma PlantarFrançoisFrog SoosGertrudeGrubhogThe GuardianHarold the MoleHeathro HasselbackHop Poppity Pop PlantarHop-and-Lock-Drop Soppity Pop PlantarHunterJudro HasselbackLeanderLeifMama HasselbackMarnieMr. LittlepotMr. and Ms. PlantarMarthaMudmanMycroft NewtbackOld Gam GamPanda-tronPenny PaddockPolliana PlantarRenee FrodgersRuth HasselbackSeamstressTalbert HasselbackTeddy"Uncle Al" PlantarWartwood heronsWigbert RibbitonZechariah Nettles
Creatures Alarm BugBarbari-AntBatsquitoBurrow BugCardinalCarnivorous tomato plantChicka-liskChocopedeCowapillarDoom TreeFrilled LizardFromeGarbage LizardGiant Mutated PumpkinGiant WaspGiant WeaselGlowing Butterfly • Mantids (Green mantisRed mantisWooly mantis) • GrubbleHedgehogHeronHornetHybeenaIsland CrabKill-a-mothKrakenLove DoveMagma wormMagpie BeetleMoss ManNarwhal WormPurple LocustMind-controlling mushroomRhino BeetleRiver LampreySandwormScorpileoScream BeanScreen FiendShadowfishSnirdStone MonsterVeggieroboVenus FlytrapWater snakeWater StriderZapapede