Amphibia Wiki

Presents?! I love presents!! Thanks, you guys!!
—Chicka-lisk, "Return to Wartwood"

The Chicka-lisk, also known as Chicka-lisk the Stormbearer, is a winged bird demon that eats gold.


It appears as a giant chicken with dark brown feathers, dragon wings, and dragon claws. Its red beak somehow has sharp teeth. Other than scars on its head, it has a devil-like bone-handle sword, arrows, broken spears, and broken blades stuck on its hide, implying it had been summoned and attacked before.


The Chicka-lisk is extremely well-mannered, but only attacks the Wartwood citizens through self-defense when they start provoking it. It has a fondness for presents, though it eats them, rather than opening them. The Chicka-lisk is hypersensitive, and is quick to take offense at being impersonated and leave on its own accord instead of continuing its rampage.


  • Flight: Despite being a chicken, the Chicka-lisk can use its dragon-like wings to fly through the air with ease.
  • Petrifying gaze: Similar to a basilisk, the Chicka-lisk encases its enemies within shells of stone with a glance. It does this by focusing its stare to unleash beams of purple energy from its eyes. These beams can also petrify inorganic objects like lanterns.
  • Fire-breathing: The Chicka-lisk exhales great blasts of flame from its mouth. Its breath is hot enough to melt even solid gold.
  • Wind-manipulation: By flapping its wings, the Chicka-lisk can generate powerful tornadoes to knock back its prey.
  • Tremor creation: The Chicka-lisk creates shockwaves through the earth by flying up high and dropping back down to stamp with its feet. These are strong enough to cover a large radius around itself to trip up enemies, though they can be jumped over.
  • Regeneration: While the Chicka-lisk is capable of being harmed, any attack made on it can be healed in a matter of seconds. Though it has many old weapons embedded in its hide, none of these seem to bother it at all, likely having fused to its body with age.



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  • The Chicka-lisk's ability to consume gold is similar to the Chinese mythical creature Pixiu, except the Pixiu could eat silver and jewels as well.
  • The Chicka-lisk proves that monsters can be summoned in Amphibia by Amphibians through ritual.
  • The creature is likely a meld between the Cockatrice and Basilisk, dragon-like galliforme creatures representing danger for European explorers in myth.
    • This is supported as its original name was The frog eating Cockatrix.
    • It has similar powers to the basilisk, being as it uses its eyes to turn enemies to stone, along with fire-breathing like dragons.
  • It doesn't eat frogs, but would totally attack any kind of amphibian when its life was threatened.
  • According to storyboard artist Joe Sparrow, the idea of a big chicken beast has been floating around since before the show existed. Joe drew the first design of the Chicka-lisk for the show back in 2017. A similar giant chicken monster appears in the theme song.[1]
  • The sword stuck in the Chicka-lisk's back bears a great resemblance to the Rebellion sword from Devil May Cry.


ve Characters
Main characters Anne BoonchuySprig PlantarHop Pop PlantarPolly PlantarSasha WaybrightCaptain GrimeMarcy WuKing AndriasThe CoreFrobo
Supporting and Recurring characters BessieLady OliviaGeneral YunanWally RibbitonIvy SundewMaddie FlourMayor ToadstoolToadieLeopold LoggleSadie CroakerArchieFelicia SundewStumpy StumpsonSoggy JoeAlbus DuckweedChuck GardnerMicroAngeloJoe SparrowMr. BoonchuyMrs. BoonchuyValerianaLeanderSylvia SundewDomino
Wartwood Citizens BarryFernFleafyFrog JordanGinger FlourGuntherMr. FlourJonahLavender FlourLloydLydiaMonroeOlafRosemary FlourSheriff Buck LeatherleafTutiWartilda
Toad Tower Army PercyBraddockBogFensMireCaptain AldoCaptain BeatrixCaptain BufoJacinda
Newtopia Citizens Bartley, Branson, and BlairBellaBernardoDorisEftyGertieGoblinJerryKing AldrichOlivia's MotherPearlPriscilla PaddockProfessor HerringboneSal
Merry Band Jojo PotatoLittle LouiseTritonio Espada
Proteus Citizens Lysil and AngwinMother OlmParisia
Frobot Armada Cloak-BotDragonfly DroneDrone SoldierDwarf FrobotFire FrobotFrobotGiant DrillGiant FrobotJudge FrobotLunar DroneRoyal Guard FrobotShield Generator
Gardenton Citizens Apothecary GaryHoraceJeremy
Humans AllyAnnaBroadieCheyenneConstanceDr. FrakesDr. JanGabby WilliamsJennyJessHaddieHumphrey WestwoodMaggieMollyMolly JoMr. XNedRobert OttoTerriTwigVince
Other characters AlastairBaileyBarrelBibsyBoulder-tronBrianCharlie BigbottomCrumpetCurator PondsDomino 2Domino 2's offspringEmma PlantarFrançoisFrog SoosGertrudeGrubhogThe GuardianHarold the MoleHeathro HasselbackHop Poppity Pop PlantarHop-and-Lock-Drop Soppity Pop PlantarHunterJudro HasselbackLeanderLeifMama HasselbackMarnieMr. LittlepotMr. and Ms. PlantarMarthaMudmanMycroft NewtbackOld Gam GamPanda-tronPenny PaddockPolliana PlantarRenee FrodgersRuth HasselbackSeamstressTalbert HasselbackTeddy"Uncle Al" PlantarWartwood heronsWigbert RibbitonZechariah Nettles
Creatures Alarm BugBarbari-AntBatsquitoBurrow BugCardinalCarnivorous tomato plantChicka-liskChocopedeCowapillarDoom TreeFrilled LizardFromeGarbage LizardGiant Mutated PumpkinGiant WaspGiant WeaselGlowing Butterfly • Mantids (Green mantisRed mantisWooly mantis) • GrubbleHedgehogHeronHornetHybeenaIsland CrabKill-a-mothKrakenLove DoveMagma wormMagpie BeetleMoss ManNarwhal WormPurple LocustMind-controlling mushroomRhino BeetleRiver LampreySandwormScorpileoScream BeanScreen FiendShadowfishSnirdStone MonsterVeggieroboVenus FlytrapWater snakeWater StriderZapapede