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"Handy Anne" is the first segment of the first episode of the second season of Amphibia, and the fortieth episode overall.

It premiered on July 11, 2020, alongside "Fort in the Road".


Worried that something bad could happen while they are in Newtopia, Anne decides to disaster-proof the farm.[5]


Handy Anne (8)

Anne remembering the events of Toad Tower.

Anne and Sprig are taking in the beginning of spring, with the former ready to begin anew. Sprig asks if she has moved on from her battle with Sasha, to which Anne replies that she has, while at the same time experiencing flashbacks from the event. To divert the topic, Anne points out Hop Pop and Polly pulling up with a caravan, which the elder Plantar refers to as a "fwagon." He says that he bought it because he intends to take them to Newtopia, a sprawling metropolis in the heart of Amphibia, now that the mountain range has cleared up and they can now search for answers on how to get Anne back home outside the valley.

Hop Pop says that whoever can help Anne get home will most likely be in the city. Anne expresses joy at this and even infers that they might be able to find her other missing friend, Marcy, on the way there. Hop Pop tells them to go pack their belongings before they leave that night. However, Hop Pop entrusts Anne to give their house key to the tulip grower and the guy who they played bugball with, Chuck, whom Hop Pop hired to guard their house and crops while they are gone. Chuck arrives and is shown to be completely incapable of the task at hand. Feeling guilty that the Plantars are risking their home and livelihood just for her, she decides to fortify the house herself.

Handy Anne (152)

Anne sets up a bunch of traps.

Meanwhile, Sprig begins to pack, but cannot decide which slingshot he should bring (from his vast array that he keeps in his closet). It's only made worse when Polly, who only packs her bucket and nothing more, decides to mess with Sprig by making him doubt himself on the right slingshot to choose, driving the ten-year-old pink frog mad.

Handy Anne (209)

Giant vegetable monster.

As Anne gets to work fortifying the house, she goes to Leopold Loggle and asks if he has anything that might better defend the crops. He shows her a concoction that he made that strengthens plants, but warns her that it might be too dangerous for her to handle. Ignoring his warning, Anne takes the potion and pours it all over the crops, not heeding the warning on the barrel that she should not use all of it. 20200711 091907.268

Anne’s eyes flash blue.

As the Plantars finally begin to hit the road, the potion causes the crops to come to life and attack the Plantars. They manage to defeat them, but their remains form a giant vegetable monster, which gets its foot caught in a trap Anne planted to protect the farm. In pain, the monster stumbles and falls onto the house and farm, completely destroying them. Anne is devastated, realizing that this is all her fault. As the monster recovers and prepares to attack Anne, her eyes glow blue and, with phenomenal strength, she takes down the monster.

She confesses that she is responsible, and explains she only did it because she felt guilty that the Plantars are risking everything for her. Hop Pop reassures her they are going on the journey with her, rather than because of her. Using a conch signal, Hop Pop summons Chuck, who fixes up the house in seconds. Amazed at his work, Anne apologizes for doubting Chuck.

Before setting off, Anne asks Hop Pop if they can bring the music box with them. After remembering where he buried the box, Hop Pop declines, once again claiming it is safe with his "contacts."

Handy Anne (296)

The Planters head off ion they’re journey.

Now ready, the Plantars set out on the road for Newtopia, but not before remembering they need to give Chuck the key to the house.


Additional voices

Non-speaking cameo



Instrumental songs

Titles in other languages

Language Title Translation Notes
Argentina Latin American Spanish El plan de Anne Anne's plan
Bulgaria Bulgarian Сръчната Ан Handy Anne
Germany German Farm-Desaster Farm-Disaster
Spain European Spanish Anne la manitas Anne the handywoman
France French Handy Anne Handy Anne
Italy Italian Fai da te Anne Do-it-yourself Anne
Japan Japanese 旅の始まり The beginning of the journey
South Korea Korean 집을 지켜라 Protect the House
Netherlands Dutch Handige Anne Handy Anne
Portugal European Portuguese Anne Habilidosa Handy Anne
Poland Polish Złota rączka Handyman
Thailand Thai แอนน์จัดให้
Vietnam Vietnamese Anne Tháo Vát Resourceful Anne


For a full transcript of "Handy Anne", click here.


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  • Viewership: This episode was watched by 0.39 million viewers on its premiere.[2]
  • This is the first episode to use the new season 2 intro and end credits.
    • Beginning with this episode, Disney Channel airings skip the end credits sequence altogether and marginalize them into the bottom third of the screen during the last thirty seconds of the episode. Also, an ad break is added right after the theme song, to make more time for commercials. Although in some Disney Channel airings before March 2021, and most Disney XD airings, the credits play so viewers don't get confused.
  • This episode along with "Fort in the Road" is the first to not premiere on DisneyNOW before television.
    • This episode and "Fort in the Road" are the first to not premiere on DisneyNOW the same day it aired.
  • This episode (along with "Fort in the Road") premiered exactly one year after "Family Fishing Trip"/"Bizarre Bazaar".
  • This (along with "Fort in the Road") is the sixth episode following "Froggy Little Christmas", "All In", "The Hardest Thing", "The Three Armies"/"The Beginning of the End" and "Newts in Tights"/"Fight or Flight" to have its score released and the first to not be from Season 3.[6]
  • This is the last episode to mention Marcy before her official debut.

Revelations and significant events

  • During the battle with the vegetable monster, when Anne says "Oh, you just made a big mistake, buddy.", her eyes glow blue, and this time more prominently. This is a call back to "Anne or Beast?" where Anne's eyes briefly flash blue while she holds off the red mantis.


  • This episode takes place two weeks[7] after the events of "Anne of the Year" and "Reunion" and two weeks before "Marcy at the Gates".
    • This episode also falls around the spring equinox, revealing that Season 1 takes place during Amphibia's winter months.
  • Sprig mentions Anne's battle with Sasha.
  • The "BFFs" photo of Anne, Sasha and Marcy from the Season 1 opening, "Best Fronds" and "Prison Break" reappears.
  • When Anne forgets who Chuck is, Polly describes him by saying his catchphrase, while Sprig mentions the events of "The Big Bugball Game".
  • The Calamity Box is still buried by Hop Pop since "Bizarre Bazaar", leaving him to lie to Anne by telling her it's safe in his contacts.
  • Anne's temporary bed that she used while sharing a room with Sprig in "Flood, Sweat & Tears" is not in Sprig's room anymore, it is unknown if Anne or Sprig cleaned it up.
  • Sprig's action figures seemed to be fixed in this episode.

Production notes

  • This episode originally had one of the vegetable monsters eat a crow, with Anne reacting "Ow, that looked personal!".[8] The scene even got fully animated, but as revealed by Matt Braly during a Q&A with Creative Talent Network's "Cartoon Crash Course with Nico Colaleo", it had to be cut from the episode due to time.[9]

Deleted scene.


  • Handyman: The episode's title is a pun on the term "handyman."
  • Alien: The mutated eggplant is a parody of the franchise's titular creature.
  • Getter Robo: The appearance of the giant humanoid vegetable monster is a homage to the iconic Japanese Super Robot. In particular, the sequence of it forming is nearly identical to a shot from the OVA Getter Robo Armageddon, with green lightning on a black background and a turnaround shot. One of the promotional images for the episode also uses the same rough, scratchy style as the OVA.
  • Super Mario Bros.: Towards the end of the episode, Polly states Mario's iconic catchphrase, "Let's a go" as they head out on the travel carriage.
  • The Emperor's New Groove: At one point Anne says "Boom baby!", Kuzco's catchphrase.

Memorable quotes

Yep, it's been three months. Still up here.
Oh, you just made a big mistake, buddy.
Eat your vegetables.


ve Episodes
Season 1 Anne or Beast?Best FrondsCane CrazyFlood, Sweat & TearsHop LuckStakeoutThe Domino EffectTaking ChargeAnne Theft AutoBreakout StarSprig Vs. Hop PopGirl TimeDating SeasonAnne Vs. WildContagi-AnneFamily ShrubLily Pad ThaiPlantar's Last StandToad TaxPrison BreakGrubhog DayHop Pop and LockCivil WartHop-PopularCroak & PunishmentTrip to the ArchivesSnow DayCracking Mrs. CroakerA Night at the InnWally and AnneFamily Fishing TripBizarre BazaarCursed!Fiddle Me ThisThe Big Bugball GameCombat CampChildren of the SporeAnne of the YearReunion
Season 2 Handy AnneFort in the RoadThe Ballad of Hopediah PlantarAnne HunterTruck Stop PollyA Caravan Named DesireQuarreler's PassToadcatcherSwamp and SensibilityWax MuseumMarcy at the GatesScavenger HuntThe Plantars Check InLost in NewtopiaSprig Gets SchooledLittle FrogtownHopping MallThe Sleepover to End All SleepoversA Day at the AquariumNight DriversReturn to WartwoodThe Shut-In!Ivy on the RunAfter the RainThe First TempleNew WartwoodFriend or Frobo?Toad to RedemptionMaddie & MarcyThe Second TempleBarrel's WarhammerBessie & MicroAngeloThe Third TempleThe DinnerBattle of the BandsTrue Colors
Season 3 The New NormalHop 'Til You DropTurning PointThai FeudAdventures in CatsittingFight at the MuseumTemple FrogsFixing FroboAnne-sterminatorMr. XSprig's BirthdaySpider-SprigOlivia & YunanHollywood Hop PopIf You Give a Frog a CookieFroggy Little ChristmasEscape to AmphibiaCommander AnneSprivySasha's AngelsOlm Town RoadMother of OlmsGrime's PupilThe Root of EvilThe Core & The KingNewts in TightsFight or FlightThe Three ArmiesThe Beginning of the EndAll InThe Hardest Thing
Teen Girl in a Frog World No SignalWhack-A-MoleScenic RouteHop PopcornCattail Catastrophe
Chibi Tiny Tales Mantis BowlingQuit Bugging MeBird AttackBucket BluesFamily PhotoQuicksandSelfie SafariFrogs in SpacePirates of the Caribbean x AmphibiaThe Amphibia HouseBack to the Swamp
Vlogs from the Bog Amphibia Food!Hop Like a Frog!Driving the Amphibian Way!Learning About Each Other!Glamour!My Dope Life As A Battle Queen! By: Sasha