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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

A Skill Tree, from Sonic Frontiers.

Skills[1][2] (スキル[3][4] Sukiru?) are a gameplay mechanic that appear in Sonic Frontiers. Each one of them is required to be unlocked by collecting Skill Pieces or freeing one of Sonic's friends in order for utilizing them in combat against enemies and Guardians during the Open Zone gameplay. Outside the combat, Skills are also included for multiple other purposes in the game. Almost all of unlockable Skills are displayed on a hierarchical visual system called Skill Tree[5] (スキルツリー[6] Sukiru Tsurī?) in the game's Skills menu.



When Sonic learns new Skills, a Skill Tree will notify this with "!" signs to indicate possible unlockable Skills.

In Sonic Frontiers, each Skill is learned when the player collects required amount of Skill Pieces to fill the Skill Point gauge on the bottom right corner HUD during the Open Zone gameplay.[1] Each single Skill Piece is worth twenty points on the gauge and they are obtained either by simply collecting them in Open Zone terrains, defeating enemies or opening breakable objects.[5] After getting certain amount of Skill Points in the game, flickering "!" sign can be spotted on the Skill Point gauge that indicates new Skills being unlockable at that point. To unlock the Skill, the player has to enter the Pause menu by pressing +/OPTIONS/Xbox-One-Menu-Button and navigate to the separate Skills section.[2][7] When entering the menu, the player receives a view of a simple formmated Skill Tree with each Skill depicted on diamond shaped icon connected together with outlines. With unobtainable Skills depicted in gray color scheme, icons on the Skill Tree marked with "!" point out, which Skills can be unlocked at the time. Each Skill costs different amount of Skill Points and after obtaining required amount, the player can press Switch a/Cross/A button to unlock the chosen Skill.

There are also set of three Skills listed separately from the Skill Tree, that don't require obtaining Skill Points, but they can be unlocked by rescuing one of Sonic's friends in the Starfall Islands.[8] For example, freeing Amy Rose from the Cyber Cage in Kronos Island, will automatically unlock the Grand Slam in the Skills menu. After unlocking the Skill, the player can practice of executing its mechanic separately by entering the training simulator.[5] All Skills can also practiced in the training simulator when the game is loading the Cyber Space stage or the player is returning back to the Open Zone gameplay.

Skills are only accessible to be used in one of Starfall Islands during the Open Zone gameplay and as such, they cannot be performed in Cyber Space stages. Regular enemies can be defeated with chain combo attacks or basic moves along with Skills. Guardians have special attacks and certain weak spots which the player has to learn determining the best strategy of using basic moves or Skills.[9][5] As the game progresses, the player has to further rely on Skills to encounter different or already encountered enemies and guardians, which proceed evolving stronger and more durable in later Open Zone areas.[5] Some Skills are not only direct combat attacks, but also abilities of increasing the effectiveness of the attacks such as the Phantom Rush,[10] countering enemy attacks immediately before hitting the terrain like Recovery Smash,[11] or automation mechanic to activate already unlocked Skills during Combos, like the Auto Combo.[12]

Alongside the combat, Skills do also serve multiple other purposes such as in Main Story quests, as certain learned Skills are required for the player to use in order to complete minigame tasks within the time limit.[13] Some of Skills such as Cyloop and Quick Cyloop, can be used to interact with Open Zone environment, completing Challenges, and reveal items hidden beneath the terrain including Rings, Memory Tokens, Seeds and other rare items.[14]

List of Skills[]

Sonic the Hedgehog[]

Icon Skill Description Skill Point cost
CyloopIcon Cyloop Run around while leaving a light trail. After creating an enclosure with the light trail and then releasing the button, various effects can happen. 1
PhantomRushIcon Phantom Rush When the combo meter is maxed out, Phantom Rush is activated, resulting in attacks being 1.2 times more powerful. Phantom Rush lasts until the combo meter reaches 0. 3
SonicBoomIcon Sonic Boom A high-speed kick that unleashes shockwaves that pummels the enemy. 5
TrickActionIcon Air Trick Air Tricks can be performed when sparks surround Sonic while he is in the air. Perform Air Tricks to earn Skill Pieces. 5
WildRushIcon Wild Rush A high-speed, zigzagging attack. 10
StompAttackIcon Stomp Attack A stomping attack that swoops down from above on to the enemy 10
AutoComboIcon Auto Combo Battle skills that have been unlocked will be automatically activated during combos. However, damage dealt will be reduced. After unlocking a skill, you can toggle auto combo ON/OFF from Options. 20
QuickCyloopIcon Quick Cyloop Quickly Cyloop around the enemy when the Cyloop meter has maxed out and turns blue. The meter fills up with every attack that hits an enemy and can be used continuously when it is still blue. 20
HomingShotIcon Homing Shot Launch a volley of energy spheres at the enemy. 30
LoopKickIcon Loop Kick A looping, rapidily accelerating kick attack in midair. 30
SpinSlashIcon Spin Slash Surround an enemy with a multi-hit spinning attack. 40
RecoverySmashIcon Recovery Smash If Sonic is thrown back by an attack and successfully execute the on-screen prompt before he hits the ground, he can immediately counter with Recovery Smash. 50

There are three additional Skills to be unlocked automatically after freeing one of Sonic's friends during the Open Zone gameplay.[8] Separated from the Skill Tree, these three Skills are as follows:

Icon Skill Description Character Requirement
GrandSlamIcon Grand Slam Unleash a powerful attack by following the on-screen prompt. Amy 5 Amy's Memory Tokens
CycloneKickIcon Cyclone Kick Launch a powerful attack that delievers a flurry of hits as Sonic ascends. Knuckles 30 Knuckles' Memory Tokens
CrossSlashIcon Cross Slash Circle the enemy and let loose a stream of shockwaves. Tails 20 Tails' Memory Tokens

Amy Rose[]

Icon Skill Description Skill Point cost
JumpIcon-Amy Jump Jump into the air. 0
HomingAttackIcon-Amy Homing Attack Do a Homing Attack on enemies or objects with target cursors on them.
DoubleJumpIcon-Amy Double Jump A small midair jump.
BoostIcon-Amy Boost Use the Boost Gauge to speed up. Boosting in midair will lead to an Air Boost.
CardFloatIcon Card Float Jump in midair while spinning Fortune Cards. Hold the button to ease back to the ground.
CyloopIcon-Amy Cyloop Leave a light trail while moving. Enclosing the light trait may cause various effects to happen. 1
CardAttackIcon Card Attack Use Fortune Cards to attack forward. Press the button twice to attack twice in a row. 5
CardStompIcon Card Stomp Drop in from above and deal damage to enemies below. 5
Multi-lockIcon Multi-lock Automatically attack multiple targets by releasing the button after multiple target cursors appear. 10
CardSpinIcon Card Spin A spinning attack during a Card Attack. Use the analog stick during a Card Attack to move, and hold the button to spin for longer. Use it too much and Amy will become dizzy. 10
ParryIcon-Amy Parry Hold the buttons to repel attacks. 10
CyhammerIcon Cyhammer Generate a shockwave by using the gauge and swinging a hammer onto the ground. This move can also be used in midair. Use this near special signs to make objects and items appear. 15
HighCardJumpIcon High Card Jump After a Card Stomp, somersault and jump high into the air. 20
InfiniteCardSpinIcon Infinite Card Spin Card Spin's speed increases and Amy won't get dizzy. 30
PoisonParryIcon Poison Parry Enemies who are parried will have reduced health for a short while. 30
SpinDashIcon-Amy Spin Dash Press the button while running or in midair to roll into a ball form and run over enemies to deal damage. 40
CardSpinBoostIcon Card Spin Boost Deal damage to enemies while boosting. Use the analog stick and the button to drift. 50

Knuckles the Echidna[]

Icon Skill Description Skill Point cost
JumpIcon-Knuckles Jump Jump into the air. 0
WallClimbIcon Wall Climb Climb red and green walls at high speed.
DoubleJumpIcon-Knuckles Double Jump A small midair jump.
GlideIcon Glide Move forward through the air at high speed while gradually losing altitude. During a glide, use the analog stick to change direction.
BoostIcon-Knuckles Boost Use the Boost Gauge to speed up. Boosting in midair will lead to an Air Boost.
HomingAttackIcon-Knuckles Homing Attack Do a Homing Attack on enemies or objects with target cursors on them.
CyloopIcon-Knuckles Cyloop Leave a light trail while moving. Enclosing the light trait may cause various effects to happen. 1
HeatStompIcon Heat Stomp Drop in from above and deal damage to enemies below. 5
ComboAttackIcon Combo Attack A close-range punching attack. Repeatedly press the button to unleash up to 3 punches in a row. 5
ParryIcon-Knuckles Parry Hold the buttons to repel attacks. 10
CyknuckleIcon Cyknuckle Generate a shockwave by using the gauge and punching the ground. This move can also be used in midair. Use this near special signs to make objects and items appear. 15
DrillSpinAttackIcon Drill Spin Attack Automatically attack multiple targets in a drill spin state by releasing the button after multiple target cursors appear. 30
BreakParryIcon Break Parry Enemies who are parried will have reduced defense for a short while. 30
SpinDashIcon-Knuckles Spin Dash Press the button while running or in midair to roll into a ball form and run over enemies to deal damage. 40
InfiniteGlideIcon Infinite Glide The glide speed increases and there is no loss of altitude. 40
DrillSpinBoostIcon Drill Spin Boost Enter a drill spin state and deal damage to enemies during a boost. 50

Miles "Tails" Prower[]

Icon Skill Description Skill Point cost
JumpIcon-Tails Jump Jump into the air. 0
FlyIcon Fly Hold to fly up and then parallel to the ground. Tails can't fly forever and will eventually get tired and lose altitude.
DoubleJumpIcon-Tails Double Jump A small midair jump.
BoostIcon-Tails Boost Use the Boost Gauge to speed up. Boosting in midair will lead to an Air Boost.
CyloopIcon-Tails Cyloop Leave a light trail while moving. Enclosing the light trait may cause various effects to happen. 1
WrenchAttackIcon Wrench Attack Throw a wrench a short distance. When a target cursor is displayed, the wrench will automatically find its mark. 5
SpikeStompIcon Spike Stomp Transform the blaster into a pile bunker and launch a diving attack. 5
ParryIcon-Tails Parry Hold the buttons to repel attacks. 10
CyblasterIcon Cyblaster Use the gauge to fire a ball of light that will detonate upon contact with an object. Use the button to set it off manually. This move can also be used in midair. Use this near special signs to make objects and items appear. 15
CycloneBoostIcon Cyclone Boost Fly at high speed aboard the Cyclone. Hold the button and use the analog stick to adjust altitude and steer. 30
DebuffParryIcon Debuff Parry Enemies who are parried will have reduced attack power for a short while. 30
ChargedWrenchAttackIcon Charged Wrench Attack Throw multiple wrenches that hover for a short time. They can be used as a platform just once. 40
SpinDashIcon-Tails Spin Dash Press the button while running or in midair to roll into a ball form and run over enemies to deal damage. 40
CycloneCannonIcon Cyclone Cannon Fire the Cyclone's high-powered beam to attack forward. Use the analog stick to aim. 50





  1. 1.0 1.1 Sonic Team (8 November 2022). Sonic Frontiers. Xbox Series X/S. Sega. Area/level: Kronos Island. "Pick up dropped items: When enemies are defeated, they drop various items such as "Skill Pieces" and "Seeds". Gather enough Skill Pieces and they will turn into "Skill Points," as shown in the lower right corner of the screen. These can then be used to learn new "Skills" to enhance Sonic."
  2. 2.0 2.1 Sonic Team (8 November 2022). Sonic Frontiers. Xbox Series X/S. Sega. Area/level: Kronos Island. "Unlock Skills: Sonic's "Cyloop" skill can now be learned! Using the Skill Points that have been accumulated, as shown in the lower right of the screen, go to the Skills menu to unlock it."
  3. Sonic Team (8 November 2022). Sonic Frontiers. Xbox Series X/S. Sega. Area/level: Kronos Island. "ドロップしたアイテムを取る: 神兵を倒すと「スキルピース」や「実」など、いろいろなものをドロップします。 「スキルピース」は集めると画面右下にある「スキルポイント」になり、たまると「スキル」を習得できるのでソニックを強化することができます。"
  4. 「ソニックフロンティア(SONIC FRONTIERS)」試遊ムービー02 in TGS2022 (Japanese). YouTube (15 September 2022). Retrieved on 15 September 2022.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Sonic Frontiers - Combat & Upgrades. YouTube (13 October 2022). Retrieved on 16 October 2022.
  6. 『ソニックフロンティア』スポットライト#2 (Japanese). YouTube (14 October 2022). Retrieved on 16 October 2022. "ソニックシリーズに初めてスキルツリーが登場し、 エキサイティングでパワフルな新能力を習得できます。"
  7. Sonic Team (8 November 2022). Sonic Frontiers. Xbox Series X/S. Sega. Area/level: Loading screen. "Tip: Press Xbox-One-Menu-Button to open the Pause Menu. This grants access to Skills and various settings."
  8. 8.0 8.1 Sonic Team (8 November 2022). Sonic Frontiers. Xbox Series X/S. Sega. Area/level: Skills Menu. "????: Advance through the story to unlock this."
  9. Sonic Team (8 November 2022). Sonic Frontiers. Xbox Series X/S. Sega. Area/level: Kronos Island. "Use lock on and defeat the guardian: Guardians are very powerful. They are bigger than normal enemies and have special attacks. Study their moves to find an opening. Tip: When an enemy is targeted, lock on to them by pressing Right-Analog-Stick."
  10. Sonic Team (8 November 2022). Sonic Frontiers. Xbox Series X/S. Sega. Area/level: Skills Menu. "Phantom Rush: When the combo meter is maxed out, Phantom Rush is activated, resulting in attacks being 1.2 times more powerful. Phantom Rush lasts until the combo meter reaches 0."
  11. Sonic Team (8 November 2022). Sonic Frontiers. Xbox Series X/S. Sega. Area/level: Skills Menu. "Recovery Smash: If Sonic is thrown back by an attack and successfully execute the on-screen prompt before he hits the ground, he can immediately counter with Recovery Smash."
  12. Sonic Team (8 November 2022). Sonic Frontiers. Xbox Series X/S. Sega. Area/level: Skills Menu. "Auto Combo: Battle skills that have been unlocked will be automatically activated during combos. However, damage dealt will be reduced. After unlocking a skill, you can toggle auto combo ON/OFF from Options."
  13. Sonic Team (8 November 2022). Sonic Frontiers. Xbox One. Sega. Area/level: Kronos Island. "Spring is in the Air: Remove weeds with Cyloop and reach 7000 points before the timer runs out. Watch out for the bees! Avoid them by luring them towards flowers by using Quick Cyloop on seeds to make them bloom.)"
  14. Sonic Team (8 November 2022). Sonic Frontiers. Xbox Series X/S. Sega. Area/level: Kronos Island. "Use Cyloop: To use Cyloop, hold Y button and run in a circle. Be sure to close the circle before releasing Y button. By using it in the open field, not only can Rings be found, but also Memory Tokens and Seeds. Perhaps a rare item as well."
