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“You're not supposed to be in here! You're going to ruin the surprise!”
The following article/section contains spoilers.
For the main narrative arc, see Prelude to War.

Erra is a short main Quest, released in Update 27.0 (2019-12-13), and serves as the second act of the Prelude to War. After a short flashback to the Old War, the Operator, aboard a Murex, witnesses a meeting between Ballas, Natah, her brother Erra, and their Sentient army, in preparation for the New War.


In preparation of The New War, the Tenno travels to the Veil Proxima with their Railjack crew, only to discover a Murex Ship. With their Paracesis Paracesis in hand, they board the Murex to fend off the Sentient threat. Afterwards, they destroy a mysterious red crystal at the end of the Murex, which upon re-boarding the Orbiter reveals flashbacks about The Old War and Natah's brother, Erra. A vision of the Sentient Mothership exposes a meeting between Erra and Natah, hinting at an escalation of the war with Natah's war cry.


This quest can be accessed directly from the Codex as a chapter of the Prelude to War quests, after completing the Chimera Prologue.

Upon activation, the player will be tasked to inspect their Personal Quarters.

Investigate Personal Quarters[]

In the Personal Quarters, the player is prompted to touch the Lotus's headgear, which has a purple aura around it.


The quest starts with a cinematic which shows a Sentient invasion occurring during The Old War, as a squad of four Warframes (an Excalibur PrimeIcon272 Excalibur Prime, a Mag PrimeIcon272 Mag Prime, a Nova PrimeIcon272 Nova Prime and a black MesaPrimeIcon272 Mesa Prime with an Oblivia Prime Syandana) on Odonata Primes and four Railjacks are seen attacking Hunhow, who is personally leading an assault on Lua, the Orokin Empire's capital. One of the Railjacks fires a Seeker Missile barrage at Hunhow's face to little effect before the scene switches to a squad of Gyrixes and Ionyxes flying towards the Moon. In Lua's surface, an Excalibur PrimeIcon272 Excalibur Prime destroys many of the attacking Sentients using his ExaltedBladeWeapon Exalted Blade and a BurstonPrime Burston Prime. Shortly after, he is downed by an Aerolyst, which then attempts to kill him, only for it to be stopped by a Mag PrimeIcon272 Mag Prime, who wields an OrthosPrime Orthos Prime and strikes the Sentient down with it.

Afterwards, a cave under the surface of Lua is seen with Reservoirs, falling Orokin structure and Lua rocks, destroyed Conculysts, fallen Dax soldiers and a Nova PrimeIcon272 Nova Prime, and a surviving female Dax soldier who tries to avoid the falling structure, before being grabbed by a humanoid Sentient. Natah, now transformed as the Lotus and accompanied by a group of Tenno, among which there's the Operator, shortly arrives inside the cave and orders the Sentient to let go of the Dax soldier. This Sentient, revealed to be Natah's brother named Erra, is horrified to see his sister now viewing him as an enemy, blaming the Tenno for making her turn against her family. He offers her a choice: to side with the Tenno, or with her family. The Lotus, however, states that she is no longer Natah but the Lotus, and then proceeds to make the Tenno attack Erra with their Void Beams, making him scream in agony.


The Operator's flashback ends, and they are brought back to the present, finding themselves aboard Praghasa. In a similar manner to Chimera Prologue, the Operator assists to a meeting between Erra and Natah, surrounded by a ring of Sentients, with Ballas leashed by Erra. The brother and sister discuss their preparations for war, with Natah seemingly suffering memory lapses from her time as the Lotus, still believing the Orokin to be alive. Ballas confirms to Natah that the Orokin are no more, the bios (presumably Grineer/Corpus) are divided over the Origin System, and only the Tenno remain a threat. Erra instructs Natah to use the Tenno's wickedness against them.

Natah then notices that the Tenno are watching. Erra says to let them, as it won't matter. He then commands her to sing for the Sentients and call them home. Natah then releases several pulses that knock the Operator away, ending the vision.

The Tenno must prepare for war, now armed with the blueprint for the Shedu Shedu.


  • Prior to Update 27.2 (2020-03-05), the Erra Quest was triggered by striking down a red crystal at the end of a Murex with the Paracesis Paracesis, and did not appear in the Codex until the quest's completion.
  • At some point, Hunhow's colors were changed to his current red-and-black with red lights, instead of the red and white with blue he had when the cutscene was first released. This was done to confirm the fact it was him and not another Sentient with a similar appearance who attacked the Moon.
  • In the original version of the cutscene, there were Condrix instead of the Sentient fighters.


Patch History[]

Hotfix 31.0.2 (2021-12-16)

  • Fixed "Erra" chapter of Prelude to War not activating properly if you started it previously but relogged before completing.

Update 27.3 (2020-03-24)

The New War Chapters

As you may already know, in Warframe Revised we added The New War Chapters section of the Codex that allows you to shortcut to the Chimera Prologue and the Erra Quest (Sacrifice Quest completion required).

For those who have not logged in since before Warframe Revised, you will be presented with a welcome screen that now includes a direct shortcut to The New War Chapters to get you up to speed before you play Operation Scarlet Spear.

We’ve made a few changes to The New War Chapters section of the Codex:

  • Selecting a completed New War Chapter will show the End of Quest screen.
  • Selecting a New War Chapter in progress will show the Quest details like in the Codex.

Ensure you’re ready for the next chapter in The New War!

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

The New War Chapters

A Codex Quest chapter entry for The New War has been added for those who have completed the Sacrifice Quest! As you might be aware, The New War has started, and with Scarlet Spear coming soon we want players to be properly informed as The New War develops. If you have yet to complete the Chimera Prologue or the Erra Quest, head to The New War Codex Quest entry to access a shortcut to these Quests.

  • (Undocumented) Quest can be launched directly from the codex as a chapter of the New War Quests.

Update 27.0 (2019-12-13)

  • (Undocumented) Introduced.
  1. Prelude to War is a compilation of miniquests and cutscenes leading up to The New War.
  2. The completion of Duviri Paradox is required to start The Hex quest. Additionally, The Duviri Paradox has very interlinked story context to several critical characters in The New War.