Poison Wollyhop

From Pikmin Fanon
Poison Wollyhop
Family Amphituber

The Poison Wollyhop is a species of amphituber that is coated in poison.

In fanon games

Below this point is where users place their version of the Poison Wollyhop.

In Pikmin 4 (Salem version)

P3 Ivory Candypop Bud.png
Pikmin 4 (Salem version)
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin 4, a fanon game created by Salem.
P3 Ivory Candypop Bud.png
Poison Dart Wollywog The icon used to represent this enemy.
P4SV Poison Wollyhop.png
Scientific name Amphicaris dendrobatidae
Family Amphituber
Carry weight 5
Max. carriers 10
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 60
Attacks Crushes and poisons Pikmin

The Poison Dart Wollywog is a vibrant, tropical member of the amphituber family appearing in Pikmin 4 (Salem version). As its name suggests, the Poison Dart Wollywog is poisonous, and any Pikmin besides White Pikmin will be poisoned on contact. Poison Dart Wollywogs come in a variety of bright colors and patterns but all attack by crushing Pikmin they see and poisoning those they touch.

In Pikmin 5: Apex Predator

Pikmin 5: Apex Predator
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin 5: Apex Predator, a fanon game created by Green Crawbster.
Poison Wollywog The icon used to represent this enemy.
P5AP Poison Wollyhop.jpg
Scientific name Amphicaris Venenum
Family Amphituber
Areas Lover's Garden
Carry weight 7
Max. carriers 14
Seed worth 11 (easy)
8 (normal)
5 (hard)
Health 875 (easy)
1,300 (normal)
1,725 (hard)
Attacks Eats, crushes, and poisons Pikmin

The Poison Wollywog is an enemy from Pikmin 5: Apex Predator. Its purple hue and toxic secretions come from the poisonous berries and bugs it ingests. It can only be killed by White Pikmin, or Blue Pikmin if led into water. In addition to trying to crush Pikmin, it can thrust out its tongue to eat them, and takes no damage from eating White Pikmin. It is the only enemy that does not hide from apex predators, as they know most apex predators will not eat them.

The best strategy is to approach the Poison Wollywog with a group of White Pikmin and isolate it from any water it may be near. Then, it can be fought as if it were any other Wollywog. Swarm it or throw Pikmin at it and it should die with minimal effort. A risky alternative when White Pikmin are unavailable is to approach it with Blue Pikmin and lure, it into a puddle of water, and attack only when it is in contact with the water. Throwing Blue Pikmin onto the Poison Wollywog otherwise will cause them to get poisoned.


Olimar's notes

The Poison Wollywog's hue comes from its diet of toxic berries and bugs previously found indigestible to other creatures. Though exceptionally rare at first, their population has exploded due to a series of factors. Population growth has been connected to the Bullwog, which consumes all other frogs but ignores the Poison Wollywog, and the rise of Toxstools. Toxstools, the bane of nearly every species on this planet, seem to ignore the Poison Wollywog in their entirety.

Louie's notes

Feed the Poison Wollywog for two weeks in captivity with nonpoisonous food while the poison steadily dies down. Then, air-fry to perfection with a side of spicy honey mustard!

In Pikmin E: Remastered

Pikmin E: Remastered
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin E: Remastered, a fanon game created by PixelThistle.
Poisonous Wollywog The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Amphicaris venolosium
Family Amphituber
Carry weight 5
Max. carriers 10
Seed worth 5
Poko value P2 Poko icon.png × 100
Attacks Crushes and poisons Pikmin

The Poisonous Wollywog is a amphituber appearing in Pikmin E: Remastered. They are a much larger species of amphituber and are consequently slower than most others. Their body constantly secretes an icky purple muck that poisons any Pikmin that come into contact with it, minus White Pikmin. Once they spot a leader, they will turn towards them, and attack as a Yellow Wollywog would, also crushing any Pikmin unfortunate enough to be under them when they land.


Olimar's notes

In entirety, this creature may, at first, seem to just be a more brightly colored Yellow Wollywog, but watch out! Some adventurers may be foolish enough to mistake this as a regular member of the amphituber family, but it secretes a sticky, purple poison from its skin... Quite deadly, indeed.

Louie's cookbook

Inedible, poison courses through their veins at a constant, even after death, for some strange reason.

In Pikmin: Project Elemental

Pikmin: Project Elemental
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Project Elemental, a fanon game created by Painite22.
This section is a stub. You can help Pikmin Fanon by expanding it.
Scientific name Amphicaris teteerus
Family Unknown
Carry weight 5
Health 1,000
Attacks Crushes and poisons Pikmin

The Poisonhop is an enemy appearing in Pikmin: Project Elemental.

In Pikmin: Spark

HP Sparklium seed.png
Pikmin: Spark
This article or section presents information pertaining to Pikmin: Spark, a fanon game created by Glubbfubb.
HP Sparklium seed.png
Poisonous Wollydart The icon used to represent this enemy.
Scientific name Amphicaris cyanisite
Family Amphituber
Carry weight 7
Max. carriers 14
Seed worth 10
Sparklium value HP Sparklium icon.png × 8
Attacks Crushes and poisons Pikmin

The Poisonous Wollydart, or simply the Wollydart, is a species of amphituber appearing in Pikmin: Spark. They are dark green with mottled skin and pointed eyes. Emitted from the skin are noxious fumes not unlike those created by the Smoky Progg, and like the progg, its entire body is coated by a toxic green substance that instantly kills Pikmin upon contact. It has the signature jumping ability to crush Pikmin with and drips with fatal poison while in the air. White Pikmin are the only Pikmin type that can defeat it, and thankfully Poisonous Wollydarts are slower than other wollywogs.


Abel's medical journal

Unusable. Noxious fumes cause this monster to be almost fatal to any breathing creature.

Lyn's sale review

Don't feed it insects as it will create some of the most potent gas ever created, that is, if you want it to be your pet.

PIX's creature scan

Amphitubers that dwell in caves. The green skin is caused by noxious fumes. Eats insects to gain these toxic fumes.
  • Habitat: damp areas
  • Niche: omnivore
  • Maturity age: 1 year
  • Average lifespan: 12 years
  • Breeding season: wet season