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Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki

Snowbaron Lagombi are Deviants of Lagombi introduced in Monster Hunter Generations.


Snowbaron Lagombi have darker colored fur on the lower half of their bodies and along their backs, becoming a brown color. Their plastron bellies are purple in color. The armored sections on their forearms are no longer visible due to their fur growing longer there. Their ears have oval tips as opposed to the trapezoidal tips of regular Lagombi.


Snowbaron Lagombi are much stronger than ordinary Lagombi. This is best evidenced in their ability to lift mounds of snow larger than their own bodies and hurl them at attackers. They can also slide on their bellies with greater speed, power, and control, and kick up enough snow and ice while doing so to freeze nearby creatures solid.


Snowbaron Lagombi are found in areas typical of regular Lagombi, though they are much less commonly sighted. On certain rare occasions, they have also been seen in the Polar Field.

Game Appearances

Chronological Appearances
First US / EU Appearance: First JP Appearance: Latest Appearance:
(2016) Monster Hunter X (2015) Monster Hunter XX (2017)

In-Game Description

Monster Hunter Generations
The outlaw of the frozen wasteland, the "Snowbaron" can be found jauntily sliding around any territory that it has claimed as its own. Its playful antics, however, can mean one more village buried under an avalanche. A dangerous foe that requires special permission to hunt.
Threat Level (危険度): ★★★★★

Music Themes

Battle_Deviant_Monsters_【二つ名持ちモンスター戦闘】_Monster_Hunter_Generations_Soundtrack MHGen: Deviant Theme


General Notes

  • Snowbaron Lagombi was voted 207th place in the Hunters' Choice for Top Monster during Monster Hunter's 20th Anniversary.[1]

Monster Hunter Generations

  • Snowbaron Lagombi's roar requires Earplugs to block.
  • Snowbaron Lagombi will feed on mushrooms to recover stamina.
  • Staggering a Snowbaron Lagombi while it's holding a giant snowball will leave it stunned for a short time.
  • At higher Special Permit levels Snowbaron Lagombi will throw three ice balls at once.

  • Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

  • G-Rank Snowbaron Lagombi gains a jumping kick attack that will stun.

  • Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Generations (edit)
    Herbivore  Anteka  Apceros  Aptonoth  Kelbi  Larinoth  Moofah  Mosswine  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Amphibian  Zamite
     Tetsucabra  Drilltusk Tetsucabra  Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast  Blango  Bullfango
     Arzuros  Redhelm Arzuros  Blangonga  Bulldrome  Gammoth  Kecha Wacha  Lagombi  Snowbaron Lagombi  Rajang  Furious Rajang  Volvidon
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Carapaceon  Ceanataur  Hermitaur
     Daimyo Hermitaur  Stonefist Hermitaur  Shogun Ceanataur
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra  Hornetaur  Konchu  Vespoid
     Seltas  Seltas Queen
    Bird Wyvern  Gargwa  Genprey  Giaprey  Ioprey  Jaggi  Jaggia  Maccao  Velociprey
     Gendrome  Great Maccao  Gypceros  Iodrome  Malfestio  Velocidrome  Yian Garuga  Deadeye Yian Garuga  Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern  Brachydios  Deviljho  Savage Deviljho  Duramboros  Glavenus  Hellblade Glavenus  Uragaan  Crystalbeard Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre  Thunderlord Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern  Cephalos
     Cephadrome  Lavasioth  Plesioth
    Leviathan  Ludroth  Uroktor
     Agnaktor  Lagiacrus  Nibelsnarf  Mizutsune  Royal Ludroth
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
    Flying Wyvern  Akantor  Astalos  Khezu  Nargacuga  Silverwind Nargacuga  Rathalos  Dreadking Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Dreadqueen Rathian  Gold Rathian  Seregios  Tigrex  Grimclaw Tigrex  Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon  Alatreon  Amatsu  Chameleos  Kirin  Kushala Daora  Nakarkos  Shagaru Magala  Teostra
    ???  Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (edit)
    Herbivore  Anteka  Apceros  Aptonoth  Kelbi  Larinoth  Moofah  Mosswine  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Amphibian  Zamite
     Tetsucabra  Drilltusk Tetsucabra  Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast  Blango  Bullfango  Conga
     Arzuros  Redhelm Arzuros  Blangonga  Bulldrome  Congalala  Gammoth  Elderfrost Gammoth  Kecha Wacha  Lagombi  Snowbaron Lagombi  Rajang  Furious Rajang  Volvidon
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Carapaceon  Ceanataur  Hermitaur
     Daimyo Hermitaur  Stonefist Hermitaur  Shogun Ceanataur  Rustrazor Ceanataur
    Temnoceran  Nerscylla
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra  Great Thunderbug  Hornetaur  Konchu  Vespoid
     Ahtal-Ka  Seltas  Seltas Queen
    Bird Wyvern  Gargwa  Genprey  Giaprey  Ioprey  Jaggi  Jaggia  Maccao  Velociprey
     Gendrome  Great Maccao  Gypceros  Iodrome  Malfestio  Nightcloak Malfestio  Velocidrome  Yian Garuga  Deadeye Yian Garuga  Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern  Barroth  Brachydios  Raging Brachydios  Deviljho  Savage Deviljho  Duramboros  Glavenus  Hellblade Glavenus  Uragaan  Crystalbeard Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre  Thunderlord Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern  Cephalos
     Cephadrome  Lavasioth  Plesioth
    Leviathan  Ludroth  Uroktor
     Agnaktor  Lagiacrus  Nibelsnarf  Mizutsune  Soulseer Mizutsune  Royal Ludroth
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
    Flying Wyvern  Akantor  Astalos  Boltreaver Astalos  Barioth  Basarios  Diablos  Bloodbath Diablos  Khezu  Nargacuga  Silverwind Nargacuga  Rathalos  Dreadking Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Dreadqueen Rathian  Gold Rathian  Seregios  Tigrex  Grimclaw Tigrex  Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon  Alatreon  Amatsu  Chameleos  Fatalis  Crimson Fatalis  White Fatalis  Kirin  Kushala Daora  Lao-Shan Lung  Nakarkos  Shagaru Magala  Teostra  Valstrax
    ???  Gore Magala  Chaotic Gore Magala