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Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki

Ominous clouds, torn apart, unleashing a torrent of rain.
Then, an unrelenting typhoon, connecting the heavens once again.
Finally it shows its form: A hurricane made flesh.
Bringing death through gale and storm, a dragon god ready to thresh.

Amatsu is an Elder Dragon introduced in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd.


Amatsu has a unique body structure similar to that of a Leviathan. Its head itself is quite small, though it is adorned with massive golden horns, flanked by tendrils of flesh. Amatsu's body is largely pale white in color, and covered entirely in fins that stretch along all four limbs. From its back rise more pointed fins, whereas its underside is grey and scaled.

Because it flies through the air and spends no time on land, Amatsu has almost vestigial feet and small, nearly useless back legs. The front legs are bordered by more white fins.

When enraged, red veins stand out more prominently in its wing membranes, and when near death, its chest, horns and eyes shine with a faint golden luminescence.


Amatsu's unique abilities allow it to freely control storms and wind, allowing it to alter the weather around it. In addition to swimming freely through the sky using its fins, Amatsu can stir up destructive gales and tornadoes, protect itself with a barrier of wind, and cause wide-reaching torrential storms. It also stores large amounts of water in its body, which it can use to fire pressurized water blasts strong enough to blow away clouds and cleave stone. Unlike Kushala Daora, another Elder Dragon with control over wind, Amatsu's abilities are far stronger and do not seem to diminish no matter how injured or impaired it is, in fact only intensifying as it sustains injuries and gets angrier; at a certain point, it may also begin to harness the lightning from the storms to smite foes.

Amatsu's mere presence is a calamitous event which can decimate the landscape and drive other monsters out of their territories. Its sheer destructive power is said to be greater than that of natural disasters and can destroy entire cities, making it an extreme threat feared by many.


Amatsu is very territorial and will attack any intruders on sight, especially flying monsters or human airships; it is known to use its destructive storms to wipe out all competition in a wide area when claiming territory, and may even descend to decimate human civilizations in its territory. Although it mostly stays at high altitudes, it will descend down to lower heights in order to battle direct threats.


It is thought to live only in the Sacred Pinnacle and the areas around Yukumo Village, the former of which being where it is also battled. It spends the majority of its time patrolling high in the skies, making it difficult to track its movements. It has also been seen in the Infernal Springs around the Kamura Region, and is known to have been spotted in Tsukito City in the past, as well as destroyed it.

Game Appearances

In-Game Description

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
渓流の奥深く、《霊峰》に舞い降りた伝説の古龍。 大嵐と共に現れる事から 嵐の化身として、ユクモ村の伝承にも登場する。
暴風と竜巻を従える厄災の 龍として恐れられ、天災にも匹敵するその力から゛嵐龍゛とも呼ばれている。
Monster Hunter Generations
A legendary elder dragon spotted on Sacred Pinnacle. An avatar of storms in the folklore of Yukumo Village, Amatsu's appearance is accompanied by furious cyclones and horrific storms. Its fearsome power is said to outscale that of natural disasters.
Threat Level (危険度): ★★★★★★★★
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Elder dragons that can manipulate the weather and are able to conjure up unrelenting gales. Amatsu glide through the air on currents they create using their wing membrane, making it look as if they're dancing in the sky. The storms they summon are extremely destructive and can lay entire cities to waste, thus they are known as the "Looming Calamity." When enraged, their storms become even more violent, enveloping the area with unrelenting lighting strikes.
Threat Level (危険度): ★★★★★★★★★★
Monster Hunter Frontier G
Monster Hunter Online





Elemental/Status Effectiveness

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

Information are taken from

Hitzone Cut. D. Imp. D.
Head 60 (70) 70 (80) 25 0 15 10 35
Neck 35 30 15 0 0 5 10
Chest 44 44 20 0 10 5 20
Front fins 40 40 20 0 10 5 20
Back fins 25 30 15 0 0 5 20
Back 30 25 15 0 0 5 10
Tail 35 30 20 0 0 5 10

Numbers in brackets are for Amatsu's second state of rage (with golden horns and purple markings).

Music Themes

Battle_Amatsu_(part_1)_Monster_Hunter_Generations_Soundtrack MHP3rd/MHX: Amatsu Theme (Phase 1)
Battle_Amatsu_(part_2)_Monster_Hunter_Generations_Soundtrack MHP3rd/MHX: Amatsu Theme (Phase 2)


General Notes

  • Its front two fins can each be broken/damaged. The head can be damaged twice; the first time Amatsu will lose one horn, the second time its right mustache will be cut. Amatsu's back can also be broken. In addition, its tail can be severed, giving two extra carves.
    • Breaking parts of Amatsu or severing its tail doesn't have any effect on its powers, unlike previous Elder Dragons (like Kushala Daora). However, Amatsu falls to the ground if its fins or its chest receive enough damage, giving a good opening to attack. This can be done several times during the battle.
  • Amatsu's roar requires Earplugs to block.
  • Amatsu's Super Tornado readying time is approximately 7.4 seconds while the sucking time is 2.79 seconds (simplified determination).
  • If Amatsu is put to sleep, it continues to float and does not fall to the ground.
  • Amatsu was voted 30th place in the Hunters' Choice for Top Monster during Monster Hunter's 20th Anniversary.[1]

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

  • Amatsu can only be fought on the Sacred Pinnacle. Once it enters its second state of rage, the storm will intensify, and after defeating it, the stormy weather will clear immediately, as proof of its ability to harness the power of storms.
  • Ballista Shots and the Ballista Binder can be used on Amatsu. If it is hit with Ballista Binder while it is performing an attack, other than its sucking tornado or water beam explosion, it will fall to the ground for a while, leaving some difficult-to-reach parts, such as its back fins and tail, open to attack.
    • The Ballista Binder is only effective when Amatsu is using an attack.
    • However, like items on other monsters, the Ballista Binder will be less and less effective on Amatsu as several successful shots are performed. After roughly three or four uses, the binder's duration will become so short that it becomes almost useless for anything except interrupting Amatsu's attacks.
  • When Amatsu is using its sucking attack, operating the Ballista can prevent the hunter from getting sucked towards it.
  • Once Amatsu has been slain, a special ending musical theme will play.
  • If the player fails to kill Amatsu before the quest time ends, it will not flee and you will fail the quest.

  • Monster Hunter Generations

  • Amatsu can be unlocked at Hunter Rank 70.
  • G-Rank Amatsu gains a new attack where it slams its tail to the ground, then swipes it at the 180° angle.

  • Monster Hunter Rise

  • Amatsu was added to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak in the fifth Title Update, along with Risen Shagaru Magala on April 20, 2023.
    • Amatsu is the final unique monster added to Sunbreak.
  • Amatsu is unlocked at MR 10, alongside Chaotic Gore Magala, Flaming Espinas, Gold Rathian, Primordial Malzeno, Seething Bazelgeuse, Silver Rathalos, Velkhana, Violet Mizutsune, and Anomaly Quests. The player must speak to Fugen the Elder to accept the quest.
    • Some of these additions specifically require other quest completions to unlock, Primordial Malzeno requiring Amatsu to be defeated, both Rath Rare Species requiring Seething Bazelgeuse's defeat, and Violet Mizutsune requring Flaming Espinas' defeat.
  • Amatsu is responsible for destroying Tsukito City, the homeland of Kagero and Yomogi. Amatsu is considered to be a bigger threat than Narwa and Ibushi partially due to its violent rainstorms.
    • This was originally teased in a Twitter post by Capcom. [2]
  • Amatsu's "mustache" tendrils become greatly lengthened compared to its older appearance.
  • The Amatsu Quest has two Cannons, two Ballistae and several Great Wirebugs added to the Infernal Springs for the fight.
    • The Cannons each contain two piercing cannonballs that can be charged and fired at Amatsu while it's airborne. The ammo will replenish after a duration.
    • The Ballistae each contain a Binder that can temporarily bring it to the ground and immobilize it. However, Amatsu's wind barrier will deflect the Binders unless it is currently in the middle of an attack. Unlike the cannonballs, the Binders are single-use and will not regenerate.
  • When beginning the Amatsu quest, the Third Generation sound effect is played.
    • The Third Gen sound effects for gathering items and cooking are also used.
  • Amatsu gains the ability to use the Thunder element once it enters its second phase, using various blasts and summoned bolts of lightning.
  • During several fixed thresholds in its fight, Amatsu will use special ultimate attacks that necessitate the use of Wirebugs to evade.
    • The first time this occurs, Amatsu suspends all players in the air before releasing a ring of tornadoes similar to Kushala Daora, or a wall of tornadoes.
    • Partway into the fight, Amatsu will begin charging up a powerful attack that deals initially manageable chip damage to all grounded players, before becoming lethal after some time has passed, (Similar to the Fatalis fight in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne). To avoid this, players may use Great Wirebugs to launch themselves into the air and suspend themselves with Wirefall.
    • The third time this occurs, Amatsu will use an attack similar to Eo Garudia's wind tunnel from Monster Hunter Explore, suspending players within a tunnel of wind before charging at them. After this, it may also release a wall of tornadoes towards hunters.
  • Utsushi will be your follower during the Urgent Quest to slay Amatsu.
  • Similarly to the fight against Narwa the Allmother, A unique Turf War with Apex Zinogre will trigger during the second half of fight, resulting in Apex Zinogre becoming mountable.
    • This makes Apex Zinogre the first Apex to have a Wyvern Ride, however this requires Utsushi as a follower. If Utsushi is not following, Crimson Glow Valstrax appears instead.
    • During this, Spark of Blue- Zinogre will play until Apex Zinogre leaves.
  • Like Velkhana, a unique victory song plays after Amatsu is slayed, Morning Sun Shining on the Living.
  • Amatsu can be viewed as the "Final boss" of Kamura's story.
  • Amatsu was orignally going to be the final monster to be added in order to end Sunbreak before Primordial Malzeno was decided to be added as a Bonus Update.
  • Unlike the other new monsters added in Sunbreaks title updates, Amatsu retains Rise’s haiku/rhyme style for its introduction cutscene.
    • This makes it the second monster in Sunbreak to have this trait, the first being Daimyo Hermitaur.

  • Monster Hunter Frontier

  • When in its second phase Amatsu will go through a bigger appearance change compared to other games, in addition to the usual changes its underbelly is now mostly blue, there is a black pattern on its horns, the tendrils turn red after a certain point, and most notably its fins will turn black with yellow edges and with red and yellow spots depending on the area. It remains this way even after death.
    • In this phase its wind based attacks are now tainted with the Dragon Element, in addition to its new attacks.

  • Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (edit)
    Herbivore  Anteka  Aptonoth  Kelbi  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Fanged Beast  Bullfango
     Bulldrome  Arzuros  Lagombi  Volvidon
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra
    Bird Wyvern  Gargwa  Baggi  Jaggi  Jaggia  Wroggi
     Great Baggi  Great Jaggi  Great Wroggi  Qurupeco  Crimson Qurupeco
    Brute Wyvern  Barroth  Jade Barroth  Deviljho  Duramboros  Uragaan  Steel Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern  Delex
    Leviathan  Ludroth  Uroktor
     Agnaktor  Glacial Agnaktor  Nibelsnarf  Royal Ludroth  Purple Ludroth
    Flying Wyvern  Giggi
     Akantor  Barioth  Sand Barioth  Diablos  Black Diablos  Gigginox  Baleful Gigginox  Nargacuga  Green Nargacuga  Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Gold Rathian  Tigrex  Brute Tigrex  Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon  Alatreon  Amatsu  Jhen Mohran
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Generations (edit)
    Herbivore  Anteka  Apceros  Aptonoth  Kelbi  Larinoth  Moofah  Mosswine  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Amphibian  Zamite
     Tetsucabra  Drilltusk Tetsucabra  Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast  Blango  Bullfango
     Arzuros  Redhelm Arzuros  Blangonga  Bulldrome  Gammoth  Kecha Wacha  Lagombi  Snowbaron Lagombi  Rajang  Furious Rajang  Volvidon
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Carapaceon  Ceanataur  Hermitaur
     Daimyo Hermitaur  Stonefist Hermitaur  Shogun Ceanataur
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra  Hornetaur  Konchu  Vespoid
     Seltas  Seltas Queen
    Bird Wyvern  Gargwa  Genprey  Giaprey  Ioprey  Jaggi  Jaggia  Maccao  Velociprey
     Gendrome  Great Maccao  Gypceros  Iodrome  Malfestio  Velocidrome  Yian Garuga  Deadeye Yian Garuga  Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern  Brachydios  Deviljho  Savage Deviljho  Duramboros  Glavenus  Hellblade Glavenus  Uragaan  Crystalbeard Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre  Thunderlord Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern  Cephalos
     Cephadrome  Lavasioth  Plesioth
    Leviathan  Ludroth  Uroktor
     Agnaktor  Lagiacrus  Nibelsnarf  Mizutsune  Royal Ludroth
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
    Flying Wyvern  Akantor  Astalos  Khezu  Nargacuga  Silverwind Nargacuga  Rathalos  Dreadking Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Dreadqueen Rathian  Gold Rathian  Seregios  Tigrex  Grimclaw Tigrex  Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon  Alatreon  Amatsu  Chameleos  Kirin  Kushala Daora  Nakarkos  Shagaru Magala  Teostra
    ???  Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (edit)
    Herbivore  Anteka  Apceros  Aptonoth  Kelbi  Larinoth  Moofah  Mosswine  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Amphibian  Zamite
     Tetsucabra  Drilltusk Tetsucabra  Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast  Blango  Bullfango  Conga
     Arzuros  Redhelm Arzuros  Blangonga  Bulldrome  Congalala  Gammoth  Elderfrost Gammoth  Kecha Wacha  Lagombi  Snowbaron Lagombi  Rajang  Furious Rajang  Volvidon
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Carapaceon  Ceanataur  Hermitaur
     Daimyo Hermitaur  Stonefist Hermitaur  Shogun Ceanataur  Rustrazor Ceanataur
    Temnoceran  Nerscylla
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra  Great Thunderbug  Hornetaur  Konchu  Vespoid
     Ahtal-Ka  Seltas  Seltas Queen
    Bird Wyvern  Gargwa  Genprey  Giaprey  Ioprey  Jaggi  Jaggia  Maccao  Velociprey
     Gendrome  Great Maccao  Gypceros  Iodrome  Malfestio  Nightcloak Malfestio  Velocidrome  Yian Garuga  Deadeye Yian Garuga  Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern  Barroth  Brachydios  Raging Brachydios  Deviljho  Savage Deviljho  Duramboros  Glavenus  Hellblade Glavenus  Uragaan  Crystalbeard Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre  Thunderlord Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern  Cephalos
     Cephadrome  Lavasioth  Plesioth
    Leviathan  Ludroth  Uroktor
     Agnaktor  Lagiacrus  Nibelsnarf  Mizutsune  Soulseer Mizutsune  Royal Ludroth
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
    Flying Wyvern  Akantor  Astalos  Boltreaver Astalos  Barioth  Basarios  Diablos  Bloodbath Diablos  Khezu  Nargacuga  Silverwind Nargacuga  Rathalos  Dreadking Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Dreadqueen Rathian  Gold Rathian  Seregios  Tigrex  Grimclaw Tigrex  Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon  Alatreon  Amatsu  Chameleos  Fatalis  Crimson Fatalis  White Fatalis  Kirin  Kushala Daora  Lao-Shan Lung  Nakarkos  Shagaru Magala  Teostra  Valstrax
    ???  Gore Magala  Chaotic Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (edit)
    Herbivore  Anteka  Gowngoat  Kelbi  Kestodon  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Amphibian  Zamite
    Fish  Gajau
    Fanged Beast  Bombadgy  Bullfango
     Arzuros  Apex Arzuros  Bishaten  Blood Orange Bishaten  Garangolm  Goss Harag  Lagombi  Rajang  Furious Rajang  Volvidon
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Carapaceon  Ceanataur  Hermitaur
     Daimyo Hermitaur  Shogun Ceanataur
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra  Hornetaur  Vespoid
    Temnoceran  Pyrantula  Rachnoid
     Rakna-Kadaki  Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
    Bird Wyvern  Baggi  Boggi  Gargwa  Izuchi  Jaggi  Jaggia  Velociprey  Wroggi
     Aknosom  Great Baggi  Great Izuchi  Great Wroggi  Kulu-Ya-Ku  Pukei-Pukei
    Brute Wyvern  Anjanath  Barroth
    Fanged Wyvern  Jagras
     Lunagaron  Magnamalo  Scorned Magnamalo  Tobi-Kadachi  Zinogre  Apex Zinogre
    Leviathan  Ludroth  Uroktor
     Almudron  Magma Almudron  Mizutsune  Violet Mizutsune  Apex Mizutsune  Royal Ludroth  Somnacanth  Aurora Somnacanth
    Piscine Wyvern  Delex
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
    Flying Wyvern  Astalos  Barioth  Basarios  Bazelgeuse  Seething Bazelgeuse  Diablos  Apex Diablos  Espinas  Flaming Espinas  Khezu  Nargacuga  Lucent Nargacuga  Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Apex Rathalos  Rathian  Gold Rathian  Apex Rathian  Seregios  Tigrex
    Elder Dragon  Amatsu  Chameleos  Risen Chameleos  Crimson Glow Valstrax  Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax  Gaismagorm  Kushala Daora  Risen Kushala Daora  Malzeno  Primordial Malzeno  Shagaru Magala  Risen Shagaru Magala  Teostra  Risen Teostra  Thunder Serpent Narwa  Narwa the Allmother  Velkhana  Wind Serpent Ibushi
    ???  Gore Magala  Chaotic Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Frontier (edit)
    Herbivore  Anteka  Apceros  Aptonoth  Burukku  Erupe  Kelbi  Mosswine  Popo
    Fanged Beast  Bullfango  Blango  Conga
     Bulldrome  Blangonga  Zenith Blangonga  Congalala  Gogomoa  Kamu Orugaron  Midogaron  Zenith Midogaron  Lolo Gougarf  Ray Gougarf  Nono Orugaron  Rajang  Voljang
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx  Shakalaka  Uruki
     King Shakalaka
    Neopteron  Great Thunderbug  Hornetaur  Vespoid
    Carapaceon  Ceanataur  Hermitaur  Kusubami
     Akura Vashimu  Zenith Akura Vashimu  Akura Jebia  Daimyo Hermitaur  Zenith Daimyo Hermitaur  Shen Gaoren  Shogun Ceanataur  Taikun Zamuza  Zenith Taikun Zamuza
    Bird Wyvern  Genprey  Giaprey  Ioprey  Velociprey
     Farunokku  Forokururu  Gendrome  Gypceros  Purple Gypceros  Hypnocatrice  Zenith Hypnocatrice  Breeding Season Hypnocatrice  Silver Hypnocatrice  Iodrome  Toridcless  Zenith Toridcless  Velocidrome  Yian Garuga  Yian Kut-Ku  Blue Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern  Abiorugu  Giaorugu  Zenith Giaorugu  Brachydios  Deviljho  Savage Deviljho  Starving Deviljho  Gasurabazura  Zenith Gasurabazura  Uragaan
    Piscine Wyvern  Cephalos
     Aruganosu  Cephadrome  Goruganosu  Lavasioth  Lavasioth Subspecies  Plesioth  Zenith Plesioth  Green Plesioth
    Leviathan  Pokara
     Barlagual  Zenith Barlagual  Kuarusepusu  Pokaradon
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre  Howling Zinogre  Stygian Zinogre
    Flying Wyvern  Egyurasu
     Akantor  Anorupatisu  Zenith Anorupatisu  Barioth  Basarios  Berukyurosu  Bogabadorumu  Bombardier Bogabadorumu  Doragyurosu  Zenith Doragyurosu  Dyuragaua  Diablos  Black Diablos  Diorekkusu  Espinas  Zenith Espinas  Flaming Espinas  Espinas Rare Species  Gravios  Zenith Gravios  Black Gravios  Gurenzeburu  Gureadomosu  Hyujikiki  Zenith Hyujikiki  Khezu  Zenith Khezu  Red Khezu  Meraginasu  Mi Ru  Mysterious Mi Ru  Monoblos  White Monoblos  Nargacuga  Blinking Nargacuga  Odibatorasu  Pariapuria  Thirsty Pariapuria  Poborubarumu  Rathalos  Zenith Rathalos  Azure Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Pink Rathian  Gold Rathian  Tigrex  Zenith Tigrex  Unknown (Black Flying Wyvern)  Varusaburosu  Zenaserisu  Zerureusu  Sparkling Zerureusu
    Elder Dragon  Amatsu  Chameleos  Disufiroa  Duremudira  Arrogant Duremudira  Eruzerion  Burning Freezing Eruzerion  Fatalis  Crimson Fatalis  White Fatalis  Garuba Daora  Guanzorumu  Ruler Guanzorumu  Harudomerugu  Zenith Harudomerugu  Inagami  Zenith Inagami  Keoaruboru  Kirin  Kushala Daora  Rusted Kushala Daora  Lao-Shan Lung  Ashen Lao-Shan Lung  Lunastra  Rukodiora  Zenith Rukodiora  Rebidiora  Shagaru Magala  Shantien  Teostra  Toa Tesukatora  Yama Kurai  Yama Tsukami
    ???  Gore Magala
    Unclassified  Laviente  Violent Laviente  Berserk Laviente
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Online (edit)
    Herbivore  Anteka  Apceros  Aptonoth  Kelbi  Mosswine  Popo
    Fanged Beast  Bullfango  Blango  Conga
     Blangonga  Flame Blangonga  Bulldrome  Elemental Bulldrome  Caeserber  Ghost Caeserber  Yellow Caeserber  Congalala  Gold Congalala  Kamu Orugaron  Nono Orugaron  Rajang  Furious Rajang  Slicemargl  Purple Slicemargl
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx  Shakalaka
     King Shakalaka
    Neopteron  Great Thunderbug  Vespoid
     Lightenna  Poikilos Lightenna
    Carapaceon  Ceanataur  Hermitaur
     Akura Vashimu  Akura Jebia  Baelidae  Dread Baelidae  Daimyo Hermitaur  Gonngenn Hermitaur  Shen Gaoren  Guren Shen Gaoren  Teppeki Shen Gaoren  Shogun Ceanataur  Swordmaster Shogun Ceanataur  Onimusha  Taikun Zamuza
    Bird Wyvern  Genprey  Giaprey  Ioprey  Velociprey
     Chramine  Ice Chramine  Farunokku  Gendrome  Giadrome  Gypceros  Purple Gypceros  Hypnocatrice  Gold Hypnocatrice  Silver Hypnocatrice  Iodrome  Velocidrome  Yian Garuga  One-Eared Yian Garuga  Yian Kut-Ku  Blue Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern  Abiorugu  Giaorugu  Brachydios  Deviljho  Disaster Wyvern  Uragaan
    Piscine Wyvern  Cephalos
     Cephadrome  Plesioth  Lavasioth
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre  Stygian Zinogre
    Flying Wyvern  Akantor  Barioth  Basarios  Crystal Basarios  Sandstone Basarios  Berukyurosu  Diablos  Black Diablos  Doragyurosu  Dyuragaua  Espinas  Flaming Espinas  Gurenzeburu  Gravios  Black Gravios  Khezu  Red Khezu  Monoblos  White Monoblos  Shattered Monoblos  Pariapuria  Meraginasu  Nargacuga  Nargacuga  Rathalos  Azure Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Pink Rathian  Gold Rathian  Conflagration Rathian  Tigrex  Flame Tigrex
    Elder Dragon  Amatsu  Chameleos  Kirin  Kushala Daora  Rusted Kushala Daora  Lunastra  Teostra  Lao-Shan Lung  Merphistophelin  Elemental Merphistophelin  Tartaronis  Infernal Tartaronis  Yama Tsukami
    ???  Estrellian  Doom Estrellian  Arbiter Estrellian