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Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki

Slagtoth are Herbivores introduced in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd.


Slagtoth (resembling the real-world Pachyrhinosaurus) have a green, saggy hide covering most of their body, most notably drooping near the sides of the head and along their flanks. They have a pale yellow underbelly and a black nasal boss and nose.


Slagtoth are extremely territorial; the males will attack both Hunters and Wyverns. They attack Hunters by ramming with the bone lump on their snouts and body-slamming. When unprovoked however, these docile creatures have often been observed to rest in the waters of the Flooded Forest.


They are usually found near water, probably because their floppy, frog-like hides require moisture.

Game Appearances

Main Series


In-Game Description

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
水没林や火山の、主に水辺に生息する草食竜。 “垂皮竜” の名が示す様に、分厚くたるんだ皮膚を持ち、そこに栄養を蓄えている。皮は耐熱防水性に優れ、雨具などの衣類に加工される。縄張り意識が強く、雄の固体は飛竜が来ても、逃げようとしないほど。
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Herbivores that live near water in the Volcano and Flooded Forest. Their heavy, sagging hides store nutrients, and are prized for their resistance to heat and water. Males are quite territorial, often refusing to flee from even invading wyverns.
Threat Level (危険度): ★★
Monster Hunter 4
主に水辺に生息する草食竜。 ”垂皮竜”の名が示す様に、分厚くたるんだ皮膚を持ち、そこに栄養を蓄える。 耐熱防水性に優れた皮は、雨具などの衣類に加工される。 縄張り意識が強く、雄の個体は飛竜が来ても、逃げようとしないほど。
Threat Level (危険度):
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Herbivores that live in coastal areas. Their heavy, sagging hides store nutrients and are prized for their heat and water resistance. The males are quite territorial, often refusing to flee from even invading wyverns.
Threat Level (危険度):
Monster Hunter Generations
Herbivores that live in coastal areas. Their heavy, sagging hides store nutrients and are prized for their heat and water resistance. The males are quite territorial, often refusing to flee from even invading wyverns.
Threat Level (危険度):
Monster Hunter Rise
Highly territorial herbivores that live in costal areas. Their heavy, sagging hides store nutrients and are prized for their heat and water resistance.
Monster Hunter Stories
A green\brown variety of Slagtoth. They store nutrients in the thick layers of skin that hang from their bodies.
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin
A green\brown variety of Slagtoth. They store nutrients in the thick layers of skin that hang from their bodies. Very territorial and stubborn, they will refuse to run away, even when under attack from a Flying Wyvern.


General Notes

  • Rhenoplos Bones can be carved from Slagtoth.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

  • There are red individuals, which are the rarest coloration of Slagtoth.

  • Monster Hunter Stories

  • The game make a division about the different types of Slagtoth (Green and Brown), each of them has its own number and description in the Monsterpedia. The descriptions are the same with the exception of the described colour. This carries over into the sequel.

  • Monster Hunter Stories 2

  • Both varieties of Slagtoth are Power type monsters.
    • Like most small monsters, it cannot be a Monstie.

  • Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (edit)
    Herbivore  Anteka  Aptonoth  Kelbi  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Fanged Beast  Bullfango
     Bulldrome  Arzuros  Lagombi  Volvidon
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra
    Bird Wyvern  Gargwa  Baggi  Jaggi  Jaggia  Wroggi
     Great Baggi  Great Jaggi  Great Wroggi  Qurupeco  Crimson Qurupeco
    Brute Wyvern  Barroth  Jade Barroth  Deviljho  Duramboros  Uragaan  Steel Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern  Delex
    Leviathan  Ludroth  Uroktor
     Agnaktor  Glacial Agnaktor  Nibelsnarf  Royal Ludroth  Purple Ludroth
    Flying Wyvern  Giggi
     Akantor  Barioth  Sand Barioth  Diablos  Black Diablos  Gigginox  Baleful Gigginox  Nargacuga  Green Nargacuga  Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Gold Rathian  Tigrex  Brute Tigrex  Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon  Alatreon  Amatsu  Jhen Mohran
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (edit)
    Herbivore  Anteka  Aptonoth  Epioth  Kelbi  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Fish  Fish
    Fanged Beast  Bullfango
     Arzuros  Lagombi  Volvidon
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra
    Bird Wyvern  Gargwa  Baggi  Jaggi  Jaggia  Wroggi
     Great Baggi  Great Jaggi  Great Wroggi  Qurupeco  Crimson Qurupeco
    Brute Wyvern  Barroth  Jade Barroth  Brachydios  Deviljho  Savage Deviljho  Duramboros  Rust Duramboros  Uragaan  Steel Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre  Stygian Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern  Delex
     Plesioth  Green Plesioth
    Leviathan  Ludroth  Uroktor
     Agnaktor  Glacial Agnaktor  Gobul  Lagiacrus  Ivory Lagiacrus  Abyssal Lagiacrus  Nibelsnarf  Royal Ludroth  Purple Ludroth
    Flying Wyvern  Giggi
     Barioth  Sand Barioth  Diablos  Black Diablos  Gigginox  Baleful Gigginox  Nargacuga  Green Nargacuga  Lucent Nargacuga  Rathalos  Azure Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Pink Rathian  Gold Rathian
    Elder Dragon  Alatreon  Ceadeus  Goldbeard Ceadeus  Dire Miralis  Jhen Mohran  Hallowed Jhen Mohran
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter 4 (edit)
    Herbivore  Aptonoth  Kelbi  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Amphibian  Zamite
     Tetsucabra  Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast  Conga
     Congalala  Emerald Congalala  Kecha Wacha  Lagombi  Rajang  Furious Rajang
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra  Konchu
     Seltas  Seltas Queen
    Temnoceran  Nerscylla
    Bird Wyvern  Gargwa  Genprey  Ioprey  Jaggi  Jaggia  Velociprey
     Gendrome  Great Jaggi  Gypceros  Purple Gypceros  Iodrome  Velocidrome  Yian Garuga  Yian Kut-Ku  Blue Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern  Brachydios  Deviljho  Savage Deviljho
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre  Stygian Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern  Delex
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
    Flying Wyvern  Akantor  Basarios  Ruby Basarios  Gravios  Black Gravios  Khezu  Red Khezu Rathalos  Azure Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Pink Rathian  Gold Rathian  Tigrex  Brute Tigrex  Molten Tigrex
    Elder Dragon  Dalamadur  Dah'ren Mohran  Fatalis  Crimson Fatalis  Kirin  Oroshi Kirin  Kushala Daora  Shagaru Magala  Teostra
    ???  Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (edit)
    Herbivore  Apceros  Aptonoth  Kelbi  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Amphibian  Zamite
     Tetsucabra  Berserk Tetsucabra  Zamtrios  Tigerstripe Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast  Conga
     Congalala  Emerald Congalala  Kecha Wacha  Ash Kecha Wacha  Lagombi  Rajang  Furious Rajang
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Carapaceon  Hermitaur
     Daimyo Hermitaur  Plum Daimyo Hermitaur
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra  Konchu
     Seltas  Desert Seltas  Seltas Queen  Desert Seltas Queen
    Temnoceran  Nerscylla  Shrouded Nerscylla
    Bird Wyvern  Gargwa  Genprey  Ioprey  Jaggi  Jaggia  Velociprey
     Gendrome  Great Jaggi  Gypceros  Purple Gypceros  Iodrome  Velocidrome  Yian Garuga  Yian Kut-Ku  Blue Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern  Brachydios  Raging Brachydios  Deviljho  Savage Deviljho
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre  Stygian Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern  Delex  Cephalos
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
     Najarala  Tidal Najarala
    Flying Wyvern  Akantor  Basarios  Ruby Basarios  Diablos  Black Diablos  Gravios  Black Gravios  Khezu  Red Khezu  Monoblos  White Monoblos  Rathalos  Azure Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Pink Rathian  Gold Rathian  Seregios  Tigrex  Brute Tigrex  Molten Tigrex  Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon  Chameleos  Dalamadur  Shah Dalamadur  Dah'ren Mohran  Fatalis  Crimson Fatalis  White Fatalis  Gogmazios  Kirin  Oroshi Kirin  Kushala Daora  Rusted Kushala Daora  Shagaru Magala  Teostra
    ???  Gore Magala  Chaotic Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Generations (edit)
    Herbivore  Anteka  Apceros  Aptonoth  Kelbi  Larinoth  Moofah  Mosswine  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Amphibian  Zamite
     Tetsucabra  Drilltusk Tetsucabra  Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast  Blango  Bullfango
     Arzuros  Redhelm Arzuros  Blangonga  Bulldrome  Gammoth  Kecha Wacha  Lagombi  Snowbaron Lagombi  Rajang  Furious Rajang  Volvidon
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Carapaceon  Ceanataur  Hermitaur
     Daimyo Hermitaur  Stonefist Hermitaur  Shogun Ceanataur
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra  Hornetaur  Konchu  Vespoid
     Seltas  Seltas Queen
    Bird Wyvern  Gargwa  Genprey  Giaprey  Ioprey  Jaggi  Jaggia  Maccao  Velociprey
     Gendrome  Great Maccao  Gypceros  Iodrome  Malfestio  Velocidrome  Yian Garuga  Deadeye Yian Garuga  Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern  Brachydios  Deviljho  Savage Deviljho  Duramboros  Glavenus  Hellblade Glavenus  Uragaan  Crystalbeard Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre  Thunderlord Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern  Cephalos
     Cephadrome  Lavasioth  Plesioth
    Leviathan  Ludroth  Uroktor
     Agnaktor  Lagiacrus  Nibelsnarf  Mizutsune  Royal Ludroth
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
    Flying Wyvern  Akantor  Astalos  Khezu  Nargacuga  Silverwind Nargacuga  Rathalos  Dreadking Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Dreadqueen Rathian  Gold Rathian  Seregios  Tigrex  Grimclaw Tigrex  Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon  Alatreon  Amatsu  Chameleos  Kirin  Kushala Daora  Nakarkos  Shagaru Magala  Teostra
    ???  Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (edit)
    Herbivore  Anteka  Apceros  Aptonoth  Kelbi  Larinoth  Moofah  Mosswine  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Amphibian  Zamite
     Tetsucabra  Drilltusk Tetsucabra  Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast  Blango  Bullfango  Conga
     Arzuros  Redhelm Arzuros  Blangonga  Bulldrome  Congalala  Gammoth  Elderfrost Gammoth  Kecha Wacha  Lagombi  Snowbaron Lagombi  Rajang  Furious Rajang  Volvidon
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Carapaceon  Ceanataur  Hermitaur
     Daimyo Hermitaur  Stonefist Hermitaur  Shogun Ceanataur  Rustrazor Ceanataur
    Temnoceran  Nerscylla
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra  Great Thunderbug  Hornetaur  Konchu  Vespoid
     Ahtal-Ka  Seltas  Seltas Queen
    Bird Wyvern  Gargwa  Genprey  Giaprey  Ioprey  Jaggi  Jaggia  Maccao  Velociprey
     Gendrome  Great Maccao  Gypceros  Iodrome  Malfestio  Nightcloak Malfestio  Velocidrome  Yian Garuga  Deadeye Yian Garuga  Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern  Barroth  Brachydios  Raging Brachydios  Deviljho  Savage Deviljho  Duramboros  Glavenus  Hellblade Glavenus  Uragaan  Crystalbeard Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre  Thunderlord Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern  Cephalos
     Cephadrome  Lavasioth  Plesioth
    Leviathan  Ludroth  Uroktor
     Agnaktor  Lagiacrus  Nibelsnarf  Mizutsune  Soulseer Mizutsune  Royal Ludroth
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
    Flying Wyvern  Akantor  Astalos  Boltreaver Astalos  Barioth  Basarios  Diablos  Bloodbath Diablos  Khezu  Nargacuga  Silverwind Nargacuga  Rathalos  Dreadking Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Dreadqueen Rathian  Gold Rathian  Seregios  Tigrex  Grimclaw Tigrex  Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon  Alatreon  Amatsu  Chameleos  Fatalis  Crimson Fatalis  White Fatalis  Kirin  Kushala Daora  Lao-Shan Lung  Nakarkos  Shagaru Magala  Teostra  Valstrax
    ???  Gore Magala  Chaotic Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Rise (edit)
    Herbivore  Anteka  Kelbi  Kestodon  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Amphibian  Zamite
    Fish  Gajau
    Fanged Beast  Bombadgy  Bullfango
     Arzuros  Apex Arzuros  Bishaten  Goss Harag  Lagombi  Rajang  Volvidon
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra
    Temnoceran  Rachnoid
    Bird Wyvern  Baggi  Gargwa  Izuchi  Jaggi  Jaggia  Wroggi
     Aknosom  Great Baggi  Great Izuchi  Great Wroggi  Kulu-Ya-Ku  Pukei-Pukei
    Brute Wyvern  Anjanath  Barroth
    Fanged Wyvern  Jagras
     Magnamalo  Tobi-Kadachi  Zinogre  Apex Zinogre
    Leviathan  Ludroth
     Almudron  Mizutsune  Apex Mizutsune  Royal Ludroth  Somnacanth
    Piscine Wyvern  Delex
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
    Flying Wyvern  Barioth  Basarios  Bazelgeuse  Diablos  Apex Diablos  Khezu  Nargacuga  Rathalos  Apex Rathalos  Rathian  Apex Rathian  Tigrex
    Elder Dragon  Chameleos  Crimson Glow Valstrax  Kushala Daora  Teostra  Thunder Serpent Narwa  Narwa the Allmother  Wind Serpent Ibushi
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (edit)
    Herbivore  Anteka  Gowngoat  Kelbi  Kestodon  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Amphibian  Zamite
    Fish  Gajau
    Fanged Beast  Bombadgy  Bullfango
     Arzuros  Apex Arzuros  Bishaten  Blood Orange Bishaten  Garangolm  Goss Harag  Lagombi  Rajang  Furious Rajang  Volvidon
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Carapaceon  Ceanataur  Hermitaur
     Daimyo Hermitaur  Shogun Ceanataur
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra  Hornetaur  Vespoid
    Temnoceran  Pyrantula  Rachnoid
     Rakna-Kadaki  Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
    Bird Wyvern  Baggi  Boggi  Gargwa  Izuchi  Jaggi  Jaggia  Velociprey  Wroggi
     Aknosom  Great Baggi  Great Izuchi  Great Wroggi  Kulu-Ya-Ku  Pukei-Pukei
    Brute Wyvern  Anjanath  Barroth
    Fanged Wyvern  Jagras
     Lunagaron  Magnamalo  Scorned Magnamalo  Tobi-Kadachi  Zinogre  Apex Zinogre
    Leviathan  Ludroth  Uroktor
     Almudron  Magma Almudron  Mizutsune  Violet Mizutsune  Apex Mizutsune  Royal Ludroth  Somnacanth  Aurora Somnacanth
    Piscine Wyvern  Delex
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
    Flying Wyvern  Astalos  Barioth  Basarios  Bazelgeuse  Seething Bazelgeuse  Diablos  Apex Diablos  Espinas  Flaming Espinas  Khezu  Nargacuga  Lucent Nargacuga  Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Apex Rathalos  Rathian  Gold Rathian  Apex Rathian  Seregios  Tigrex
    Elder Dragon  Amatsu  Chameleos  Risen Chameleos  Crimson Glow Valstrax  Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax  Gaismagorm  Kushala Daora  Risen Kushala Daora  Malzeno  Primordial Malzeno  Shagaru Magala  Risen Shagaru Magala  Teostra  Risen Teostra  Thunder Serpent Narwa  Narwa the Allmother  Velkhana  Wind Serpent Ibushi
    ???  Gore Magala  Chaotic Gore Magala