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Monster Hunter Wiki

Ruler Guanzorumu are Elder Dragons and Extreme Individuals of Guanzorumu introduced in Monster Hunter Frontier G10.


Ruler Guanzorumu's appearance is extremely similar to regular Guanzorumu except now, his scales are white and the numerous spikes are now a golden color. His wings also take on a fire like appearance and his eyes glow red.


Ruler Guanzorumu has almost the same moveset as regular Guanzorumu, however, instead of using fire and dragon seperately, it combines them into a golden flame. The Egyurasu are also capable of breathing this Golden Flame.


Ruler Guanzorumu, much like his relative, is extremely aggressive and will not hesitate to use it's Golden Flame to scorch the hunter.


Ruler Guanzorumu can be found in areas such as the Cloud Viewing Fortress.

Game Appearances[]

MH Frontier G10

In-Game Description[]

Monster Hunter Frontier G


Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Frontier (edit)
Herbivore  Anteka  Apceros  Aptonoth  Burukku  Erupe  Kelbi  Mosswine  Popo
Fanged Beast  Bullfango  Blango  Conga
 Bulldrome  Blangonga  Zenith Blangonga  Congalala  Gogomoa  Kamu Orugaron  Midogaron  Zenith Midogaron  Lolo Gougarf  Ray Gougarf  Nono Orugaron  Rajang  Voljang
Lynian  Felyne  Melynx  Shakalaka  Uruki
 King Shakalaka
Neopteron  Great Thunderbug  Hornetaur  Vespoid
Carapaceon  Ceanataur  Hermitaur  Kusubami
 Akura Vashimu  Zenith Akura Vashimu  Akura Jebia  Daimyo Hermitaur  Zenith Daimyo Hermitaur  Shen Gaoren  Shogun Ceanataur  Taikun Zamuza  Zenith Taikun Zamuza
Bird Wyvern  Genprey  Giaprey  Ioprey  Velociprey
 Farunokku  Forokururu  Gendrome  Gypceros  Purple Gypceros  Hypnocatrice  Zenith Hypnocatrice  Breeding Season Hypnocatrice  Silver Hypnocatrice  Iodrome  Toridcless  Zenith Toridcless  Velocidrome  Yian Garuga  Yian Kut-Ku  Blue Yian Kut-Ku
Brute Wyvern  Abiorugu  Giaorugu  Zenith Giaorugu  Brachydios  Deviljho  Savage Deviljho  Starving Deviljho  Gasurabazura  Zenith Gasurabazura  Uragaan
Piscine Wyvern  Cephalos
 Aruganosu  Cephadrome  Goruganosu  Lavasioth  Lavasioth Subspecies  Plesioth  Zenith Plesioth  Green Plesioth
Leviathan  Pokara
 Barlagual  Zenith Barlagual  Kuarusepusu  Pokaradon
Snake Wyvern  Remobra
Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre  Howling Zinogre  Stygian Zinogre
Flying Wyvern  Egyurasu
 Akantor  Anorupatisu  Zenith Anorupatisu  Barioth  Basarios  Berukyurosu  Bogabadorumu  Bombardier Bogabadorumu  Doragyurosu  Zenith Doragyurosu  Dyuragaua  Diablos  Black Diablos  Diorekkusu  Espinas  Zenith Espinas  Flaming Espinas  Espinas Rare Species  Gravios  Zenith Gravios  Black Gravios  Gurenzeburu  Gureadomosu  Hyujikiki  Zenith Hyujikiki  Khezu  Zenith Khezu  Red Khezu  Meraginasu  Mi Ru  Mysterious Mi Ru  Monoblos  White Monoblos  Nargacuga  Blinking Nargacuga  Odibatorasu  Pariapuria  Thirsty Pariapuria  Poborubarumu  Rathalos  Zenith Rathalos  Azure Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Pink Rathian  Gold Rathian  Tigrex  Zenith Tigrex  Unknown (Black Flying Wyvern)  Varusaburosu  Zenaserisu  Zerureusu  Sparkling Zerureusu
Elder Dragon  Amatsu  Chameleos  Disufiroa  Duremudira  Arrogant Duremudira  Eruzerion  Burning Freezing Eruzerion  Fatalis  Crimson Fatalis  White Fatalis  Garuba Daora  Guanzorumu  Ruler Guanzorumu  Harudomerugu  Zenith Harudomerugu  Inagami  Zenith Inagami  Keoaruboru  Kirin  Kushala Daora  Rusted Kushala Daora  Lao-Shan Lung  Ashen Lao-Shan Lung  Lunastra  Rukodiora  Zenith Rukodiora  Rebidiora  Shagaru Magala  Shantien  Teostra  Toa Tesukatora  Yama Kurai  Yama Tsukami
???  Gore Magala
Unclassified  Laviente  Violent Laviente  Berserk Laviente