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Afflicted Monsters (Japanese: 傀異化 Kai'ika) are a type of monster found in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. They are also known as simply "the Afflicted". Afflicted Monsters are found exclusively in Master Rank. They are fought during a special quest type called "Anomaly Quests" and "Anomaly Investigations".


The Afflicted are monsters that have been possessed and driven mad by Qurio, who seek new hosts to feed on. Due to the parasitic nature of the Qurio, these monsters are extremely violent, making them a dangerous threat despite their drastically shortened lifespan. They first appeared when Malzeno and Gaismagorm, their natural hosts, were killed in the main story.

The Afflicted Monsters slowly die due to being incompatible with Qurio as their life force is slowly drained, but until that time their natural abilities are drastically improved. Due to their enhanced abilities along with their aggressive behavior, Afflicted Monsters cannot be captured though, they can still trigger traps. When the Afflicted host dies, the Qurio will seek new hosts to become Afflicted. As a result, the Afflicted Monsters are considered Elder Dragon-level threats because of this. Even other Elder Dragon level monsters and Elder Dragons themselves can be affected by the Qurio. However, Elder Dragons can overcome Affliction and become Risen Elder Dragons, becoming even more dangerous.


Qurio Screenshot 001


The Qurio are pink flying leech-like creatures that are usually seen around Malzeno, Primordial Malzeno, and Gaismagorm. They are parasites can drain the lifeforce out of any creatures they latch onto and transmit a virus that sickens their victims. They cannot effectively produce the nutrients they need to survive on their own, thus needing hosts like the Afflicted and the mentioned Elder Dragons in order to cycle energy through and properly feed, empowering their host in the process due to the extra energy circulating through its body.

For more details, see Qurio.


Afflicted Monsters retain their much of their standard form, however bodies become noticeably darker in color, their eyes become red, and they are constantly shrouded in a dark red aura. Qurio swarms gather around these creatures, similar to Malzeno and Gaismagorm. However in some rare cases, some monsters seem to have grown in size compared to regular members of their species from their failed symbiosis with the Qurio.

Unlike Apex Monsters, these monsters are not considered separate from the monster's standard form.


Like Malzeno, Afflicted Monsters can inflict Bloodblight with most of their physical attacks. They have two different states during the fight, the Delirious State and Pacified State.

Afflicted Monster fight like a regular version of their species, albeit they hit harder compared to the normal monsters, have much higher health, and can inflict Bloodblight with most of their attacks. Once time has passed, they can enter the Delirious State, in which their speed and attack power is greatly increased and act as if they are constantly enraged. During the Delirious State, several glowing "Anomaly Cores" appear on their bodies; these cause significant damage if destroyed. Dealing enough damage to the monsters in Delirious State will force them out of the Delirious state, knocking them over and leaving them in a slower Pacified state afterward. Once destroyed, Anomaly Cores will reappear elsewhere on the monster's body over time throughout the duration of this state.

Failing to pacify Afflicted Monsters in time will cause them to use a signature move called Anomaly Burst, releasing a deadly explosion that deals major damage as well as inflicting Stun and releasing Qurio clusters that circle the monster in a wide radius. As these monsters slowly die, they will re-enter their Delirious State much faster than before.

Some monsters, such as Garangolm and Seething Bazelgeuse, are capable of altering the Anomaly Burst, where the Anomaly Burst explosion is added to the monster's ultimate attack.


Driven mad by the Qurio's relentless hunger, Afflicted Monsters are extremely aggressive monsters willing to attack anything in their way. Forced to become hosts, they are compelled to aid the Qurio until their eventually death. They must constantly hunt in order to feed the gluttonous Qurio.

Anomaly Researches[]

Anomaly Research Quests can be accessed through Quest Counter in their unique tab, where hunters will take on quests to hunt these Afflicted monsters; the monsters are sorted into 9 tiers based on their relative difficulty level. From Ver.11 onward, a new form of Anomaly Research called Anomaly Investigations were added, where players will fight random Afflicted Monsters or Risen Elder Dragons (in addition to any secondary targets). Clearing these will award Anomaly Investigation coins and special materials used for Qurious Crafting and certain Decorations.

Monsters in the Anomaly Investigations have a randomly-set level between 1 and 300; the higher it is, the stronger monsters become. Some Investigations may also add additional elements, such as a higher or lower number of faints allowed or a reduced time limit. The reward also changes with the level of the quest. The maximum level of the Investigation is increased by completing Anomaly Researches, akin to Hunter Rank. Higher Investigation levels will cause the main targets to start dropping new materials, as well as unlock higher-level targets. Title Update 3 also adds an option to change the level of obtained Anomaly Investigations from the current level to any level within the possible range.

When a Level 300 Anomaly Investigation quest is completed will obtain a corresponding Special Investigation quest only once. These are functionally identical to a regular Investigation, but the monsters have significantly raised stats and increased attack potency, such as heightened aggression and larger hitboxes on their attacks. No special reward or quests are unlocked after completing Special Investigations. However, completing multiple of these Special Quests will unlock a special Badge of Heroes as well as special awards on the hunter's profile.

Qurious Crafting[]

Qurious Crafting was a featured added in Ver.11. By using materials gathered from Anomaly Investigations, hunting gear and armor can be upgraded. This allows the option to customize various weapon stats, as well as alter armor skills or abilities. Additionally, items need for Qurious Crafting can also be obtain at Bahari's Anomaly Research Lab.

For more details, see MHRS: Qurious Crafting.

Anomaly Research Lab[]

The Anomaly Research Lab is where Investigation Coins are used to obtain materials need for Qurious Crafting, rare materials needed for upgrades such as Mantles or Orbs, and various other goods. Bahari will additionally give out 50-500 Investigation Coins (scaling with AR) for completing 10 Anomaly Investigations; he will also choose a Research Request monster that contributes more AR points and 2 hunts for this counter, rotating every couple hunts.

List of Known Afflicted Monsters and Rewards[]

Quest Rank & Unlocking Conditions Afflicted Monsters Main Afflicted Materials
Tier 1 Materials Tier 2 Materials Tier 3 Materials
A Quest: MR10
Afflicted Bone Afflicted Hardbone Afflicted Slogbone
Lv1-30 Lv31-100 Lv101-300
Afflicted Pelt Afflicted Hide+ Afflicted Thickhide
Lv1-30 Lv31-100 Lv101-300
A Quest: MR20
Afflicted Blood Afflicted Dragon Blood Afflicted Pure Blood
Lv11-30 Lv31-100 Lv101-300
Afflicted Monster Bone Afflicted Monster Hardbone Afflicted Monster Slogbone
Lv11-30 Lv31-100 Lv101-300
A Quest: MR30
Afflicted Shell Afflicted Carapace Afflicted Cortex
Lv21-30 Lv31-100 Lv101-300
Afflicted Scale Afflicted Scale+ Afflicted Shard
Lv21-30 Lv31-100 Lv101-300
A Quest: MR50
Afflicted Claw Afflicted Claw+ Afflicted Hardclaw
A4 Afflicted Quests or
Lv31-100's additional reward
Lv31-100 Lv101-300
Afflicted Fang Afflicted Fang+ Afflicted Hardfang
A4 Afflicted Quests or
Lv31-100's additional reward
Lv31-100 Lv101-300
A Investigation: AR51
A Quest: AR81
Afflicted Dire Bone Afflicted Dire Hardbone Afflicted Dire Slogbone
Lv51-100 Lv101-160 Lv161-300
Afflicted Dire Scale Afflicted Dire Scale+ Afflicted Dire Shard
Lv51-100 Lv101-160 Lv161-300
Afflicted Dire Horn Afflicted Dire Horn+ Afflicted Dire Hardhorn
Lv51-100 Lv101-160 Lv161-300
A Investigation: AR71
A Quest: AR111
Afflicted Dire Shell Afflicted Dire Carapace Afflicted Dire Cortex
Lv81-110 Lv111-180 Lv181-300
Afflicted Dire Claw Afflicted Dire Claw+ Afflicted Dire Hardclaw
Lv81-110 Lv111-180 Lv181-300
A Investigation: AR91
A Quest: AR181
Afflicted Dire Fang Afflicted Dire Fang+ Afflicted Dire Hardfang
Lv91-140 Lv141-200 Lv201-300
Afflicted Dire Wing Afflicted Dire Wing+ Afflicted Dire Fellwing
Lv91-140 Lv141-200 Lv201-300
Afflicted Dire Blood Afflicted Dire Dragon Blood Afflicted Dire Darkblood
Lv91-140 Lv141-200 Lv201-300
A Investigation: AR111
A Quest: AR211
Risen Dragonbone Risen Dragonbone+ Risen Slogbone
Lv111-160 Lv161-220 Lv221-300
Afflicted Dire Blood Afflicted Dire Dragon Blood Afflicted Dire Darkblood
Lv111-140 Lv141-200 Lv201-300
A Investigation: AR131
A Quest: 241
Risen Dragon Blood Risen Dragon Pureblood Risen Dragon Thickblood
Lv131-200 Lv201-240 Lv241-300



  • Anomaly Quests are unlocked after defeating Gaismagorm for the first time and clearing the main story of Sunbreak at MR10.
  • Afflicted Monsters cannot be captured, similar to Apex Monsters. However, they can be trapped during combat.
    • Unlike Apex Monsters, Afflicted Monsters are not immune to Wyvern Riding. However, it is much harder to get them into this state without helps from other monsters or Puppet Spiders.
    • Afflicted Monsters also have Turf Wars unlike the Apex Monsters.
  • While a Lunagaron surrounded by Qurio is encountered shortly before the fight against Gaismagorm in the Urgent Quest called Gathering of the Qurio, and gains the Afflicted red glow halfway through the quest, it does not spawn any Anomaly Cores, cannot perform the Anomaly Burst or enter the Delirious State, and does not drop Anomaly materials, and thus is mechanically not an Afflicted Monster.
    • Additionally, despite being encountered in this quest, an Anomaly Quest for Lunagaron was not present in the game until the first Title Update.
  • Despite being an A8★ monster, Chaotic Gore Magala shares the Afflicted Parts with the A7★ Seething Bazelgeuse and Flaming Espinas.
  • As revealed in the final Digital Event for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, Anomaly Investigations were the most Popular Master Rank Hub Quest in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.
  • In Anomaly Investigations around Level 180+, the locale can also be Arena, Infernal Springs, and Forlorn Arena. Most monsters in the game, even if they don't appear there in normal quests, can show up there.


  • Afflicted monsters share similarities to monsters affected by the Frenzy Virus in Monster Hunter 4/Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. However, despite the presence of Gore Magala, Shagaru Magala, and Chaotic Gore Magala the two afflictions are unrelated.
    • Also, an Afflicted Monster is fought once during the main story as introduction with an Afflicted Lunagaron, similar to how Apex Seregios was the first mandatory Apex Monster to be faced.
    • The only monsters that do not have Afflicted States or Anomaly Quests are Small Monsters, Elder Dragons, Lucent Nargacuga, Violet Mizutsune, and Apex Monsters.
      • However, Apex Monsters, and other non-Afflicted Monsters can appear alongside Afflicted Monsters as quest targets in high-level Anomaly Investigations.
      • Additionally, Elder Dragons, while having no Afflicted Form, they are indeed being infected by the Qurio. However, they can overcome the Qurio virus, in turn gaining stronger abilities. These are called Risen Elder Dragons.
        • The Risen Elder Dragons were later added to Anomaly Investigations in Title 4 update in February 7th, 2023.
        • Special Anomaly Investigations were added in Title Update 5 on April 20th, 2023.
  • Despite Gore Magala being a young Shagaru Magala and Chaotic Gore Magala being the failed molt, they can still be afflicted. The Shagaru Magala on the other hand, becomes a Risen Elder Dragon.
  • Before Sunbreak released, its launch trailer which announced Seething Bazelgeuse also briefly showed an Afflicted Tetranadon, teasing the feature ahead of time.