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Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki

Ruby Basarios are Flying Wyverns and a Subspecies of Basarios introduced in Monster Hunter 4.


The most notable feature of this species of Basarios is the assortment of pink crystals protruding from all over its back, suggesting a considerable variation in its diet compared to its rocky cousin. Its body is also heavily covered in moss, due to it living in a vegetation-rich environment.


Its shell is highly resistant to damage and is difficult to penetrate. It is capable of launching crystals from its back by shaking its body back and forth.


Like the common Basarios, this subspecies prefers to spend much of its time buried in the earth, camouflaged as a rock. It will attack if disturbed, but will not respond aggressively should it be approached by a hunter or another monster while in this state.


This subspecies is exclusively found in the Everwood, presumably because the pink crystals it feeds on cannot be found elsewhere.

Game Appearances

Main Series


In-Game Description

Monster Hunter 4
希少な鉱石をまとったバサルモスの亜種。 その鉱石の色から”桃岩竜”の異名をもつ。 外敵に向け、背の鉱石を撒き散らして攻撃する。 この時、稀に希少な鉱石が採掘できる。 背の甲殻が壊れた際に外敵に飛び掛かられると、転倒して弱点をさらしてしまう。
Threat Level (危険度): ★★★★
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
A Basarios variant that scatters crystals from its back to fend off attackers, offering those nearby a chance to mine for rare minerals. Jump on one when its back carapace is broken to make it roll over and expose its weak underbelly.
Threat Level (危険度): ★★★★
Monster Hunter Stories
Basarios subspecies that coats its carapace with rare ore. It scatters this with great force during battle.
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin
This subspecies of Basarios coat their carapace with rare ore, which they scatter with great force during battle. Unlike regular Basarios, they can discharge both noxious poison and a sleep-inducing gas.

MH4U Breakable Parts

Back (x1)
Chest (x1)
Tail (Sever)


General Notes

  • The red crystals that it scatters from its body can be mined for ores. However, the hunter must hurry to do so, as the crystals will break after a short while.
  • Its back can be broken and mined for ores.
  • Ruby Basarios' roar requires HG Earplugs to block.
    • Its roar when becoming enraged only requires Earplugs.
  • Its design appears to be based upon the Basarios X armor set from Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, which featured a very similar crystalline pink and grey coloration.
  • During the localization process, potential name candidates for Ruby Basarios included Coral Basarios and Azalea Basarios.
  • Ruby Basarios was voted 200th place in the Hunters' Choice for Top Monster during Monster Hunter's 20th Anniversary.[1]

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

  • It drops crystals with some attacks, like the tail swing, the hip check or when it rolls.
  • Once its back is broken, the next time a hunter rides on it, it will roll over and exposes its belly to the rider instead (and continue to do so, even after the belly has been broken).

  • Monster Hunter Stories 2

  • Ruby Basarios is a Technical type monster.
    • Opposing Ruby Basarios’ turn to Power attacks when enraged.
  • Each individual part broken will boost its retreat rate little by little.

  • External Links

    Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate: Localization & The Ultimate Question!

    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter 4 (edit)
    Herbivore  Aptonoth  Kelbi  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Amphibian  Zamite
     Tetsucabra  Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast  Conga
     Congalala  Emerald Congalala  Kecha Wacha  Lagombi  Rajang  Furious Rajang
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra  Konchu
     Seltas  Seltas Queen
    Temnoceran  Nerscylla
    Bird Wyvern  Gargwa  Genprey  Ioprey  Jaggi  Jaggia  Velociprey
     Gendrome  Great Jaggi  Gypceros  Purple Gypceros  Iodrome  Velocidrome  Yian Garuga  Yian Kut-Ku  Blue Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern  Brachydios  Deviljho  Savage Deviljho
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre  Stygian Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern  Delex
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
    Flying Wyvern  Akantor  Basarios  Ruby Basarios  Gravios  Black Gravios  Khezu  Red Khezu Rathalos  Azure Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Pink Rathian  Gold Rathian  Tigrex  Brute Tigrex  Molten Tigrex
    Elder Dragon  Dalamadur  Dah'ren Mohran  Fatalis  Crimson Fatalis  Kirin  Oroshi Kirin  Kushala Daora  Shagaru Magala  Teostra
    ???  Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (edit)
    Herbivore  Apceros  Aptonoth  Kelbi  Popo  Rhenoplos  Slagtoth
    Amphibian  Zamite
     Tetsucabra  Berserk Tetsucabra  Zamtrios  Tigerstripe Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast  Conga
     Congalala  Emerald Congalala  Kecha Wacha  Ash Kecha Wacha  Lagombi  Rajang  Furious Rajang
    Lynian  Felyne  Melynx
    Carapaceon  Hermitaur
     Daimyo Hermitaur  Plum Daimyo Hermitaur
    Neopteron  Altaroth  Bnahabra  Konchu
     Seltas  Desert Seltas  Seltas Queen  Desert Seltas Queen
    Temnoceran  Nerscylla  Shrouded Nerscylla
    Bird Wyvern  Gargwa  Genprey  Ioprey  Jaggi  Jaggia  Velociprey
     Gendrome  Great Jaggi  Gypceros  Purple Gypceros  Iodrome  Velocidrome  Yian Garuga  Yian Kut-Ku  Blue Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern  Brachydios  Raging Brachydios  Deviljho  Savage Deviljho
    Fanged Wyvern  Zinogre  Stygian Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern  Delex  Cephalos
    Snake Wyvern  Remobra
     Najarala  Tidal Najarala
    Flying Wyvern  Akantor  Basarios  Ruby Basarios  Diablos  Black Diablos  Gravios  Black Gravios  Khezu  Red Khezu  Monoblos  White Monoblos  Rathalos  Azure Rathalos  Silver Rathalos  Rathian  Pink Rathian  Gold Rathian  Seregios  Tigrex  Brute Tigrex  Molten Tigrex  Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon  Chameleos  Dalamadur  Shah Dalamadur  Dah'ren Mohran  Fatalis  Crimson Fatalis  White Fatalis  Gogmazios  Kirin  Oroshi Kirin  Kushala Daora  Rusted Kushala Daora  Shagaru Magala  Teostra
    ???  Gore Magala  Chaotic Gore Magala