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Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki

A brute wyvern that inhabits areas of deep oilsilt.

A brute wyvern that can spray toxic gas from the tip of its tongue and inject gas into the ground with its tail, causing noxious explosions to well up from underfoot.

Rompopolo is a Brute Wyvern first introduced in Monster Hunter Wilds.


Rompopolo is a brute wyvern with an unusual and bizarre appearance; it has the basic brute wyvern body plan with small arms, large hind legs and a powerful tail, but it also has a long sharp beak similar to that of a hummingbird or a mosquito proboscis, equipped with a long tongue capable of forking at the end, its short arms have long sharp front claws like a mantis, and it has gecko-like toe pads on its feet and beady, close-set reddish violet eyes.

Its skin has a dark blue and purple hue, with its head and the rest of its back and tail being armed with expandable sacs filled with poisonous gases, with insect-like spiracles on its sides to vent it out. Rompopolo's tail additionally has a stinger at the end capable of pumping out poisonous gases that can cause the ground around it to explode as a form of attack.

Behavior and Abilities[]

Rompopolo mainly attacks by spraying its enemies with poisonous mist from its mouth in the from of sweeping breath attacks, along with lashing at enemies with its long tongue, it can also unleash a concentrated stream of poison gas as a long ranged attack. It will slash at enemies with its front claws and use its tail as a bludgeoning weapon as well.

Rompopolo can also drive its tail stinger into muddy and oily ground in order to inject it with poisonous gases, and cause the ground around it to explode and erupt with oil and tar to heavily damage opponents.

Game Appearances[]

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Main Series[]

In-Game Description[]

Monster Hunter Wilds
{{{Icon 1}}} Dappled brute wyverns that prowl Oilwell Basin. They use their tails to inject gas into the ground and detonate it, then feed on the small creatures that are unearthed. The toxic gas they spray from their tongues serve to weaken prey, which they then finish off with the blasts. Rompopolo are extremely territorial and will readily engage their own kind.


General Notes

  • Rompopolo has a Turf War with Ajarakan, Rathian, and Rathalos.
  • Damaging Rompopolo's sacs enough will cause them to deflate, temporarily preventing it from using its poison abilities.
