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For other uses, see Slingshot (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of Yo-Yo Rodriguez, see Yo-Yo Rodriguez's Character Hub

"I made hard choices before. Being right doesn't stop it from feeling wrong."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Agent Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez is a Colombian Inhuman and one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most decorated and skilled operatives. Rodriguez underwent Terrigenesis during the Inhuman Outbreak, gaining the power to move at super-speed with the condition that she always returned to her starting space. Believing her power to be a gift from God, Rodriguez used her new gift to fight corruption within the Colombian political system, including the National Police of Colombia. This briefly put her into a conflict with S.H.I.E.L.D., but as they saw that Rodriguez was using her powers for good, they recruited her into the Secret Warriors. Seeking to use her gifts to protect the world, Rodriguez assisted in the battle against Hive and his army of brainwashed Inhumans, during which she was nearly killed while saving Alphonso Mackenzie from the Primitives.

Agreeing to sign the Sokovia Accords, Rodriguez immediately went behind new S.H.I.E.L.D. director Jeffrey Mace's back in order to seek out Victor Ramon, who had killed her cousin. Rodriguez found Ramon and stopped his weapons sale to the Watchdogs with the aid of Quake, whom she then agreed to assist in her own vigilante missions. Returning to S.H.I.E.L.D., Rodriguez assisted in the defeat of Eli Morrow with her teammates and started a relationship with Alphonso Mackenzie. Later, she joined the fight against Aida, her LMDs, as well as the Watchdogs and entered the Framework to convince Mackenzie, who stayed there, to leave before it was deleted, eventually succeeding.

Soon after, Rodriguez and the rest of the team were sent to the year 2091 where Earth had been destroyed and the human survivors lived in the Lighthouse under Kree rule. She and Mackenzie decided to stay in the station with Flint to help the people to stand against the Kree, while the rest of the team left to find a way back to the present. Before she returned to Earth, Rodriguez encountered a future version of herself who warned her about the events which would cause the apocalypse.

While attempting to avert the destruction of Earth in the present, only to walk into a trap set by Hale, Rodriguez lost both of her arms trying to save Mackenzie but later won cybernetic arms to replace her missing limbs. Rodriguez ultimately warned her colleagues about what her future self had told her: that trying to save Phil Coulson could result in the Destruction of Earth. This put her at odds with some of her teammates, notably Daisy Johnson, who refused to let Coulson die. However, Rodriguez's warning was eventually heeded by Coulson himself, leading to a S.H.I.E.L.D. victory over Glenn Talbot. Rodriguez then remained with her S.H.I.E.L.D. teammates for new missions under Mackenzie's directorship.

Mackenzie's new status initially went incompatible with his relationship with Rodriguez, and eventually, Rodriguez began dating S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Damon Keller, although this relationship ended as well due to Keller being infected by a Shrike, forcing Rodriguez to give him a merciful death. Rodriguez joined S.H.I.E.L.D.'s efforts against Sarge's Squad and the threat of Izel, and succeeded in winning Jaco to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s cause. In the aftermath of an apparent S.H.I.E.L.D. victory, Rodriguez and Mackenzie were back together, but they soon realized that Izel had survived. Rodriguez was possessed and captured by Izel, and held prisoner at the Temple of the Forgotten. She and Mackenzie managed to escape, but Rodriguez was in turn infected by a Shrike and nearly died from it; however, she was saved when May killed Izel, thus exterminating all the Shrike.

Rodriguez and her S.H.I.E.L.D. team were brought onto the Zephyr, where they were informed that the alien Chronicoms were planning on using time travel to rewrite history and erase S.H.I.E.L.D. from existence. Rodriguez and the team travelled through the decades fighting the Chronicoms; however, Rodriguez would soon discover that her Inhuman powers had vanished. When they travelled to 1983, Rodriguez sought the help of Jiaying, an Inhuman leader and Daisy's mother, in the hope that she could restore her powers. Rodriguez would discover that her powers had vanished due to the combined trauma of her Shrike infection and the death of her uncle in her youth. With Jiaying's help, Rodriguez would unlock her Inhuman powers once more, as well as realizing that the caveat that she must always bounce back to her starting location was subconscious programming, caused by a similar event leading to her uncle's death. Now realizing the full potential of her abilities, Rodriguez would be pivotal in helping S.H.I.E.L.D. defeat the Chronicom threat and save the timeline. Following this, she would join the new STRIKE team as part of the newly-rebuilt S.H.I.E.L.D. under Alphonso Mackenzie's leadership.


Early Life[]

Losing her Uncle[]

Yo-Yo flashback

Rodriguez and her cousin hide from Javier

"I should never have taken it. I should have stayed still."
"You were a child."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Melinda May[src]

Elena Rodriguez was born and raised in PotosĂ­, Colombia.[4] But when she still only young, her father got involved with the illegal drug trade, so Rodriguez stayed with her uncle and cousin to get away from it. However, Javier, a drug dealer, visited Rodriguez's uncle's house looking for her father, but he was not there. Rodriguez hid with her cousin as Oscar dealt with Javier.

Yo-Yo flashback 2

Rodriguez at her uncle's side as he dies

Rodriguez watched as Javier beat up Oscar and demanded that her father's debt be paid up. She saw Javier pick up her grandmother's necklace, which Rodriguez did not want to be taken from them, as it was important to their family, so she quickly ran out and grabbed it. Immediately, Rodriguez returned to the closet, but Javier noticed that the necklace was gone, so Oscar tried to get him to take anything else. However, this caused Javier to get angry, so the two men fought, resulting in Oscar being shot. Rodriguez and Francisco went to Oscar's side and cried as he died.[5]


"I had told myself this was just a dream. And then my cousin Francisco calls with bad news about his mom. I was upset, so I went to get a beer, and... whoosh! I'm back on my couch, beer in one hand. I realize I need a bottle opener, and whoosh again... I'm back on my couch, bottle opener in the other hand."
"What did you think was happening?"
"My heart was beating so fast, I thought someone had put cocaine in my beer."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Flint[src]

As a young woman, she lived in BogotĂĄ with her cousin, Francisco Rodriguez and working at a clerical job in a museum, while also teaching art classes at nights. During the Inhuman Outbreak, Rodriguez went through Terrigenesis due to ingesting fish soup that was tainted by the Terrigen Mist.[1] She sat down and realized she wanted a beer. Suddenly, she got up and sat back down with a beer. Rodriguez then wanted a bottle opener, and the same thing happened.[6] Rodriguez realized she had gained the power to move at superhuman speeds for the length of a single heartbeat, before snapping back to her original place. Due to Rodriguez's deep faith; she came to the conclusion that her powers were a gift from God to stop corruption and help her people.[1]

Stealing Weapons[]

Conflict with Victor Ramon[]

Bouncing Back 28

Rodriguez steals guns from the police

"Las armas que robaste, ¿para qué las vas a utilizar?"[7]
"ÂĄNo vamos a usarlas! ÂĄEstamos asegurĂĄndonos de que nadie las use![8]"
―Joey Gutierrez and Elena Rodriguez[src]

Seeking to do good with her new Inhuman powers, Rodriguez went against Victor Ramon and his team of corrupt National Police of Colombia officers. While Ramon's team was transporting a cargo of guns across the city, Rodriguez used her incredible speed to steal the weapons from the officers before they could stop her. She then took the weapons to Francisco who hid them in their apartment ready to be transported out of the city and disposed of with, ensuring the police could not harm any innocent person with them.[1]

Encounter with S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

Bouncing Back 21

Rodriguez disarms Alphonso Mackenzie

"¿Eres EE.UU. Militar? Yo sé que no estås con la policía local."[9]
"PolicĂ­a? Yeah, you stole pistolas from the policĂ­a, and sold the pistolas to your amigos, criminals."
―Elena Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

With the weapons safely hidden away, Rodriguez went to check on the investigation at the crime scene, which was being conducted by S.H.I.E.L.D.. Despite her efforts to blend in, Rodriguez was spotted by Alphonso Mackenzie who noticed that the tips of her shoes had been scratched off during the raid. Rodriguez used her speed to steal Mackenzie's gun before throwing him in the back of a van and driving away with him unconscious.


Rodriguez threatens Alphonso Mackenzie

Rodriguez took Mackenzie back to her apartment where she tied him up in the bathroom while she continued speaking to Francisco Rodriguez and sorted through the guns. When Mackenzie awoke, Rodriguez darted to the door and closed it. Once Francisco had left, Rodriguez went to question Mackenzie, who attempted to escape, however, Rodriguez was able to use her powers to trap and disarm him before pulling a gun and ordering him to surrender while Mackenzie observed how her powers worked.


Rodriguez questions Alphonso Mackenzie

Once Rodriguez had tied Mackenzie to a chair, she questioned him about whether he was part of the military but Mackenzie accused her of being a criminal. Rodriguez insisted that she was not a criminal as she believed her powers were a gift from God, which Mackenzie seemed to understand noting that her powers came from tainted fish, which had made her undergo Terrigenesis. As they were talking the whole room began to shake as Daisy Johnson arrived and assisted in capturing Rodriguez.[1]

Captured and Questioned[]


Rodriguez inside the Containment Module

"ÂżSabes como le decimos la policĂ­a aquĂ­? Ladrones en uniforme. Ellos sĂłlo son poderosos porque tienen armas, pero ahora yo tengo el poder para proteger a mis gente. !De que los detengan y los maten en las calles![10]"
―Elena Rodriguez to Daisy Johnson[src]

The unconscious Rodriguez was then arrested and taken onboard Zephyr One and locked inside the Containment Module to await questioning about her various crimes against the police. While she slept the S.H.I.E.L.D. team went through her belongings and attempted to work out why she had turned to crime as they profiled her and her cousin. Eventually, Rodriguez awoke and began furiously slamming on the walls at super-speed in order to get her kidnappers attention while she also furiously banged on the glass.


Rodriguez is questioned by Joey Gutierrez

Rodriguez was questioned by Joey Gutierrez, who spoke in Spanish to translate for the rest of the team. Gutierrez asked why she had stolen the guns and what she planned on using them for, but Rodriguez insisted that her plan was to ensure that nobody used the guns. When Daisy Johnson noted that it was the police who had the guns, Rodriguez explained that the police were corrupt in BogotĂĄ and she was fighting to protect her friends, this was confirmed when Bobbi Morse captured Francisco as he threw away the guns.


Rodriguez learns her cousin has been killed

While still locked in her cell, Rodriguez continued to ask about her cousin's safety until Mackenzie freed her and showed her that her cousin had been murdered by Victor Ramon. Once she had been given some time, Gutierrez translated as Mackenzie told Rodriguez like her he relied on his faith and maybe her gifts were from God. He told her that they needed to use these gifts for good and she agreed to join their team to save their teammates. She then explained to the group how her powers worked in detail.[1]

Rescue in the Police Station[]


Rodriguez robs the police at super-speed

"Las cosas son diferentes ahora, eres una Inhumana."[11]
"También soy de Colombia, y una administradora de oficina y una hija y una prima. Tengo que llevar a casa a mi primo, tengo que decirle a mi tía por qué murió.[12]"
―Joey Gutierrez and Elena Rodriguez[src]

Agreeing to help the team, Rodriguez used her incredible speed to steal a keycard from a police officer, greatly impressing Daisy Johnson who called her her new best friend. Alphonso Mackenzie briefed the team on the whereabouts of their team-mates as well as the movements of the corrupt police officers. Mackenzie supplied Rodriguez with Overpowering Tape to subdue the police without harming them.


Rodriguez is paralyzed from Lucio's abilities

As the team charged through the station, Rodriguez stayed behind Johnson, disarming any police she came across before Johnson used her shockwaves to defeat them, Rodriguez disarmed and tied up six police in one go before Johnson could even blink. Eventually, Mackenzie saved Bobbi Morse and warned the group that the Inhuman's power was in his eyes. Rodriguez, however, did not translate and tried to attack Lucio, who used his powers to paralyze her and launch her body against the wall at full speed.


Rodriguez preparing to return to Colombia

Rodriguez recovered and witnessed HYDRA using the Extraction Claw to kidnap Lucio before the team could do anything. Back on Zephyr One, Joey Gutierrez tried to convince Rodriguez to join S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Secret Warriors so she could learn to master her powers and do good with them, however, Rodriguez insisted that she had to stay in Colombia to live her life and explain why her cousin had died. Rodriguez was allowed to go and Mackenzie gave her a watch she could use to contact them if she ever needed help.[1]

Secret Warriors[]

Retaking of Zephyr One[]


Rodriguez is contacted by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Elevator door opens, he comes out, bullets boom, boom, boom, and the soldiers. This is the man."
"Hey, I just stopped the bullets but you dropped them down."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Joey Gutierrez[src]

While still in BogotĂĄ, Rodriguez waited for her bus to arrive while practicing English to be ready for her next conversation with Alphonso Mackenzie. However, just as Rodriguez prepared to board the bus, she was contacted by S.H.I.E.L.D., informing her that there was a Secret Warriors mission which needed her assistance. Apologizing to the bus driver, Rodriguez stepped out onto the streets and looked up as she began searching for the incoming S.H.I.E.L.D. pickup.


Rodriguez joins a Secret Warriors mission

Once onboard a Quinjet with the rest of the team, Rodriguez was informed that HYDRA had hijacked Zephyr One and taken the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. team onboard hostage within their secret base at the Schoonebeek Oil Field. When Rodriguez asked about the intel they had regarding how the plane was taken and how many guards they would be going against, Daisy Johnson explained that they basically knew nothing about what to expect during the mission but insisted that they rescue their team. Having agreed to the mission, Rodriguez and the Secret Warriors jumped from the Quinjet and made their way inside the HYDRA base to search for their allies.


Rodriguez quickly subduing HYDRA guards

Inside the base, Johnson destroyed the concrete walls and ordered Rodriguez and Joey Gutierrez to go to the elevator and find the rest of the team. On the way down, Rodriguez teased Gutierrez about running off from his own date with Kevin to join them on the mission. Speaking to each other in Spanish they discussed how many guards to expect before the doors opened and they encountered six. While Gutierrez melted their bullets, Rodriguez used Overpowering Tape to subdue them before they continued their search, noting that Gutierrez had made the correct prediction about how many HYDRA guards they should have expected within the hallway.


Rodriguez witnesses R. Giyera's attack

Making their way onto Zephyr One with Gideon Malick, who had been captured by Lincoln Campbell, Rodriguez witnessed Gutierrez being knocked to the ground from a wrench thrown at him by R. Giyera. However, before Rodriguez even had a chance to defend her friend, Johnson appeared and used a shockwave to launch Giyera across the hanger. Having established that Gutierrez was okay, Rodriguez left him with the rest of the team while she and Johnson continued the search for the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team so they could make their hasty escape from the base.


Rodriguez helps save Alphonso Mackenzie

While Campbell and Gutierrez dealt with Lucio who was attempting to stop them and rescue Malick, Rodriguez used her Inhuman speed to use the Overpowering Tape to once again subdue the guards attempting to kill her S.H.I.E.L.D. allies before greeting Mackenzie, who was hiding out with Phil Coulson and the others. Rodriguez used the English she had been practicing to speak to Mackenzie before Melinda May got to her feet despite painful wounds and flew Zephyr One out of the HYDRA base and took them all back to safety before Hive could return and fight them all.


Rodriguez recalls the details of their battle

Back at the Playground, Rodriguez had joined the rest of the Secret Warriors in the changing room where they discussed and joked about the successful mission. The team listened as Rodriguez excitedly retold the story of how Gutierrez had melted the HYDRA operatives' bullets although he insisted she deserved more of the credit as she had used her speed to knock them all down. As they were talking, Johnson noticed that Rodriguez had in fact been grazed by a bullet in the leg, which she claimed to have not even felt due to the adrenaline of the mission.


Rodriguez comments on her new nickname

Speaking to Alphonso Mackenzie, Rodriguez was told the long history of S.H.I.E.L.D., including how it had once been known as the Strategic Scientific Reserve after World War II. Rodriguez noted that the team had gotten into the habit of calling her Yo-Yo which she blamed on Mackenzie while also telling him that his Spanish had to improve. Mackenzie went on to explain to Rodriguez that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s goal was always to protect and not kill, although this was not always possible, with Rodriguez noting that she trusted him and S.H.I.E.L.D. to do the right thing.[13]

Under Suspicion[]

The Team Warriors arguing

Rodriguez confronts Daisy Johnson

"Son cerdos del gobierno. Nosotros confiamos en ellos, y se volvieron contra nosotros."[14]
"Screw S.H.I.E.L.D.."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Daisy Johnson[src]

While still talking with him, Rodriguez then witnessed Phil Coulson informing Alphonso Mackenzie that he needed him to lock down the Playground for unknown reasons. Rodriguez later confronted Daisy Johnson about this. Although Johnson argued that it was a security matter as Gideon Malick was still there, Rodriguez insisted that she wanted to be allowed to go home free before angrily storming off.


Rodriguez becomes a target of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Suddenly the lights throughout the base were cut and an explosion was heard. When Rodriguez tried to learn from Mackenzie what was happening, she found herself being surrounded by armed S.H.I.E.L.D. agents including Melinda May. Coulson explained that Hive could control Inhumans and therefore he suspected that a member of the Secret Warriors was under his control. As tensions rose Rodriguez stole May's gun while Lincoln Campbell confronted Coulson before the Secret Warriors ran into the other room for their own safety before they all could be captured.


Rodriguez discusses who is Hive's slave

Joey Gutierrez joined them and with Rodriguez's help they secured the doors before discussing their next move and S.H.I.E.L.D. would still be after them. Rodriguez expressed her disgust at S.H.I.E.L.D.'s treatment of them while Gutierrez remained horrified at such an accusation. Rodriguez was questioned over her wound but denied all knowledge. Eventually, Johnson convinced the team not to fight each other but to instead find their own way out of the base and then figure out the situation themselves, away from S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who wanted to contain them without any questioning.


Rodriguez accuses Lincoln Campbell

However, Johnson instead led Rodriguez to the Containment Module where Phil Coulson was waiting for them, claiming he had discovered who was the infected Inhuman who had been working as Hive's slave. Coulson claimed that Campbell was the one to blame as he had discovered the Kree Beacon within Campbell's locker. Campbell denied all involvement but the team remained highly skeptical as Coulson noted he had stolen the Terrigen Crystals from the same room before and that he had encountered Hive while at the Transia Corporation Headquarters while completely on his own.


Rodriguez sees Lincoln Campbell's capture

As the evidence piled up against Campbell, Rodriguez tried to use the Overpowering Tape to subdue her former ally, then leading to Campbell ordering her to leave him alone as he insisted he was innocent. However, Rodriguez ignored Campbell's demands but when she ran at Campbell he consumed his power with electricity, causing her to be shocked and sent flying backwards, knocking her unconscious. While she was out though, Campbell was subdued by the combined efforts of Gutierrez and Johnson and locked in the Containment Module for questioning later on.


Rodriguez decides to leave S.H.I.E.L.D.

With Campbell now locked up and the trust within the team destroyed, Rodriguez gave blood samples to Jemma Simmons before demanding that she be allowed to walk away from S.H.I.E.L.D. On her way out, being escorted by Melinda May and a team of agents, Rodriguez encountered Mackenzie who tried to reason with her by using the nickname of Yo-Yo, but Rodriguez did not even look at him and instead insisted that her true name was Elena before walking out of the Playground and away from the Secret Warriors seemingly for good.[13]

Return to S.H.I.E.L.D.[]


Rodriguez shows Glenn Talbot her powers

"Put me on your list, there will be a price on my head."
"Nobody would ever find out about it."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Glenn Talbot[src]

Rodriguez was eventually convinced to return to S.H.I.E.L.D. upon learning that Daisy Johnson was the real slave to Hive and manipulated the Secret Warriors into disbanding. Once Rodriguez arrived back at the Playground, she was greeted by Phil Coulson and Glenn Talbot who wanted her to sign the Sokovia Accords. Upon Coulson's request, Rodriguez demonstrated her own super-speed powers by stealing Talbot's medals from his uniform, much to the General's great surprise.


Rodriguez and Mackenzie discuss Hive

Walking through the Playground, Rodriguez soon found Alphonso Mackenzie who she noted was clearly not happy to see her there, noting that while she was there to fight, he believed that they could not defeat Hive. Seeing Mackenzie was in pain, Rodriguez was informed that he had been attacked by Johnson, who only served Hive now and he did not want Rodriguez to fall under Hive's sway as well. As Mackenzie explained that Hive's current plan was pure evil, Rodriguez gave him a beer and reminded him to keep his faith to help them get through this and find a way to stop Hive.


Rodriguez learns Lincoln Campbell escaped

During her time on the base, the alarms were triggered due to Lincoln Campbell seemingly making a desperate attempt to escape the base and reunite with Johnson in order to try and save her. Rodriguez came out to investigate with Melinda May and they were briefed on the situation by Coulson and Talbot. Fearing that Campbell may be attempting to find another way to get onto a Quinjet, May ordered Rodriguez to join her in investigating a secret escape within the base. During the ensuing skirmish against Mackenzie, Campbell knocked him down and seemingly escaped onboard the Quinjet.


Rodriguez is informed of Lash fighting Hive

However it was then revealed that Campbell had never left the base, and in fact, he had been replaced with Lash, who was being sent to fight and kill Hive. As Campbell explained to the team that they had come up with the plan to fool Johnson into bringing Lash to Hive, they had to keep it a secret from everybody, with Rodriguez noting that he should have tried to avoid hurting Mackenzie in the resulting fight. While they discussed the plan, Lash failed to destroy Hive although he did rescue Johnson from Hive's control and ensured she made it back to the Playground, being killed by Hellfire in the process.


Rodriguez tells Mackenzie to keep the faith

While Johnson received medical treatment due to having her Kree blood taken by Hive and Holden Radcliffe, Rodriguez and Mackenzie discussed keeping faith that she would recover. Rodriguez later visited Mackenzie in his bedroom where she found his designs for a new motorcycle, asking if he saw a future now or a fast way out. They continued to discuss if they could really defeat Hive, and Mackenzie told her that although he was not sure he would still fight. Rodriguez then handed Mackenzie her crucifix necklace and told him to keep the faith before quietly walking outside.[16]

Trapping Hive[]


Rodriguez prepares for her newest mission

"Look at all these people."
"Yeah, good thing we brought the really small plane to carry all of them."
―Lincoln Campbell and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Rodriguez decided to go with Melinda May, Alphonso Mackenzie and Lincoln Campbell to attempt to stop Hive from launching a warhead. While May flew the Quinjet under the water to avoid being spotted on the radar scanners, Rodriguez opted to wear the Nanothermite Vest along with Campbell in case Hive was able to gain control of their minds. As Mackenzie was being handed the detonators by Campbell, Rodriguez nodded at him to signify her approval at the decision if it came to it.


Rodriguez speaks with Alphonso Mackenzie

Once the team arrived at the facility, they split up, with Campbell and May going to find an upload link while Rodriguez and Mackenzie set up a version of the Theta Brain-Wave Frequency Machine in one of the hallways. Rodriguez commented on Mackenzie's slow speed as he rebuilt the machine, and Mackenzie replied that not everybody had super speed. Mackenzie tried to return Rodriguez's necklace, but she was insulted, as it was not a gift that should be given back. When Mackenzie questioned Rodriguez about wearing the vest, she told him she would rather be dead than controlled by Hive.


Rodriguez watches Hive as he suffers pain

Just as they were completing the machine, Phil Coulson and Leo Fitz, with the help of Brigadier General Glenn Talbot managed to stop the warhead's launch, and Campbell baited Hive into the hallway. Mackenzie, however, warned that he did not have enough time to finish the memory machine, so Rodriguez used her powers to finish the Machine. Campbell used his powers to activate the Machine, bringing the memories of every host, like Grant Ward, Will Daniels and Nathaniel Malick, Hive ever inhabited to the surface. With Hive incapacitated, Rodriguez went to free the hostages.


Rodriguez prepares to rescue the hostages

Getting into position outside the room where Hive's hostages were being guarded, Rodriguez updated Mackenzie who ordered her to hurry. Amused that the man she had mocked earlier for being too slow was now telling her to speed up, Rodriguez said in Spanish that it was fortunate that he was a handsome man. Rodriguez charged into the room and knocked out the Primitives guarding the men, who included Graham and ordered them to follow her outside to safety. A short time later, the agents left the building, with Rodriguez leading all of the freed hostages outside to regroup with them.


Rodriguez smiles as Hive is finally captured

As the four of them began to follow the hostages to the Quinjet, with May also bringing Holden Radcliffe to join them, Hive reappeared and ordered them all to stop. Furious, Hive demanded to know what they had done to him, with Campbell answering that they had done the only thing they could think of. Hive began to channel his powers, but Rodriguez immediately used her speed to place a summoning device under him. Hive, confused, looked up only to be trapped in a glass cage filled with Suspension Gel, trapping him and allowing the team to bring him to Zephyr One to be locked away.[17]

Attack of the Primitives[]


Rodriguez seeing the Primitives attacking

"What happened?"
"Mack lit me on fire."
―Jemma Simmons and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

With Hive seemingly locked up for good, Rodriguez relaxed in the Playground until she was alerted that a Terrigen Mist bomb had been activated, turning O'Brien and several other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents into mindless Primitives. As they watched the Primitives attempting to free Hive from the Suspension Gel, Rodriguez insisted that they save the other agents, only for Phil Coulson to inform her that they were already dead.[17]


Rodriguez saves Alphonso Mackenzie's life

Having learned that Daisy Johnson had escaped the Containment Module and was now battling Hive, Rodriguez joined the rest of the team as they discussed the Primitives with Holden Radcliffe. As the Primitives were making their way through the base, Rodriguez joined Alphonso Mackenzie in securing the armory. Just as they arrived, however, a Primitive appeared and fired at Mackenzie, only for Rodriguez to run in front of him and used her own body to protect him from the bullets. As Rodriguez then fell to the floor, Mackenzie ran over and caught her before she could hit the floor.


Rodriguez's gunshot wound is burned

As Mackenzie carried Rodriguez throughout the Playground, they soon regrouped with Coulson, Lincoln Campbell and Radcliffe, locking themselves in a workshop to hide from the Primitives. Using the limited resources they had, Campbell desperately tried to save Rodriguez, noting that she was bleeding too fast and therefore they had to seal the wound somehow. Radcliffe suggested that they use a blowtorch to seal the wound, and with no other choice, they agreed, with Rodriguez insisting Mackenzie would be the one to do it as she screamed in horrific agony as her skin was burned.


Rodriguez is helped by Alphonso Mackenzie

Seeing the heat had gone up, Radcliffe realized Jemma Simmons was using heat to blind all of the Primitives, allowing them to make their way towards Coulson's office without being seen. Once there they regrouped with Simmons who informed them that Melinda May and Leo Fitz had made their way onto Zephyr One to challenge Hive. As Rodriguez was still suffering from the agony of her own wound, Coulson called in a Quinjet to take her to a hospital. While Rodriguez recovered, Coulson's team destroyed Hive, but Campbell was killed in the process, while also saving millions of lives.[18]

New Director[]

Signing the Sokovia Accords[]

Yo-Yo failed search

Rodriguez fails to search for Victor Ramon

"You did read the Accords before you signed them, right?"
"Of course."
"So you know that if you break the agreement, the law states I have to turn you over to Secretary Ross, and he won't hesitate to detain you on the Raft for the foreseeable future."
―Jeffrey Mace and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

In the wake of the defeat of Hive, Rodriguez decided to stay on as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Inhuman asset following a trip home to Columbia, requiring her to sign the Sokovia Accords. As she waited for her meeting with Jeffrey Mace, she attempted to run a facial recognition search on Victor Ramon who murdered her cousin Francisco, as she had received information leading her to believe he was coming to the United States. Rodriguez quickly figured out that she did not have the proper clearance to run the search, and was interrupted by Phil Coulson who was bringing his belongings from the director's office to Zephyr One.

Yo-Yo chats with Coulson

Rodriguez chats with Phil Coulson

Rodriguez saw that Coulson was holding the axe that Alphonso Mackenzie used to save him, and asked him why he still keeps it. He replied that it was his good luck charm, and they talked about the new director, the disbanding of the Secret Warriors, and the Sokovia Accords. Rodriguez was still unsure whether she wanted to sign the Accords, as she would like her freedom. Coulson gave her Peggy Carter's S.H.I.E.L.D. pin from the formation of the organization, and reminded her that she was not just giving something up, but she's also gaining a team. The conversation moved onto the team, and Rodriguez was hopeful that Coulson and Mackenzie would find Daisy Johnson.[19]

Mace Rodriguez signing

Rodriguez signs the Sokovia Accords

Rodriguez entered the director's office and saw photos and news articles about herself projected on the wall. Mace entered the office, and after an awkward introduction, he asked her to sign the Accords. Rodriguez asked what would happen if she were not to sign, and Mace reminded her it was a chance to do some good. She signed the Accords and then asked Mace to look into Ramon, to which he responded that she needs to submit a detailed threat assessment. Rodriguez then left the office to have her physical assessment completed, but not before using her powers to steal Mace's badge.[20]


Rodriguez speaks with Leo Fitz

At the lab, she used the stolen badge to run the facial recognition search while Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons upgraded her watch and did her physical assessment. Rodriguez managed to distract them long enough to complete her search without detection, determining that Ramon was in Baltimore. On her way out of the base, she ran into Mackenzie, who told her how they were trying to track Quake. They flirted a little bit, then she gave him a kiss on the cheek and watched him board Zephyr One and leave the base. As the Zephyr disappeared from sight, Melinda May appeared behind Rodriguez suspecting that she took the director's badge.[21]


Rodriguez is confronted by Melinda May

May took Rodriguez to the Quinjet and scolded her for stealing the director's badge, mentioning how she makes a terrible spy. Rodriguez tried to deny taking the badge, but May revealed that she knows everything that she had been up to, including the facial recognition search. Rodriguez gave up and handed May the badge, with the latter telling her to be less sloppy next time.

Yo-Yo smiles at May

Rodriguez is helped by Melinda May

Rodriguez secured herself in the Quinjet, believing that the pilot was taking her to her assignment in Los Angeles. The pilot told her the flight would only be twenty minutes, leaving her confused as it should take a few hours to get to Los Angeles. Rodriguez asked the pilot why the flight was so short, and he revealed that they were actually going to Baltimore. She realized that May told the pilot where to go, and they gave each other a smile as the Quinjet door closed.[22]

Hunting Victor Ramon[]


Rodriguez threatening Victor Ramon

"What you did was murder. This is justice."
"Justice? You can call this justice if it makes you feel better."
"I will feel better after I pull this trigger."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Victor Ramon[src]

Rodriguez arrived in Baltimore and quickly tracked down Victor Ramon, threatening him with a gun, angry about how police corruption caused the death of her cousin. In the middle of their conversation, Rodriguez got taken out by one of Ramon's men.[22]

Deal Breaker

Rodriguez is almost killed by Victor Ramon

Rodriguez woke up to find herself tied up in a chair, in the middle of an arms deal between Ramon and the Watchdogs. Ramon wanted to show the Watchdogs the power of the weapon he was selling by using it on Rodriguez. He removed the weapon from its container, revealing the weapon as a 0-8-4 and powered it up. Right before he could fire the weapon at Rodriguez, an earthquake hit the building. Ramon told one of his men to investigate, and they barely made it out the door before they get blasted back in by Quake, who used her powers to send Ramon flying, who dropped the weapon and runoff. Quake freed Rodriguez and held off the remaining Watchdogs as Rodriguez chased Ramon.

Justicia Ramon Death

Rodriguez witnesses Victor Ramon's death

She eventually caught up to him, and threatened to kill him, because she wanted him dead, not alive in prison.[23] Eventually, she realized she was no better than him if she kills him and lowered her weapon. A Watchdog walked up behind her and fired the weapon, but Rodriguez used her powers to dodge the blast and disarm the man and then watched as the blast hit Ramon and incinerated him. Rodriguez and Quake heard a Quinjet approaching, determining that S.H.I.E.L.D. was also tracking the weapon. Rodriguez offered to help Quake on her mission, but she turned Rodriguez down, stating that having one Inhuman fugitive was already enough. Quake told Rodriguez that she would let Rodriguez know if she ever needs Rodriguez's help, and the two parted ways.[2]

Search for Daisy Johnson[]


Rodriguez being signed in by James Davis

"Can't get these over the counter, S.H.I.E.L.D. issue for rapid bone healing yes? I know you splintered your bones when you first powered up, you're pushing yourself too hard."
"Don't worry about me."
"You can't use your powers too much. Your body will break down."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Quake[src]

Shortly after the Baltimore incident, Rodriguez arrived in Los Angeles for a short time. While she was there, she noticed some new seismic activity which she assumed was the work of Quake. Rodriguez was then soon summoned by S.H.I.E.L.D. for her routine Inhuman checkup and upon arriving at the Zephyr One where she was greeted by James Davis who signed her in while they discussed his pregnant wife, joking when Davis did not comment on how beautiful she was.

TG Yo-Yo and Mack

Rodriguez flirts with Alphonso Mackenzie

Once signed in, Rodriguez soon found Alphonso Mackenzie who awkwardly began her checkup by asking her about her upcoming trip to Miami. Rodriguez made the interview difficult as she flirted heavily with Mackenzie and even grabbed his crotch, despite knowing that they cannot fraternize with each other because of newly placed rules based on the Accords. Mackenzie soon revealed that the real reason why he and Phil Coulson were in Los Angeles was to hopefully find Daisy Johnson, prompting Rodriguez to search for Johnson to give her a warning of their search.

TG Daisy and Yo-Yo

Rodriguez meeting discreetly with Quake

Once making contact with Johnson, Rodriguez had gotten on board a bus to meet her discreetly and supply her with Rapid Bone-Healing Pills which she had stolen from S.H.I.E.L.D. by using her own super-speed. Rodriguez noted that Johnson's bones now could not handle overuse of her Inhuman powers, reminding her of how they shattered during an early mission. Johnson ignored the warnings so they then discussed the Watchdogs working with the Chinatown Crew and that Johnson was tracking a serial killer. Before they departed, Rodriguez reminded Johnson that Coulson would not give up.

YoYo Reads a Text-4x01

Rodriguez is sent an image of Ghost Rider

Having already offered to assist Johnson, however, she could in her vigilante missions, despite being rejected, Rodriguez eventually did hear from Johnson. Looking down at her phone, Rodriguez saw that Johnson had sent her a picture of the seeming serial killer who she had been tracking, showing a graffiti image of the Ghost Rider, a local legend within Los Angeles who had been hunting down crime organizations such as the Fifth Street Locos and Chinatown Crew. Rodriguez, however, kept her promise to Johnson and kept all of this secret from S.H.I.E.L.D. and Mackenzie.[24]

Blackout in Miami[]


Rodriguez spends time with her old friends

"Maria, it's still me. I'm still the same.
"No, you're one of them."
"Yes, but I'm still Elena, your friend."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Maria[src]

Rodriguez took a vacation in Miami where she spent time with her friends Maria and Leticia, attending a party on a rooftop where they watched The Amazing Mertz's new magic tricks. During this time Rodriguez was mocked for her refusal to wear a dress to the party despite having to wear one to the upcoming wedding. Rodriguez was then contacted by Alphonso Mackenzie, but she decided to ignore the call. During the party, they were interrupted by multiple EMP devices being activated in major cities around the United States of America and blaming it on the Inhumans using their powers to spread fear across the world.

Yo-Yo and Friends-4x03

Rodriguez is confronted by the Watchdogs

The true danger of the attack became clear when a helicopter, which had been effected, fell from the sky and crashed into a nearby building, exploding in a massive fireball and falling to the ground while Rodriguez looked on in horror. While everybody else panicked, Rodriguez stayed calm and noted that the attack was likely caused by an EMP. Darryl suggested that they move downstairs and despite Rodriguez's objections, the other guests agreed and they made their move. As they made their way into the lobby, they were suddenly surrounded by the Watchdogs led by Briggs, who all charged in armed with guns.

Yo-Yo and Maria

Rodriguez keeps the people safe from harm

Left surrounded by a group of people all against her as the Watchdogs who were claiming to be trying to target the local Inhumans in order to stop the blackout, Rodriguez was trapped. On the brink of killing Mertz who was blamed by Darryl, Rodriguez sprinted around the room, collecting the guns to save him. She was eventually discovered by Maria who revealed her actions to the Watchdogs. About to be executed herself, Rodriguez was saved as Phil Coulson, Mackenzie and Leo Fitz arrived just in time and together they defeated the Watchdogs.

Mack, Coulson and Yo-Yo-4x03

Rodriguez working alongside S.H.I.E.L.D.

From that incident, she had revealed herself to be an Inhuman to her closest friends, insisting that she had not changed despite her new powers, but they run away in fear and disgust. Once Maria had rejected Rodriguez and walked away, Rodriguez turned to Mackenzie, joking that now that she had lost Maria as a friend at least she would not have to wear a dress for her wedding. Searching the men, they confirmed they were Watchdogs members who had used the secret Sokovia Accords to track down and attempt to assassinate Rodriguez.[25]

Fighting the Watchdogs[]

Uprising Yo-Yo's Powers

Rodriguez fights the Watchdogs

"So many people looking for an excuse to hate."
"It's spreading. Passports, visas. Somebody's taking the Watchdogs global."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Phil Coulson[src]

Needing to find the source of the Blackout Attack, Rodriguez assisted Leo Fitz with a science experiment to work out the location of the EMP device by using magnetic readings and pin-point its location. Once they had concluded the test, Fitz was able to pin-point where the Watchdogs were operating from and Phil Coulson ordered them all to move and find them before any more damage could be done. Together they soon found the EMP device only to discover it was surrounded by armed Watchdogs guards. Seeking to make a distraction, Rodriguez took a nightstick and used her super-speed to run back and forth and create a light source that confused the Watchdogs and caused them to look away before she ran through the group and stole their guns. Meanwhile, Coulson, Fitz and Alphonso Mackenzie were able to sneak up behind the Watchdogs and attacked them, using the element of surprise to their advantage and easily subduing them.


Rodriguez being confronted by Alphonso Mackenzie

With the Watchdogs now defeated and power restored across Miami, Rodriguez made the comment that about how the Watchdogs were fueling the hatred for Inhumans that so many people already had. Returning to the Playground, Rodriguez offered a beer to Mackenzie, but he turned it down, noting that had he wished Daisy Johnson could be there with them. Although Rodriguez tried not to give anything away, Mackenzie confronted her and explained they had discovered she was supplying the Rapid Bone-Healing Pills to Johnson. They discussed Johnson's battle with the Ghost Rider, making Mackenzie furious as she also knew of that too, although Rodriguez insisted that Johnson only contacted her and they should respect her wish not to be found.

Bendeery English Ale - AOS403

Rodriguez watches Jeffrey Mace's speech

They were then joined by Coulson and Fitz who also discussed the hunt for the Ghost Rider, with Rodriguez explaining she had only heard rumors in Los Angeles about him. Their conversation was then cut short when Director Jeffrey Mace appeared on the television to discuss the blackout. Noting that Matthew Ellis had asked for his comment, Mace made it clear that the Inhumans were not to blame for the attack before he announced that S.H.I.E.L.D. had returned as an official United States of America agency now there to protect the world.[25]

Battle with the Chinatown Crew[]

The Big Guns

Rodriguez, Reyes and Quake enter the room

"Why are you being so cold?"
"I'm not being cold. I just got hit by a giant fireball, I lost my favorite jacket, and you're treating me like a
―Alphonso Mackenzie and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

After Eli Morrow betrayed S.H.I.E.L.D. and escaped to the Chinatown Crew Headquarters, S.H.I.E.L.D. decided to face him and end his plans and Rodriguez took part to the assault. She teamed up with Quake and the Ghost Rider and used her powers to perform a recon in the place. While doing so, she activated a cesium bomb system installed by Morrow and was violently ejected out by the blast, fortunately suffering only light wounds. When Alphonso Mackenzie insisted for her to be checked by Jemma Simmons, Rodriguez bluntly refused.

TLOID MackElena 2

Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie kiss

Rodriguez went back to the Zephyr One to have an update about Morrow's plan. Director Jeffrey Mace suggested that Rodriguez should use her powers to infiltrate into the building and steal Morrow's Demon Core, but Mackenzie opposed to the idea, leading to an argument between Rodriguez and him about their relationship. Finally, S.H.I.E.L.D. managed to devise a plan to thwart Morrow's plan. After the assault was launched, Rodriguez used her super-speed to help in the fight and put a Neodymium Magnet on Morrow. Thanks to the combined efforts of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Ghost Rider, Morrow was ultimately defeated. The S.H.I.E.L.D. team went back to the Playground to celebrate their victory. Rodriguez and Mackenzie finally resolved to let their feelings blossom and shared a kiss before joining the others.[26]

Deleting Evidence[]


Rodriguez gives Quake Peggy Carter's pin

"Ramon, at the warehouse, I just want you to know I didn't kill him. I'm not capable of-"
"I know."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Daisy Johnson[src]

With Daisy Johnson back as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Rodriguez went to check with her about their stories for what happened between them regarding Victor Ramon, as Jeffrey Mace wanted to know what Johnson did during her time as a vigilante. Johnson managed to delete all evidence that would reveal what they wanted to hide from Mace, and Rodriguez assured Johnson she did not kill Ramon, and then gave her Peggy Carter's S.H.I.E.L.D. pin, saying that she was not giving up anything by signing the Sokovia Accords, but instead gaining a team.[2]

Aida's Attack[]

AOS 4x09 Yoyo Mack

Rodriguez learns Aida's an android

"Radcliffe built a humanoid robot that's about to attack the base."
"Why would he do that? Has he watched no American movies from the '80s? Robots always attack."
―Alphonso Mackenzie and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Due to her injuries sustained in the Battle at the Chinatown Crew Headquarters, Rodriguez was instructed to take some rest and recover. However, she was soon visited in her room by Alphonso Mackenzie, who informed her that Aida, who had helped S.H.I.E.L.D. in this battle, actually was an android who had gone rogue and attempted to infiltrate the Playground to steal the Darkhold. Rodriguez met the news with incredulity, wondering how smart people like Radcliffe could have such bad ideas, and agreed to help in the fight.


Rodriguez takes cover from a rogue Quinjet

Along with Mackenzie and two other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Rodriguez patrolled the Playground in search of Aida. Arriving in the plane hangar, they figured out that Aida had remotely taken control of a Quinjet to attack them. Rodriguez took cover and began shooting at the plane to stop it. While doing so, she was genuinely surprised when Mackenzie revealed that he had taken a special insurance provision in the case he was killed by any kind of robot.

AOS 4x09 Yoyo Mack 2

Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie kill Aida

Rodriguez and Mackenzie were able to survive the battle and reached the entrance of the Playground, where they surprised Aida from behind, enabling Mackenzie to decapitate her with his Shotgun-Axe, prompting Rodriguez to do a check with him. In the aftermath of the fight, Rodriguez and Mackenzie then played robots movie trivia in the Playground's recreational area.[27]

Failed Mission[]


Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie in bed

"I'm not a jealous woman. I don't pry, I don't nag. That's not me. That's a... That's a cliché. And I refuse to be a cliché."
"Yes, I know."
"So, if you want to be a man that has secrets and goes off and meets other women, that's fine. But that's another cliché I'm not interested in."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

Before going into a S.H.I.E.L.D. mission to infiltrate Senator Ellen Nadeer's office, Rodriguez spent the night with Alphonso Mackenzie and admitted that she really liked being in a relationship with him. As she got out of bed to grab some water, she was told by Mackenzie that he would not join in the mission because of a text message he had just received. Rodriguez was puzzled by this turn of event, but chose not to ask any question.

Wake Up 1

Rodriguez asks Phil Coulson about Alphonso Mackenzie

Rodriguez thus went with Phil Coulson to the United States Capitol to break into Nadeer's office. On the way, Rodriguez tried to know more about Mackenzie's reason for taking personal time, but Coulson instead encouraged her to directly asked Mackenzie. Rodriguez then joked about Coulson and his relationship with Melinda May, stating that the two of them would never end together if he did not make his move. Rodriguez then used her superhuman speed to steal an access badge.

Wake Up 5

Rodriguez breaks into Ellen Nadeer's office

Entering the office, Rodriguez and Coulson rigged it with a concealed surveillance system, but Rodriguez then noticed something in a drawer, which eventually detonated, knocking her back. Seconds later, security guards burst into the office and arrested Rodriguez and Coulson, having apparently been informed beforehand that someone would try to break into Nadeer's office. Rodriguez then waited while Director Jeffrey Mace and General Glenn Talbot attempted to defuse the situation.


Rodriguez questions Alphonso Mackenzie

Rodriguez returned to the Playground, where she met with Mackenzie and informed him of the mission's failure. She also decided to follow Coulson's advice and asked him about what he had been doing. When told that Mackenzie had gone to see his ex-wife Nicole, Rodriguez feared that he wanted to end their relationship, but was instead genuinely moved when Mackenzie explained that he had only left to support Nicole for the anniversary of their daughter's death. They then shared a hug, relieved that the truth had finally come out.[3]

On the Run[]

AOS 4x15 Yoyo

Rodriguez talks to Alphonso Mackenzie LMD

"You only bring back the people that matter to you, not to me!"
"You know what? I've known Mack longer than you, and he means as much to me–"
"You promised! You promised me!"
"I tried! He didn't want to come back!"
"Who cares?! You knock him over the head, you break his legs, you kick him through the exit! It was a video game!"
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Daisy Johnson[src]

Rodriguez was out of the Playground by the time it was invaded by Life-Model Decoys created by Aida and Holden Radcliffe and remained unaware of it. She was contacted by Alphonso Mackenzie LMD, who told her that agents would come to bring her back to safety in the Playground, and did not know that the LMDs actually planned on exterminating all Inhumans known to S.H.I.E.L.D., including Rodriguez. Nevertheless, the LMDs were defeated by Daisy Johnson and Jemma Simmons, thus saving Rodriguez from this fate.

AOS 4x15 Jemma Yoyo

Rodriguez learns of the Framework mission

Rodriguez boarded the Zephyr One with a handful of agents who actually knew the situation: Johnson, Jemma Simmons, Piper, Prince, and James Davis. Rodriguez was then told that Johnson and Simmons would enter the Framework in order to release their friends who were trapped in it, namely Alphonso Mackenzie, Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Leo Fitz, and Jeffrey Mace. Rodriguez was instructed to watch over their physical bodies while they were in the virtual reality, but was told not to unplug them under any circumstance due to the dangers of it. Before they left, Rodriguez had Johnson and Simmons promise they would succeed.[28]

AOS 4x20 Yoyo 1

Rodriguez waiting onboard the Zephyr One

To ensure that the Framework equipment remained correctly powered, Rodriguez had all the non-vital systems of the Zephyr One disconnected, including the heating. As Davis insisted that they had to land and refuel, Rodriguez refused, stating that they could not afford it since the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were now wanted. Piper then suggested turning off the plane's cloaking and Rodriguez, despite knowing how dangerous it would be for them to be visible again, instructed her to do it. Later, Rodriguez went to check on Johnson and Simmons with Piper, and lamented over the fact that she felt useless in their efforts to save Mackenzie's life.

AOS 4x20 Yoyo Piper Davis

Rodriguez watches the Watchdogs attack

Rodriguez then soon had to deal with the consequences of this decision, as an aircraft sent by Anton Ivanov had found them and was flying their way. Rodriguez asked her teammates if they could defend themselves, only to be told by Prince that the weapons could not be used if they did not restore power to it. As the plane was hit by a strike, Rodriguez saw that Simmons and Johnson had finally left the Framework. Rodriguez rushed to Johnson and asked her whether they had been able to save Mackenzie, but Johnson apologized to her, and Rodriguez understood that Mackenzie was still to be rescued.[29] Rodriguez quickly got Johnson and Simmons up to date on the attack and stated that they could restore power to the plane's armament now that the Framework equipment did not need to be powered any longer.

Daisy Yoyo TheReturn

Rodriguez argues with Daisy Johnson

Before they could do so, however, Rodriguez, Johnson, and Simmons had to deal with a fire that had broken out in the plane. Rodriguez used her superhuman speed to retrieve the cable they needed behind the flames, and they were thus able to power the weapons again, enabling Piper to take down the enemy aircraft. Rodriguez then engaged into an argument with Johnson, as she did not understand why they had brought back everybody but Mackenzie. She was surprised when Johnson told Rodriguez that Mackenzie refused to leave as he wanted to remain with the virtual recreation of his daughter and he did not remember her. Rodriguez decided that she would go into the Framework and bring back Mackenzie herself, but Johnson talked her out of it, stating that Rodriguez was needed to rescue their friends in the real world.

Coulson Yoyo TheReturn

Rodriguez escaping from the oil platform

Rodriguez and her fellow agents also told Simmons and Johnson that S.H.I.E.L.D. were wanted on charges of terrorism, meaning that they could not land and refuel. Rodriguez and the others then located the Ivanov Oil Platform where their friends were and arrived on the platform, which was collapsing. Rodriguez helped Coulson and May to get into a Containment Module, but refused to leave Mackenzie behind. Due to both the elevator and the stairs being destroyed, Rodriguez was restrained by Coulson from going into certain death. However, Mackenzie was eventually saved by Aida and Fitz.

Yo-Yo plugs into the Framework

Rodriguez plugs herself into the Framework

Along with her friends, Rodriguez returned to the now destroyed Playground. She then joined a discussion regarding how they should deal with Aida. Rodriguez suggested destroying her again, but was then told that Aida was now a living being who had saved Mackenzie, rendering the situation more complicated. As Simmons was distraught because of what had happened to Fitz in the Framework and left in tears, Rodriguez understood that Simmons feared that Fitz was still in love with Aida. Later, while everyone was distracted by Aida's outburst of rage and the arrival of the United States Armed Forces led by Glenn Talbot, Rodriguez decided to carry on her plan to plug herself into the Framework to convince Mackenzie to return to the real world.[30]

Mission in the Framework[]

Yoyo Rodriguez TheReturn 1

Rodriguez arrives in the Framework

"Please, Mack. Everyone who cares about you is on the other side of that door."
"The only person I care about is right here."
"What are you doing? You need to leave."
"No. It's okay. The only person I care about is here, too."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez, Alphonso Mackenzie, and Holden Radcliffe[src]

Regaining consciousness in the Framework, Rodriguez quickly realized how bad her situation was: she was restrained on a strapping chair in a torture room of the falling Triskelion, HYDRA's headquarters in this reality. Rodriguez was nearly shot by an HYDRA agent who found her, but she was ultimately saved by Holden Radcliffe, who had been guided to her from the real world by Daisy Johnson and who was the only person in the Framework who knew who Rodriguez was.

AOS 4x22 Yoyo Framework+Hope

Rodriguez meets Hope Mackenzie

Having informed Radcliffe of her intentions, Rodriguez was taken to the Playground, where Alphonso Mackenzie was coordinating the evacuation of the civilians. As she had been warned, Mackenzie did not recognize her, and Rodriguez also met his daughter Hope, to whom she introduced herself. Despite Mackenzie walking by her without talking, Rodriguez told Radcliffe that he would remember her if she could talk to him.

AOS Yoyo Talks To Mack

Rodriguez speaks with Alphonso Mackenzie

Therefore, in a bus Rodriguez had taken with Mackenzie, Hope, and Radcliffe, Rodriguez approached Mackenzie and explained who she was. Although Mackenzie recalled her name which had been mentioned earlier by Johnson, he could not find any memory of her, forcing Rodriguez to tell him that they were in a relationship in the real world. However, before they could further the conversation, their attention was caught by the fact that elements of landscape, as well as people, were suddenly disappearing due to the Destruction of the Framework initiated by Aida.

AOS 4x22 Yoyo Holden InFramework

Rodriguez speaks with Holden Radcliffe

Rodriguez and Radcliffe went with Mackenzie and Hope to their home. Rodriguez then lamented to Radcliffe over the fact that Mackenzie was probably going to die by being deleted from the Framework, all for a little girl who did not really exist. However, this was overheard by Hope, who rushed to her father in tears, and Mackenzie angrily reacted to Rodriguez, who apologized as she did not mean Hope to hear what she was saying.

World's End 36

Rodriguez decides to stay in the Framework

As more items were disappearing in the house, causing Hope to get more and more frightened, a door appeared, recognized by Radcliffe and Rodriguez as a way out of the Framework designed by Johnson. Still, Mackenzie refused to leave his daughter, and declared ready to die for the only person he cared for. In tears, Rodriguez decided to do the same, stating that Mackenzie was this person to her and that she would die if he did too, much to Radcliffe's disagreement.

AOS 4x22 Mackelena Kiss

Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie kiss

Eventually though, Hope disappeared as well, and although Mackenzie was devastated by it, it was only from this moment that Rodriguez was able to persuade him to leave the Framework. As a consequence, they both safely woke up in the Zephyr One, where they found Johnson and Robbie Reyes, who had returned to help S.H.I.E.L.D., watching over them. As they recovered, Rodriguez asked Mackenzie's forgiveness for causing him to abandon his daughter, but Mackenzie replied that she had nothing to be forgiven for. Instead, Mackenzie stated that he was happy of the life he had with Hope, be it in a virtual world, as it had given him a glimpse of the life he could have with Rodriguez in the real world.

AOS 4x22 Mack Yoyo

Rodriguez and her allies are taken by Enoch

Rodriguez and Mackenzie then picked up radio messages indicating that the authorities were coming for the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. They went to alert their friends, who had just attended Reyes' departure to Hell, and Rodriguez joined in their collective forgiveness to Fitz for what had happened in the Framework. Rodriguez and her teammates then went to get a meal to Rae's Restaurant, but before they could leave the place, they were kidnapped by Enoch.[31]

Trapped in the Future[]

Traveling to the Lighthouse[]

Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Jemma Simmons investigate dead bodies

Rodriguez arriving in the Lighthouse

"Thought you were gonna lose these for a second there."
"I was starting to picture myself with two hooks."
―Alphonso Mackenzie and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Through the Time Di'Alla, Rodriguez was sent to a mysterious destination, where she was approached by a masked individual from behind. Rodriguez started fighting the person, but discovered it was Jemma Simmons, and they investigated the area, soon being reunited with Phil Coulson and Alphonso Mackenzie, who explained they were in space. The four discussed their situation, with Rodriguez wondering if S.H.I.E.L.D. had a space-based operation, before being handed a postcard off of Virgil.

SHIELD team looking cool

S.H.I.E.L.D. searching the Lighthouse

Once Virgil woke up, he revealed he knew who they all were from studying their lives from the stories told about them, and that they were sent there to save humanity. At that moment, Virgil was killed by a Vrellnexian, so they ran away, and were fortunately saved by Daisy Johnson, who killed the creature. As they explored the area, they all continued to speculate what had happened to them. Johnson informed them Melinda May was brought over too, so they looked for her, sticking together the entire way, as Rodriguez used her powers to scout ahead

Yoyo Orientation PartOne 11

Rodriguez being tortured by the Kree

Rodriguez soon found a flare, so they entered the room next to it, discovering that May had been in there. However, they were found by a group of Kree, so Rodriguez and Mackenzie went to fight them, but they were all knocked out. Rodriguez and Mackenzie were taken by the Kree, who tied them up and started beating Mackenzie, who kept provoking them by speaking Spanish with Rodriguez. The Kree stopped and went to freeze Rodriguez's arms off, but she was eventually saved by Johnson.[32]

Blending In[]

Orientation Part 2 Yoyo Daisy Deke Mack 2

Rodriguez disposing of the Kree bodies

"I need to stay. The thing I stole from the Kree guard, boss man has it in his office, but I think I found a way to get it."
"That's good. If you can get it to me, maybe I can get to Simmons."
"Exacto. So go, but stay close."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Daisy Johnson[src]

As they tried to cover up the bodies, Deke Shaw found Rodriguez, Alphonso Mackenzie and Daisy Johnson, and yelled at them for killing the Kree. Shaw told them they had to hide the Kree, so they decided to take them to where the other bodies were so the Vrellnexians could eat them. After disposing of the bodies, they regrouped with Phil Coulson and Melinda May, only to learn that Jemma Simmons had been taken.

Orientation Part 2 Coulson Yoyo 3

Rodriguez is implanted with a Metric

The team discussed their next moves, as they did not want to raise any unwanted attention, with Rodriguez being tasked with retrieving one of the Kree's tablets. As Coulson created a distraction, releasing steam, Rodriguez used her powers to steal a tablet. The group overheard that Metrics were being inspected, something they did not have, so they made a deal with Grill, who implanted the devices in their wrists. However, when the Renewal began, they were betrayed by Grill, who pinned them against a wall. They were about to be killed by Holt, but were saved by May and Tess. As part of their deal with Grill, Rodriguez, Coulson and Mackenzie had to work for him.[33]

A Life Spent Yoyo Daisy

Rodriguez working with Daisy Johnson

While working for Grill, Rodriguez became agitated by the treatment, mainly getting zapped. Mackenzie revealed that Grill had a Kree scroll in his office, so Rodriguez met up with Johnson, and they made a plan to steal it. Rodriguez used her powers to set off the Metric, making Grill think it was malfunctioning. Once Grill deactivated her Metric, Rodriguez stole the scroll and gave it to Johnson. Later, when Grill was threatening her friends, Rodriguez framed Zev, planting a gun on him, saving their lives. They then worked on the signal Coulson found, successfully making contact with the people on the Earth's surface.[34]

Mack and Yo-Yo confront Gunner

Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie confront Gunner

Mackenzie was told to deal with Gunner, so Rodriguez went with him to help avoid confrontation. Rodriguez told Mackenzie to express his feelings about beating up a man, with Mackenzie stating the idea makes him sick, and he was worried he'd become like Leo Fitz after he left the Framework, but Rodriguez promised he wouldn't. Rodriguez and Mackenzie confronted Gunner, but when it backfired, Mackenzie began wailing on him, forcing Rodriguez to pull him off. Later, Mackenzie confessed about not getting over his fake daughter, but Rodriguez told him that his love was real, and it made him a great father and a good man.[4]

Protecting Flint[]

Fun & Games Yoyo

Rodriguez rescues Flint from the Kree

"I'm here if you need me. I got you."
"Me too."
―Alphonso Mackenzie and Yo-Yo Rodriguez to Flint[src]

Phil Coulson informed Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie about the birth control on Level 35 Kasius was using to produce more Inhumans to auction off. Tess found them and told them that the Kree were preparing for a Terrigenesis ceremony. They discovered one of the teenagers awaiting the ceremony, Flint, who had lost his parents, and Rodriguez voiced her disgust in the Kree's actions. Flint was the only one triggered by the Terrigenesis, so Rodriguez rescued him before the Kree could take him.

Fun & Games Yoyo 2

Rodriguez talks about her Terrigenesis

Rodriguez tried to keep Flint hidden, saying that the Kree only wanted to use him. When the rest of the group found them, Rodriguez revealed to Flint that she was Inhuman, too, and they discussed their plans to go to Earth. Rodriguez told Flint about her own Terrigenesis, but they were found by Grill, who threatened them. At that moment, Flint's geokinesis manifested, so Rodriguez guided him through it, and he ended up killing Grill.[6]

Together or Not at All 1

Rodriguez and the team discuss escaping

Rodriguez discussed with Coulson and Mackenzie their escape from the Lighthouse and heading to Earth, but they were interrupted when they were forced to reveal to Flint that Tess had been killed. Soon, they were reunited with Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, and Leo Fitz, as well as Deke Shaw, who they were not happy to see. They discussed heading to Earth, but were found by the Kree, so they made their escape to the Trawler. However, Flint decided not to go, so Rodriguez and Mackenzie stayed with him, learning from Fitz there were weapons stored on level 3.[35]

Roach Extermination[]

Yoyo Mack TheLastDay

Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie search level 3

"ÂĄBailar cucarachas![36]"
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Rodriguez discussed with Alphonso Mackenzie and Flint reaching level 3, when they were surrounded by residents of the Lighthouse who were angry at Flint, as his escape had caused them to be affected. Seeing his friends now want him dead, Flint was hesitant to continue, so Rodriguez comforted him, telling of her own experience with her friends changing how they saw her. They managed to reclaim the crate full of weapons, and Rodriguez searched the level, but found no Vrellnexians, causing them to worry.

Yoyo TheLastDay 5

Rodriguez exterminating the Vrellnexians

They discovered that the creatures had been released on the lower levels, so they went to hunt them down, finding one attacking Gretchen, so Mackenzie and Rodriguez killed it. Mackenzie then made a plan to exterminate the Vrellnexians using the air filtration to system to spread the mist that draws the creatures away. Rodriguez waited in a room that soon became filled up with the Vrellnexians, allowing her to plant a Splinter Bomb on each of them, successfully killing all of them. They later removed the Metrics from the residents, declaring the start of their revolution.[37]

Lighthouse Uprising[]

BestLaidPlans Mack Yoyo

Rodriguez fights in the Lighthouse uprising

"You're no god, no devil. You're just a cruel, sad, little blue man. So why don't we skip to the part where I end this?"
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez to Kasius[src]

Having rallied the citizens of the Lighthouse together, Rodriguez worked with them to eliminate the Kree Watch. Rodriguez started teaching Flint how to shoot, but Alphonso Mackenzie was against him fighting, and stopped it. They were then reunited with Tess, who had been resurrected and sent by Kasius as a reminder of his power. They discussed stopping Kasius, who was threatening to end all human life, with Rodriguez and Flint determined to kill the Kree ruler.

BestLaidPlans Mack Yoyo 3

Rodriguez decides to hand herself over

Rodriguez insisted to Mackenzie that she should hand herself in so she could kill Kasius, but Mackenzie refused, and they eventually discovered that there were bombs planted throughout the Lighthouse. Knowing they could not stop the bombs, Rodriguez and Mackenzie decided to hand themselves over to Kasius to save everyone else. Rodriguez and Mackenzie went to the research level, and waited for Kasius, threatening to destroy the equipment to breed Inhumans if he did not come.

RebelTrio Confronting Kasius

Rodriguez faces off with Kasius

Once Kasius arrived, they demanded he hand over the controller for the bombs, but he refused and insisted that they surrender themselves to him. Flint soon joined them, having completed his task of relocating the bombs to level 25, and Rodriguez went to take the controller, but was stopped by a force field. Kasius then set off the bombs, only to discover that his plan had failed, and Mackenzie destroyed the equipment, allowing them to make their escape, declaring the start of their uprising.[38]

Meeting her Future Self[]

PastLife Yoyo 1

Rodriguez searches for the Inhumans

"Phil Coulson is dying. And you have to let him."
"Coulson... How? How does he die?"
"It's already begun. He's sick, and he knows it. We tried to stop it. Loyalty – it cost us the world."
"You heard all this, and still you couldn't change anything."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Alphonso Mackenzie tried to get the group to leave, but Tess revealed that Kasius had dead Inhumans that were being revived, so Rodriguez went to rescue them, while the rest went to regroup with the team. Rodriguez searched the Lighthouse until she came across the imprisoned Inhuman, who turned out to be herself from the future.

Past Life Yo-yo and Yo-yo pic

Rodriguez encounters her future self

The future Rodriguez explained what had happened to her, much to the present Rodriguez's horror, as well as revealing that she had experienced Alphonso Mackenzie's death, and that they were in a loop of failure in trying to prevent the Earth's destruction. Rodriguez listened to her future self as she went over what went wrong, revealing that Phil Coulson was dying and that the decision to save him was what caused the end of the world.

PastLife Mack Yoyo

Rodriguez comforts Alphonso Mackenzie

The Kree then arrived, so the future Rodriguez told her to go, and revealed that both of her arms were gone. Rodriguez left and went to regroup with the rest of her team before the left the future. On her way back, she found a badly beaten Mackenzie with Jemma Simmons, the former having witnessed the death of Rodriguez's future self. Rodriguez comforted Mackenzie, informing him that it wasn't her, and they all then rushed to the Time Di'Alla, making it back just as it activated, successfully leaving the future.[39]

Changing the Timeline[]

Losing Her Arms[]

AoS511 SHIELD team returns

The S.H.I.E.L.D. team return to the present

"I want to be with Mack forever, and I want to have children with him."
"And you will. This doesn't change anything."
"Look at me. What I saw, what I heard... that's all happening. There's no future but the one I saw."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Jemma Simmons[src]

The entire S.H.I.E.L.D. team appeared inside of the Lighthouse, making them believe it did not work, but Leo Fitz confirmed that they had successfully returned to the past. They watched a recorded message from Rick Stoner, and Rodriguez accompanied Alphonso Mackenzie as he went to get his injuries treated by Jemma Simmons. They discovered a mysterious signal coming from St. Louis, Missouri, so they went to investigate, stealing a van to take them to the Zephyr One. While driving, they discussed all the previous threats they've faced before reaching the plane.

All the Comforts of Home 7

Rodriguez listening to Piper in the facility

Mackenzie spoke with Yo-Yo Rodriguez about what happened in the future with her future self, as she was still uncertain about it all, but Mackenzie assured her they could change the future. Once they reached the St. Louis Aerospace Facility, they made their way inside, where they discovered that Piper was there, and she filled them in on what had happened since they disappeared. It was discovered that Piper had cut a deal with General Hale, and they were then ambushed by a group of androids led by a mysterious figure.


Rodriguez's arms are cut off by Ruby Hale

They leader ordered the mechs to kill the agents, so Rodriguez stole their guns and they all began to fight. Despite their fighting ability, they found themselves overpowered by the mechs. Rodriguez watched as Mackenzie was pinned and about to be attacked by the leader, so she rushed to save him, but in doing so got both of her arms cut off by the Chakram. Going into shock, Rodriguez was saved by Mackenzie, who picked her up and took her back to the Zephyr, where Simmons began operating on her.[40]


Rodriguez is treated by Jemma Simmons

After the surgery, Rodriguez was bandaged up by Simmons and visited by Mackenzie, who she could tell was scared. Mackenzie explained this was because he thought he was going to lose Rodriguez, and offered to get them both away from the S.H.I.E.L.D. life, but she stated that she was not going to die yet, and that they had to stay to help with their current mission. Rodriguez also explained that a lot of things that were told to her about the future were coming true.

Yo-Yo suffocated by LMD Simmons

Rodriguez is attacked by Jemma Simmons

Rodriguez awoke from a nightmare, and was then attacked by Jemma Simmons, who tried to suffocate her with a pillow, only to be stopped by Mackenzie. They discovered that Simmons was actually an LMD created from the Fear Dimension rift. Rodriguez remained resting in her bed as the rest of the team dealt with the rift, and later attended Fitz and Simmons' wedding, which Mackenzie recorded so she could watch later.[41]

Simmons looks after Rodriguez

Rodriguez doubts on what her future will be

While being checked on by Simmons and Mackenzie, Rodriguez was visited by Phil Coulson, who informed her that Fitz was going to build prosthetics for her. Rodriguez asked about Coulson's prosthetic hand, wanting to know if it felt the same, but he stated that he couldn't feel at all. After falling out of bed, she was helped up by Simmons, who Rodriguez confessed to about her uncertainty regarding her future with Mackenzie, but Simmons told her the future they saw would not happen. Later, when the team returned from their mission, Mackenzie revealed he had brought back Sleeper Mechs to build her prosthetics from.[42]

Yo-Yo tests her arms

Rodriguez tests her new prosthetic arms

Rodriguez began testing the arms before they could be grafted to her body. Rodriguez tried to push herself, but Mackenzie told her to take her time so that she could heal. When the situation with the rift got worse, Mackenzie and Simmons tried to move Rodriguez to safety, but she was resistant, wanting to help. However, a Mech entered the room and shot Mackenzie, but he managed to destroy it. Fitz informed them of The Doctor being created from the rift, and they figured out he was going after Daisy Johnson.

Rise and Shine 6

Rodriguez has the arms attached to her

Fitz and Simmons left, and Mackenzie stayed to protect Rodriguez. However, she attempted to tell Mackenzie that he did not have to worry about her because she knows that she will survive, having seen her self in the future. Mackenzie was unconvinced by this, and was worried that her theory might be wrong, but Rodriguez believed if she was then they would at least break the loop with her death. It was discovered that The Doctor had not been created from the rift, but a psychic split that Fitz had.[43] Rodriguez would later undergo surgery to have the prosthetic arms attached to her body, performed by Simmons and Mackenzie.[44]

Liberation of Leo Fitz[]

Yo-Yo works out

Rodriguez tests her new prosthetic arms

"I saw myself alive in the future. I want to use that to help..."
"Damn it, Elena! That doesn't make you bulletproof. I thought you let go of that."
"There are things I can't let go of... Things I learned in the future about this team, about Coulson, about you."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

With the surgery being a success, Rodriguez began working out to test her new prosthetic arms, where she was visited by Alphonso Mackenzie, who was impressed by her new strength, but also reminded her to take it easy. Rodriguez stated she just wanted to get use to her arms, but Mackenzie was worried for her after her claims about being invincible.


Rodriguez makes a plan with Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons

Rodriguez was approached by Jemma Simmons about taking action into their own hands due to Daisy Johnson's questionable leadership. Simmons also brought up how Rodriguez thought she was invincible and shared that she believed the same thing, as Deke Shaw was her and Leo Fitz's grandson. Simmons filled Rodriguez in on her plan to find a HYDRA weapon that uses Gravitonium, and she was eager to get back into the fight, but they had to free Fitz first, which only Mackenzie could do.

YoYo's request

Rodriguez requests for Leo Fitz to be freed

After Mackenzie ran a test on Rodriguez's arms, she asked him to let Fitz out of his cell, but he refused. And when Rodriguez started talking about the future, Mackenzie got frustrated and added that maybe she was alive in the future only because he was always protecting her, before ordering that both she and Fitz are to remain in the Lighthouse. Failing to convince Mackenzie, Rodriguez decided to do Simmons' plan, and brought Mackenzie down to Fitz's cell, where they unveiled the experiment to prove Simmons was invincible.

Mack Yoyo InsideVoices

Rodriguez deceives Alphonso Mackenzie

Rodriguez assisted Simmons as she proceeded to drink from three beakers containing water and avoiding the one that had a toxic phosphoric acid compound, playing along as Simmons pretended to have drunk the wrong beaker. Once Mackenzie let Fitz free to help Simmons, Rodriguez used her powers to lock Mackenzie in the cell. Mackenzie was angry with her deception, but they were certain of what they were trying to do. Still getting used to her arms, Rodriguez accidentally fired fired a gun, just missing FitzSimmons. The three then left, taking a Quinjet.[45]

Fighting the Superior[]

S05E17 The Honeymoon Yoyo Fitz Jemma

Rodriguez arrives in Herefordshire, England

"I heard what happened to you. Now you are also part machine."
"Not the part that matters."
―Anton Ivanov and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

The three arrived at the first possible location at Herefordshire, England where they would hope to find the HYDRA weapon to help them. They then jumped out of the Quinjet and headed towards the facility. As they made their approach, Rodriguez used her new arms to break the lock, which Leo Fitz thought was a positive of getting her arms cut off.

S05E17 The Honeymoon Yoyo Fitz Jemma 5

Rodriguez finds the HYDRA weapon

As they figured out a way to enter the facility, they discovered that Anton Ivanov and his Sleeper Mechs were providing security, which intrigued Rodriguez, as he was also someone who could not die. Once inside, Fitz set off an explosion to distract Ivanov and the Mechs, allowing them to sneak into a hidden room, where they found the Particle Infusion Chamber. As they destroyed the machine, they worried that they've done this before and failed, so Simmons asked Rodriguez about her future self, so she revealed that they had to let Phil Coulson die.

S05E17 The Honeymoon Yoyo Fitz Jemma 6

Rodriguez's new arms cause her pain

When the Mechs discovered their presence, they tried to get into the room, so Rodriguez went to use her speed to disarm them, but bounced back in pain, as her new arms were not able to handle the speed. Unable to calibrate her arms, Fitz and Simmons decided to stay and fight, while Rodriguez snuck out to get to the Quinjet and call for backup. However, before she could exit the facility, Rodriguez was stopped by Ivanov, who noticed that she was also part machine.

YoYo defeats Ivanov

Rodriguez defeats and kills Anton Ivanov

The two fought, with Ivanov violently attacking her with his knives, but Rodriguez managed to disarm one of them from him. Ivanov pointed out that he no longer feels pain and has died countless times, whereas Rodriguez does not get a second chance. Rodriguez picked up the knife and used it to cut open Ivanov's chest, revealing his robotic insides. Rodriguez then grabbed Ivanov's face and pushed him out the window, killing him, which also deactivated the Mechs. Rodriguez then noticed a ship arriving.[46]

Killing Ruby Hale[]

YoYo MachineGun ARL

Rodriguez fights against a Sleeper Mech

"What happened to Ruby?"
"I had it under control. She was coming around, and then Yo-Yo killed her."
"No. I just saved the world."
―Jemma Simmons, Quake and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Rodriguez made it back to the Quinjet but her arms were still causing her great pain. When a Sleeper Mech found her, Rodriguez used her speed to grab a gun and destroy it, which resulted in her arms inflicted more pain to her nervous system.

All Roads Lead Daisy Yoyo 1

Rodriguez ruthlessly murders Ruby Hale

When the Zephyr One arrived at the facility, Rodriguez made her way back, where she encountered Melinda May, Leo Fitz/Destroyed Earth and Jemma Simmons leaving. May told Rodriguez the situation was being handled, but when she figured out it was Daisy Johnson in there, Rodriguez went to ensure they didn't cause the Earth's destruction. Rodriguez discovered Ruby losing control, so she decided to act and used the Chakram to cut her throat, killing her.[47]

Siege of the Lighthouse[]

Shaw and the Others

Rodriguez attends the briefing

"I killed Ruby for nothing. It didn't matter. It's all happening right now. Everything she told me."
"She who?"
"This right here... this is how we lose. I could've warned myself about a lot of things – Ruby, Hale, these aliens – but instead, she told me... Instead, she told me, "Coulson is dying, and we need to let him." I'm sorry, sir. I hated keeping this. I owe you so much. You're my family."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Melinda May[src]

Returning to the Lighthouse in possession of the Gravitonium, Phil Coulson explained the plan to launch it into the sun. The briefing turned into an argument when Daisy Johnson blamed Rodriguez for Hale getting away due to her killing Ruby Hale. Rodriguez defended her actions, saying she was preventing the "Destroyer of Worlds" from putting a crack in the Earth. Rodriguez stated that they didn't choose to take orders from Johnson, and Coulson stopped the fight.

Rodriguez Option Two

Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie argue

Rodriguez went to speak with Alphonso Mackenzie about her actions, but he didn't want to hear it. Rodriguez told him how she was trying to prevent what her future self had told her, but Mackenzie claimed that wanting to stop future problems made her not care who she hurt. Rodriguez accused Mackenzie of pulling away and not caring enough, but Mackenzie responded that even though he wanted Ruby dead, that's not what they do. Rodriguez told Mackenzie she loved him and wanted him to trust that she knew what she was doing.

Yoyo May OptionTwo

Rodriguez and Melinda May discuss her actions

When Rodriguez came across Melinda May, she was told that whether she made the right decision was up to her to decide, and that she had to make peace with it and with how people would from see her. Upon learning that Johnson was finding a way to save Coulson, Rodriguez revealed how she hd spoke with herself in the future, who said saving Coulson was what caused them to fail. May disagreed with this, but Rodriguez was sure of what she was told, but was interrupted when Coulson realised the aliens had the ability to teleport inside.

SHIELD Learns about Remoraths

Rodriguez learns about the Remorath

They then began experiencing energy fluctuations throughout the Lighthouse, and Deke Shaw revealed that the Remorath were inside. Coulson ordered for an evacuation, and placed Rodriguez in charge of moving Glenn Talbot. Rodriguez went to Talbot's cell, and he expressed wanting to help out in the fight, but Rodriguez said they couldn't trust that he was in control and handcuffed him. They were cut off by the Remorath, so Rodriguez and Talbot regrouped with Jemma Simmons to protect the Gravitonium.

SHIELD Battle Lighthouse

Rodriguez fights against the Remorath

Rodriguez, Piper and James Davis went outside the room to fight the Remorath, but were unable to see them, so Rodriguez used her speed to find them, and realized they were outnumbered. They quickly became overwhelmed by the Remorath, who managed to break into the lab, but they were shocked when they discovered that Tablot had infused himself with the Gravitonium, which allowed him to kill all the Remorath. They checked on Simmons in the lab, and found that Talbot had used all of the Gravitonium.[48]

The One Who Will Save Us All Yoyo Daisy

Rodriguez fights with Daisy Johnson

Rodriguez headed back to the control room, where she discovered that Talbot had left the Lighthouse with Coulson. The team discussed the dangers of Gravitonium, and Rodriguez wondered where Mackenzie was. When she caught up with him, he was cold towards her, still disappointed with her actions. When Johnson returned to the Lighthouse, Rodriguez confronted her, and upon discovering someone's bones in her bag, the two began fighting, which was broken up by May, who told Rodriguez to either pitch in or leave.[49]

Hunting Glenn Talbot[]


Rodriguez watches Talbot kill Carl Creel

"He went on a killing spree. He's in full villain mode."
"Yet everyone's the hero in their own story."
"And what's his?
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

Learning that Glenn Talbot had betrayed them and was heading back to Earth, Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie discussed ways to stop him. After learning that Talbot had killed Carl Creel, Mackenzie was determined to stop him, which Rodriguez added might mean killing him, which Mackenzie stated would be his responsibility.

Yo-Yo & Mack discuss Talbot

Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie discuss Glenn Talbot

Rodriguez and Mackenzie discussed what Talbot's next move would be so they could figure out where he would be going, with Rodriguez suspecting something villainous. However, Mackenzie believed Talbot still saw himself as the hero, and Rodriguez remembered him repeating "I can fix this," which led her to think he wanted to prove that he was still a good solider and man. However, Mackenzie figured out that he wanted to still be a good father, and was going to see his son.

32-YoYo Gravity Field

Rodriguez is unable to get close to Talbot

Mackenzie and Rodriguez arrived at the Talbot Residence, and told Talbot that they only wanted to talk with him, asking what happened to Phil Coulson and the others. Talbot used his powers to destroy their vehicles, and two agents began firing at him, but he was able to stop the bullets and send them back at S.H.I.E.L.D.. When Talbot's son exited the house, Rodriguez tried to get him to safety, but couldn't get close due to a gravity shield, and they watched as Talbot flew away from the house.[50]

An Ultimate Decision[]

44-Saving Coulson or the World

Rodriguez learns about their dilemma

"You won't listen. I'm in a nightmare, and I'm screaming at the top of my lungs, and none of you can hear me!"
"We hear you."
"Well, you won't listen! You all saw what happened, and none of you will help me stop this! I'm alone, and even you... even you won't help me."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

Upon returning to the Lighthouse, the team were informed by Jemma Simmons that Phil Coulson's condition was worsening and accelerating. Simmons mentioned a possible way to save him, which Rodriguez was against, knowing that it results in their failure. Leo Fitz revealed a way to stop Glenn Talbot, but due to the limited resources, they could only either save Coulson or the world.[50]

1-YoYo I'mLivingANightmare

Rodriguez argues about using the serum

With the team split on what they think they should do, an argument broke out. Rodriguez wanted to use the serum to stop Talbot, knowing what saving Coulson won't change the future, but she was outspoken. When Daisy Johnson settled on saving Coulson, Rodriguez used her powers to steal the Centipede Device, and began to break down, expressing that she didn't want Coulson to die, but felt that she was alone in doing what had to be done. Alphonso Mackenzie decided to have a vote, but Melinda May destroyed the Odium, ending the debate, bringing Rodriguez to tears.

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Rodriguez explains herself to Phil Coulson

Afterwards, Mackenzie checked on Rodriguez, who stated that he was going to die because of their decision. When Coulson regained consciousness, Rodriguez went to see him to tell him that despite her opinion, she never wanted him to die. Coulson revealed that he would have sided with Rodriguez in the argument. Later, when heading to Chicago to stop Talbot, Rodriguez listened as Johnson stepped down as acting Director and appointed the full role to Mackenzie, which everyone unanimously supported.[50]

Battle of Chicago[]

12-YoYo Rescue Chicago

Rodriguez assisting in the Battle of Chicago

"Why did he listen to me? What have I done?"
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Once they arrived in Chicago, Rodriguez was tasked with being a part of the ground team, alongside Jemma Simmons and Piper, getting civilian to safety onboard the Zephyr One. Rodriguez used her speed to retrieve and carry any civilians that were unable to make it to the aircraft on their own.

Yoyo tries to save Coulson TheEnd

Rodriguez successfully revives Phil Coulson

Once the ship was full, they were planning on leaving the city, but when they were joined by James Davis, who was dragging Phil Coulson, he revealed that he was not breathing, having not actually taken the Centipede Serum. Rodriguez blamed herself, thinking Coulson listened to her disagreement with saving him. Rodriguez then began doing chest compressions on Coulson, but it wasn't working, so she used her speed to do it as she prayed in Spanish, and successfully revived Coulson.

The End (4)

Rodriguez mourning the loss of Leo Fitz

Although the battle was won, with Daisy Johnson defeating and killing Glenn Talbot, Leo Fitz also died after being mortally wounded while saving Polly and Robin Hinton.[51] Returning to the Lighthouse, the agents mourned the death of their friend, but were concerned when Simmons instead was focused on finding the other Leo Fitz that was in space. The team discussed Simmons and her theory, not sure whether or not she was right, or if they could even find him.[52]

Phil Coulson's Retirement[]

36-CoulsonYoYo Hug

Rodriguez says her goodbye to Phil Coulson

"Thank you, boss."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez to Phil Coulson[src]

The team later gathered to celebrate the retirement of Phil Coulson. They reminisced over their different homes, with Rodriguez wishing she had met the team earlier.

40-New SHIELD The End

S.H.I.E.L.D. flying towards their new mission

Coulson then gave a speech, saying how they were all heroes, and that they have all suffered loss. The team then added that they'll never forget those that they've lost, including Coulson when he eventually dies. When Coulson finished his speech, they all drank, and Rodriguez went to hug Coulson goodbye before he left, and thanked him. Once Coulson left with Melinda May, the rest of the team gathered in the cockpit and departed from Tahiti, taking the new S.H.I.E.L.D. towards new missions.[51]

War Against Sarge[]

Break Up with Alphonso Mackenzie[]


Rodriguez declines Daisy Johnson's offer

"Look, I've tried everything, you know? I was willing to work on it, but..."
"He dove into his job 100%, locked himself in that office."
"Mack didn't close the doors to avoid distractions. He just closed the doors on me."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Melinda May[src]

As Alphonso Mackenzie's role as Director began to consume him, he closed himself off from Rodriguez, resulting in them breaking up.[53] When Jemma Simmons and Daisy Johnson were leaving to find Leo Fitz, they asked Rodriguez to join them but she declined, wanting to keep watch on Mackenzie.[52] Over the next few months, Rodriguez would begin a secret relationship with Damon Keller, a new agent.[53]

Tracking Anomalies[]


Rodriguez discusses the recent anomalies

"Agent May is onto us."
"Really? 'Cause I've been playing it pretty cool."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Damon Keller[src]

When S.H.I.E.L.D. detected anomalies across the world, Alphonso Mackenzie had STRIKE, which Rodriguez had joined, wait in Quinjets, split into three teams. Rodriguez was in bravo team, and when the anomaly occurred, they were too far away to deal with it. Returning to the Lighthouse, they discussed the situation, and Mackenzie ordered Rodriguez to train with Melinda May to prepare her for facing off with the man they encountered in Indiana.

May & Yo-Yo train

Rodriguez is given advice from Melinda May

As May trained with Rodriguez, she brought up how she detected Damon Keller being attracted to her, and believed it was mutual. Rodriguez denied it, but May encouraged her to embrace it, noting how they shouldn't be alone in life. Rodriguez met up with Keller afterwards to tell him that May was onto them. She decided to take a break from her relationship with Keller, saying it was for herself, and Keller supported her decision.


Rodriguez is injured from the explosion

Rodriguez joined Mackenzie, May, and Marcus Benson as they examined the man they discovered in a wall. However, he was still alive and revealed that something was coming. He dropped a device that gave a time and location, so Mackenzie sent Rodriguez with May, Keller, and Fox to intercept the next anomaly. However, when they got there, they were tricked by a woman pretending to be a hostage, and the museum exploded, knocking all of the agents down.[53]

Robbery of Charmont Jewelers[]

Yo-Yo comforts Keller

Rodriguez decides to get back with Damon Keller

"Be careful with Keller. That's how things get messy."
"Seriously? You're the one that told me to go for it just, like, yesterday."
"Yeah, but that was before I started hunting someone with Coulson's face."
―Melinda May and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

The agents returned to the Lighthouse and mourned the loss of Fox. Mackenzie tasked Rodriguez and Damon Keller with reviewing the footage from the museum to see if there was anything they missed. Knowing that Keller was close with Fox, Rodriguez decided to comfort him, saying she was there if he needed her. She was then notified about a sighting of the man that looked like Phil Coulson at a shipping yard, so Rodriguez and Melinda May were ordered to check out the area.

Mack, Yo-Yo, May & Benson

Rodriguez learns the DNA is Phil Coulson's

Before they left, they were stopped by Marcus Benson who brought up how Coulson had died and been brought back to life before, but they said this wasn't the case. They then looked at the DNA results, and discovered it was an identical match to Coulson. Rodriguez and May went to the shipping yard, but found nothing. While there, May asked Rodriguez about her and Keller's relationship, revealing that Mackenzie knew about it. May also suggested being careful, due to the fact she was now hunting someone who looked like Coulson.

Window of Opportunity 11

Rodriguez arrives at Charmont Jewelers

Mackenzie informed them that a jewelery store, so they headed down there straight away. Once they arrived, they were confused to find the lock to the vault had been blown and that the group were still inside. Rodriguez used her speed to check the area but found nothing, and they soon realized that there was another entry way inside the vault. May left them, and Rodriguez stayed as they tried to enter the vault. Once they were successful, Rodriguez and Keller entered the vault, only to find May inside, who said that she had lost.[54]

Losing Damon Keller[]


Rodriguez tells Alphonso Mackenzie about the grid

"How would you feel about bringing an alien bird into our relationship? So that's a no."
"You're going to be fine."
―Damon Keller and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Rodriguez informed Alphonso Mackenzie, who had been speaking with Damon Keller, about Marcus Benson's findings about the grid appearing in the sky. Rodriguez believed it could be a map, but still was unsure of what Sarge was looking for. Rodriguez spoke with Keller about him telling Mackenzie about their relationship, and he mentioned that Mackenzie may still have feelings for her.


Rodriguez looks at Harold Simcoe's corpse

Rodriguez and Keller were called to the lab, where a dead body with mineral protrusions had been brought in, as Sarge was the killer. Mackenzie tasked Rodriguez, Keller, and Benson with figuring out what had happened to the victim. As Benson conducted the autopsy, they learned that the victim was Harold Simcoe, and they found that he had an alien bird inside his chest. Benson explained that the parasite turned Simcoe into a zombie, but as he pulled the dagger out, the bird awoke and flew away.


Rodriguez comforts an infected Damon Keller

Rodriguez, Keller, and Diaz searched for the bird in the Lighthouse. But, as Rodriguez looked in the ventilation shaft, the bird attacked Keller, forcing itself in his mouth, infected him. Rodriguez rushed Keller to the lab so Benson could help him. Rodriguez spoke with Benson privately, who revealed that the parasite was growing inside him and that Keller didn't have long. Rodriguez spoke with Keller, who joked about bringing an alien bird into their relationship.


Rodriguez is forced to kill Damon Keller

Benson tried to sedate Keller, but his body began to seize and then attack Benson, so Rodriguez was forced to tie Keller down. Rodriguez then demanded Benson to operate on Keller. However, Benson was unable to due to Keller's body burning up, so he went to take him into isolation, fearing what could happen. Unfortunately, they were unable to make it in time, and Keller began to lose control. Rodriguez witnessed as his body tore apart with mineral protrusions, and she was forced to kill him with the dagger.[55]

Uneasy Decisions[]

Yo-Yo & Mack

Rodriguez is checked on by Alphonso Mackenzie

"What do you want, Mack? I take your orders without question. You need more from me... Boss? That's what I thought."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez to Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

Following the death of Damon Keller, Alphonso Mackenzie checked up on Rodriguez, who said she was getting used to losing people. Mackenzie tried to explain why he broke up with her, and that he was having a hard time, but Rodriguez was cold to him, and voiced doubt towards Marcus Benson, thinking he may had done something wrong with Keller.

Yo-Yo listens to Benson

Rodriguez listens to Marcus Benson's story

Rodriguez returned to the lab, and when Benson arrived, he asked if he was spying on him again. Rodriguez then admitted that she has made many tough choices in her life, and even when right, it hadn't helped feeling like it was wrong. Benson then told Rodriguez about what happened to his husband and how he was forced to turn off his life support. Despite being the hardest choice of his life, Benson took comfort knowing it was the right one, and told Rodriguez to do the same.


Rodriguez reunited with Davis and Piper

Rodriguez and Benson talked about the parasite, and when looking at the data, Rodriguez recognized the crystalline structure of the spikes being similar to the Monoliths. Rodriguez explained them to Benson, and remembering that Harold Simcoe was heading to a Ley Lines convergence point, Benson deduced that if the alien bird had made it there and transformed, it could be catastrophic. Afterwards, they were contacted by Daisy Johnson who had finally returned, so Rodriguez and Mackenzie greeted the returning agents.[56]

Search for the Shrike[]

AOS 6x07 May Yoyo Sarge Mack

Rodriguez threatening to kill Sarge

"May, these guys started shaking and screaming as soon as we put them together."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez to Melinda May[src]

Rodriguez gathered with the other agents as Melinda May brought in Sarge to the control room. May filled them all in what Sarge's story was, and Rodriguez brought up how one of the Shrike killed Damon Keller. Sarge's insensitivity caused Rodriguez to threaten him but Alphonso Mackenzie stopped her. Mackenzie then ordered Rodriguez to try getting through to Jaco now that Sarge was captured.

Jaco refuses medical attention

Rodriguez attempts to get through to Jaco

Rodriguez entered Jaco's cell, where he continued to remain silent, although Rodriguez noticed that he had began coughing a lot. Rodriguez mentioned that Sarge had been captured and Jaco told her that they had to let him out. Jaco began to talk about the planet he came from and how his family were all dead, and that he was only alive because of Sarge. Rodriguez offered Jaco some medicine to help with his coughing, but he refused treatment if Sarge was still going to be locked up, so Rodriguez left.

Diaz almost impaled

Rodriguez is almost killed by the Shrike

When two Shrike hosts were located, Rodriguez and May were tasked with apprehending them. Splitting up in Iowa, Rodriguez used her powers to bound one of the Shrike hosts and brought him back to the Zephyr One. When the two hosts were put in the Containment Module together, they began to react and spikes came out of them, which would destroy the entire ship. Unable to get out of the cargo bay, Rodriguez only just avoided being killed from the Shrike.[57]

Working with Sarge[]

Yo-Yo learns Mack's plan

Rodriguez hears Alphonso Mackenzie's plan

"Look, I know it was a risk letting him take point on the mission, but I think it was the right decision."
"Yeah. I hope so. But my gut tells me there's a part of the plan that Sarge hasn't revealed."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

Returning to the Lighthouse, Sarge finally revealed his plan to go to where the Shrike were heading and kill the beast that would be there. Alphonso Mackenzie approved Sarge's mission, but secretly decided to follow his truck in Zephyr One, and he told Rodriguez that he would be needing her support on this mission if the beast does arrive.

Mack and Yo-Yo learn about Izel

Rodriguez reading the findings about Izel

On board the Zephyr, Rodriguez comforted Mackenzie about his role as leader, and they talked about Sarge taking charge of the mission. They then received a message from Marcus Benson and examined his findings. Mackenzie asked Rodriguez if she knew anything about Izel, but she didn't, so Mackenzie filled her in about her history, which involved the Monoliths. Rodriguez then checked on Jaco and Pax, who told her they shouldn't be following Sarge.

Yo-Yo told about Sarge's plan

Rodriguez learns about Sarge's secret plan

When Rodriguez returned to check on Jaco and Pax, she discovered that they had broken free. Rodriguez used her powers to tie Pax up in chains and push Jaco back into the Containment Module. Pax then tried to warn her again that they were all in danger by heading to the Shrike Tower, revealing that there was a weapon on the truck that would cause massive destruction, which would include killing them. Rodriguez informed Mackenzie of the bomb and they contacted the agents on the truck.

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Rodriguez suggests extracting the agents

Rodriguez and Mackenzie then discussed what they could do, but each option resulted in death, so they decided to put their faith in Deke Shaw.[58] With six minutes until impact, Rodriguez suggested getting her down to the truck in a Quinjet so that she could extract the agents, and Mackenzie approved. But, when Rodriguez went down to the cargobay, she found another agent dead, as well as Jaco and Pax nowhere to be found.


Rodriguez learns of the hijacking from Pax

Rodriguez searched the ship, and when she found Pax, she used her powers to disarm him. The two then fought, and Rodriguez grabbed Pax by the throat. Pax revealed that they had taken control of the bridge and that they had placed a trap to stop anyone from getting in. Rodriguez tied up and gagged Pax and brought him to the bridge where she pushed him into the force-field created by Shelter Charges. Once Jaco turned off the field, Rodriguez used her powers to get in and give Mackenzie keys to his handcuffs.[59]

Alliance with Jaco[]

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Rodriguez attempts to get through to Jaco

"So you're okay with the killing, Jaco? How's that strategy working out for you? Save a lot of planets lately?"
"Sarge is doing the best he can. But he's been at this a while. He wasn't always a killer."
"And you were a baker. The runt. Is this what your family would've wanted?"
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Jaco[src]

Rodriguez kept hidden in Zephyr One as Jaco searched for her. She used her powers to steal his gun and handcuff him. However, he broke free and told her he didn't want to fight, saying he was trying to save their planet. Rodriguez asked if he fine with all the killing, but he stated he just wanted to kill Izel, so the two decided to work together.

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Rodriguez being reunited with Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons

Rodriguez and Jaco returned to the bridge where Alphonso Mackenzie was fighting Sarge, and they watched as he was knocked out. After putting Sarge in the Containment Module, Rodriguez, Mackenzie, James Davis and Jaco prepared to board the spaceship to rescue Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz, as well as kill Izel. They took the Quinjet and docked on top of the spaceship. The four split up, and Rodriguez and Mackenzie soon found Fitz and Simmons, and they all hugged, finally being reunited.

SHIELD watches Jaco's sacrifice

Rodriguez witnesses Jaco sacrifice himself

They regrouped with Jaco and Davis, who informed them that Izel had gotten away, so Rodriguez told them that they should leave to fight another day, and they headed for the Quinjet. However, the Quinjet was overrun with the Shrike infected crew, so they retreated into the airlock. Jaco took off his jacket and opened the portal inside it, allowing them to travel onto Sarge's Truck. They were reunited with the team, but Jaco headed back to the ship with the bomb to sacrifice himself by blowing it up.[59]

Renewed Relationship[]

May and Yo-Yo toast

Rodriguez and Melinda May toast to Jaco

"I always told you not to worry about me."
"I know. And you were right. I'm not asking for forgiveness now. Just, uh... just a chance to earn it. Eventually. All right, um... Good night."
"We can take it slow."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

With Izel, the Shrike, and Sarge defeated, as well as Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons back on Earth, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents decided have a celebration. Rodriguez asked Melinda May how she was doing, and she expressed that she should have killed Sarge, knowing deep down he wasn't Phil Coulson. The two talked about Jaco, and they toasted to his sacrifice.

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Rodriguez kissing Alphonso Mackenzie

Later on, Mackenzie decided to give a toast, and Rodriguez listened as Mackenzie acknowledged all of the agents, stating that there was no S.H.I.E.L.D. without them. After the celebration, Rodriguez returned to her room where she was visited by Mackenzie. He confessed that he screwed up, thinking that if he could get her out of his mind he would be a better Director, but he was wrong. Mackenzie asked for the chance to earn forgiveness, but Rodriguez stopped him from leaving, saying they could take it slow, and they kissed.[59]

Shrike Infestation[]

Body Hopping Troubles[]

AOS 6x10 Daisy Yoyo Piper

Rodriguez discussing Melinda May's actions

"Mack. May didn't shoot Sarge. It was Izel."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez to Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

When Sarge was shot in his cell, they all rushed down and Rodriguez heard Melinda May coldly confess to killing Sarge. Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie discussed May's actions, with Rodriguez mentioning how May said she wanted to kill Sarge. Rodriguez showed her understanding for wanting to prevent future suffering, alluding to her murdering Ruby Hale. Rodriguez spoke with Daisy Johnson and Piper, and they all agreed that there was something off.

AOS 6x10 Daisy Yoyo

Rodriguez and Johnson questioning Davis

Rodriguez decided to question Melinda May, who was confused as to why she was locked up. Rodriguez filled May in, and she stated that she didn't kill Sarge and had no memory of it. They went over what May could remember, with the last thing being that she encountered James Davis. Rodriguez regrouped with Johnson and they went to question Davis, who revealed that he had also lost time, with the last thing he remembered before blacking out was seeing Izel, leading them to realize she was behind it all.

AOS 6x10 Daisy Yoyo Mack Davis

Rodriguez wonders who's possessed by Izel

Rodriguez, Johnson and Davis rushed to Mackenzie in the control room to inform him of their discovery, and the realized that she could be possessing any one of them currently. Mackenzie locked the Lighthouse down, and they agents, who were joined by May, Leo Fitz, and Deke Shaw, discussed what Izel could want and who she was possessing. Because Izel could be any one of them, they decided to clear themselves by each revealing a secret that someone else could verify.

AOS 6x10 Daisy Yoyo 2

Rodriguez watches Izel confront the agents

Rodriguez went first, revealing that she missed PotosĂ­ on one day more than Christmas, which May answered was her mother's birthday, clearing both of them. After Johnson and Mackenzie were cleared, Mackenzie locked Rodriguez and Johnson in his office so that Izel could not possess them and use their powers. It was soon revealed that Izel was inside of Fitz, and she stepped out of her body. Rodriguez witnessed as Izel threatened them, but Johnson told her the others were safer with the two of them locked up.

AOS 6x10 Daisy Yoyo Mack 4

Rodriguez's body is possessed by Izel

The standoff ended when Izel made her way into Davis' body and forced him to kill himself. She then jumped into Mackenzie's body and made her escape. Johnson freed her and Rodriguez from the office and they went to hunt down Izel. Rodriguez and Johnson were informed that Izel was going after the Gravity Containment Device, so they rushed to stop her, but they were too late. Izel went to possess Johnson, but Rodriguez used her powers to intercept her, resulting in Izel taking over Rodriguez's body.[60]

Kidnapped by Izel[]

Mack & Yo-Yo captured by Izel

Rodriguez is told to contact Marcus Benson

"She possessed your body and took you hostage so she could escape."
"I saw her coming for Daisy. I was trying to protect her."
―"Alphonso Mackenzie" and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Rodriguez regained consciousness, finding herself in Zephyr One with blood on her hands. She found Alphonso Mackenzie, who was badly injured, as Izel had used her body to beat him up. Rodriguez apologized and wondered why Izel was keeping them alive, which Mackenzie stated was because she believed they knew the location of an ancient temple. Rodriguez mentioned that Marcus Benson was the only one who knew its location, and Izel revealed herself to have been in Mackenzie, and demanded they contact Benson.

Yo-Yo warns Benson

Rodriguez tries to warn Marcus Benson

Benson was summoned to the Zephyr, and Izel possessed Mackenzie again, threatening Rodriguez not to try anything. Rodriguez remained silent as Benson proceeded to reveal his findings about the Di'Allas, informing them that it could open a portal to Izel's Realm. Benson mentioned that Damon Keller was right about the Ley Lines, and Rodriguez responded as if Keller was still alive, secretly warning Benson that something was wrong. Izel caught on and killed an agent, threatening to know the temple's location.

Mack & Yo-Yo watch Izel torture Benson

Rodriguez watches Izel torturing Marcus Benson

Rodriguez and Mackenzie were locked in the Containment Module, so Rodriguez took the opportunity to talk about their relationship, telling Mackenzie that he had to be prepared to put her in danger. Mackenzie stated that he decided to come along because it was strategical, as it got Izel away from the Lighthouse so the agents could work on stopping her. Izel returned with Benson, and they watched as she used the Gravity Containment Device to recreate Benson's husband.

Mack & Yo-Yo trick Izel

Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie tricking Izel

This forced Benson to give Izel what she wanted, and when they left, Mackenzie expressed to Rodriguez that it wasn't just a tactical decision for him coming with her, and she said she would have done the same for him. The two then made a plan, deciding to get Benson to safety, so when Izel returned and opened the doors, Rodriguez snatched the device and was instantly possessed. Izel attacked Mackenzie and threw him out the Module, which allowed him to eject the Module with Benson inside.

AOS 6x11 Yoyo Mack Izel

Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie learn Izel's plan

They arrived at the temple, and Rodriguez and Mackenzie were tied up together. They witnessed as she opened up the device, and Izel explained to them how it would open the door to her world, which will allow her family to come through. Izel revealed that she needed the Di'Allas to do so, but they were destroyed, so she was going to use Rodriguez and Mackenzie to recreate them from their memories. Rodriguez and Mackenzie confidently stated that they were not going to help Izel. But they discovered that they had involuntarily created Flint, as he could create the Di'Allas.[61]

Izel possesses Flint

Rodriguez witnesses Izel possess Flint

Flint was confused as to where he was, and as he reunited with Rodriguez and Mackenzie, they tried to warn him to get away from Izel. Flint instead tried to fight Izel, revealing his powers, despite their warnings, and she possessed his body. Rodriguez and Mackenzie witnessed as Izel used Flint's body to recreate the Di'Allas using the energy from the device. Once she was done, Izel freed Flint, who passed out from exhaustion. Izel told Mackenzie and Rodriguez about her world and how they would be arriving soon.

Mack & Yo-Yo confront Izel

Rodriguez learns Izel still requires them

Izel exited the temple, and when Flint regained consciousness, Rodriguez and Mackenzie told him that they stopped the Destruction of Earth, and that they created him with their minds from the energy of the Di'Allas. Flint freed them but Izel returned, and punished their attempted escape by possessing Rodriguez and breaking Flint's leg, which angered Rodriguez. She demanded that Izel let them go, but Izel revealed that she needed their bodies so that her people could possess them.

Yo-Yo is safe from Izel

Rodriguez is protected from Izel's power

Suddenly, Deke Shaw appeared in the temple and gave them Sonic Barrier Cuffs, which protected them from Izel, allowing an excited Rodriguez to attack her captor. They made their escape but they were found by some Shrike hosts, so Shaw told the others that he would hold them off. They brought Flint to the Zephyr, where Piper treated him as he voiced his fondness for the world, which Rodriguez promised to show him afterwards. As for now, Rodriguez and Mackenzie planned to head back to fight Izel.[62]

Infected by the Shrike[]

Yo-Yo says Flint is real

Rodriguez states to Quake that Flint is real

"Listen to me. If I turn, I need you to take one of those knives and put it right here."
"It won't come to that."
"It might. And Mack won't be able to do it."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Daisy Johnson[src]

But before they could leave, they were reunited with Quake, who informed them that she had led an army of Shrike hosts away from the temple so Melinda May and Sarge could get inside. As the discussed Zephyr One's condition, they informed Quake about Flint's creation, which they argued about, as she claimed he wasn't real, but they told her he was. They were then surprised as a group of Shrike hosts had entered the Zephyr and came after them, forcing them to retreat.

Yo-Yo cries over May

Rodriguez cries over Melinda May's death

Locking themselves in another room, Rodriguez listened to Alphonso Mackenzie and Quake argue about Sarge, as Quake believed he was remembering who he was as Coulson, but Mackenzie felt strongly that it was all just a deception to trust him.[62] However, when they made contact with the Lighthouse, they were informed that Sarge had killed May. Quake began to blame herself for trusting Sarge, saying that it was all on her, so Rodriguez calmly told her to then make May's death count for something.

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Rodriguez kills the Shrike at super speed

They heard Deke Shaw on the comms, and he revealed that he was trapped in a Quinjet, surrounded by Shrike hosts, so they helped him fly the aircraft to the Zephyr, with Rodriguez assuring Shaw that she didn't think he was going to die doing so. As Mackenzie helped Shaw, Rodriguez and Quake went to reinforce the door so the hosts won't get to them, but having access to the armory, they exploded the door. Rodriguez used her powers to slow things down, allowing her to shoot all the incoming hosts.


Rodriguez being infected by a Shrike

But, as Rodriguez went to secure the door again, a Shrike flew right into her mouth and infected her. Quake rushed Rodriguez back to Mackenzie to tell him what happened, and he promised her they would find a way to save her, although Rodriguez stated that it didn't work that way. They all boarded the Quinjet and headed back to the temple. During the flight, Mackenzie checked on Rodriguez, who informed him that Damon Keller lived for about thirty minutes before being taken over by the Shrike.

AOS 6x13 Quake Yoyo 7

Rodriguez instructs Quake with killing her

Mackenzie told her that they weren't losing any more people. Seeing Mackenzie's struggle, Rodriguez spoke with Quake privately to tell her that if she turned that she would need to use one of the Shrike Daggers to stab her in the chest, as that was the only way to kill the Shrike. Quake believed it wouldn't come to that, but Rodriguez thought it might, and knew that Mackenzie would not be able to follow through with it, which was why she was telling Quake to do it.

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Rodriguez's body is taken over by the Shrike

They returned to the temple, and as the made their approach, Rodriguez found herself getting weaker from the Shrike. The proceeded, and found only Sarge standing by the portal, so Quake to attack him, but it did nothing to hurt Sarge, and they all witnessed as his true form was revealed. When Quake was knocked down, Mackenzie began fighting Sarge so Rodriguez went to back him up, only for the Shrike to begin taking over her, stopping her body and causing her to fall down, so she handed Quake a dagger.

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Rodriguez is held by Alphonso Mackenzie

Rodriguez begged Quake to kill her before she turned, but she hesitated. Mackenzie soon came to Rodriguez and was given the dagger by Quake, who went to face off with Sarge. But, Mackenzie failed to kill Rodriguez, resulting in her turning and attacking Mackenzie. Rodriguez's life was saved when May came through the portal and killed Izel, which destroyed the Shrike inside her. After Sarge was killed, the war was one, and Mackenzie held Rodriguez in his arms as May died from her fatal stab wound.[63]

Chronicom Colonization of Earth[]

Receiving an Upgrade[]

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Rodriguez recovers on board Zephyr One

"Ours is a world of Inhumans and LMDs, but we are a long way from home. A woman with mechanical arms would draw too much attention. They'll feel much more real–"
"It's not that. It's... I don't want to pretend like this didn't happen. This is who I am. I'm not ashamed of it."
―Jemma Simmons and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Suddenly, Jemma Simmons arrived at the Temple of the Forgotten stating that Melinda May will survive, while agents collected pieces of the Di'Allas. They all boarded Zephyr One, confused on what was going on, as the plane looked different, and Simmons was acting strange. Rodriguez took a seat and was given a breathing apparatus to recover, as Simmons revealed that she did not know the location of Leo Fitz.[63]

Rodriguez told to quarantine

Rodriguez is told to remain quarantined

Simmons later explained the Chronicoms' plan to eliminate S.H.I.E.L.D. throughout history, as well as how the upgrades to Zephyr One worked: that they couldn't travel to any time, but only specific points in time and space, which Fitz called Tides. Daisy Johnson questioned why they were in the year 1931, but Simmons did not know. Alphonso Mackenzie decided to investigate outside, but ordered Rodriguez to be quarantined, as he didn't want to risk introducing an alien contagion to the past.

Jemma and Yo-Yo talking about May

Rodriguez wondering about Enoch's loyalty

While the others went out to investigate the Chronicom's recent actions, Rodriguez and Simmons watched as Enoch treated May in the Healing Pod. Rodriguez questioned if they could trust Enoch as he was not a human, but Simmons assured her they could as he was the reason she was alive. Simmons stated that May would make a full recovery, and then informed Rodriguez that her body was breaking down the Shrike material, and would soon be completely out of her system, much to her relief.

Yo-Yo given new arms

Rodriguez being given new prosthetic arms

Rodriguez asked if she was clear to go outside, but Simmons showed her a new pair of advanced and incredibly realistic prosthetic arms they made for her. Rodriguez was grateful, but turned them down, so Simmons reminded her that they were in the past, and metal arms would not fit in, as opposed to the present. However, Rodriguez revealed that she did not want to forget what happened to her, as she was not ashamed of it, but Simmons suggested she think it over, as it would give her back the ability to feel.

Yoyo feel

Rodriguez feels with her prosthetic arms

Rodriguez decided to accept the new arms, and after attaching them she touched her own face which made her happy to feel something again with her hands. She then rejoined Simmons, and told her that the arms felt strange but better. Rodriguez asked if Simmons was worried about Fitz, but Simmons stated that she knew he was safe, although she did miss him. Rodriguez remarked on how the two of them have had a lot of experience being separated between space and time, and Simmons noted they were unable to make contact.

Enoch watches Cain's death

Rodriguez watching Cain's interrogation

Johnson and Deke Shaw returned to the Zephyr with a captured Chronicom, so they quickly tied him up before he came back online. Rodriguez was eager to use her new arms to interrogate Cain, but Simmons had her own tactic to overload his system so he spills out information. Rodriguez watched alongside Enoch as Simmons inserted a plug into Cain's head and uploaded junk data into him, which eventually made him reveal that they were targeting a man named Freddy, so they informed the rest of the team.[64]

Mission in 1931[]

Know Your Onions - 8

Rodriguez arrives at The Krazy Kanoe

"At the speakeasy, I tried to go fast and I... I couldn't."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez to Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

Phil Coulson contacted Zephyr One and told Rodriguez and Jemma Simmons to meet them at the The Krazy Kanoe, so they acquired some time appropriate clothes and made their way, with Rodriguez hating having to run in heels. Once they arrived, Rodriguez asked about the situation, and Coulson and Daisy Johnson revealed that the target was Wilfred Malick, as he was a key player towards S.H.I.E.L.D.'s creation. The others discussed saving Malick's life or whether letting him die would be for the better, but Rodriguez suggested not making it a live-or-die situation, and instead influence him to be good, but Simmons stated that would still be changing the timeline.

Rodriguez's powers don't work

Rodriguez is unable to use her powers

The Chronicoms arrived, so the agents hid in the secret room in Ernest Koenig's office. When Viola awoke, she knocked over a bottle, so Rodriguez went to catch it using her powers, but she froze and it smashed, alerting the Chronicoms. Fortunately they were not caught, and after the Chronicoms left, Johnson asked Rodriguez about the bottle, but Rodriguez lied and said she didn't see it. However, Johnson saw through this, and Rodriguez wondered if the Shrike had infected her.

Know Your Onions - 12

The team discuss the Super Soldier Serum

Simmons revealed that Malick was delivering they key ingredient used to create the Super Soldier Serum. Knowing where it would lead with HYDRA and the Red Skull, the team discussed the ramifications of changing the timeline, which Rodriguez felt that they should fix things for the better, but Coulson firmly stated that they could not alter history. When they figured out that the delivery was going to take place at Hell's Harbor, the team hurried back to the Zephyr so they could help Mackenzie and Shaw protect Malick. When they returned to the Zephyr, they found Melinda May beating Enoch, so they stopped her, and Rodriguez asked Enoch if he was able to contact Mackenzie or Shaw, but he hadn't.

The team leave 1931

Rodriguez on Zephyr One before it departs

After showing Koenig the inside of the Zephyr, which blew his mind and made him think the agents were martians, he gave them directions to Hell's Harbor. As they approached their destination, the team filled Koenig in on who they were, revealing that Malick is going to become a threat for them. They were then alerted that the Time Window would close in seventeen minutes, so they prepared to extract Mackenzie and Shaw, with Rodriguez staying put in case the Zephyr left. The team returned before the jump, but Enoch was left behind.[65]

Kidnapping of Gerald Sharpe[]

Yo-Yo learns they're in 1955

Rodriguez learns that the year is 1955

"Do you mean America's continued dominance and unparalleled excellence?"
"That arrogance is putting lives at risk."
"Oh, is that so, Mamacita? Ooh.
Caliente. Good thing your boy's here to keep you in line."
―Gerald Sharpe and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Upon their arrival in a different time period, Zephyr One started to fall, before its autopilot pulled them out of the dive. Once they landed, Rodriguez asked where they were, and they discovered that they had jumped to 1955 and were just outside of Area 51. They discussed how the time travel worked, and figured out that the Chronicoms were after Project Helius, as that could stop S.H.I.E.L.D. from going after them.

Alien Commies from the Future! 1

Rodriguez talks about her powers failing

In order to infiltrate Area 51, they decided to kidnap Gerald Sharpe, so Rodriguez, Alphonso Mackenzie, Daisy Johnson and Phil Coulson acquired era appropriate clothes and went to Flying Rocket Diner. As they waited, Mackenzie admired Rodriguez's new arms, which she commented that they had their benefits. Rodriguez brought up not being able to use her powers at The Krazy Kanoe, expressing how she now felt vulnerable not being able to be fast, but Mackenzie thought that she just needed to recover from the Shrike infection, and that she would bounce back. Sharpe entered the diner, and they successfully drugged him and brought him to the Zephyr where they tied him up inside a tent.

Yo-Yo Rodriguez (1955)

Rodriguez learns of the Chronicoms' plan

Rodriguez and Mackenzie began interrogating Sharpe about Helius, but he refused to give them anything, and he resorted to racial insults, which annoyed the two. Rodriguez later tried with May to get answers out of Sharpe, but she found herself having to pull May away when he continued to be racist towards them. They then realized that Deke Shaw would have better luck as he was the only one of them that was white. Shaw was able to discover that the Chronicoms were going to use Helius to take out the entire brain trust of S.H.I.E.L.D..[66]

Infiltration into Area 51[]


Rodriguez and Melinda May inside Area 51

"What the hell happened to you, huh? How come you weren't able to catch her when she was running away?"
"Do I look like I want to talk about it?"
―Melinda May and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Rodriguez and Melinda May were tasked with stopping the Chronicoms' plan, so they disguised themselves as pilots and infiltrated Area 51. Rodriguez wondered why no one was suspicious of female pilots, so May explained how women outflew the men during the time. To identify the Chronicom, they threw gas grenades into the lab, knowing it wouldn't react to it.

Yo-Yo freezes again

Rodriguez's powers don't work again

Rodriguez looked around the room and soon found the Chronicom, but when she tried to use her speed to stop her from escaping, she found herself stuck in place again. When May started having a panic attack, Rodriguez helped her out of the room and asked what was wrong. May told her that she did not know, as it had never happened to her before. Rodriguez asked if she wanted to talk about it, but May did not, and they continued after the Chronicom. May questioned Rodriguez about her powers not working, but Rodriguez also stated that she did not want to talk about it.

May saving Yo-Yo

Rodriguez being choked by a Chronicom

Rodriguez and May regrouped with Phil Coulson, Jemma Simmons and Daisy Johnson, and saw the Chronicom drive away, so they chased after her. They arrived at Helius, and saw the Chronicom plugged into it, so May fought it while Rodriguez tried to unplug it. Rodriguez was tripped over by the Chronicom, but she managed to pull the plug. Rodriguez went to fight the Chronicom, but was choked by the cable, which the Chronicom tried to plug back in. Luckily an EMP was set off, and Helius was stopped, as well as the Chronicom, who self destructed.[66]

The Status Quo[]

Shaw talks about his driving skills

Rodriguez explains the status quo to Shaw

"We lose control of the timeline and it goes skidding off the road. So, that's not the mission now, right?"
"Yep. We're the Agents of Status Quo."
―Deke Shaw and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Rodriguez and Deke Shaw were tasked with retrieving a device from Niles Lindmore and deliver it to Phil Coulson, who was on a mission with Daniel Sousa. Rodriguez noticed that Shaw was quiet during the drive, and they talked about how incredibly sexist and racist the past was, which Rodriguez told Shaw got better, only slowly. Shaw noted that they couldn't make any big changes, due to messing up the timeline, which made Rodriguez feel like they were just "Agents of Status Quo."

Yo-Yo calls Mack

Rodriguez updates Alphonso Mackenzie

They arrived at the house, which had been broken into, so Rodriguez and Shaw split up to search the place. Rodriguez found the faceless body of Lindmore, as well as the device, but upon hearing the door shut, she discovered that Shaw had been taken. Rodriguez then searched for Shaw, making her miss the exchange with Coulson and Sousa. Unable to find him, Rodriguez contacted Enoch at The Krazy Kanoe so she could be put through to Zephyr One, and she informed Mackenzie of the situation.

Simmons learns of May's powers

Rodriguez learns of Melinda May's powers

A Quinjet was sent to pick up Rodriguez, and back on the Zephyr, the agents inspected the device, and were all confused when Melinda May had the same level of excitement as Jemma Simmons. When Simmons examined May, Rodriguez brought up the panic attack at Area 51, and May expressed how she would feel blank and then suddenly out of control with emotions. They talked about how May couldn't feel since she was in the Fear Dimension, and when going over the episodes, Rodriguez figured out that May was feeling other people's feelings from touch.

Shaw and Rodriquez agree to alter the timeline

Rodriguez and Shaw make an agreement

They discovered that Sousa had left the Zephyr to make the delivery, so the agents set out to save him from being killed, and recruited him on the mission. Rodriguez checked on Shaw, who told her that he was no longer a fan of preserving the status quo. Rodriguez then suggested changing it at the next chance that they got, which he agreed to. They then made another time jump, which brought them to the year 1973, which they learned after hearing the song No More Mr. Nice Guy.[67]

Traveling to the 1970s[]

Alphonso Mackenzie & Yo-Yo Rodriguez (1973)

Rodriguez expresses concern in her ability

"I'm hardly even fit for recon. What if we run into complications, Mack?"
"You're damn fine at what you do, with or without your powers. They don't define you."
"Then why do you call me Yo-Yo?"
"'Cause you always bounce back."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

Rodriguez accompanied Alphonso Mackenzie as he went to do recon in the Lighthouse, as it could be used for a base as they were in the past. However, after finding it empty, Mackenzie revealed his ulterior motive of getting them alone together so they could have a date night. Rodriguez then expressed her concern about not being ready to go into the field without her powers, but Mackenzie assured her that they didn't define her, and that she would bounce back.

Yo-Yo (1973)

Rodriguez sees someone in the Lighthouse

However, Rodriguez then noticed that there was somebody inside the base, leading to them realizing something was different in the timeline. After further inspection, Mackenzie noticed some changes to the Lighthouse, so Rodriguez suggested they return to Zephyr One. But, Mackenzie did not think there was anything to worry about, as it was just an active S.H.I.E.L.D. base, so Rodriguez reminded him how in every James Bond movie, underground bases filled with men in matching jumpsuits was a bad sign.

Yo-Yo run

Rodriguez running to get out of Zephyr One

Rodriguez was proven right when they discovered a rocket being built inside of the base. Rodriguez and Mackenzie returned to the Zephyr, where they were informed that Wilfred Malick was still alive and that he was launching Project Insight early. They planned to stop it before S.H.I.E.L.D. would be wiped out, but they were alerted that the Time Window was closing early. Rodriguez tried to get out of the Zephyr before they jumped, but failed, and they were now in 1976.[68]

Assassination of Wilfred Malick[]

Yo-Yo asks about Malick

Rodriguez decides to go after Wilfred Malick

"It's time you answer for your crimes. The ones you've committed and the ones you're about to."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez to Wilfred Malick[src]

Learning it was the day of Project Insight's launch, Alphonso Mackenzie made a plan to stop it from happening, and tasked Rodriguez and Deke Shaw with heading to Wilfred Malick's estate so that they could capture him and bring him to Zephyr One.

Shaw kills Malick

Rodriguez watches Shaw kill Wilfred Malick

Rodriguez and Shaw took the Quinjet and forced their way inside Malick's estate until they reached him. Malick revealed that he knew the two of them would come. Malick invited them to watch the launch of Project Insight, but Rodriguez stated to S.H.I.E.L.D. was in the process of stopping it and that he would be coming with them. Malick refused and explained how the Chronicoms knew what S.H.I.E.L.D. would do, so Shaw killed him. Rodriguez was shocked by Shaw's actions, and discovered that Mackenzie's parents had been taken captive.[68]

Rescue of the Mackenzies[]

Elena '76 (7x6)

Rodriguez joins Alphonso Mackenzie on his mission

"This is Agent Rodriguez. Uh, she's my girlfriend."
"Oh, I don't think these strangers care about that, Director Mack...lemore. Um, you can call me Elena, and please excuse my partner. He's just happy that you guys are safe."
―Alphonso Mackenzie and Yo-Yo Rodriguez to "John Mackenzie" and "Lilla Mackenzie"[src]

Rodriguez and Deke Shaw returned to Zephyr One and informed Alphonso Mackenzie that Wilfred Malick was dead. Knowing his parents were in danger, Mackenzie moved past the issue and prioritized on rescuing them, so Rodriguez said she would come with him.

Alphonso Mackenzie & Yo-Yo Rodriguez

Rodriguez flying back to the Lighthouse

As they flew to the Lighthouse, Mackenzie told Rodriguez about what his family were supposed to be doing that day, and that this would be the first time she would be meeting his parents. The two infiltrated into the Lighthouse and broke into the cell holding Mackenzie's parents. When Mackenzie lost sight of the mission by hugging his mother and introducing Rodriguez as his girlfriend, Rodriguez stepped in to remind him that they couldn't know he was their son.

Rescue of John and Lilla Mackenzie

Rodriguez escaping from the Lighthouse

They then began to make their escape, but when they reached a dead end, John Mackenzie got frustrated with Mackenzie, which in turn made him frustrated, so Rodriguez reminded him that his father didn't know who he was. Mackenzie then began working on disabling the locks to the blast door. As they tried to open it, Rodriguez talked about her nickname for Mackenzie. When they heard someone approaching, Rodriguez was left to defend John and Lilla as Mackenzie went to deal with the threats.

Yo-Yo kills John Chronicom

Rodriguez killing the Chronicom imposter

Rodriguez was able to get the door opened, and went to help Mackenzie, who had been saved by Melinda May and Rick Stoner. They all then headed for the Quinjet. Before taking off, they discussed Phil Coulson dying, but May said he would come back. However, May discovered that Mackenzie's parents were actually Chronicoms, and a fight broke out, resulting in the Chronicoms being killed. Rodriguez then comforted Mackenzie, as his real parents were revealed to be dead.[69]

Jumping Through Time[]

Yo-Yo Rodriguez (September 1983)

Rodriguez wants to go retrieve Alphonso Mackenzie

"Mack's okay. We have his location."
"Okay and alive are two very different things. It's been 20 months since... No one should ever have to go through something like that alone."
―Melinda May and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

After Zephyr One made another jump, Alphonso Mackenzie and Deke Shaw exited the ship, but were stranded when the Zephyr abruptly jumped again. Discovering that they had jumped 481 days, Rodriguez wanted to leave the Zephyr to find Mackenzie in case it jumped again, but Jemma Simmons stopped her, as she could get stranded, too.

Yo-Yo & Mack reunion

Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie reunite

When they made another jump, Rodriguez decided to set off to rescue Mackenzie and Shaw, so Melinda May joined her on the mission, with Simmons informing them they had 27 days until the Zephyr would come out of its next jump.[5] Rodriguez and May set off in the Quinjet, and during the flight, they discussed the state of Mackenzie after being stranded. Once they arrived at the Lighthouse, they were reunited with Mackenzie, Shaw and Phil Coulson. Rodriguez and Mackenzie tightly hugged each other, and he told her that he was doing better.[70]

Daniel Sousa & Yo-Yo Rodriguez

Rodriguez learning about the time jumps

Rodriguez, May, Mackenzie, Shaw and the hard drive containing Coulson returned to the Zephyr, and Simmons explained to them the situation, in which they would continue jumping through time until they collapse into a space-time singularity in two days, but for them would be 20 minutes. Enoch revealed that the Time Drive was emitting pulses that would disintegrate anything that touched it, so May suggested Rodriguez use her speed to get around it, but she reminded them that the Shrike took her powers away.[5]

Visiting Afterlife[]

Yo-Yo Rodriguez (7x8)

Rodriguez leaves for the mission to Afterlife

"We did a thorough search for any contaminants, foreign particles, pathogens. Nothing came up. I'm sorry, Elena, but your problem isn't physical. It's in your mind."
―Jiaying to Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Daisy Johnson informed them that Jiaying could help Rodriguez, so they made a plan for Rodriguez and Melinda May to go to Afterlife and seek Jiaying's help. Rodriguez and May boarded the Quinjet, and Alphonso Mackenzie wished Rodriguez luck before they departed and Zephyr One made its next jump through time.

Yo-Yo (7x8)

Rodriguez learns Melinda May felt her having sex

During the flight, Rodriguez began pacing as she was worried, so May told her to stop as she was feeling her emotions. Rodriguez enquired about how long May was able to sense feelings without touching someone, and May revealed that when they returned to the Lighthouse, she picked up on Rodriguez and Mackenzie having sex, which Rodriguez felt was an invasion of privacy. They then discussed Jiaying, with May noting that she only became a murderer after HYDRA cut her up, but they still wanted to be careful.

Yo-Yo Diviner

Rodriguez touching the Diviner to her face

They landed outside of Afterlife and approached on foot, and discussed what their cover story was. They then saw a woman being chased after, but were spotted by Gordon, who teleported both of them into Afterlife. They were brought to a room and questioned by Jiaying. Rodriguez explained that she was an Inhuman and needed her help to get her powers back. Rodriguez was made to prove she was an Inhuman by touching a Diviner which didn't work due to her prosthetic arms, so she touched it to her face.

AoS Promo 7x08 5

Rodriguez powers continue not to work

Jiaying agreed to help Rodriguez, so they began with acupuncture, but Rodriguez did not think it would help her. Jiaying then asked about what was the poison that took her powers, but Rodriguez could not reveal it was an alien bird in the future, so she just said it killed a friend of hers. Rodriguez thanked Jiaying for her help, but when Li held a knife to May, Rodriguez tried to use her powers to save her, only for them to still not work, which was what Li was testing. They decided to finish for the day.

Yo-Yo and May worry about Kora

Rodriguez and Melinda May ask about Kora

Rodriguez and May went to their room, and discussed the effectiveness of Jiaying's help, although May suspected that she wasn't trying to get Rodriguez's powers back. They then overheard Kora screaming outside their room, so they went to investigate. Jiaying told them it was fine and they should go back to their room, and that the test results will come in the next day. Jiaying locked them in their room, and Rodriguez and May agreed that if the problem wasn't solved by the next day, they would leave Afterlife.

Yo-Yo Rodriguez & Melinda May

Rodriguez is told her problem is in her mind

The next morning, Jiaying visited Rodriguez and May to reveal that they found nothing in the test results, as the problem with Rodriguez was not physical, but actually in her mind. Rodriguez thought that Jiaying was meaning that she was making it up, but Jiaying clarified that the problem being psychological still meant it was real. Rodriguez didn't believe Jiaying could help her, and went to leave, but they were stopped, as it was believed that May's empathic powers could be the solution by exploring Rodriguez's past.

After, Before 2

Rodriguez and Melinda May try to meditate

Jiaying decided to have May and Rodriguez meditate together, sitting so that they were facing each other in a room full of candles. May expressed that this was her worst nightmare, which Rodriguez agreed on. Rodriguez was given a drink that would strengthen the bond between her subconscious and conscious mind, but did not enjoy the taste of it. Jiaying left the room so that Rodriguez and May would feel less self-conscious, however it did not help, with Rodriguez feeling embarrassed. May then had another idea that still required close contact, which Rodriguez made a joke about them spooning, and they left the room.

Yo-Yo remembers her trauma

Rodriguez overwhelmed from her memories

May decided to spar with Rodriguez, which she preferred. May tasked Rodriguez with trying to beat her by avoiding her hits with her powers. Instead, Rodriguez became thrown with various emotions and memories overwhelming her, including getting infected by the Shrike, Tess' death, and when she murdered Ruby Hale. Rodriguez opened up about killing Hale, saying she acted on impulse. May then continued to fight Rodriguez, which had her remember a memory from her childhood, which caused her to cry.

Yo-Yo talks about her trauma

Rodriguez opening up about her childhood

With this memory brought back to her, Rodriguez decided to open up about it to May, telling her about how her actions got her uncle killed. May comforted Rodriguez, saying that although she is impulsive, it wasn't always bad, and that the purpose of the exercise was so that she could forgive herself. They then heard Li called out for Jiaying, so May went to check out what was happening while Rodriguez stayed in the room. A man entered and shot at Rodriguez, but when she tried to use her powers she still couldn't move.

After, Before 8

Rodriguez during the attack on Afterlife

Fortunately, she was saved by May, who revealed they were under attack and did not have long until they needed to return to the Zephyr. Rodriguez and May led Jiaying and Li to safety, and were joined by Gordon. They then heard quakes, but they knew it wasn't Daisy Johnson. They discovered Kora with Nathaniel Malick, who had Johnson's powers, and they watched as Jiaying tried to get through to Kora, but it failed, so they got Gordon to teleport them away. They returned to the Quinjet and asked Jiaying to come with them, but she insisted on staying to help her people, and Kora, who revealed to be her daughter. Rodriguez said that Malick was their enemy, so they would help fight him. Rodriguez and May took off and went to return to the Zephyr.[5]

Powers Unrestricted[]

MaYo return

Rodriguez and Melinda May return from the mission

"You'll bounce back. Always have."
"Maybe I'm not supposed... to."
"What is it?"
"I don't have to bounce back."
―Melinda May and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

As Rodriguez and Melinda May waited in the sky, they discussed the situation with the Time Drive, hoping the team figured out a way to fix it, but Rodriguez reminded May that the team only had 20 minutes. Zephyr One then appeared in the sky, so May managed to dock onto it before it made its next jump. Rodriguez informed the team that the mission was not a success, and she apologized.

Yo-Yo full power unlocked

Rodriguez unlocks her power's full potential

As Rodriguez and May waited for the rest of the team to board the Quinjet, May told Rodriguez it wasn't her fault. Rodriguez felt that it was as the problem was in her head. May assured Rodriguez she would bounce back, but this made Rodriguez realize that she wasn't suppose to bounce back with her powers. Rodriguez then prepared to run, and successfully regained her super speed, which she used to shut off the Time Drive, saving the Zephyr. Rodriguez did not return to her starting place, and was filled with joy to discover this evolution in her power.[5]

Stuck in a Time-Loop[]

Yo-Yo in the Quinjet

Rodriguez in the Quinjet during the storm

"I mean, Mack's been blind, Simmons died a couple times. It's hard to keep track"
"Sounds like I missed a lot. I was only in here for a few minutes."
―Phil Coulson and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

After the Time Drive caused Zephyr One to jump within a jump, tearing a hole in space-time, the team found themselves trapped in a time storm. Rodriguez went to check on the Quinjet, and discovered that the flight system had been damaged, so Alphonso Mackenzie told her to check it out, and she joked about being able to be anywhere at any moment.

Yo-Yo & Daisy jinx

Rodriguez and Johnson say the same thing

They were hit with a radiation flare, which trapped Rodriguez in the Quinjet. She contacted the others, and discovered that Mackenzie had been blinded by the flare. The Time Drive then caused a feedback, propelling the team into a time-loop. In the next loop, when Rodriguez contacted the team, she was confused when Daisy Johnson knew exactly what she was going to say. In another loop, Johnson said exactly what Rodriguez was saying at the same time, which confused her, but Johnson revealed that they were repeating time.

Coulson gets Rodriguez out of the hangar

Rodriguez being freed by Phil Coulson

After several loops the same as the original ones, Coulson went to free Rodriguez from being trapped in the Quinjet, filling her in with what was happening about the time-loops, the murder of Jemma Simmons, and the plan to use her to get the implant out. Coulson was eventually able to get the doors opened, but once Rodriguez was free, the loop was reset. With only a few loops left, Rodriguez was enlisted in keeping Enoch distracted while Simmons's implant was removed. They were successful in escaping the time storm, but it came at the cost of Enoch's life.[71]

The Final Mission[]

Rescue in Afterlife[]

Coulson talks with Glass

Rodriguez learning the Triskelion is active

"I'll zip in and out. They'll never see me coming."
"Unless they do."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

Returning to 1983, the team decided to make base at the Lighthouse. They were greeted by Roxy Glass, who mentioned the Triskelion being active, which the team knew was early in the timeline, just like Project Insight. Phil Coulson believed that their next course of action was to call in Jiaying so they could help her in the fight against Nathaniel Malick.

Yo-Yo looks at May

Rodriguez shares a look with Melinda May

The team gathered in the control room, and May listened as Alphonso Mackenzie and Coulson presented their plan, which included bringing Jiaying to the base. Daisy Johnson voiced her disagreement with bringing her mother to their location, fearing what she may find out about them, which made Rodriguez and Melinda May look at each other knowing about Kora, Johnson's sister. May tried to reveal this to Johnson, but she was stopped when Jiaying and Gordon teleported into the base.

Coulson convinces Jiaying to stay

Rodriguez listens to Jiaying talk about Kora

Jiaying revealed that Malick was hunting the Inhumans, so Rodriguez suggested that she could rescue the ones captured at Afterlife, informing Jiaying that she got her powers back. However, May added that Rodriguez could just as quickly lose them again if she was captured. Coulson decided to be the one to go in, and Mackenzie made a plan for him and Gordon to do recon, so that Mackenzie and Rodriguez would be able to come in and rescue the Inhumans. Jiaying said that she should come because of her connection to Kora, but she was told to stay.

Stolen 7

Rodriguez piloting the Quinjet to Afterlife

Rodriguez piloted the Quinjet to Afterlife, and once they landed Mackenzie laid out the plan, with Coulson and Gordon going in and finding the Inhumans, and then coming straight back. Mackenzie made it clear that if the two of them did not return at a certain time, they would assume something went wrong and he and Rodriguez would come for them. Later on, Coulson and Gordon did not return when planned and were not responding to Rodriguez's calls on the radio. So, Rodriguez decided to go after them, saying that she would just speed straight inside without being detected. However, Mackenzie stopped her, suspecting she could be walking into a trap if they were able to capture Gordon, and told her to wait for him to call her once he found Coulson and Gordon.

Rescue in Afterlife

Rodriguez successfully saves the Inhumans

Waiting on the Quinjet, Rodriguez was informed by Melinda May that Nathaniel Malick had infiltrated that Lighthouse. When Mackenzie called her, Rodriguez instantaneously regrouped with him and Coulson near where the Inhumans were being kept. Mackenzie tasked Coulson with finding Kora while he and Rodriguez rescued the Inhumans. Rodriguez called out to the guard and used her powers to stab him in the leg. She then freed the Inhumans and brought them to the Quinjet where May updated them on Malick's infiltration.[72]


Brand New Day 4

Rodriguez sees Daisy Johnson attack Kora

"Now, if we can find Fitz's specs on this hard drive, we should be able to rig something up."
"Until then, I'm your new babysitter."
―Alphonso Mackenzie and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

The team returned to the Lighthouse after dropping the Inhumans off at a hospital, and they witnessed Daisy Johnson attack Kora, demanding to know where Jemma Simmons was taken. Johnson released her sister, and the team then listened as Kora stated that she wanted to become an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D..

Yo-Yo Babysitter

Rodriguez keeps watch over the prisoners

Rodriguez took the prisoners to cell and told Alphonso Mackenzie that she would keep watch over them, not knowing what other potential powers they may have stolen from the Inhumans. Rodriguez mentioned John Garrett's teleportation powers, so Mackenzie told her about how Leo Fitz built a device to trap Gordon, and he gave her a hard drive so Rodriguez could find the designs for them. The two then discussed Kora's strategy, knowing it was too easy to defeat her, and that Sibyl was able to predict their moves.

Sneaking up on Yo-Yo

Rodriguez senses the prisoners behind her

As Rodriguez searched through the hard drive, the power went out in the Lighthouse. Rodriguez checked on the prisoners and found the door still locked, so she returned to the hard drive. As she continued the search, she sensed the prisoners sneaking up on her, so she sped away before they could jump her. Rodriguez then used her speed to take them both to the control room and tried to warn Phil Coulson and Melinda May about the automatic locks being disabled, but she was too late, as Kora was freed.

Coulson caught offguard by the mention of Ward

Rodriguez enquires about Kora's killing plan

After Kora killed one of the prisoners, she stated that they could either restore the timeline, which would mean killing Daniel Sousa, or they killed her list of names to make the timeline better. Rodriguez was open to hearing the list of names, believing that they could at least point Kora in the right direction. Kora told them the first person was Grant Ward, as it would prevent others from being killed, including Lincoln Campbell.[73]

Bombing of the Lighthouse[]

Coulson comes to a horrible realization

Rodriguez learning S.H.I.E.L.D. is the target

"Why weren't we attacked? Sibyl knows where we are."
"She's smart. She knows the Lighthouse would survive a conventional assault. She must have other plans."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Phil Coulson[src]

May took Kora to see Jiaying, and Rodriguez stayed in the control room and watched Coulson hack into Sibyl's code, discovering that she was obtaining the locations of S.H.I.E.L.D. bases. Coulson realized that Nathaniel Malick didn't take Zephyr One to space to hide, but to attack. Coulson tried contacting the Hub to warn them, but they were too late and witnessed helplessly as all of the S.H.I.E.L.D. facilities were destroyed.[73]


Rodriguez sees John Garrett plant bombs

Rodriguez noticed Melinda May being affected, as she could feel all of the lives being lost. Rodriguez then wondered why the Lighthouse wasn't destroyed, so Coulson explained that Sibyl knew the base would survive the attack. A strange noise began to sound, so Coulson ordered Rodriguez and May to implement the lockdown protocols. They discovered that John Garrett had infiltrated the base and was planting bombs which would bring down the Lighthouse, so Rodriguez told them about the device used to trap Gordon.

Quantum Field Disruptor cuffs

Rodriguez successfully traps John Garrett

Once they built the panels, Rodriguez waited for Garrett to arrive. When he teleported to plant the last bomb, Coulson gave the signal and Rodriguez used her speed to put the disrupters on Garrett, preventing him from teleporting away. They demanded to know how many bombs were planted and how to deactivate them, so Garrett spoke with Malick about disabling the bombs, but Malick still set the bombs off. With no time to evacuate to the surface, Rodriguez grabbed all of the bombs and moved them to one place so the base wouldn't collapse.


Rodriguez hears John Garrett offer his help

Rodriguez returned to the others, to find them buried underneath the rubble, so she helped Coulson and May. They then discussed Garrett, who had been injured in the explosion, but Coulson stated they needed to save him so they could help the rest of their team. Rodriguez went to find an exit for them, but all pathways were blocked by rubble, which caused Rodriguez to spear herself with rebar. She returned to the control room to inform the others they were trapped, and Coulson discovered the location of an 0-8-4 being transmitted, so they used Garrett to teleport there.[74]

All Together, One Last Time[]


Rodriguez is brought to The Krazy Kanoe

"No matter what the outcome, this will be the last time we're all in the same room together. Ever."
―Leo Fitz[src]

The signal brought them to The Krazy Kanoe, where they were surrounded by armed people, with one of them killing John Garrett immediately. Rodriguez told Phil Coulson she could disarm them all, but he advised against it, and he introduced himself to the people in the room, who were all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and they stood down. Brandon Gamble informed them of the 0-8-4s they were asked to bring, but none of them knew what the pieces were for.

Yo-Yo and Mack hug

Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie reunite

Suddenly, Alphonso Mackenzie, Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, Deke Shaw, and Daniel Sousa arrived at the bar, so they all embraced each other. As they discussed their next step, they all noticed Simmons assembling the O-8-4s. The team gathered around Simmons and watched her put the pieces together, and when she received the final piece, it opened up a secret room in the bar with a machine inside of it. However, once the O-8-4 was connected, nothing happened.

The End is at Hand 15

Rodriguez witnesses the return of Leo Fitz

Simmons inserted her wedding ring, which activated the machine, causing it to create a portal, which Leo Fitz came out of. Everyone was happy to see Fitz, except Simmons, who could not remember him.[74] The team listened to Fitz as he explained that they could still return to their original timeline, however, they all voiced their frustration and confusion at him for throwing them into the mission blind. Fitz revealed that Kora was the key to saving their world, but they informed him that she was still with Nathaniel Malick. Fitz then began focusing on leaving the timeline, but Phil Coulson stated that they couldn't abandon the timeline to the Chronicoms's invasion.

Rodriguez learns it's the final mission

Rodriguez learns that it is the final mission

Shaw came up with an idea to bring the Chronicoms with them into the Quantum Realm and back to their timeline, but it would mean someone would have to stay behind. Daisy Johnson revealed that this was their final mission together, which Fitz confirmed, saying this was the last time they would all be in the same room, so Shaw volunteered to stay behind. The team quickly disassembled the Quantum Tunnel and connected it into Zephyr One. As they approached he Chronicom fleet, they then activated the Tunnel and left the timeline with the Chronicoms.[75]

Retaking the Lighthouse[]

Hazmat time loop

The team create a predestination paradox

"Hey, there. You friends or enemies?"
"Friends. As we have always been."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Malachi[src]

While traveling through the Quantum Realm, Rodriguez was informed by Phil Coulson that she and Daniel Sousa would help Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons retake the Lighthouse. But before that, they had to put on hazmat suits and revisit the Temple of the Forgotten to assist the past Simmons, as a part of the predestination paradox they were in.

Yo-Yo sees her past self

Rodriguez interacts with her past self

The ground team entered the Quinjet, and headed for the temple, landing near the past Zephyr One, where they were all greeted by the past Simmons and Enoch. Making sure not to engage with their past selves, the four followed the past Simmons into the temple, with Rodriguez assisting Sousa with extracting a sample of the Time Di'Alla, and giving her past self a breathing apparatus after the Shrike infection. Once they were finished, they returned to the Quinjet and watched as the temple was destroyed right after their past selves traveled back in time.

Yo-Yo punches Hunters

Rodriguez begins retaking the Lighthouse

With the casual loop dealt with, the team made their way to the Lighthouse to reclaim it from the Chronicom Hunters that were occupying it. Once inside, Rodriguez used her powers to clear the path from the team, taking out a few of the Hunters, allowing them to reach the control room. Rodriguez noted that the Hunters would be swarming them soon, so they needed to hold out long enough for the space team. Sousa told Rodriguez not to worry so much about Alphonso Mackenzie, but she told him not to worry so much about Quake.

Lighthouse is retaken

The S.H.I.E.L.D. team ultimately win the war

While Fitz worked, the rest armed themselves with the Chronicom Rifles to protect him, as the Hunters attempted to breach the control room. Having completed their part of the mission, they all took cover, hoping that the team onboard the Chronicom ship would be successful and complete their mission before the Hunters would get to them. Soon, the Hunters entered the control room, but were stopped when the combined powers of Melinda May and Kora reprogrammed them to feel empathy, no longer making them enemies.[75]

A New Era[]

A New Team[]

"Yeah, she's our most decorated Agent."
"Okay, okay. I've got a good team. We work well together."
―Alphonso Mackenzie and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

With the Chronicom Colonization of Earth over, Rodriguez continued working for S.H.I.E.L.D. as it was rebuilt to its former glory, and she became its most decorated agent. With her former team disbanded, Rodriguez found herself leading a new team consisting of Piper and James Davis, who had been brought back as an LMD, upon Piper's request. As foreseen, the S.H.I.E.L.D. team never were in the same room all at once, especially with Rodriguez being stationed at the new Helicarrier, however, they all still stayed in each other's lives.[75]

Virtual Reunion[]

Virtual Meeting

The S.H.I.E.L.D. team are virtually reunited

"I guess that's it. Some time next year? All right. Hasta la proxima.[76]"
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

One year after Rodriguez's former team's last mission together, they all decided to get together and catch up. However, with all of them being far away, including Rodriguez being stationed at the Helicarrier, they used a virtual reality simulation. Rodriguez, while in the backseat of a car driving to the location of an 0-8-4, entered the simulation of The Krazy Kanoe, and joined the rest of the team as they all sat down in a circle.

Yo-Yo Rodriguez Finale

Rodriguez tells the others about her team

Alphonso Mackenzie hadn't arrived yet, so Rodriguez told them that he was running late, calling him "Turtleman." Once the entire team arrived, they proceeded to catch up about what each of them were all doing now since their last mission, with Melinda May asking Rodriguez if she was still at the Helicarrier, but she told them about her current mission, and Alphonso Mackenzie praised her as S.H.I.E.L.D.'s top agent. Rodriguez stated that she had a good team, and joked about Piper regretting bringing James Davis back.

Yo-Yo ending

Rodriguez heading for the 0-8-4 drop point

Soon, some of the team were needed elsewhere, with Rodriguez approaching the drop zone, so they decided to end the gathering, but Jemma Simmons proposed that they make sure to meet up together as an annual tradition, which was unanimously agreed upon. The team took a moment to reflect on how all of them have been through so much, including many of them dying, and Rodriguez and Mackenzie being Zombies. Rodriguez was the first to leave the simulation, and as Piper and Davis bickered while driving, Rodriguez exited the car and sped off to the drop point.[75]


"That's how evil wins. When good people begin to, uh... doubt and run the other way instead of stand up and fight, you see it everywhere. In Colombia, we have a saying. El mal presa a los debiles porque teme a los fuertes."
"Evil preys on the weak because it fears the strong."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Alphonso Mackenzie[src]

Rodriguez is a very noble woman, seeing her powers only a chance to do good instead of using them for personal gain. She is very religious, giving people symbols of faith to lift their spirits. However, she can be very sarcastic and hurtful as shown when she commented on the size of a S.H.I.E.L.D. plane and when she repeatedly called Alphonso Mackenzie too slow while working. But despite this harsh sense of humor, she is incredibly loyal to her friends, berating Lincoln Campbell for hurting Mackenzie and almost sacrificing her life to protect Mackenzie from the Primitives, all while maintaining a jokey attitude.

However, Rodriguez's loyalty can work against her allies, as she classes any lies as a personal betrayal, as shown when Phil Coulson attempted to arrest her and the other Inhumans in fear of them being controlled by Hive. As a result, Rodriguez led the Inhumans in a small revolt against S.H.I.E.L.D. before briefly choosing to leave the agency with Joey Gutierrez, although she eventually changed her mind and returned.

Powers and Abilities[]


"You didn't bounce back. How'd you do that?"
"I think I've always been able to. I was just holding myself back."
―Alphonso Mackenzie and Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]
  • Inhuman Physiology: Elena Rodriguez is an Inhuman who achieved her genetic potential after undergoing Terrigenesis, during the Inhuman Outbreak, and gained superhuman powers. Her new powers allowed her to run very fast and as far as she could in one heartbeat. This created an effect where she bounced back to her original position, like a yo-yo, which is where Alphonso Mackenzie thought of the nickname. She later unlocked her powers further, allowing her to run very fast for an unlimited amount of time.
    • Superhuman Speed:
      Justicia Slowmo

      Rodriguez outrunning an energy bolt

      As an Inhuman, Rodriguez gained the power to run and move at least 180 meters per second (400 miles per hour/640 kilometers per hour), being unable to be clearly noticed by the human eye and appearing as a blur. Her super speed lasts exactly the same amount of time as one of her heartbeats; after which, due to previously holding herself back, she retrograded back to her original position through any route possible, which happened regardless of her state, as she snapped back even after being affected by Lucio's paralyzing gaze. She used this speed to disarm and kidnap Alphonso Mackenzie and also to disarm several corrupt Colombian police officers, subdue HYDRA soldiers and to snag General Glenn Talbot's medals in a split second. Rodriguez cannot be seen on security cameras and she just seems to move forward slightly which is followed by what seems to be a glitch. Rodriguez can run faster than a bolt fired from the Peruvian 0-8-4. Rodriguez used her powers to place Splinter Bombs on several Vrellnexians, and deliver blows to Daisy Johnson. She also used her speed to kill Ruby Hale after she infused 8% of the Gravitonium into her body. However, she is not fast enough to catch bullets, as her attempt to do so caused her to be shot by Primitives. She is also not fast enough to outrun a cesium explosion, though she was able to avoid being engulfed completely. Rodriguez' powers could not compete against a Gravitonium-empowered Talbot's gravity fields, as evidenced when she tried to grab his son and was unable to get close, simply returning to her origin as soon as she encountered the field. The nature of her powers requiring her to retrograde to her original position had the potential to become disadvantageous, should something interfere with the pathway of her retro gradation there is the potential she would collide into it. Although, Rodriguez was largely able to mitigate this potential weakness, as she was able to take various alternate pathways back to her original position. After remembering various points in her past while visiting Afterlife in 1983, she realized that her guilt and fear of her past was holding her back, and that she did not have to bounce back to wherever she started when she used her speed. As such, she became able to use her powers without this side effect. Rodriguez had enhanced momentum, which allowed her to enhance the force in her attacks, strikes, impacts and collisions, often propelling objects or people several feet, that she used to compensate for her average human strength.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Related to her speed, Rodriguez has an increased metabolism that allows her to not get tired after running long distances.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Rodriguez is able to see her surroundings move in a slowed down state due to her superhuman speed, regardless if she is running or not.
  • Cybernetic Enhancement: After losing both her arms to Ruby Hale's Chakram, Rodriguez obtained cybernetic arms which granted her additional powers to complement her natural Inhuman powers. However, since they were repurposed Sleeper Mech arms and were not specifically designed for her, the original arms themselves were initially incompatible with her Inhuman powers; they overloaded her nervous system because they were not designed for extreme speeds. Leo Fitz recalibrated them shortly before the Siege of the Lighthouse, allowing her to use her Inhuman powers. Eventually, Jemma Simmons created new, organic-looking arms designed to help her blend in with the 1930s, specifically designed for her and with simulated nerve endings.
    • Enhanced Strength: Thanks to Elena's cybernetic arms, she now possesses a certain degree of enhanced strength. She was strong enough to accidentally crush a metal drinking bottle, punch a heavy boxing bag several feet back, and was able to overpower Anton Ivanov's android body. She also used her strength to break a lock, lifted up a large shelf, and was able to carry a woman to safety during the Battle of Chicago.


  • Expert Martial Artist: Since being recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. for the Secret Warriors initiative, Rodriguez was trained to combat. Her fighting skills enabled her to fight and destroy Anton Ivanov while he was using an enhanced android body without the use of her powers and knocking down Ruby Hale's robotic soldiers, she was both able to defend herself against Daisy Johnson and Pax.
  • Expert Marksman: Rodriguez is a skilled sniper, managing to hit three men at once. She didn't need to use her gun much because of her powers, but when she was temporarily unable to use her powers, she used her gun more.
  • Spy: As Rodriguez went on more missions with S.H.I.E.L.D., she improved at being a spy. She successfully hid her Inhuman nature from her best friends until she was forced to unveil them.
  • Pilot: During S.H.I.E.L.D.'s mission in the past after the Chronicoms, Rodriguez was able to fly a Quinjet.
"My English is fine."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez to Jeffrey Mace[src]
  • Bilingualism: Rodriguez is fluent in her native Spanish, as well as English, the latter of which she has greatly improved upon being recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D., albeit still with a heavy Colombian accent.


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"So we go to these places and knock down doors? I can knock down doors now."
―Yo-Yo Rodriguez[src]

Other Equipment[]

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"If we need backup, or if you do, we're a tap away."
―Alphonso Mackenzie and Elena Rodriguez[src]
  • Asset Communication Device:

    Rodriguez showing Melinda May her tracker

    To be added
  • Nanothermite Vest: In order to avoid falling under Hive's sway, Rodriguez was then convinced to wear an explosive vest which would detonate and kill her if she was captured by Hive.
  • Framework Headset: To be added
  • Metrics: In order to blend in among humans on the Lighthouse, Rodriguez had a Metric implanted in her wrist. She removed by it during the revolution against Kasius and the Kree Watch.
  • Diviner: Upon her arrival to Afterlife, Rodriguez was handed a Diviner and had been ordered to prove that she was actually an Inhuman. Picking up the Diviner, Rodriguez had noted that it had no effect whatsoever, until she remembered that she currently had Prosthetic Arms and touched the Diviner to her face, causing a positive reaction, and proving to Jiaying that Rodriguez was an Inhuman.


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Appearance for Yo-Yo Rodriguez

In chronological order:

In narrative order:


Behind the Scenes[]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Yo-Yo Rodriguez.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Yo-Yo Rodriguez.
  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.11: Bouncing Back
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot: 1.06: Justicia
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.11: Wake Up
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 5.04: A Life Earned
  5. ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.08: After, Before
  6. ↑ 6.0 6.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.06: Fun & Games
  7. ↑ Translates from Spanish to: "The weapons you stole, what are you going to use them for?"
  8. ↑ Translates from Spanish to: "We are not going to use them! We're making sure no one uses them!"
  9. ↑ Translates from Spanish to: "Are you U.S. Military? I know you're not with the local police."
  10. ↑ Translates from Spanish to: "Know what we call police here? Thieves in uniform. They are only powerful because they have guns, now I have actual power to protect my people from being arrested and killed in the streets!"
  11. ↑ Translates from Spanish to: "Things are different now, you're an Inhuman."
  12. ↑ Translates from Spanish to: "I'm also Colombian, and a office manager and a daughter and a cousin. I have to take my cousin home, I have to tell his aunt why he died."
  13. ↑ 13.0 13.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3.17: The Team
  14. ↑ Translates from Spanish to: "They're government pigs. We trusted them, and they turned on us."
  15. ↑ Translates from Spanish to: "Naive."
  16. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3.20: Emancipation
  17. ↑ 17.0 17.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.21: Absolution
  18. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.22: Ascension
  19. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot: 1.01: Vendetta
  20. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot: 1.02: John Hancock
  21. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot: 1.03: Progress
  22. ↑ 22.0 22.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot: 1.04: Reunion
  23. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot: 1.05: Deal Breaker
  24. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.01: The Ghost
  25. ↑ 25.0 25.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.03: Uprising
  26. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.08: The Laws of Inferno Dynamics
  27. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.09: Broken Promises
  28. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.15: Self Control
  29. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.20: Farewell, Cruel World!
  30. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.21: The Return
  31. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.22: World's End
  32. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.01: Orientation Part One
  33. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.02: Orientation Part Two
  34. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.03: A Life Spent
  35. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.07: Together or Not at All
  36. ↑ Translates from Spanish to: "Dance, cockroaches!"
  37. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.08: The Last Day
  38. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.09: Best Laid Plans
  39. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.10: Past Life
  40. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.11: All the Comforts of Home
  41. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.12: The Real Deal
  42. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.13: Principia
  43. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.14: The Devil Complex
  44. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.15: Rise and Shine
  45. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.16: Inside Voices
  46. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.17: The Honeymoon
  47. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.18: All Roads Lead...
  48. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.19: Option Two
  49. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.20: The One Who Will Save Us All
  50. ↑ 50.0 50.1 50.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.21: The Force of Gravity
  51. ↑ 51.0 51.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.22: The End
  52. ↑ 52.0 52.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.06: Inescapable
  53. ↑ 53.0 53.1 53.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.01: Missing Pieces
  54. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.02: Window of Opportunity
  55. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.04: Code Yellow
  56. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.05: The Other Thing
  57. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.07: Toldja
  58. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.08: Collision Course Part One
  59. ↑ 59.0 59.1 59.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.09: Collision Course Part Two
  60. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.10: Leap
  61. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.11: From the Ashes
  62. ↑ 62.0 62.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.12: The Sign
  63. ↑ 63.0 63.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.13: New Life
  64. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.01: The New Deal
  65. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.02: Know Your Onions
  66. ↑ 66.0 66.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.03: Alien Commies from the Future!
  67. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.04: Out of the Past
  68. ↑ 68.0 68.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.05: A Trout in the Milk
  69. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.06: Adapt or Die
  70. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.07: The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the D
  71. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.09: As I Have Always Been
  72. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.10: Stolen
  73. ↑ 73.0 73.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.11: Brand New Day
  74. ↑ 74.0 74.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.12: The End is at Hand
  75. ↑ 75.0 75.1 75.2 75.3 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.13: What We're Fighting For
  76. ↑ Translates from Spanish to: "Until next time"

External Links[]
