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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"I was thinking we could come back to England for our honeymoon."
―Jemma Simmons to Leo Fitz[src]

England is a country in Europe, one of three countries that form the United Kingdom.


Construction of Stonehenge[]

The megalithic monument Stonehenge was built near what is now the town of Amesbury, Wiltshire, more than 5,000 years ago. The mysterious stone structure was one of many landmarks created to mark the coordinates of the focal point of the first Convergence, a cosmic event in which the Nine Realms of Yggdrasil were in perfect alignment.[1]

Place of Power[]

The powerful sorcerer Agamotto erected a sanctuary in a what is now London in an effort to create a mystical shield to safeguard Earth from extradimensional evil. He left the sanctuary in the custody of his disciples.[2]

HYDRA Society[]

"I lost track of it somewhere in..."
"Yeah. How did you know that?"
"Because I have seen this word carved into the walls of a castle in Gloucestershire, England, in 1853."
―Leo Fitz and Elliot Randolph[src]

A group of HYDRA members at Gloucestershire assembled in a castle to have a lottery. He who grabbed the white stone from the bag was to enter the room housing the Monolith. Lord Manzini grabbed the white stone and was sent into the room with a few weapons and some equipment. The portal opened and swallowed Manzini who was never seen again. A few years later, a ball was held in the castle. One of the visitors was the Asgardian Elliot Randolph.[3]

Birth of James Montgomery Falsworth[]

Birmingham is the birthplace of James Montgomery Falsworth, who went on to join Captain America as one of the Howling Commandos.[4]

Viola's Trip[]

On May 11, 1928, HYDRA agent Viola traveled to London, England.[5]

World War II[]

Code Breaking Skills[]

Peggy Carter spent time at Bletchley Park during World War II, learning skills as a code breaker that would serve her during her career. While there, she studied, among other things, one of the code systems that the Soviet Union used for their messages, such as the one-time pad system, learning that the system was not of use if the original language of the message was not taken into account.[6]

Edwin Jarvis' Arrest[]

Edwin Jarvis was arrested in London, and dishonorably discharged from the British Army, under a charge of treason. Jarvis had forged the signature of the general he was serving under, signing letters of transit in order to ensure the safety of Ana, a Jewish girl he met in Budapest. Howard Stark, whom Jarvis met and befriended during Stark's business with the general, used his influence to save Ana and dismiss Jarvis' charge of treason. Due to that, Jarvis was extremely grateful to Stark, and become a loyal butler for him.[7]

HYDRA Weapons Facility[]

During his time imprisoned in the HYDRA Base Camp C3, James Montgomery Falsworth was jailed in the same cell as other prisoners from different countries, such as Bucky Barnes, Dum Dum Dugan, Gabe Jones, and Jacques Dernier, as Colonel Lohmer hoped that by splitting the prisoners by nationalities, they would be too busy with their own disputes to turn against their jailers. Falsworth mentioned Birmingham as his birthplace when introducing himself to his cellmates.[4]

HYDRA Desertion[]

In 1943, Johann Schmidt and his HYDRA division went rogue, separating themselves from the Nazi regime and intended to nuke the capitals of all countries that would resist his conquest, including England.[8]

Cancelled Shows[]

Steve Rogers was scheduled to perform one of the Captain America's USO Shows in Bristol and Manchester. However, the scheduled shows ended up getting cancelled.[8]

Dismantling HYDRA[]

Peggy Carter & Steve Rogers (1943)

Peggy Carter and Steve Rogers getting debriefed

The Strategic Scientific Reserve was moved to London during World War II, in an effort to dismantle HYDRA. Steve Rogers, able to witness a map showing the location of HYDRA facilities, shared this information with the SSR. Chester Phillips devised a plan, ordering Peggy Carter to contact MI6 in order to locate HYDRA Headquarters, while the SSR would destroy the known facilities with a battalion led by Rogers.

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Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and Peggy Carter

Rogers went to the Whip & Fiddle pub in order to convince some of the prisoners he liberated in Austria, and enlisted the help of Dum Dum Dugan, Gabe Jones, Jim Morita, James Montgomery Falsworth and Jacques Dernier. Bucky Barnes also agreed to help Rogers. Peggy Carter entered the pub and informed Rogers that Howard Stark wanted him to test new equipment. Carter started flirting with Rogers, inviting him to a dancing date in a veiled way.


Steve Rogers is kissed by Lorraine

The following day, Rogers went to his appointment in London with Stark to test the equipment, being seduced by Private Lorraine while waiting. Lorraine managed to kiss Rogers, being witnessed by Carter. Carter, jealous after watching the kiss, was retaliated by Rogers, thinking that Stark's invitation to a Fondue in Lucerne was an intimate proposal. Carter simply told Rogers that he still had no idea about how to talk to women.


Steve Rogers and Howard Stark

Rogers went to meet Stark, who showed his advances in fibers for the uniform and improvements for the shield. Rogers discovered a prototype made of Vibranium, a very unusual metal able to completely absorb vibrations. Carter, still upset, tested the shield shooting at Rogers with a handgun, with the shield completely absorbing the shots. Astonished by her reaction, Rogers handed Stark a few ideas for his uniform.[8]

Captain America and the Howling Commandos[]

Chester Phillips & Peggy Carter

Chester Phillips and Peggy Carter

After the Howling Commandos had left for their mission, Colonel Chester Phillips and Agent Peggy Carter watched a film sent to show the progress of the mission, where Rogers was seen carrying a photograph of Carter in his compass. Despite her coldness during Roger's departure, Carter realized how much Rogers cared for her.[8]

Blueprints Theft[]

Captain America pursued a group of HYDRA undercover agents through the streets of London, who had stolen a series of blueprints belonging to the Strategic Scientific Reserve. Rogers successfully evaded their shots during the persecution, and rendered their car useless, forcing them to continue on foot. The HYDRA agents tried to use the underground to escape, but they entered one of the stations being used as an air raid shelter that had no exit. The agents took the refugees as hostages, with their leader holding a boy at gunpoint. Captain America entered the station and, instead of attacking the agent, he told him that even although he managed to escape, all the men that fight for the ideal that all people deserve to be free would be hunting him until they managed to capture him. Rogers' speech inspired all the refugees in the station, that attacked and managed to subdue the HYDRA agents. Once they were defeated, the boy that was taken as a hostage returned the stolen briefcase to Captain America.[9]

Capture of Arnim Zola[]

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Chester Phillips interrogates Arnim Zola

Arnim Zola was taken to London as a prisoner, kept in a prison where colonel Chester Phillips tried to interrogate him, as he was the only HYDRA agent that did not swallow a Cyanide Pill to commit suicide. Phillips deduced that Zola wanted to live, and informed Zola that they used him as a bait, sending a fake message about an agreement made by Zola to be expatriated to Switzerland in exchange for information. Zola replied that he did not reveal any information, but Phillips knew that Johann Schmidt would not believe that, as Zola had much information about him and HYDRA. Zola started revealing Schmidt's motivations and goals, as was able to dominate the whole world using the technology powered by the Tesseract.


Steve Rogers mourning the loss of his friend

Steve Rogers, saddened by the loss of his friend, went to the ruins of the Whip & Fiddle pub, destroyed after the bombings over London. Peggy Carter found Rogers there, unsuccessfully trying to get drunk, as the Super Soldier Serum provoked his cells to regenerate fast enough to avoid the effects of alcohol. Carter told Rogers that the loss of his friend was not his fault.[8]

Victory Day[]

Victory Day

Citizens of London celebrate the end of the war

In 1945, London celebrated the Victory in Europe Day and the end of World War II. The Howling Commandos reunited there to commemorate their victory and the loss of their friend. The Strategic Scientific Reserve also dismantled its underground facility and Colonel Chester Phillips handed Peggy Carter the dossier of Steve Rogers.[8]

Chase of Howard Stark[]

Agent Daniel Sousa of the Strategic Scientific Reserve investigated the location of Howard Stark, branded as a fugitive from justice as some of his inventions ended up being sold in the black market or in the hands of enemies of the United States. Sousa informed Chief Roger Dooley that one of the leads in the investigation situated Stark, that would situate him in London.[10]

Attack on London Embassy[]

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To be added[11]

Birth of Jemma Simmons[]

England was the birthplace of Jemma Simmons, who grew up to become a S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist. Her parents continued to live in England, calling their daughter so that she could explain to them the events surrounding the attack of the Dark Elves upon London.[12]

Sunil Bakshi's Youth[]

Sunil Bakshi spent his youth growing up in the streets of London, more specifically in the Southall district, where he worked hard to refine his accent but was not able to fully dominate it. Bakshi ended up being a small criminal and was sent to the military to straighten him. His military career was not long-lived, as his superiors felt there was something wrong with Bakshi, so he was expelled and ended up being a private intelligence contractor.[13]

Everett Ross's CIA Visits[]

During his time in the CIA, Everett Ross was often sent to England, where he would often get into minor car accidents due to feeling turned around by driving on the left side of the road instead of the right.[14]

The Convergence[]

Erik Selvig's Theories[]


Erik Selvig having a mental breakdown

In 2013, Erik Selvig investigated the effects of the upcoming Convergence at Stonehenge while suffering a state of mental instability due to being mind-controlled by Loki during his invasion. Selvig got naked and insulted the tourists at Stonehenge while intimidating with a device that looked like a shovel, and was subsequently arrested for public scandal, being transferred to Amesbury to wait for a psychological evaluation.[1]

Jane Foster's Date[]

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Jane Foster on her date

Jane Foster moved to London to her mother's house, feeling depressed and grieving for Thor, and in order to study a series of lectures Erik Selvig managed to discover in the area. Trying to move on with her life, Foster had a date with a man named Richard Madison, where she showed to be uncomfortable as she spent fifteen minutes hidden behind a menu. Madison guessed Foster had a story with another man, and Foster confessed that the man departed. Madison tried to empathize with her, as he lived what he thought was a similar situation.


Darcy Lewis at the restaurant

Darcy Lewis, Foster's assistant, appeared at the restaurant, and though Madison first thought she was a waitress, Foster quickly introduced her. Lewis revealed that the Phase Meter in their laboratory started reading some strange signals that coincided with one of Selvig's theories during his state of mental instability. Foster dismissed Lewis and tried to continue with her date, but Madison realized she wanted to go with Lewis, and prompted her to do it. Foster exited the restaurant and got in Lewis' car to check the readings.[1]

Gravitational Anomaly[]

Thor the dark world 0566

Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster, and Ian Boothby

Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, and Lewis' intern, Ian Boothby, went to check the source of the readings that Lewis detected. They arrived at a warehouse and started searching the place for the source of the readings. Inside the warehouse, they found three children, John, Navid and Maddie, who first asked if they were policemen, and then showed them the place they had just discovered after Foster identified herself as a scientist. Inside the warehouse, the laws of physics had been altered, allowing the children to lift a large track with one hand, or creating a concealed dimensional portal at the bottom of a set of stairs.

Thor The Dark World Jane 04

Jane Foster finds a dimensional portal

Foster went alone to investigate the readings and came across another portal that swallowed and transported her to the place where the Aether was hidden. Foster woke up at the warehouse, and came across the policemen, as Lewis called them due to Foster being absent for five hours.

Thor jane reunited

Thor reunites with Jane Foster

Foster and Lewis noticed that, though it was raining, the water did not fall at the point where Foster was standing, as if an invisible barrier was surrounding her. At that moment, Foster saw Thor gazing at her, as he had been transported back to Earth. Thor was about to confess her love for Foster and kiss her when Lewis interrupted them, informing Foster that the police were going to arrest them for entering a private property without permission. However, as a police officer tried to arrest Foster, the Aether inside her erupted creating a shockwave to defend itself. Thor, worried for Foster's condition, stopped the policemen from approaching her, and departed London with her.[1]

Convergence Lecture[]


Erik Selvig at a mental institution

Erik Selvig was taken to a mental institution following his arrest at Stonehenge, where he tried to explain the Convergence to his fellow patients as if it was a lecture at a university. Selvig explained that the universe rotated in a cycle every 5000 years, and every cycle the Nine Realms got aligned. During the Convergence, the nine realms are connected, and gravity, light, and matter can pass from one world to another. He theorized that the results could be devastating, so he designed a set of Gravimetric Spikes to stabilize the focal point of the Convergence and pass by its effects. However, his fellow patients did not even pay attention and one of them was only worried about retrieving his shoe.[1]

Check Out of Erik Selvig[]


Erik Selvig, Darcy Lewis, and Ian Boothby

Darcy Lewis was worried as neither Jane Foster nor Erik Selvig returned her calls, and she was unable to contact S.H.I.E.L.D. to inform them about the discovery of the gravitational anomaly and Thor's arrival at London, while Ian Boothby saw the news report about Selvig's arrest at Stonehenge. The following morning, Lewis and Boothby went to the mental institution where Selvig had been admitted to check him out. At first, Selvig did not recognize her but was glad to see her upon recognizing her. Boothby introduced himself to Selvig, while Selvig looked to be absent. Selvig told him that the reason he was in that state is that he had a god inside his brain before swallowing the medication he had been assigned.

As the Gravimetric Spikes started reading the gravitational effects of the Convergence, Selvig realized that the effects began before what he had calculated, and they witnessed as a group of birds crossed through Wormholes above the sky and on the ground of London. Selvig was relieved to see that he was not crazy, and threw his medication to a trash can, and asked to go to Foster's laboratory.[1]

Return to Earth[]

Jane Apartment 9

Jane Foster at her apartment

Thor and Jane Foster returned to her apartment, where they reunited with Erik Selvig, Darcy Lewis, and Ian Boothby. Foster and Selvig discussed Malekith's intentions to use the Aether as a weapon, using Earth as the point to launch his attack over the Nine Realms, exponentially increasing the power of the Aether. In order to calculate this point, Selvig revealed that Mayan, Egyptian, and Chinese structures of antiquity were built using the gravitational effects of the Convergence, and Stonehenge and other similar landmarks in England marked the coordinates of the focal point of the Convergence at Greenwich.[1]


Battle of Greenwich[]

Thor arrives in Greenwich

Jane Foster, Erik Selvig, Darcy Lewis, and Ian Boothby were tasked with placing Selvig's Gravimetric Spikes around the focal point of the Convergence. However, Malekith and the Dark Elves arrived in their Ark before the Spikes could be placed, provoking chaos and panic on the streets. However, Thor arrived in Greenwich ready to stop Malekith. Malekith attacked Thor using the Aether, who was able to resist the impacts and realized that the time for preparing the attacks using the Aether was proportional to the strength of the attacks, so Thor taunted Malekith to launch a strong attack, seizing the opportunity to attack Malekith using MjĂžlnir.


Portals to the Nine Realms above Greenwich

The sky showed multiple dimensional portals that were opened to the rest of the Nine Realms, and Foster planned to use the Gravimetric Spikes to control the portals and distract Malekith and the Dark Elves until the maximum effects of the Convergence wore off. Foster started controlling the portals, transporting many Dark Elves out of range but, accidentally, transported Lewis and Boothby, too.


Jane Foster and Erik Selvig

The students at Greenwich witnessed the battle between Thor and Malekith, without paying attention to Foster's advice to evacuate the area, as they were more worried to see Thor in action, until one of the blows exchanged between Thor and Malekith caused a shockwave that broke the crystals of the windows they were looking through. When Foster and Selvig made it out of the building, they looked up and witnessed the battle, as well as two Royal Air Force jets trying to attack the Ark, although the launched missiles and jets drawn in by a portal.

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Frost Beast in London

Lewis and Boothby tried to escape from a group of Dark Elves that tried to kill them and were saved by a Frost Beast that was transported to London through a portal. Boothby managed to lift a car that was floating thanks to the gravitational effects of the Convergence and used it to crush another group of Dark Elves. Selvig and Foster used the Gravimetric Spikes to escape numerous Dark Elves, transporting them to another place, which made Lewis and Boothby appear in front of them while they were kissing. Thor reappeared at a subway station and took the train to arrive in Greenwich again.


Malekith unleashes the Aether's power

Malekith looked at the portals that were now fully opened above Greenwich and started to summon the full potential of the Aether in order to launch his attack over the Nine Realms during the climax of the Convergence. Thor took Selvig's Gravimetric Spikes and placed them inside the area now covered by the Aether. Malekith announced that darkness was returning, and asked Thor if he was there to witness the end of his universe, but Thor responded that he was there to accept his surrender, and started attacking Malekith with the Gravimetric Spikes that, after being activated, mutilated Malekith sending his arms through a portal. Thor stroke a final blow with MjĂžlnir that launched Malekith against his Ark, and Foster activated the Spikes to send his body to a portal. The hole caused on the ship by the last portal activated by Foster made the ship to fall, but as it was about to crash an unconscious Thor and Foster, who stayed by his side, Selvig activated another Spike to transport the Ark to a portal, crushing Malekith instead. The jets that were transported to a portal managed to return to Earth moments before the portals were closed and the effects of the Convergence started to vanish.[1]


S.H.I.E.L.D. teams were called to cleanup the debris of the Battle of Greenwich, including Phil Coulson and his team, classifying the debris on site to retrieve any piece of Dark Elf technology, such as parts of the Ark. Leo Fitz was tired of checking alien spectrographic signatures one piece at a time, but Grant Ward called it a necessary precaution to avoid alien material falling in the wrong hands. Meanwhile, Jemma Simmons received another call from her parents wanting an explanation about what happened at Greenwich, but she refused to answer them, as she hadn't talked to them since she was infected by the Chitauri Virus. Fitz found another piece of the ship, but Ward quickly took it out of his hands and stored it in a briefcase to be contained. Skye asked Coulson about the nature of Asgardians as aliens from another planet, and how they were worshipped as the Gods of Norse mythology when they arrived on Earth thousands of years before. On the other hand, Coulson was more concerned about the cleanup they had to make every time Thor visited Earth. Skye would have wanted to take a look inside the Ark, and even talked to Melinda May about the idea of piloting it. Coulson noticed that every time an alien item was in human hands something bad happened, and Skye noted how she would place Thor in her hands, with May agreeing with Skye. Before the cleanup ended, Coulson and the rest of the team where reassigned to investigate a case at Trillemarka National Park in Norway.[12]

Aftermath of the Battle of Greenwich[]


Thor and Jane Foster reunite

Two days later, Jane Foster, Erik Selvig, Darcy Lewis, and Ian Boothby met at Foster's apartment. Shortly, Thor returned to London and Foster ran out of her apartment to embrace him.[1]

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Frost Beast roaming free

At the warehouse where Foster discovered the Convergence's effects, the Frost Beast that was transported to London during the battle run freely chasing birds.[15]

Clairvoyant Candidates[]

Grant Ward and Antoine Triplett traveled to Milton Keynes in England, as one of the random teams chosen to investigate the candidates rejected from the Index as possible identities for the Clairvoyant. Upon arriving, Triplett let Ward know what John Garrett told him about his family, comparing them to the Kennedy family; although as Ward answered that he doubted Garrett said that, Triplett admitted he did his own research, as he found hard to follow Ward's footsteps. Ward asked about the point of the conversation, and Triplett said he only wanted to keep things light. However, Ward took the mission as a serious matter, as the Clairvoyant almost killed Skye. Triplett replied that he actually killed his partner, Dan Monroe, and he had to tell Monroe's 6-year-old son about his father's death. For this, Triplett warned Ward that if they find the Clairvoyant, it was better that Ward stayed out of his way. Ward replied that they were sent to capture the Clairvoyant, not to kill him, but Triplett asked to him to think what would happen if Skye had died. The two agents received the file with the candidate's identity, Elijah Fordham, that was serving 18 life sentences for a killing spree during the 1990s. Ward and Triplett entered the Milton Keynes Prison, and found that there were no guards inside. As Victoria Hand informed the rest of the teams that Felix Blake was attacked by Deathlok, Ward and Triplett quickly abandoned the prison to avoid a possible ambush.[16]


The Witch appeared with the stolen Dark Scepter at the British Museum, and Wong approached her, attempting to get her to return the Scepter. However, she proved too powerful for Wong to defeat, casting the area in darkness and causing people to worry about the return of Dark Elves. The Witch then went to The Shard, where she easily defeated Kaecilius, who was attempting to get the Scepter as well. Kaecilius was joined by Wong, Daniel Drumm, and Tina Minoru, who worked together to defeat the Witch at the Royal Observatory. The Scepter was then moved to the New York Sanctum.[17]

Recruitment of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents[]

During his first months as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Phil Coulson focused on recruitment of new agents, meeting former agents of the agency that could possibly be considered loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson traveled to London in order to meet some of these agents, gaining a crew of loyal agents before returning to the Playground, having to focus on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s efforts to retrieve the Obelisk before HYDRA could obtain it.[18]

Hiding from the Hand[]

Worried that there fight upcoming fight with the Hand would not be the end, but just the beginning of a bigger conflict Elektra and Matt Murdock talked about leaving New York City and hiding under a different identity. One of the possible locations suggested by Murdock was London, England.[19]

Returning to London[]


Thor asks for Erik Selvig's help

In 2015, Thor received a vision from Wanda Maximoff and wanted to see it again. He flew to the University of London and asked Erik Selvig for help in getting to the Water of Sight.[20]

Bringing Simmons Back[]

Jemma Simmons was swallowed by the Monolith. Leo Fitz discovered she had been transported to an another planet. He, Phil Coulson and Bobbi Morse ask for the help of Elliot Randolph to understand the Monolith. He brought them to the HYDRA Castle where they put the Monolith inside a hole. Daisy Johnson used her powers to open the portal and Fitz jumped through it to save Simmons. The portal exploded, but Fitz returned safely with Simmons.[3]

Attack on the HYDRA Castle[]

"Trace puts Ward in the Southwest of England."
"They're at the castle where we brought Simmons back."
―Lance Hunter and Phil Coulson[src]

HYDRA took control on the HYDRA Castle and prepared to open the Monolith to Maveth and bring from there the Inhuman Hive. Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons were kidnapped by R. Giyera and were brought to the castle. Gideon Malick asked them to help them, but after the two refused, they were separated and Giyera tortured Simmons to get from her the information they needed. Fitz could not hear the screams of Simmons, so he volunteered to assist the HYDRA delegation to Maveth. As Grant Ward prepared for Phil Coulson, who had informed him that he come for him to kill him, Malick convinced him to lead the delegation in Maveth and accomplish the goal of HYDRA. Ward agreed and he, Fitz and the team jumped through the portal to Maveth. However, a Quinjet flew above the castle, so HYDRA tried to shoot them out of the sky. As Malick ordered to close the portal, he saw Coulson jumping from the Quinjet directly to the portal.[21] HYDRA brought dozen Inhumans inside Suspension Gel, so they would serve the leader as his army. Meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D. infiltrated the castle, freed Simmons and barricaded themselves inside the portal chamber. Malick also discovered that Lash had escaped from the Containment Module and killed all the Inhumans. He ordered his soldiers to break in the chamber. They tried to do so, but the doors were reinforced. After Coulson and Fitz returned to Earth, Alphonso Mackenzie ordered to Melinda May to destroy the castle. However, Hive managed to go through it and encounter Malick on the road.[22]

HYDRA Implantation[]

"Gideon Malick hinted that this place was a crucial R&D site for HYDRA."
―Leo Fitz[src]

HYDRA had a research facility located in Herefordshire, where Daniel Whitehall and Wolfgang von Strucker oversaw the advancement of the Project Destroyer of Worlds.[23] The facility was left abandoned in the aftermath of the Destruction of HYDRA.[24]

Peggy Carter's Funeral[]


Steve Rogers at Peggy Carter's funeral

In 2016, the elder Peggy Carter had gone back to her home country, and died in her sleep. Her funeral took place in London at Saint Luke's Cathedral. Steve Rogers was a pallbearer, and a eulogy was delivered by her niece Sharon Carter. Sam Wilson was also present, sitting next to Rogers. Afterwards, Natasha Romanoff arrived at the Cathedral and comforted Rogers, before asking him about signing the Sokovia Accords, but he refused.[25]

Robbery of the Museum of Great Britain[]


Erik Killmonger and Ulysses Klaue

Months later, Erik Killmonger and Ulysses Klaue teamed up to steal a Vibranium weapon from the Museum of Great Britain. After killing the security guards, Killmonger and Klaue escaped the area with the weapon.[26]

War Dogs[]

When Erik Killmonger took over Wakanda he informed the War Dogs around the world that their new mission would be to overthrow the governments of the world and establish a Wakandan Empire. The War Dogs in London agreed to this new mission, but were unable to proceed after Killmonger died.[26]

Fall of the London Sanctum[]

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London Sanctum attacked by Zealots

In early 2017, the London Sanctum in London was attacked by Kaecilius and the Zealots. They killed Sol Rama, the Sanctum's protector, and proceeded to destroy the Sanctum.[2]


"We now have two confirmed blackouts – Miami and London."

During a worldwide attack organized by the Watchdogs, London was one of the several city who was hit by a general blackout, caused by a series of EMP devices placed by the terrorist organization.[27]

Infiltration into the HYDRA Herefordshire Facility[]

"I'm sorry you never got that honeymoon you dreamed of."
"Nonsense. I'm protecting England from evil robots with the man I love."
―Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons[src]

Having identified the HYDRA Herefordshire Facility as a possible location for a HYDRA weapon Hale was looking for, a S.H.I.E.L.D. team comprised of Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz and Yo-Yo Rodriguez flied a Quinjet to Herefordshire in order to infiltrate the facility. The S.H.I.E.L.D. team managed to break into the facility, where they discovered that it was overrun by Sleeper Mechs led by Anton Ivanov. Nevertheless, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents managed to sneak into the facility and found the Particle Infusion Chamber, but they were soon confronted by the androids. Although Fitz and Simmons managed to hold their own against the Sleeper Mechs and Rodriguez successfully killed Ivanov, Fitz and Simmons were confronted by Ruby Hale and Werner von Strucker, who had journeyed to Herefordshire as well. While Fitz and Simmons were forced to repair the Particle Infusion Chamber they had damaged and watched as Ruby painfully underwent the Gravitonium infusion process, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Quake and Melinda May arrived in Herefordshire, accompanied by Hale. Although they attempted to calm Ruby down after her infusion, Ruby was eventually murdered by Rodriguez. Upon Ruby's death, her body unleashed a powerful blast which knocked everyone out. When they regained consciousness, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents discovered that Hale had fled, and they eventually left Herefordshire as well.[24]

Flag Smashers' Political Ultimatum[]

In 2024, the Flag Smashers targeted a Global Repatriation Council camp in London on their campaign.[28]

Quentin Beck’s Campaign[]

Battle of London[]

Far From Home 40

Mysterio's illusion attacks the Tower Bridge

"It's the biggest one yet."
―Soren and Talos[src]

In mid-2024, Quentin Beck arrived in London and used his B.A.R.F. technology to produce the Elemental Fusion illusion to attack the Midtown students; Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, and Betty Brant. As the Midtown group were on a shuttle to the airport, the shuttle driver, Gutes Guterman, stopped on the Tower Bridge and left the vehicle. Roger Harrington led the students off the bridge to a safe spot.


Spider-Man destroys the drones

Peter Parker and Happy Hogan arrived on the private jet and Parker used his Upgraded Suit to glide over to the illusion. Hogan landed the jet and met with Jones, Leeds, Brant, and Flash Thompson telling them to come with him. However, one of the E.D.I.T.H. drones destroyed the jet, leading them to hide inside the vault of the Royal Crown Jewels instead.

Spider-Man defeats Quentin Beck

Spider-Man defeats Mysterio

Parker destroyed the drones, shutting down the illusion, and confronted Beck. Facing another illusion, Parker used his Spider-Sense to get past it and told Beck that it was over. One of the drones backfired and hit Beck, causing him to fall to the ground. Parker reclaimed the E.D.I.T.H. glasses and it was confirmed that Beck died. Parker then reunited with Jones, before leaving with the Midtown group to the London airport.[29]

Global Repatriation Council[]

In 2024, following the Blip, England joined the Global Repatriation Council and advertised it throughout its cities.[30]


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Masters in London[]

In November 2024, the London Master and other Masters of the Mystic Arts left London through an Inter-Dimensional Portal to Kamar-Taj.[31]

Moon Knight[]

Steven Grant's Life[]

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Attack at the National Art Gallery[]

To be added[32]

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Learning about Identity[]

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Attack on Steven Grant and Layla El-Faouly[]

To be added[33]

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Alternate Universes[]

Steve Rogers' Team[]

"Schmidt's working with power beyond our capabilities. He gets across the Atlantic, he'll wipe out the entire eastern seaboard in an hour."
―Chester Phillips[src]

In an alternate universe, Steve Rogers reported to the Special Scientific Reserve in their London headquarters on the locations of several HYDRA bases. Howard Stark reported that HYDRA's technology could change the course of World War II, so Chester Phillips authorized Rogers to put a team together to fight HYDRA. Rogers recruited people at Whip & Fiddle. The following day, Stark gave Rogers a new uniform and shield to use in combat. Carter stayed in England and marked off HYDRA bases as they were taken.

Rogers and his team brought Arnim Zola to the London headquarters. Phillips questioned Zola and learned that Johann Schmidt intended to bomb several major cities, starting with the United States of America. Phillips, Rogers, and Peggy Carter then made a plan to stop Schmidt.[34]

Notable Citizens[]

Alternate Universes[]


Appearances for England

In chronological order:


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Thor: The Dark World
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Doctor Strange
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.02: Purpose in the Machine
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 Captain America: First Vengeance
  5. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.02: Know Your Onions
  6. ↑ Agent Carter: 1.05: The Iron Ceiling
  7. ↑ Agent Carter: 1.03: Time and Tide
  8. ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Captain America: The First Avenger
  9. ↑ The Avengers: The Avengers Initiative
  10. ↑ Agent Carter: 1.01: Now is Not the End
  11. ↑ Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
  12. ↑ 12.0 12.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.08: The Well
  13. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.08: The Things We Bury
  14. ↑ Black Panther: The Junior Novel
  15. ↑ Thor: The Dark World Post-credits Scene
  16. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.16: End of the Beginning
  17. ↑ Doctor Strange Prelude
  18. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2.01: Shadows
  19. ↑ Daredevil: 2.13: A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen
  20. ↑ Avengers: Age of Ultron
  21. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.09: Closure
  22. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.10: Maveth
  23. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.15: Rise and Shine
  24. ↑ 24.0 24.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.17: The Honeymoon
  25. ↑ Captain America: Civil War
  26. ↑ 26.0 26.1 Black Panther
  27. ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4.03: Uprising
  28. ↑ The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: 1.05: Truth
  29. ↑ Spider-Man: Far From Home
  30. ↑ 30.0 30.1 Eternals
  31. ↑ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
  32. ↑ 32.0 32.1 Moon Knight: 1.01: The Goldfish Problem
  33. ↑ 33.0 33.1 Moon Knight: 1.02: Summon the Suit
  34. ↑ Captain America: The First Avenger

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