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FEWA Rowan.png
Artwork of Rowan from Warriors.

A hero from the world of Fire Emblem Warriors. As prince of Aytolis, he seeks with his twin sister to use the Shield of Flames to stop the Chaos Dragon. He can be brash, but he has the strength and can-do attitude to pull through any situation. His father died when he was young, so now he longs to be a knight. He uses sword techniques inherited from both Aytolis and Gristonne--and wields his shield equally as well. He excels at knocking back his enemies.





  • Aytolis King (father)
  • Yelena (mother)
  • Lianna (older twin sister)



Prince of Aytolis

Starting class


Voiced by



Kings are weak--it's as simple as that. They need others to protect them, and they can't do anything on their own. I'm gonna be a knight instead, strong enough to protect everyone.
— Rowan, to Marth.

Rowan (Japanese: シオン Shion) is a character originating from Fire Emblem Warriors and the prince of Aytolis. He is one of the kingdom's royal twins, being slightly younger than his sister Lianna and the more reckless of the two.

Fire Emblem Warriors

Upon starting the game the player chooses which of the twins to make their main character. For the first five chapters of the game the chosen twin is force-deployed and the unchosen twin is an assisting NPC. The choice has no long term ramifications past the initial few chapters where both can be freely chosen by the player.


Rowan, Lianna, and Darios escape Aytolis castle.

Rowan first appears with Lianna at the start of the game arguing about who is going to take the Aytolisian throne; to Yelena's disappointment. The argument abruptly ends when a soldier walks in and announces that Darios, a friend of the twins, has arrived at the castle. Rowan runs off to meet him with Lianna protesting that Darios had promised to study with her, not spar with him. During the sparring rounds the castle is invaded by mysterious forces, the three are forced to leave Yelena behind but they are able to take the Shield of Flames with them. Yelena tells them to go to the temple as they escape.

Rowan appears in basically every story dialogue scene in the game with his sister Lianna. After convincing the Shepherds to join them and obtaining the first Gleamstone from Chrom, Rowan attempts to contact the Hoshidoian army while Lianna attempts to contact the clashing Nohrian army; each army thinks that the other has kidnapped Corrin. Rowan meets up with a lost Sakura and offers to help her find her siblings. The two attempt to convince the Hoshidans that they are allies and simply want to return Sakura to their care, but Hinoka, Takumi, and Ryoma all have to be fought before they bother listening to any conversation. He then reunites with Lianna, who had to do the same thing with Elise and the Nohrian siblings. After reuniting they locate Corrin, brainwashed by Iago, and free her, Xander, and Ryoma, by defeating Iago. The Gleamstones from Xander, Ryoma, and Corrin are also obtained.

Marth assists the twins in taking the Fortified Citadel.

Having gathered their forces, Rowan and Lianna make their way towards Gristonne's Fortified Citadel and fail to take it, having to leave Darios behind in enemy hands. As they retreat they are assisted by Marth, Caeda and Tiki. Rowan and Lianna head for the World Tree to obtain the Divine Dragon's power, the swords Facinna and Enliron. The group returns to the Fortified Citadel, rescue Darios, and complete the Shield of Flames with Marth's Gleamstone; unfortunately, Darios, now possessed by Velezark, steals the shield and returns to the Aytolis capital to sacrifice Yelena in a ritual.

Rowan and Lianna defeat Darios and rescue Yelena, but they are unable to prevent Velezark from being revived. Velezark then leaves Aytolis, making his way to the World Tree to destroy it. Rowan and Lianna chase after him and defeat him at the World Tree. The heroes are returned to their worlds and Rowan and Lianna return to Aytolis with Yelena. They both opt to take the crown, both becoming the rulers of Aytolis.

Starting stats

Prologue Chapter 5

Portrait rowan fewa.png
Ma fewa lord rowan playable.gif Lord
Level 1
Movement 5
Recruitment: Prologue, automatically from the start

Initial Stats Maximum Stats

Weapon Item
Bronze Sword --
Weapon Levels
Swords E Lances -- Axes --
Bows -- Tomes -- Stones -- Staves

Promotion stat gains

Class HP Str Mag Skl Sp Lck Def Res Staves
Great Lord 96 19 15 24 25 24 21 20


Like his sister, he is disinterested in ruling Aytolis when he becomes of age. He encourages Lianna to become queen instead, while at the same time his sister insists he become ruler, putting the two at an impasse.[2] Rowan is completely obsessed with becoming a powerful knight so he can protect the ones he loves. His desire to put Lianna on the throne stems from this obsession, as his father was a sickly man who died young. Due to this, he believes that the stress of ruling weakens a king and prevents them from growing strong.[3]


Main article: Rowan/Supports (Warriors)

Other appearances

Fire Emblem Cipher

Rowan is featured on four cards in Fire Emblem Cipher.

Fire Emblem Cipher data for Rowan

Normal SR+

TCGCipher B11-076SR.png

Shining Sun Prince, Rowan


"With everyone's power, we'll settle this war once and for all!"
Attack: 70 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 4
Class: Great Lord Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 3
Is TCGCipher Hero Skill.png "Right, leave it to me!": [Activate] If your Main Character has no insignia, you may make this unit your Main Character. If you do, return the ally that was previously your Main Character back to your hand.
Warriors' Enliron: [Trigger] [Flip two bond cards] When this unit is deployed, you may pay the cost and if you do: Destroy an enemy besides the Main Character.
"You're firing me up!": [Trigger] When an ally's skill destroys an enemy, until the end of the turn, this unit gains +20 attack.
Card #B11-076SR(+) • Artist: lack
TCGCipher B11-077N.png Unrivaled Sacred Sword, Rowan


"You only just realized?! I'm the strongest prince of Aytolis!"
Attack: 60 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: Great Lord Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 2
"With this power, I'll protect everyone!": [Activate] [Once per turn] [Flip three bond cards] Untap this unit.
Card #B11-077N • Artist: Daisuke Izuka
TCGCipher B11-078HN.png Prince of Aytolis, Rowan


"I'm gonna become a strong and cool knight!"
Attack: 40 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 1
Class: Lord Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Knighthood-Aspiring Prince: [Trigger] When this unit's attack destroys an enemy, choose an ally. This turn, that ally gains +10 attack.
Attack Support Tandem Emblem: [Support] If your attacking unit does not have an insignia, then until the end of combat, your attacking unit gains +10 attack.
Card #B11-078HN • Artist: lack
TCGCipher B22-106HN.png Peerless Chaos Dragon-Slaying Sword, Rowan


"We won't lose to you. We'll show you the power of our bonds!"
Attack: 70 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 5
Class: Golden Prince Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 4
Glimmering Golden Enliron: [Activate] [Flip one bond card] If there are 5 or more enemies, destroy all non-Main Character enemies.
Shield of Flames: [Trigger] When an enemy is destroyed, until the end of the turn, this unit gains +10 attack.
Card #B22-106HN • Artist: Hatapug
Some card information translation provided by Serenes Forest.
For more detailed strategic information on these cards, see their TCG wiki article on Rowan .

Flavor text

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Game Text
A hero from the world of Fire Emblem
Warriors. As prince of Aytolis, he seeks
with his twin sister to use the Shield
of Flames to stop the Chaos Dragon.

He can be brash, but he has the strength
and can-do attitude to pull through any
situation. His father died when he was
young, so now he longs to be a knight.

He uses sword techniques inherited from
both Aytolis and Gristonne--and wields
his shield equally as well. He excels at
knocking back his enemies.


  • Rowan shares his Japanese name, Shion, with a character appearing in TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles.
  • During development the developers briefly considered giving Rowan an axe as a signature weapon. In the end this was decided against and both siblings were given swords to, as said by the developers, simplify the tutorial content for new players.[4]

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Rowan is a Gaelic name meaning little red head; it is also the name of a kind of tree.[5]






As above.



As above.



As above.



As above.


Official artwork

CG images



Cipher artwork


  1. 1.0 1.1 Voice of Rowan - Fire Emblem Warriors (Game) | Behind The Voice Actors,, Retrieved: 3 August 2018
  2. "The royal prince of the Kingdom of Aitriss. Aspires to be a knight who fights on the front-lines rather than a king and thus encourages his twin sister Lian (Lianna) to inherit the throne. [...] Shion's (Rowan's) older twin sister. Clever and is understanding of her own faults, so she has no desire to inherit the throne. Rather, she encourages Shion to become king." — Jedi, Famitsu details on FE Warriors in depth,, Published: May 31 2017, Retrieved: December 26 2017
  3. "Xander: That is a noble aim. But what of your lineage? You will be king, will you not?
    Rowan: Not a chance. If my father taught me anything, it's that kings are weak. I won't end up like him, that's for sure! My sister may take the crown for all I care. I'm focused on the sword.
    Xander: Are you so sure about your father?
    Rowan: Of course I am. I've been told that he was often sick and could barely fight." — Xander and Rowan in a support, Fire Emblem Warriors
  4. "Yes indeed. Because there are many sword characters, there were talks during development to give an axe to the boy (Shion/Rowan) and a spear to the girl (Lianna). However, the twins are Lords, and while we were designing the game prologue, we wanted those who don't really play action games to be able to properly play it too, so we wanted to create the right kind of tutorial. In that case, the enemy positions and gameplay experience would change, and it wouldn't feel right if they would change based on the protagonists' weapons. We want people to understand the weapon triangle starting from the sword. We want people who don't even know about Fire Emblem to be able to grasp the rules, so we made [the tutorial] to stay the same regardless of the choices for the two."Fire Emblem Warriors devs – Chrom was made first, Lissa / Lucina / Frederick / Robin talk, much more,, Published: August 12th 2017, Retrieved: August 12th 2017
  5. Rowan - Name Meaning, What does Rowan mean?,, Retrieved: 3 August 2018
Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem Warriors
Playable characters Original AnnaLiannaRowan
Shadow Dragon CaedaLindeDLCMarthMinervaDLCNavarreDLCTiki
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Celica
The Blazing Blade Lyn
Awakening ChromCordeliaFrederickLissaLucinaOliviaDLCOwainDLCRobinTharjaDLC
Fates AzuraDLCCamillaCorrinEliseHinokaLeoNilesDLCOboroDLCRyomaSakuraTakumiXander
Non-playable characters OskarYelena
Bosses DariosGharnefIagoValidarVelezark
Personal weapons Anna's BowAuraBlessed LanceBrynhildrCamilla's AxeCordelia's LanceDivinestoneEnlironExpirationFacinnaFalchionFrederick's AxeFujin YumiGrima's TruthHauteclereHinoka's SpearIago's TomeImhulluLady SwordLissa's AxeMissiletainnMoonlightNiles's BowOboro's SpearOlivia's BladeParallel FalchionRaijintoRisylSiegfriedSol KattiSpellbane YumiTharja's HexThoronWing SpearWo DaoYato
Chapters Pm: Interwoven DestiniesP: Crumbling Peace • 1: Home in Ruins • 2: Woodlands Encounter • 3: Dragon Valley Temple • 4: Hero-King of the Desert • 5: The Dragon's Table • 6: Hoshidan Princess • 7: Hoshidan Prince • 8: High Prince Ryoma • 9: Nohrian Princess • 10: Nohrian Prince • 11: Crown Prince Xander • 12: An Orchestrated Battle • 13: What Happened to Corrin • 14: Sieging the Citadel • 15: Taking the World Tree • 16: The Imprisoned Prince • 17: Royal Blood • 18: Chaos Dragon's Might • 19: Reclaiming Home • 20: Clash at the World TreeE: Chaos Dragon Velezark
History Mode Invisible TiesThe Path Is YoursThe Dark PontifexNoble Lady of CaelinTogether to the EndHero ChallengeGriefLand of GodsCold ReceptionA Brush in the TeethPrincess MinervaKnorda MarketScion of LegendEmmerynCaravan Dancer
Locations AytolisGristonne
Groups, objects, and concepts Anna's MementosAwakeningBlessingsCostumesCrestsCritical RushMaterialsGleamstonesShield of FlamesWeapon attributes
Related topics Downloadable contentMovie GalleryName chart • Other games (Warriors: Three HopesShadow DragonEchoes: Shadows of ValentiaThe Blazing BladeAwakeningFates) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound GalleryWorld map