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Feral Dragon

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Feral Dragon

Ss fe14 water dragon.png
Kana as a Feral Dragon in Fates.

A ferocious beast that was once human.

Unit type(s)






The Feral Dragon (Japanese: Dragon) is a dragon class which was introduced in Fire Emblem Fates. It exclusively belongs to Corrin and their child, Kana, and appears temporarily in scenes where these characters first discover their dragon powers. They use the water-themed Draconic Rage breath weapon, whose animation shows the dragon attacking their opponent with their horns or tail while water swirls in the air. The dragon animation this class uses is the same one that the Nohr Prince, Nohr Princess, Hoshido Noble, and Nohr Noble use when equipped with a dragonstone. They are incapable of making use of Pair Up or Tag Team.

The first of two appearances of the Feral Dragon is in Chapter 5, when Corrin transforms into their dragon form for the first time. During this event the player can use the class, but only for that chapter. Corrin then reverts back to Nohr Prince or Nohr Princess at the end of the chapter, and from that point they are able to use dragonstones to assume dragon form again without turning feral. The second appearance is when Kana goes through something similar in their recruitment paralogue, but unlike Corrin, is an NPC while in dragon form for the duration of the chapter.


Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Fates 17 25 20 20 14 18 19 12 5 -- FE14RankBreath.png E

Maximum stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Fates 60 32 31 28 32 27 29 32 7 -- FE14RankBreath.png B

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
Fates 15/70% 15/50% 10/0% 10/45% 10/45% 10/20% 10/45% 5/40% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Class change

Base class
Ma 3ds02 feral dragon playable.gif
Feral Dragon

Playable Feral Dragons

Playable units
Name Game
Corrin Fates (Only for the duration of Chapter 5)
Kana Fates (Only in the Heirs of Fate II DLC)
Playable Feral Dragon units in the Fire Emblem series.

Notable NPC Feral Dragons

Other units
Name Game
Kana Fates (Only as an NPC in their recruitment chapter before joining)
Neutral Feral Dragon units in the Fire Emblem series.

Flavor text

Game Text
A ferocious beast that was once

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Feral Dragon



Officially romanized as Dragon.


Dragón salvaje

Wild dragon


Dragon sauvage

Wild dragon



Wild dragon


Drago ferale

Feral dragon





See also

Project Classes.png This article is part of Project Classes, a project focused in writing articles for every class present in the Fire Emblem series.
Classes in Fire Emblem Fates
Base classes ApothecaryArcherCavalierDark MageDivinerFighterKitsuneKnightMercenaryMonkNinjaNohr PrinceNohr PrincessOni SavageOutlawSamuraiShrine MaidenSky KnightSpear FighterTroubadourVillagerWolfskinWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AdventurerBerserkerBasaraBlacksmithBow KnightButlerDark KnightFalcon KnightGeneralGreat KnightGreat MasterHeroHoshido NobleKinshi KnightMaidMalig KnightMaster NinjaMaster of ArmsMechanistMerchantNine-TailsNohr NobleOni ChieftainOnmyojiPaladinPriestessSniperSorcererSpear MasterStrategistSwordmasterWolfssegnerWyvern Lord
Non-human classes Astral DragonAutomatonFacelessFeral DragonStoneborn
Other classes BallisticianBlight DragonClericDark FalconDread FighterEmpty VesselGrandmasterGreat LordLancerLodestarLordMyrmidonNohrian KingOutrealm ClassPegasus KnightSilent DragonSongstressVanguardWitch