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List of classes in Fire Emblem Gaiden

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

This page lists all of the classes in Fire Emblem Gaiden. Note that several classes have different sprites, names, and occasionally abilities depending on whether they are controlled by the player or enemy (for example the Pegasus Knight and Gargoyle are internally the same class).

Class Sprite Weapon Changes from Changes into Base stats Mov Exp CRP Skills
HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Cavalier Ma nes02 cavalier playable.gif Lance Villager Paladin 24 9 3 5 0 5 2 7 40 6 --
Knight Ma nes02 knight playable.gif Lance Soldier Baron 34 16 2 2 0 12 1 4 70 5 --
Pegasus Knight
Ma nes02 pegasus knight playable.gif Ma nes02 gargoyle enemy.gif Lance -- Falcon Knight 26 8 3 9 0 7 7 7 40 6 Enemies can perform critical hits.
Paladin Ma nes02 paladin playable.gif Lance Cavalier Gold Knight 28 12 5 8 0 8 5 8 80 3 --
Falcon Knight
Ma nes02 falcon knight playable.gif Ma nes02 necrodragon enemy.gif Lance Pegasus Knight -- 40 15 1 5 0 12 12 8 80 1 Slayer
Soldier Ma nes02 soldier playable.gif Lance Villager Knight 26 10 1 3 0 5 0 4 35 8 --
Gold Knight Ma nes02 gold knight playable.gif Lance Paladin -- 40 18 7 12 0 13 6 9 200 1 --
Mercenary Ma nes02 mercenary playable.gif Sword Villager Myrmidon 24 8 8 10 0 4 1 4 40 7 Enemies can perform critical hits.
Myrmidon Ma nes02 myrmidon playable.gif Sword Mercenary Dread Fighter 30 11 11 14 0 7 6 5 80 4 Enemies can perform critical hits.
Dread Fighter Ma nes02 dread fighter playable.gif Sword Myrmidon Villager 36 15 16 18 0 11 15 7 180 2 Enemies can perform critical hits.
Ma nes02 celica playable.gif Ma nes02 revenant enemy.gif Sword, black magic*, white magic* Mage (F) Princess[a] 36 5 1 1 0 1 0 4 15 5 --
Archer Ma nes02 archer playable.gif Bow Villager Sniper 24 9 1 2 0 3 0 4 40 7 --
Sniper Ma nes02 sniper playable.gif Bow Archer Bow Knight 30 12 6 6 0 6 2 5 80 4 --
Ma nes02 villager playable.gif Ma nes02 brigand enemy.gif Sword Dread Fighter Cavalier, Soldier, Mercenary, Archer, Mage (M) 26 7 1 2 0 2 0 4 30 10 --
Mage (M)
Ma nes02 mage playable.gif Ma nes02 arcanist enemy.gif Black magic, white magic* Villager Sage 28 8 3 4 0 5 8 4 80 5 --
Mage (F)
Ma nes02 mage female playable.gif Ma nes02 witch enemy.gif Black magic -- Priestess 22 10 12 8 0 4 14 4 100 6 Teleportation*
Ma nes02 saint playable.gif Ma nes02 bonewalker enemy.gif Black magic*, white magic* Cleric -- 30 10 1 2 0 8 3 5 30 7 Restores 5 HP to adjacent units at the start of each turn.*
Ma nes02 cleric playable.gif Ma nes02 mogall enemy.gif Black magic*, white magic* -- Saint 32 16 10 18 0 10 4 4 60 10 Can summon additional Mogalls.
Ma nes02 sage playable.gif Ma nes02 cantor enemy.gif Black magic, white magic Mage (M) -- 32 12 8 7 0 6 9 4 180 2 Recovers 5 HP at the start of each turn.
Bow Knight Ma nes02 bow knight playable.gif Bow Sniper -- 40 16 8 8 0 10 6 8 180 1 Increases maximum range with the unequipped Bow to 5.
Fell God
Ma nes02 alm playable.gif Ma nes02 fell god enemy.gif Sword, Black magic* -- Hero 182 11 1 1 0 11 20 5 0 5 all Fell Gods only:
• Uses Ocular Beam and Tentacle when HP ≥ 52; uses Oculus when HP < 52.
• Can only be attacked by Falchion or Nosferatu when HP < 52.
• Can summon Mogalls.
• Changes the battle music to 85 (Duma's battle theme).
• Triggers the credits sequence when killed.
Baron Ma nes02 baron playable.gif Lance Knight -- 40 22 6 4 0 18 7 4 200 1 --
Hero Ma nes02 alm playable.gif Sword, bow Fighter -- 36 16 14 14 10 10 4 6 200 5 --
Princess Ma nes02 celica playable.gif Sword, black magic, white magic Priestess -- 36 5 1 1 0 1 0 4 15 5 --


  1. Only Celica can promote to Princess.
Classes in Fire Emblem Gaiden
Base classes ArcherCavalierClericFighterMageMercenaryPegasus KnightPriestessSoldier
Intermediate classes KnightMyrmidonPaladinSniper
Advanced classes BaronBow KnightDread FighterFalcon KnightGold KnightHeroPriestessPrincessSageSaint
Monster classes BonewalkerGargoyleMogallNecrodragonRevenant
Other classes ArcanistBrigandCantorFell GodWitchVillager
Fire Emblem Gaiden
Playable characters AlmAtlasBoeyCatriaCelicaClairCliveDeenDeltheaEstForsythGennyGrayJesseKamuiKliffLeonLukasLuthierMaeMathildaMycenNomahPallaPythonSaberSilqueSonyaTatianaTobinValbarZeke
Non-playable characters HalcyonIrmaMassena
Bosses AurumBarthBlakeCerberusDeenDeltheaDesaixDolthDumaGarciaGarthGazelleGharnGriethHadesHestiaJamilJedahJeromeLawsonMagnusMarlaMikhailMuellerNaberiusNuibabaRudolfShizasSlaydeSonyaTatarrahWolffXaizorZaksonZeke
Background characters Lima IVLipricaMila
Personal weapons FalchionRoyal Sword
Acts and Battles Act 1 1: Ram Woods Battle • 2: Fleecer's Forest Battle • 3: Thieves' Shrine • 4: Storming of Ram Valley • 5: Attack on the Southern Outpost • 6: First Battle of Southern Zofia • 7: Second Battle of Southern Zofia • 8: Deliverance Hideout • 9: Liberation of Zofia Castle
Act 2 1: Skirmish • 2: First Pirate Raid • 3: Second Pirate Raid • 4: Assault on the Pirate Throne • 5: Third Pirate Raid • 6: Beast Hunt • 7: Seabound Shrine • 8: Fourth Pirate Raid • 9: Fifth Pirate Raid
Act 3 Alm 1: Northern Zofia Battle • 2: First Battle of Zofia Forest • 3: Forest Crossroads Battle • 4: Siege of Desaix's Fortress • 5: Second Battle of Zofia Forest • 6: Sylvan Shrine • 7: Forest Northside Battle • 8: Retaking of the Sluice Gate
Celica 1: Zofian Coast Battle • 2: Skirmish • 3: Attack on the Desert Stronghold • 4N: Northern Desert Battle • 4S: Southern Desert Battle • 5: Attack on Grieth's Citadel • 6: Storming of the Valley Approach • 7: Dragon Shrine • 8: Liberation of the Temple of Mila
Act 4 Alm 1: Border Battle • 2: Rigel Forest Battle • 3: Fear Mountain Battle • 4: Fear Mountain Shrine • 5: Siege of Nuibaba's Abode • 6: Rigel Plains Battle • 7: Fight at the Dragon's Maw • 8: Rigel Falls Battle • 9: Secret Shrine • 10: Attack on the Last Bastion • 11: Attack on Rigel Castle
Celica 1: Dead Man's Mire Battle • 2: Skirmish • 3: Attack on Dolth Keep • 4: Lost Treescape • 5: Storming of Duma Gate • 6: The Swamps of Duma Battle • 7: Duma Tower
Act 5 1: Duma Temple • 2: The Final Battle
Locations ValentiaMila ShrinesNovisRigel (Fear Mountain ShrineLost TreescapeDuma Tower) • Zofia (Ram)
Groups, objects and concepts DeliveranceMonsters
Lists ActsCharactersClasses (Class change) • ItemsScriptsWeapons
Related topics Manga adaptationName chart • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightAwakeningEchoes: Shadows of Valentia) • Sound Test ModeTimelineUnused contentWorld map