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Killer Ballista (class)

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Killer Ballista

Bs fe05 enemy killer ballista bow.png
Battle sprite of a Killer Ballista in Thracia 776.

Unit type(s)



Killer Ballista



The Killer Ballista (Japanese: キラーアーチ Killer Arch) is an enemy-exclusive class appearing in legitimate gameplay exclusively in Genealogy of the Holy War; it also appears as an unused class in Thracia 776, in which its weapon also goes unused. Killer Ballistae, like their name implies, are the exclusive wielders of the Killer Ballista in the Jugdral games.


Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Genealogy of the Holy War 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- Bows A
Thracia 776 20 4 0 10 0 0 8 -- 0 6 Bows C

Maximum stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Genealogy of the Holy War 80 15 15 15 15 30 15 15 0 -- Bows A
Thracia 776 80 20 20 20 20 20 20 -- 20 20 Bows A

Miscellaneous stats

Game Experience CRP Gold Weight mod. Capacity Vision Size
Genealogy of the Holy War -- -- 1,000 -- -- -- --
Thracia 776 -- 4 -- -- -- 3 --

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
Genealogy of the Holy War 100% 30% 10% 30% 30% 0% 30% 0% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Class change

Genealogy of the Holy War

The class a unit changes into in Genealogy of the Holy War is determined by the unit and not the class; however, no units change into or out of the Killer Ballista class.

Base class
Bs fe04 enemy killer ballista bow.png
Killer Ballista

Thracia 776

The class a unit changes into in Thracia 776 is determined by the unit and not the class; however, no units change into or out of the Killer Ballista class.

Unused class
Bs fe05 enemy killer ballista bow.png
Killer Ballista

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Used in the Project Naga fan translation.



Killer Arch

See also

Project Classes.png This article is part of Project Classes, a project focused in writing articles for every class present in the Fire Emblem series.
Classes in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Base classes Arch KnightAxe ArmorAxe FighterAxe KnightBardBow ArmorBow FighterCavalierFire MageFree KnightJunior LordKnightLance KnightLight PriestessMagePegasus KnightPriestPrincePrincessSword ArmorSword FighterTroubadourThiefThunder MageWind MageWyvern Knight
Advanced classes Bow KnightDuke KnightForrestGeneralGreat KnightHigh PriestKnight LordMage KnightMage FighterMaster KnightPaladinRangerSageSniperSwordmasterThief FighterWarriorWyvern Lord
Other classes BallistaBarbarianBaronBishopBrigandCivilianDancerDark BishopDark MageDark PrinceDragon RiderEmperorHunterIron BallistaKiller BallistaPirateQueen
Unused classes ArcherAxe SoldierGreat BallistaPegasus RiderSoldierSpear SoldierSword Soldier
Classes in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Base classes ArcherArch KnightAxe ArmorAxe FighterAxe KnightBallistaBardBow ArmorBow FighterBrigandCavalierCivilianClericDancerDragon RiderFree KnightHunterIron BallistaLance ArmorLance KnightLoptr MageLordMagePegasus RiderPiratePoison BallistaPriestPrinceSoldierSword ArmorSword FighterThiefTroubadour
Advanced classes BaronBerserkerBishopBow KnightDark BishopDark MageDuke KnightGeneralGreat KnightHigh PriestMage KnightMercenaryPegasus KnightSageSniperRangerSwordmasterThief FighterWarriorWyvern Knight
Unused/cutscene classes Dark PrinceEmperorFalcon KnightForrestJunior LordKiller BallistaKnight LordMaster KnightWyvern Lord