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Astra is a skill that debuted in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.


This skill allows the user to perform five consecutive strikes, and is also linked to Isaach's royal family (with all members of that family able to use the skill). This skill is also known as Dragon Saint in TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga.

In Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, the skill returns as the Occult skill of the Swordmaster class, but downgraded each attack to deal only half of the intended damage to the enemy. It appears once again in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, where the promotion of a Swordmaster to the Trueblade class will result in this skill being bestowed upon the user, granting him/her the chance to perform a series of five consecutive strikes at full damage.

It appears again in Fire Emblem Awakening, in its half damage incarnation, learned at level 5 by Swordmasters, but now only using one weapon durability.

In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Astra appears as a mastery Combat Art exclusive to the Swordmaster rather than a randomly triggered skill effect, with an activation cost of 9 durability and a more significant penalty to damage than previous titles, as well as an accuracy penalty. Critical hits, crests, as well as skills that have a chance of proc'ing (such as Lethality), are accounted for each individual hit.

In all of the skill's appearances, dodge is rolled for each attack made, and defense is applied to each hit.

In Fire Emblem Heroes, Astra appears as a Special skill with a cooldown charge of 4. When it activates, Astra increases the damage dealt by that attack by 150%.


Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War[]

Name Activation Capacity

(Skill)% -
Effects Allows user to perform 5 consecutive attacks; Cannot activate Continue and other sword skills at the same time.
Users Base skill of Ayra, Shannan, Larcei, and Scathach.
Notes -

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776[]

Name Activation Capacity

(Skill)% -
Effects Allows user to perform 5 consecutive attacks, 10 if using a weapon with a Brave effect.
Users Base skill of Galzus.
Notes -

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

Name Activation Capacity

Dragon Saint
(User's Skill - Enemy's Skill) +3% -
Effects When activated, the user performs a five-hit attack on the enemy unit.
Users Base skill of Yoda.
Notes -

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

Name Activation Capacity

(Skill/2)% 20
Effects Allows user to perform 5 consecutive attacks at half the DMG of his/her normal attack power.
Users Occult skill of the Swordmaster class; Can be assigned with an Occult Scroll.
Notes -

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn[]

Name Activation Capacity

(Skill/2)% 30
Effects Allows user to perform 5 consecutive attacks; Critical hits are negated.
Users Class skill of the Trueblade class.
Notes -

Fire Emblem Awakening[]

Name Activation Capacity

(Skill/2)% -
Effects Allows user to perform 5 consecutive attacks with halved damage, only takes one weapon use.
Users Class skill of Level 5 Swordmasters.
Notes -

Fire Emblem Fates[]

Name Activation Capacity

(Skill/2)% -
Effects Allows user to perform 5 consecutive attacks with halved damage.
Users Learned by Swordmasters at Level 5 or higher.
Notes -

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia[]

Astral Blade
HP/Dur Rng Mt Hit Avo Crt
-10 1 - +15 - -
Effects User performs 5 consecutive attacks with 50% damage.
Users Weapon skill: Astra.
Notes -

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Name Charge SP

4 200
Effects Grants +150% to damage dealt.
Users Anna, Ayra, Celica (Warrior Priestess), Cordelia, Gaius (Summer), Jamke, Larcei, Larcei (Scion of Astra), Leif (Destined Scions), Leif (Unifier of Thracia), Lyn, Panne, Roy (Brave Lion), Ryoma, Shannan, Tibarn (Shipless Pirate), Virion, Yarne, Zihark (Ninja Blademaster)
Notes Not available for staff units.

Fire Emblem Warriors[]

Name Activation Capacity

Effects Increases the speed of regular and combo attacks.
Users Learned from Ryoma's skill board.
Notes Boosts attack speed by 50%, does not stack with Strike Rate+ or Acceleration

Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

HP/Dur Rng Mt Hit Avo Crt
-9 1 ±0 -10 ±0 ±0
Effects Triggers 5 consecutive hits at 30% Might.
Users Mastery Art: Swordmaster
Notes Exclusive to Swordmaster

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]

HP/Dur Rng Mt Hit Avo Crt
20/18/16 In front of user. Large(+/+) ±0 ±0 ±0
Effects Guard Break
Users Learned Art: Lv. 3 Swordmaster Class Mastery for all units.
Notes -

Notes: In case of uneven numbers, damage will be rounded down (ex. if an attack would apply 7 damage, it will deal 3x5, or 2x5 in Three Houses, damage if Astra is triggered).


  • Unused text strings exist in Path of Radiance that refer to Astra's name from the Jugdral games. It was translated as Starblade in the English version.

