* Unused restrictions: No restrictions.
Notes[ | ]
- 【Canto (1)】 will not trigger after an effect that grants "another action" if it has already been triggered that turn or if the unit does not perform an action.
- If 【Canto (1)】 has already been triggered that turn effects such as Forever Yours can re-enable it's usage.
- Canto Control will reduce the amount of movement granted by 【Canto (1)】 to 1 space for Range = 1 units and 0 spaces for Range = 2 units.
- 【Canto (1)】 takes into account the unit's Move Type and the movement restrictions involved with it. For Example, a Cavalry unit cannot use 【Canto (1)】 to enter or cross through a forest.
- 【Canto (1)】 also takes into account effects that alter a unit's normal movement such as movement preventing effects, Divine Vein effects, Pass effects, Traverse Terrain, and 【Pathfinder】.
- 【Canto (1)】 also takes into account warping effects such as Guidance 4 and Air Orders. However, the distance is limited to the maximum amount of spaces allotted by 【Canto (1)】.
- The movement granted by 【Canto (1)】 is unaffected by status effects that alter a unit's movement value such as Mobility increased, Gallop, Stall, and Gravity.
- Warping counts as the unit's move for the turn. The unit can still perform an attack, an Assist, or a structure destruction after warping.
- Warping is unaffected by movement preventing effects, Divine Vein effects, Stall, Gravity, Traverse Terrain, and 【Pathfinder】.
- Warping can be obstructed by warp preventing effects unless the warping unit has a Pass effect, or warps using a camp, a fortress, or sigils.
- The stat decrease that can be applied by Soaring Wings is considered a temporary debuff.
- The calculation of "spaces from start position to end position" counts the total number of spaces from the initiator's starting position to the end position before combat.
- The calculation includes spaces occupied by an ally with the 【Pathfinder】 effect.
- The start position used in the calculation references the initiator's starting position after being moved by sources of unit movement such as Reposition.
List of owners[ | ]
Unit | Skill chain |
Soaring Wings 5 |
In other languages[ | ]
Language | Name |
Japanese | 天かける翼 |
German | Flugschwingen |
Spanish (Europe) | Alas desplegadas |
Spanish (Latin America) | Alas desplegadas |
French | Ailes déployées |
Italian | Volo alato |
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) | 翱翔天際的羽翼 |
Portuguese | Asas planadoras |