Professor A. has even higher DPS and 50 more range than Master A. along with a 20% chance to slow units on hit.
Professor A. is an extremely annoying support enemy with his high range, constant attacks, good health and significant damage, meaning the usual roster of anti-Reds will never get to him. Naturally, his biggest weakness lies in units that outrange him, especially Long Distance Cats that can hit him behind other enemies. Dark Emperor Catdam, Crimson Mina and Prisoner Cat are great non-gacha ways to get rid of him in his earlier appearances. If Professor A. has support, such as Lord Gravey, R.Osts, or even Queen Mother V, try and bring him down first as it's far easier to kill an unprotected Professor A. than one with waves of tough enemies to fight for him, unless of course you use them as "stepping stones" for Long Distance/Wave/Surge Attackers. An exposed Professor A. is also vulnerable to a sufficiently upgraded Thunderbolt Cannon, which can buy enough time for units like Awakened Bahamut Cat to deal good damage to him. A sufficiently leveled Courier Cat can land a hit most of the time, but it may require Professor A. to be weakened or frozen.
Fried Shrimp Cat and TalentedUltimate Bondage Cat can be used as another strategy. Their adequate recharge times and anti-Red abilities (weaken + resistance/strong + freeze) allow them to easily pin Professor A. and prevent him from pushing, with Talented Ultimate Bondage's freeze stopping Professor A. entirely so your other units can stand a chance. Manic Island Cat is also decently tanky against reds, and does higher damage to kill Professor A. faster.
Even though he's still a college undergrad, his research into dirty stuff is so in-depth and thorough that his friends call him Professor. Dating experience is still somehow zero.
A sensual novelist who became very famous for his book "Eguchi High School", which describes a girl's puberty. He is currently teaching at the University of Yamaarashi as a literature professor. Of course, he has no experience dating women.
Turn the animation on and off using the switch in the upper left. Clicking the viewer background enables scrolling and zooming with the mouse if on desktop. Note that browser zoom may cause issues with scrolling and zooming. A list of available backgrounds can be found here. For more info on usage, see here.
Bloodsucker's sprite
Bloodsucker's spritesheet
Professor A.'s spritesheet
Professor A.'s moving animation
Unused sprites for this enemy were in the game as early as Version 4.2, quite some time before his formal introduction in Version 5.5. However, he was named "Bloodsucker" and was visually just a Red palette swap of Master A.
The "University of Yamaraashi" in his Japanese description may be a pun on the University of Yamanashi, with the joke being that Yamaarashi means porcupine (referring to his spiky appearance).
In the Korean version, he's described as a sensual novelist who got popular through a book involving a girl's puberty titled "Love Through SNS" (사랑은 SNS로), became a professor in Nyanko University's Department of Korean Language and Literature, and is on the way to becoming a wizard, as in the Internet slang term "wizard" referring to a virgin over the age of 30.