Doctor K.O. is essentially just a Red/Sage Shadow Boxer K with a slightly higher money drop, only 3 knockbacks and higher stats suited for a Zero Legends enemy, although they aren't even that high for a trait with so many strong counters. The most unique thing about it is the debuff resistance granted by its Sage type, which makes anti-Red crowd-controllers like Enchantress Cat and iCat much less effective against it.
At 100% strength magnification, Doctor K.O. has 380k HP, putting it just shy of an unbuffed Bore's 400k, and 29,368 DPS, surpassing even a 300% Shadow Boxer K's 28,108.
Doctor K.O. may resist status effects, but any units that can outrange and deal solid damage to Red enemies (Courier Cat or Luxury Bath Cat, for example) can still keep this menace from being too bad with its meager 170 range. However, any tankers such as Roe Cat will need to be at a high level to stall its high DPS, especially with its resistance to Weaken.
Scientist wishing to prove their bravery to their delinquent son by becoming a boxer. With enchanced intelligence from the One-Hit Power Stone, developed undetectable doping tech.
Wanting to show its brave side to its delinquent son, this scientist turned to the world of boxing. Wisened by the effect of the Victory Power Stone, it developed a doping method that will never be caught during any match.
This enemy has always appeared at 100% strength magnification.
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Doctor K.O.'s spritesheet
Doctor K.O. is a literal red kangaroo, the largest species of kangaroo and the largest extant marsupial. Females are smaller and faster than males and have a blue-gray-hued coat, giving them the nickname "blue fliers".
Judging by its hairstyle, mustache, Red trait and how the name K.O. starts with a "K", Doctor K.O. may be a reference to communist philosopher Karl Marx. Its large, curved tail is shaped like the blade of the sickle in the communist hammer and sickle, but faces left instead of right; this can best be seen 4 frames into its walking animation, when its tail is curved the most. It also appears in Pop-pop Wonderland alongside CTO Seal, an enemy from Worker's Revolution.