Official wiki
“Our experiment moves to a new zone”
This article refers to content that is currently in its testing stages and is unavailable for the public build. This content may be released in a later update.

The Public Test Cluster (PTC) is a Test Server created and ran by Digital Extremes as a means to test, fix and polish content and features of upcoming major updates before they are released in the Global Server. The test server is accessed via a separate, specific Evolution Engine launcher, which selected players from the Warframe Forums can access via given Steam Keys received as in-game inbox messages, either from the Standard, Steam, Discord, or Epic Games Launchers. The server is open only during Public Test weekends and will stay that way until Monday, where it will shut down until a new Public Test weekend event arrives. The selected players need to redownload the game content again to access the server.

Should a player login in the Server during a Public Test weekend, they will still have access to the Server the next time a test takes place. Should they not login during a Public Test weekend, their access to the server will be revoked as a means to make space for new players in upcoming tests.

All participating players will have their profiles cloned and given 1,000 Platinum for testing purposes. Note that any progress will not be saved onto the actual global build of the game.

Upcoming Test Cluster[]

  • None

Previous Test Clusters[]

Other Test Builds[]

It is known that Digital Extremes provide exclusive access to test builds for some content creators for promoting the game.[1]

  1. Tactical Potato (2022, April 24). Warframe: Void Cascade First Impressions & Guide With Gyre Gameplay -Angels Of Zariman New Game Mode. Accessed 2022-04-24. Archived from the original on 2022-04-24. Angels of the Zariman update is set to be released on 2022-04-27 while this video was published three days before the actual release.